The strongest talent tree

Chapter 1823: Resolving Panic

Chapter 1823: Resolving Panic
After reading more than ten pages of replies in a row, Feng Hao felt that he had committed embarrassment, and those who didn't know thought that the Protoss had become the spiritual leader of the domain.

I'm not happy about it, but I have to admit that the God Clan's move did have a good effect.

Most people in the region have a huge change in their impression of the Gods.

Feng Hao smiled faintly and didn't take this matter to heart. In his opinion, the Gods, like those crooked forces, did not realize how serious the crisis of monster invasion was.

No matter how powerful his divine clan is and how many forces he has gathered, if he does not solve the problem of the gate to the demon world, it will ultimately be nothing.

"Huh? I can still see the Fenglian Dance Troupe's post at this time." Suddenly, Feng Hao's eyes were attracted by a special post.

Normally, Feng Hao might not notice it, but now that the world is full of posts about monster invasions, this post from Feng Lian Dance Troupe stands out from the crowd.

Out of curiosity, I clicked on it and found out that after a long time there was still news about the invasion of monsters.

The difference is that in addition to the invasion of monsters, the content of this post also includes some information about the Fenglian Dance Troupe.

Just like the disaster in Wuzhou City in the ancient Cang Realm, as soon as the crisis of monster invasion emerged, Fenglian Dance Troupe immediately spoke out, donated money, and appealed to further expand its influence.

Although Fenglian Dance Troupe has developed very well under Zhang Nianpeng's management over the years, compared to the huge local universe, their popularity and influence are not that great.

Now, when the entire region is in panic, Fenglian Dance Troupe took the initiative to stand up and take the initiative, which undoubtedly won the favor of countless people in the region.

At least judging from the current response, Fenglian Dance Troupe's popularity and influence have more than doubled.

"Tsk, tsk, this is a good idea." Feng Hao nodded thoughtfully, and couldn't help but connect the relief of people's panic with the Fenglian Dance Troupe.

You know, when he founded the girl group, it was not just to make money. In his opinion, when the popularity and influence reach a certain level, it can influence public opinion to a certain extent.

Therefore, if we want to alleviate the panic in the domain, Fenglian Dance Troupe is undoubtedly the best choice.

Thinking of this, Feng Hao immediately connected Zhang Nianpeng's Tingshi message.

Zhang Nianpeng was flattered when he suddenly received a message from Feng Hao: "Brother Feng, you have remembered me. Do you know the news about the monster invasion? The whole domain is about to be in chaos."

"I know, I'm on site in Bailan Galaxy." Feng Hao said with a melancholy smile.

"What?! Are you in the Bailan Galaxy? No, aren't you in retreat?" Zhang Nianpeng said in a fuss.

Feng Hao smiled lightly and shook his head. He did not explain much, but turned to ask seriously: "I am looking for you this time because I want you to use the influence of Fenglian Dance Troupe to alleviate the panic of all walks of life in the region. How about it? Can it be done?”

Zhang Nianpeng was stunned and said: "Our Fenglian Dance Troupe only dances and sings. I'm afraid we can't do this kind of thing, right?"

"How will you know if you don't try?" Feng Hao smiled meaningfully: "I will record some images of the Bailan Galaxy and send them to you later. When the time comes, you can use these images for promotion. Specific Yaoying and Zhenzhen should know how to do it."

After saying that, Feng Hao directly hung up the summons.

Zhang Nianpeng looked confused. He was about to say something, but found that Feng Hao had already hung up the summons.A moment later, a series of frightening images came from the listening stone. Most of them were scenes of the Bailan Galaxy flowing into rivers of blood and the tragic current situation of the coalition forces.

At first glance, disseminating these images to the people in the region is likely to further cause panic among the people in the region.

But Feng Hao doesn't think so. As Zhu Rong said before, many times, people are forced out. As the saying goes, when the extreme reaches a certain level, a qualitative change will occur, which will affect the fighting spirit and enthusiasm of the people in the area. , even those who have no fighting spirit and passion, still have the desire to survive.

Yaoying and the other three had done similar things during the disaster in Wuzhou City, so Feng Hao believed that they would understand what he meant after seeing these images.

Subsequent facts also proved that Feng Hao's actions were effective.

When the Fenglian Dance Troupe publicized these video materials, the panic in the area reached its peak for a moment, and then began to retreat uncharacteristically, eventually turning into a desperate fighting spirit.

There was no way. Before this, the people in the area only knew about the invasion of monsters and the gate to the demon world, but they did not know the specific situation.

Now after seeing the tragic scene of the Bailan Galaxy with their own eyes, the people in the region have truly realized the seriousness of the matter.

In particular, the sight of rivers of blood flowing all over the Bailan Galaxy can be described as shocking. Even those forces that were confused fell into silence after seeing these images.

All in all, after this wave of publicity by Fenglian Dance Troupe, the entire domain has become truly aware of the horror of monster invasion.

Before that, the people in the domain had been at ease for too long, and they had no clear understanding of monsters and monster invasions. After all, under the protection of the [Ancient Restriction], the people in the domain had been at ease for billions of years, and people had long forgotten what they once were. The dark ancient era.

Feng Hao, after leaving the matter to Zhang Nianpeng and Feng Lian Dance Troupe, returned to the human coalition and worked with everyone to find a way to destroy the gate to the demon world.

Wu Feng and Rudy have not rested for a moment these days, and have been trying to build a naval gun that can destroy the gate of the demon world.

It's a pity that the power of mechanical devices is limited after all, and it's not as simple as simply piling up energy.

Take Feng Hao's previous formation-breaking gun as an example. In theory, it can increase its power without any upper limit by continuously injecting magic power, but this is only in theory.

In fact, the structure and material of the formation-breaking gun itself limited the upper limit of its accumulated magic power.

This is true for the formation-breaking gun, and it is naturally the same for other weapons, whether they are naval guns or magic energy cannons.

On the other side, the coalition forces, Jian Dao Yuan and the Pan clan are not idle either. Many Dharma realm masters have been surrounding the Demon Realm gate these days, trying to destroy the Demon Realm gate effectively.

However, even if they join forces with dozens of Dingfa Realm experts, they are still unable to shake the gate of the demon world at all.

One can imagine how terrifying the power of the Demon World Gate is.
But even so, all members of the coalition did not choose to give up, because they knew very well that only by destroying the gate of the demon world would there be hope in the domain, and there was no other choice.

Another thing worth mentioning is that perhaps because the Fenglian Dance Troupe's propaganda and appeals had a certain effect, after a few days, the top ten sects finally received a response.

All the top forces under the ten major sects in the region have sent experts to support them.

(End of this chapter)

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