Wanton God's Life Records

Chapter 443 Sweeping (End)

Chapter 443 Sweeping (End)

"...to express my deepest apologies to all citizens, I have made an unforgivable mistake again..."

"On the flight of Hanjin Airlines, I wantonly vented my temper and caused other passengers..."

"I apologize to the passenger who was bullied by me, and to Miss Sun Yunzhu who was expelled from the company by me..."

"I have cleared all the shares I hold in Hanjin Group, and I will no longer have anything to do with Hanjin Group. Please don't vent your anger on the company..."

During the day, Li Yue took Sun Yunzhu to have fun and enjoyed the assistant's service. At night, he came to Lin Shiya's room to feel the tenderness of the beautiful young woman.

Lin Shiya also paid attention to this matter. What she played to Li Yue at this time was at 4 pm. Zhao Xianer released a video announcement at Lenghai Venice International. To be forgiven by the people...

"Very good, you taught her these words?" Li Yue was a little surprised. He didn't expect Zhao Xianer's performance to be so good. It was natural and there was no loophole. She even explained clearly the reason why she sold the shares of Hanjin Group !

"I taught some, but more of her own performance."

Lin Shiya smiled, and pointed out a few places where Zhao Xianer's "performance" was made for Li Yue. Li Yue was a little stunned. He didn't expect that Zhao Xianer had a talent for "acting". What Lin Shiya pointed out was Zhao Xianer crying and crying The ones I regret.

Obviously acting so sad and regretful on stage, who would have thought that she was performing at all?Even, according to what Lin Shiya taught her, she also revealed her pessimistic view of the development of the Hanjin Group, and even stated that if the Hanjin Group goes bankrupt in the future, she will take the cash she has cashed out now and go back to "save" the Hanjin Group .

These words are naturally unbelievable now, and most people will even think that this young lady is wishful thinking and naive. However, when the companies under the Hanjin Group really started to go bankrupt on a large scale, by that time, cashing out has now been completed Zhao Xianer, with the funds in his hands, may really become the savior of the Hanjin Group.

Thinking of this, Li Yue was stunned to find that if he let Zhao Xianer go, it was really possible for her to become the only winner of the Hanjin Group in the end!
But these things, he will not be too entangled, since he promised Lin Shiya to let Zhao Xianer go, and now Zhao Xianer is so cooperative, he doesn't mind letting go of this unruly and willful young lady. As for her future development, then It depends on her own good fortune.

That night, Li Yue still stayed in Lin Shiya's room and prepared to trade. It is worth mentioning that there was an episode in the middle: Wei Jie called and asked about the acquisition of the hotel. Li Yue said that he was not ready yet, Delayed for now.

This is Zhao Xian'er's second major role after "surrender". Today she asked Lin Shiya to speak to Li Yue about what she found yesterday.

It was only at this time that Li Yue knew that Wei Jie had been bought by Lin Yiqi and mixed into the Lin family's plan. From this point of view, the acquisition of the two hotels was obviously tricky, so Li Yue was not in a hurry to buy the hotel .

In the eyes of Lin Yiqi and Wei Jie, Li Yue's performance was naturally a sign of "financial constraints", so Lin Yiqi officially launched an "attack" on SC Club that night.

It is said to be an attack, but it is actually some preliminary work. Lin Yiqi is contacting the owner of the SC Club. The land is naturally the property of the SC Club, but the land and the real estate are separate. The SC Club building, the open air outside The parking lot is the property of the property company, and the SC bar is leased by another owner.

These owners are all related to the SC club. When Lin Haiyuan was here, they naturally looked up to him. Afterwards, Yu Wanwan was a little worse. Now that he has become Li Yue, they naturally have no connection at all. Maybe when there is no one to provoke trouble, they He can stick to his duties, but if someone can support him, he will naturally jump out to fight for his own interests.

This is what Lin Yiqi values. He has been in business for many years and has a sharp eye. He not only saw the shortcomings of the SC Club in terms of property, but also saw several similar shortcomings. For example, the SC Club is located on the Caoshan Trail, which is actually a tourist attraction. It is on the edge of the law, and property rights are unclear. For example, the "guessing" game is actually gambling in nature, etc.

When there is no one to find trouble with these things, the officials, for the sake of SC Club's great power, will not bother to stir things up. Once something happens, they will investigate it!
When Lin Haiyuan was forced to go abroad, it was not unrelated to these loopholes in the club.

Li Yue didn't know about these things for the time being. At 9:30 in the evening, the U.S. stock market opened, and Li Yue started trading today.

In fact, compared to before, his trading today has become a lot easier. Under Zhao Xianer's huge profit, the listed companies under Hanjin Group plummeted!
This is especially true for Hanjin Shipping. After yesterday’s rebound, Hanjin Shipping has actually risen by 30% compared to its low point. However, as soon as the market opened today, the stock price plummeted all the way to yesterday’s lowest point. At this time, Hanjin Shipping was slightly They resisted for a while, but with Li Yue's smash, the resistance completely collapsed.Everyone who trades in stocks knows that falling below the low point means that the stock price will continue to seek support downwards, and it is usually very far away, even the stock price when the company goes public!
Hanjin Shipping is no exception. After the low point was broken, panic formed. At this time, no one believes in the future of this company. Everyone is rushing to run away, for fear that if they run one step too late, the stock price will fall below the limit of tolerance. !
On this basis, the stock price was naturally unbearable, and Li Yue's profit broke through 100% in just two hours!

The 100% here is relative to Li Yue's starting capital today, that is to say, the asset value that Li Yue can control at this time is already approaching 9 million US dollars!
This scene made Li Yue very satisfied. Although he knew that Hanjin Shipping would go bankrupt and reorganized in the future, he still chose to close the position without hesitation and pocket the profits.

The financial market has always been back and forth. It is impossible for the stock price to plummet by 99% in one day. Today, Hanjin Shipping’s terrorist venting caused more panic and formed a bloodbath.

Li Yue was very calm. After closing the position, he transferred the funds to start suppressing Hanjin Transportation, Hanjin Logistics and other companies.These are all small companies under the Hanjin Group. Compared with Hanjin Shipping, they can't stand the suppression. Moreover, the focus of Hanjin Group's attention is on Hanjin Shipping, so Li Yue's arrival is almost a bloodbath.

At 2 o'clock in the morning, Hanjin Logistics plummeted by 50%, and Li Yue closed his position accordingly. At 3:20 in the morning, Hanjin Transportation plummeted by 46%, and Li Yue closed his position accordingly.

After every transaction was made, only Lin Shiya, who was by Li Yue's side the whole time, could see the constantly beating numbers, even she was terrified to see them. What was displayed on the account was all US dollars!

But now, Li Yue's total account assets have reached 14.7 billion U.S. dollars, with a total profit of 12.2 billion U.S. dollars!
Moreover, in Lin Shiya's eyes, Li Yue's operation is almost always short at the high point and close at the lowest point. She asked Li Yue in disbelief: "Do you know the low point of these stocks? Why? Are you closing positions so promptly every time?"

With the withdrawal of Li Yue's funds, these stocks will usher in a big rebound, especially Hanjin Shipping. After the initial panic, retail investors quickly calmed down. They suddenly found that even if Zhao Xianer chose to sell There is actually no problem with the operation of this company, so why not continue to buy such cheap stocks?
As a result, Hanjin Shipping has risen from the low point all the way, since it plummeted by 50%+, and now it has reached a decline of "only" about 34%.

"The withdrawal of a large amount of short-selling funds will naturally make the pressure on the stock disappear. Coupled with the support of the Hanjin Group, it can certainly stabilize the situation."

Li Yue explained casually, in fact, this is the benefit of big money, it can decide the rise and fall of the stock price at will, and use the news to unscrupulously suppress and manipulate the stock price.

Even in China, this is a typical illegal behavior. Even in the United States, this kind of behavior will be investigated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission for allegedly manipulating stock prices!But Li Yue is a third-party fund and has no substantial interest connection with Hanjin Group, so it is naturally fine.

"The profit is so rich tonight, should we continue to do it?"

Lin Shiya looked at the huge number with some excitement, including her 5000 million US dollars in income. Just a rough calculation, she knew that her 5000 million US dollars had already doubled to 1.5 in just one night. About [-] million!
Li Yue's initial capital today was more than 4 million yuan, which roughly tripled in one night.

"Wait for Hanjin Shipping's stock price to rise a bit, and then start to create empty orders..."

Li Yue made a phone call to the brokerage and issued an operation instruction, then hugged Lin Shiya and said with a smile, "Of course I won't do it, the beauty is by my side, so the money is nothing."

In front of his more than one billion cash account, Li Yue's words were the most authentic and touching love words that Lin Shiya had ever heard. She stared at Li Yue with fascinated eyes, and became active again. stand up……

However, the good times are always short-lived. Early the next morning, after the morning exercise, Lin Shiya limply in Li Yue's arms, and said goodbye to him: "According to the plan, I'm going back to China today..."

"Well, I'll ask someone to go back with you. Her name is Sun Yunzhu, and she is also a victim of this incident. I hope you can rectify her name, and even use this opportunity to portray her as an Internet celebrity."

This is the plan that Li Yue thought up in advance, and it is not surprising at this time. He has too many women, so there is no need to show the appearance of a little daughter because of the temporary separation.

"Sun Yunzhu? Are you really willing to let her go?" Lin Shiya was surprised. She had seen Sun Yunzhu recently. With that pretty face and enchanting figure, even if she was as knowledgeable as her, she would think that Sun Yunzhu was her The best Asian beauty I've ever seen.

(End of this chapter)

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