The strongest talent tree

Chapter 907 Landing on the Purple Pluto

Chapter 907 Landing on the Purple Pluto

"Brother Feng, this Silver Moon Wolf Dog of yours seems to be not simple~!" Lian Hongji asked in surprise and curiosity.

Feng Hao helplessly patted Xiao Bai's head and said with a dumb smile: "It's nothing, this little bastard is just a little spoiled."

"Really?" Lian Hongji was dubious. He lowered his head and glanced at the little white tiger in his arms, and secretly wondered: "But my little tiger looks very scared. You know, he has the blood of a mythical beast."

"Maybe it's because he hasn't grown up yet." Feng Hao said dismissively.

"Maybe." Lian Hongji nodded thoughtfully. He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't explain it.

Cheng Xiuxiu was also very curious and wanted to ask something, but was too embarrassed to ask.

At the same time, Xiao Bai has been surrounded by countless magicians, rushing to ask Feng Hao, and some even directly fired the sky-high price, trying to get Xiao Bai.

Feng Hao had no choice but to put Xiaobai into the pet wristband, and it took him a long time to send away the onlookers.

Walking out of the airport with Lian Hongji, a high-end and elegant speed car drove over soon, and then a few burly men got out: "Master, please get in the car, I am waiting for you to say something."

"Yes." Lian Hongji nodded thoughtfully, then waved goodbye to Feng Hao and said, "Then I'll leave first. If Brother Feng needs help, just contact Tingshi directly."

"Okay, go ahead and do your work first." Feng Hao chuckled and nodded.

After sending Lian Hongji away, Feng Hao took out the chess piece that Old Man Bai gave him and started searching aimlessly at the airport exit.

But after just a few steps, he was blocked by a "black swan", none other than Gao Ao Alcoa Cheng Xiuxiu.

"Uh...does Miss Cheng have anything to do with me?" Feng Hao said with a strange expression.

"Can't I come to you if I have nothing to do?" Cheng Xiuxiu rolled her eyes and said condescendingly: "I like your silver moon wolf dog very much. Please give me a price."

"I'm sorry, Xiaobai was brought up by me." Feng Hao declined politely.

When Cheng Xiuxiu heard this, she immediately became unhappy: "Humph, after talking so much, don't you want to ask for more money? Just tell me how much it is!"

Feng Hao couldn't laugh or cry and said, "I'm sorry, I'm not short of money."

"You're a liar~ How can you be so poor and not short of money?"

"Okay, as long as you're happy."

Feng Hao shook his head speechlessly, not bothering to waste time with her, so he turned around and left without taking a single cloud with him.

Cheng Xiuxiu was about to say something, but she found that Feng Hao was already submerged in the sea of ​​people. She couldn't help stamping her feet and scolded softly: "Damn it, how dare you talk back to this young lady!"


After getting rid of Cheng Xiuxiu, Feng Hao began to look for his contact person, which was Old Man Bai's son.

But the key point is that he has no idea what Old Man Bai's son looks like. After searching back and forth for a long time, he has no idea who is the name of Bai Qi.

Until a middle-aged man tentatively walked up to him, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Are you little brother Feng Hao?"

"That's right." Feng Hao nodded in surprise and looked at the middle-aged man suspiciously. Not to mention, he did look a bit like Old Man Bai. "Are you... the eldest brother Bai Qi?"

After confirming his identity, Bai Qiming's eyes flashed, he patted Feng Hao on the shoulder and said: "Haha, the old man finally did something good. I'm looking forward to your coming as a brother. Let's go, get in the car!"

Feng Hao smiled hoarsely and got into the car with great enthusiasm. Then he chatted with Bai Qiming while looking at the scene outside the window.Bai Qiming was also very enthusiastic and introduced the general situation of Zi Mingxing to Feng Hao in detail.

"By the way, Brother Bai, where exactly is the black market in Zi Mingxing?" Feng Hao asked, looking out the window.

But Bai Qiming was slightly startled and looked at him with a strange expression.

When Feng Hao saw this, he felt a little embarrassed and said, "Is my question strange?"

"It's a bit strange." Bai Qiming said with a half-smile, "Your question is like going to a brothel and asking where to find a young lady."

"Uh." Feng Hao said in astonishment: "You mean, what I see now are all black markets?"

"Isn't that right?" Bai Qiming said with a dumb smile: "There is no clean business in the entire Ziming Star, otherwise why would it be called a Black Market Star?"

"My dear, the whole planet is a black market, so this black market is too big, right?" Feng Hao said in wonder.

Bai Qiming grinned and said: "It seems that this is Brother Feng's first time coming to the black market. It's okay. He will get used to it gradually in the future. And with your level of medicine refining, it is absolutely no problem to make a living."

"Besides, Ziming Star is a mixed bag of fish and dragons, and everyone is there. You have to be careful about everything you do here in the future."

Feng Hao said with some gratitude: "Thank you, Brother Bai, for reminding me. I will pay attention to it."

Bai Qiming smiled lightly and nodded, then asked meaningfully: "By the way, brother, what are your plans in the future? Or just follow me. Your pills are very popular here, especially the Life Pill and Many sects have placed orders with me for the Shengsheng Good Fortune Pill."

"Sect?" Feng Hao was slightly startled. To be honest, he had not heard the word sect for a long time since he came to the outside world.

At first, I thought that there was no such force as a sect in the Five-ring Star Region, but after taking a closer look, I found that this was not the case.

Because in the ruling structure outside the world, the existence of sects is prohibited within the core jurisdiction of the sect, and as the Tiandao Galaxy is the main administrative galaxy of the All Beings Sect, it is naturally impossible for sects to exist.

Now that I suddenly hear the word sect again, I feel a little uncomfortable.

Bai Qiming didn't know what Feng Hao was thinking, and continued to explain: "Brother Wei, we cooperate with many sects, and the sects have a relatively large demand for elixirs, so after you come to my side, you will definitely be able to You make a lot of money."

"I understand your kindness, but I still hope to work alone." Feng Hao said politely: "Of course, if Brother Bai needs help, I will not refuse."

"Alright." Bai Qiming didn't refuse, but just reminded a few words meaningfully: "However, if you do it yourself, it is more dangerous, and in a place like the black market, if you do it alone, it will be very difficult for ten or twenty years." Is there any improvement, are you sure you want to do it alone?"

Feng Hao nodded and confirmed: "Well, I prefer to work alone, and I have also done business in my hometown, so I have some experience."

"Okay, let's exchange spiritual marks first. If you have any trouble, you can come to me." Bai Qiming nodded secretly.

After exchanging divine marks with Bai Qiming, Feng Hao asked: "By the way, Brother Bai, you are familiar with Zimingxing, can you help me find a suitable store?"

"Brother Feng wants to open a shop when he comes up?" Bai Qiming asked in surprise.


Bai Qiming frowned and said with a dumb smile: "That's right. With my level of medicine refining, I can survive by just opening a store. Unlike those of us who don't know anything, we have to start from basic small business." rise."

Feng Hao chuckled and said, "Brother Bai is serious. You must be something special to be able to do this in Zimingxing."

"Haha, you are quite good at talking." Bai Qiming said lightly: "Brother Wei, there happens to be a store here that is ready to be resold. If you don't mind the remote location, I can take you there to have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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