The strongest talent tree

Chapter 418 Hey, that junior from the Thief Temple

Chapter 418 Hey, that junior from the Thief Temple

Hearing what the thief master said, Elder Yun's girlish heart suddenly burst into laughter, "Brother Ninth~!"

"Haha, that's right, they are all quite old." The thief master laughed dumbly, his eyes followed Feng Hao and fell on Xi Yueyao beside him, and he suddenly became interested, "Xiao Feng, this girl is... …?”

Feng Hao suddenly came to his senses, and hurriedly pulled Yao Yatou forward and said: "Yao Yao, call Master quickly."

"Are you my man's master?" Xi Yueyao blinked her eyes, looking playful and cute.

"Hey!" The thief master made a fuss and rushed to look at Yao Yatou. He became more and more happy as he looked at her. "Look, look at how handsome my little apprentice daughter-in-law is. Tell me your name right now." what name?"

"Xi Yueyao, you can call me Yaoyao." Yaoyao responded obediently.

The thief master nodded with satisfaction and said: "Tsk tsk, the name is so nice, she deserves to be Xiaofeng's daughter-in-law. By the way, Xiaofeng said that your elders are from the temple. I think it's better to talk to your elders and join our thief temple. Come on."

"No, I said, only the Holy Church can bring out the blood of our family." Xi Yueyao said with a small mouth.

The thief master was slightly startled and shook his head helplessly: "If that's the case, then forget it, it's the same anyway."

At this moment, a soft snort from the Student Union interrupted everyone's joking.

I saw Froedt looking here with a gloomy face, snorting coldly and saying: "Hey, that junior from the Temple of Thieves!"

"Call me?" The thief looked at Froedt strangely.

"That's right." Froedt stepped forward and said coldly: "Tell me honestly, what's going on with your [Teacher's Way]?"

The thief master nodded thoughtfully, and then under everyone's astonished gaze, he suddenly got up and kicked him directly. Froedette had no time to react and was kicked back far away.

"Junior, what the hell, when I was living in the ancient world, your father was probably still in my mother's womb." The thief master snorted proudly: "As for my [teacher's way], it does have something to do with your Xuelian, but that So what? What can you do to me?"

"Ahem..." Froedt was kicked so dizzy, his old face turned red with anger, and he drew his sword angrily towards the thief master.

For a moment, the people from the Xuelian and the Thieves Temple started to fight, and the war was about to break out.

All around, other sects stood aside as if watching a good show, and several old men secretly discussed the origin of the thief master.

Feng Hao was also startled by the Thief Master's actions. To be honest, after the Thief Master kicked him, he suddenly realized that the style of the Thief Temple could never be explained by common sense.

However, just when a melee broke out between the two sides, a sudden change occurred, and the newly stabilized formation seal began to tremble again.

Feeling the monster's struggle, the faces of everyone involved changed dramatically.

"Damn it, why did something go wrong again?" The thief master cursed secretly, and said with an ugly face: "Boy, let's talk about the fight later, it's important to keep the seal stable!"

Although Froedt was angry, he also knew what was more important and what was less important. He gritted his teeth and retracted his sword, quickly rushing towards the [Core Matrix].

Soon, the thieves and the elders of the five sects began to suppress the seal again. At the same time, the earthquake deep underground became more intense, and the atmosphere in the whole place became solemn.

"Why is this happening?" Feng Hao looked at the college team in surprise and asked.

Dean Meng of the Formation Department said with a pale face: "I'm afraid the damage to the seal is even more serious than you and we imagined. The six seniors may not be able to hold on for long, so we must find other ways." "Stop talking nonsense, just tell us how to solve it!" Not far away, Xi Yueluan, who was reminiscing with Man Sanquan and his wife, also rushed over quickly.

Dean Meng frowned and said hesitantly: "In my opinion, the best way at present is to solve the problem from inside the seal. However, this requires sending people to go inside the seal, which is very dangerous."

"And because the seal is still in an unstable state, at most, only magicians below level seven can be allowed in." Dean Meng said with a wry smile.

"Only below the seventh step?" Xi Yueluan said with a grim expression, "Isn't that sending you to death?"

Dean Meng explained seriously: "That's not the case. Although the high-level monster is powerful, it is in a sealed state after all, and its strength is not that strong. Moreover, Sword Saint Sun used his own [Daofa Tiandi] to seal it back then. , Theoretically speaking, as long as the sleeping will of Sword Master Sun can be awakened, the monster can be suppressed."

Hearing this, everyone felt relieved.

Just when everyone was debating whether to send people in to take risks, the thief master and the old man from the five sects suddenly opened their eyes and ordered in unison: "Don't hesitate, the monsters are frantically attacking the seal, send people in quickly."

"All disciples below the seventh level of Qianfeng Valley listen to the order and enter the seal to assist." Elder Wenjian of Qianfeng Valley roared.

Immediately afterwards, the other four sects also issued the same order.

Only the Thief Master sneered and mocked: "Hmph, the five major sects are hypocritical. If you want to take advantage of Sun Jian Sheng's inheritance, just say so. You have to say it in such a high-sounding way."

As soon as these words came out, Froedt, Elder Wenjian and others suddenly blushed.

The thief master was too lazy to pay attention to them, and turned to look at Feng Hao and the college, "The boss, second son, and third son have no chance. All other qualified people can go in and try. By the way, the juniors of Wuzhou College should not be stunned either. Come on, this is your territory, and you are more qualified than anyone else to enter."

For a time, the younger generation of various sects began to shine and gear up.

Xiyueluan, as soon as he learned the news, he said to Xiyueshuang and Mantiaotiao: "Xiaoshuang, Tiaotiao, you guys should go too, you must not miss such a good opportunity."

"Well, it's just a legacy, does it need to be so exciting?" Feng Hao said in disbelief.

Lin Luo beside him explained: "That is the inheritance of Black Light Sword Saint Sun Yalong. Can you not be excited? It's a pity that we are already at the seventh level, otherwise we would have to go in."

"Is this Black Light Sword Master that powerful?" Feng Hao asked in surprise.

"The name from hundreds of millions of years ago is still famous today, not only because of the sword on the Sword Language Coast, but also because of his super strength and record." Lin Luo said with admiration in his eyes.

"So, do I need to go in and try my luck?"

"Of course! And it's best for you, Sanmei and Yaoyao to all go in. If you're lucky, we might be able to get another top inheritance in the Thief Temple. This is a great thing." Lin Luo nodded seriously.

Hearing this, Feng Hao no longer hesitated and quickly walked towards the core matrix with Xi Yueyao and Mei Meimei.

Since we are going to explore inside the seal, it is naturally better to form a team.

Feng Hao took a brief look at the crowd preparing to enter the seal, and simply reorganized the team that had previously rescued Sun Yaowen. The only difference was that Mei Meimei was added as an unstable factor.

(End of this chapter)

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