Wanton God's Life Records

Chapter 450 Boyfriend Wants Someone Like Brother-in-law

Chapter 450 Boyfriend Wants Someone Like Brother-in-law

The Yu family got into the car and soon arrived at the dinner place, a well-known local Chinese restaurant.

"Why is it Chinese food?" Yu Yuyu frowned when she saw the place, but Yu's father commented with satisfaction: "Don't underestimate the Chinese restaurant, I know this place, it is said that it is the heir of a certain imperial chef, who only sits at eight tables every day. The order has been scheduled for half a year, and its consumption is not only not worse than that of high-end restaurants, but even much higher, Li Yue is also concerned."

There are actually quite a few similar restaurants across the country, and most of them are hyped word-of-mouth. To put it bluntly, this thing is not worth mentioning, and you can still buy it if you have money.

Of course, a Chinese restaurant like Leng Hai can reach the current level, with top-notch taste, environment, and service.

Father Yu and the others entered the restaurant, and a service staff came up to greet them, politely asked about the reservation status, and then respectfully led them to the inner courtyard, passed through an arched door, and entered a place similar to a courtyard.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw two people, a man and a woman, and one of them was holding a live broadcast platform and talking endlessly:

"This is the most famous Raoliang Farm in Lenghai. It is rumored that the most expensive dish in this place is as high as 500. It is fermented and self-brewed with the addition of Moutai town wine mother, a small bottle of less than [-]ml costs nine thousand oceans..."

As middle-aged people, Yu's father and Yu's mother are very curious about such things as live broadcasting. They were about to take a second look when they saw the anchor walking over and asked in a friendly manner, "Hello, may I bother you?"

"What's the matter?" Father Yu asked.

"You saw it too. I'm broadcasting live right now. This is the first time I've come here. I heard that the food here is quite expensive. I want to ask, have you eaten here?"

"Forget it, don't take pictures of us." Mother Yu is a face-saving person, so she naturally didn't want to say that she didn't eat here, so she blocked the camera and was about to leave.

"Big sister, don't go, you can talk to us, let us all gain knowledge, let me show you, we have more than 100 million people in the live broadcast room, look here..."

The anchor pointed at the phone screen and said: "This is the number of people online, that is to say, there are more than a million people watching us now. Of course, I didn't get your permission. I just took pictures of myself and didn't let you enter. "

"Since you are eating here, you must be either rich or expensive. Please tell us, let us open our eyes..."

Yu's mother was unwilling in her heart, but she thought it was very funny when she saw the various barrages constantly refreshing on the screen of the phone. All the barrages said "I just glanced at it, this family is so beautiful" "A family of rich and beautiful people" and the like.

All women have vanity. Although she is the mistress of the Yu family and even manages a private equity fund worth hundreds of millions, she is still not immune to the gimmick of "million fans".

Yu Wanwan frowned, and was about to say something when Li Yue came in from the outside with two bodyguards.

"Uncle, aunt, Yuyu... I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so long."

If I met Li Yue in the morning, Yu's father and Yu's mother would definitely have a bad face, but now it's completely different. "I heard that something happened to the club, you are so busy, just get together some other day."

Yu Yuyu's reaction was the most authentic. While secretly curling her lips and rolling her eyes at her parents' snobbish behavior, she called Li Yue one by one "brother-in-law" to mention how affectionate she was.

"You are, Qiaoshen?"

Just as he was talking, the anchor who had just been left hanging because of Li Yue's arrival greeted him. Seeing that Li Yue turned his head, he quickly introduced himself: "Hello, hello, I am Xiaoku, the contracted anchor of our Koi Entertainment. It is a great honor to meet Qiaoshen as a professional outdoorsman, can you sign me?"

Hearing that it was his own anchor, Li Yue responded: "I don't have time right now, you can ask me for it when you see me again some other day."

"Okay, okay, you are busy... Oh, yes, Qiaoshen, that, just now I accidentally photographed my aunt and the others, is this okay? The live broadcast room is inferring that they are from the official family..."

Xiao Ku first turned off the sound in the live broadcast room, and then said.

"A family that is an official?" Yu's mother didn't understand.

"Not far from the officials, in this kind of live broadcast footage, it is usually magnified. We are eating in this kind of place, and it happens to be caught by the camera, which may cause criticism."

After Li Yue explained, he nodded to Xiao Ku, who smiled and stepped back to leave.

After a few people sat on the table, Father Yu said with emotion: "In the current era, it is still king to control the traffic and influence. It's a pity that our media group is now behind..."

"Traditional media still has its own space..." Li Yue praised with a smile.

Father Yu said happily, "Isn't it? I think it's the same. It's just that the medium of communication is different, but there are still people who read newspapers and read books..."

He then brought the topic to Yu's Media Group, and talked about the fact that Yu Wanwan was about to spend 5 million to acquire shares.

Li Yue said straightforwardly: "Wanwan is very capable, and sometimes I admire her very much. I will fully support the decisions she makes."

With these words, the tone of the dinner was set. Yu's father and mother were full of praise for Li Yue throughout the whole process, without mentioning money. They praised Li Yue's outstanding ability, outstanding vision, blah blah blah.

Li Yue was also uncharacteristically, talking about what he had done and what he was going to do during the meeting, how much he invested in building a hotel, this is fixed asset allocation, and how much he invested in the South Korean market, this is a future-oriented plan , and domestic koi entertainment stalls...

In short, talk about what you do and show off your muscles.

If it was empty talk, it would definitely be exposed in front of people like the Yu family, but based on strength, Li Yue's words were particularly convincing.

After a meal, the host and guests had a great time, and even Yu's mother had already mentioned "son-in-law". The more she watched Li Yue, the more she liked him. After the meal, she got into the car with Yu Wanwan and Yu Yuyu , still getting acquainted with the latter:

"Look at your sister, I really found a good partner this time. Your brother-in-law is young and promising. At such a young age, he has already created such a successful Koi Entertainment, and his ability is even more top-notch. I I think what he said is correct. Acquiring a hotel is a fixed asset, just like buying a house. Keep it just in case, and set up a branch in South Korea to expand its influence. This is another way to make progress , capable of both writing and martial arts, both offensive and defensive, he is really an all-rounder."

Yu Yuyu rolled her eyes, and counterattacked very straightforwardly: "If you have money, you can do anything. He has a lot of money. Of course, he can spend money on hotels on the one hand, and invest overseas on the other. Try it as someone else." ? No matter which one you do, you have to prevent the capital chain from breaking!"

"You... are really getting more and more stubborn. When will you find a man like your brother-in-law? You are so old, and you still act like a child all day long!" Mother Yu was speechless, changed the subject in an instant, and started "personal attack" ".

"I'm 5 years younger than my sister, okay? It's not easy to find a man like my brother-in-law. I just need to seduce him."

"You damn girl, what are you talking about..."

"Hey, why did you get started? Didn't you want me to find my brother-in-law? I'm a sister-in-law, so I'll take good care of him, isn't it the same?"

"I see your mouth, you have to tear it up..."

Yu Wanwan looked at this scene, but she looked thoughtful. She knew that her sister had always been lawless, and what she said now was not necessarily angry.

She had been optimistic about Zhou Ziyu in the past, but now that Li Yue returned to China, there was no news about Zhou Ziyu. Instead, Li Yue met a bitch on the plane and became Li Yue's new assistant. He returned to China within a few days. South Korea signed the top S-class agreement there.

Yu Wanwan felt that this was the result of her failure to "drag well". She had been advocating "blocking is worse than dredging", thinking about how to relieve Li Yue, but she had not been able to find a suitable person.

But, can Yu Yuyu do it?
She looked her younger sister up and down. Yu Yuyu was actually not bad in appearance. Compared with her, she was a little less mature, but much more youthful. Moreover, this kind of unruly type of girl seems to be quite popular now. Can you let her and Li About to become happy friends?

She secretly made a judgment in her heart and decided to create an opportunity for her sister... The next day, Yu Wanwan started to acquire Yushi Media and left the SC Club affairs completely to Li Yue. Li Yue actually didn't want to take care of the matter. He still liked it for a month. He came to the company and lived a daily life of eating, drinking and having fun with all kinds of beauties. However, the supercar alliance was a big task, and it seemed that he had to do it himself.

The various measures announced by Li Yue yesterday have been rolled out today. Among other things, the ranking of racing girls has occupied the headlines of the club's discussions.

"I think we can invite well-known domestic car models!"

"What is the fame of the domestic ones? They are all wild models, and they can be high-spirited if you give them money. It is better to invite overseas ones."

"Are the overseas ones very strong? Aren't they all the same? In fact, you can discover and train some amateurs by yourself, and there are other types of models. You can see that Chinajoy is doing well. This year, a group of cosplayers have emerged!"

"How about inviting some actors? According to Li Shao's handwriting, what type of actors can't be invited?"

When Li Yue walked into the club, he could hear discussions about the racing girl rankings everywhere. On the contrary, there were not so many discussions about the excess bonuses of the supercar league.

He thought about it carefully, and felt that he had created too many hot spots, and Li Yue had said before that he would give a Bugatti Veyron to the number one on the weekly list, but now he just fulfilled it.

Of course, despite this, this is a supercar club after all, and there are still many caring people, such as Yu Yuyu, who ran over immediately when she heard that Li Yue was coming, came up and held Li Yue's arm intimately, shaking and saying: "Brother-in-law, I want to join the supercar league, can you show me something?"

In fact, Yu Yuyu's appearance and appearance are very good, similar to Yu Wanwan, but her character, which Li Yue has learned before, is absolutely bad.

So to this sister-in-law, Li Yue is not very sexually interested. At this time, he just smiled paternally and spoiled: "Okay, I will approve a super car for you!"

"What magic car?" Yu Yuyu's eyes lit up.

"Well, Wuling Hongguang, an absolute magic car!"

"Fuck you... oh, no, didn't they want to swear on purpose, brother-in-law, you have so many Veyrons, let me drive one."

"Well, let's talk about it later, you practice driving first..."

Li Yue made a vague sentence, and promised to take her to play with her when he had time, and sent her away: Although he is a "relative", Li Yue still has principles for this competition. If he rashly buys a car for Yu Yuyu, he will eventually She really won the ranking, so what should I say?
It's hard to stop the long talk.

In fact, speaking of the magic car, Li Yue still owns one, but he still doesn’t know what kind of car it is. It is hailed by the system as a “super magic car” and is a reward for the main mission of “Fast and Furious” Li Yue has already used a lot of beauties like seas and luxury cars like clouds for this task, but it is a pity that 1 beauties with a score of 10 or above can experience "speed and passion" in one year, and this indicator has only been completed by 95 That's all, there's still a long way to go before the task is completed.

After Yu Yuyu left, many people gathered in front of Li Yue. Most of them tried to get acquainted with him. Naturally, there were quite a few beauties among them, and there were even some with a score of 95 or above, but none of them were Ling Yue. Li Yue was amazed.

Li Yue didn't just look at beautiful women, he came here today, but he still had some things to deal with.

"Lin Yiqi will really come to the club?"

It was almost noon, Li Yue asked Qian Feng beside him.

Qian Feng replied firmly: "We calmed down the big turmoil yesterday, and now the momentum of the supercar alliance has completely stopped the rumors that your capital chain is broken. Lin Yiqi can't sit still anymore. Last night I have already let out the word that you are the last of your strength, you just embezzled the arrears for the acquisition of the hotel, and you will definitely bring someone to the club today."

As soon as the words were finished, a security guard came in and reported: "Young Master Li, Lin Yiqi brought a group of people here, saying they want to take over the club."

Really dare to come!
Li Yue raised his eyebrows, and he led people out immediately.

"Li Yue has come out!" "This guy really has the face to come out to meet people?"

"Using other people's money to pretend to be compared, it looks like there are five people and six people, but it's actually a rascal!"

"What the hell, Young Master Li, it's just something that doesn't pay back its debts."

As soon as Li Yue showed up, these people started making noises. Li Yue could also see a few familiar faces among them, such as Wei Jie and Mr. Chen from Tianyu Property. Moreover, there were actually some people from the SC Club among them.

"I didn't expect that the club is developing so well, there will be traitors?"

Li Yue didn't respond to the booing of these people in the slightest: he is not really an old man, these people will soon face themselves, what he really cares about is that there are also people in the club colluding with Lin Yiqi, logically speaking, Even if it is collusion, now is the time for the club to throw money in various ways. If you enter any project, you can easily make a lot of money. Why do these people bother?

Qian Feng told the truth straight away: "These are duplicitous and unscrupulous things. Lin Yiqi is also afraid that they will repent, so he must have specially asked them to come here to submit their nomination certificates."

"This is very good. It saves troubles for the club. I write down all the names one by one. Afterwards, all of them are kicked out of the club, leaving no one behind."

After Li Yue finished speaking, he strode towards Lin Yiqi. He raised his hand, and two teams of security guards in dark green uniforms appeared behind him. No. 30 people surrounded the group artificially.

This is an employee from Koi Security. Before Li Yue went back, he asked Wei Hewen to fully cooperate with Will in developing the security team. Now the team has taken shape, with a total of 50 people and 5 teams. This time, because he knew the news in advance, So I pulled three in one breath.

Among other things, so many men wearing uniforms of the same style stood up neatly, and the people behind Lin Yiqi didn't dare to say anything for an instant!The scene instantly cooled down.

"Lin Yiqi, finally couldn't help jumping out? You want to ask me for the debt, so I have to ask, when will I owe you?"

Li Yue stood in the middle casually, looked at Lin Yiqi with a smile and joked, those eyes were really looking at the clown.

"Haha, you don't owe me, but you owe Wei Jie money! Although you took revenge on Wei Jie severely and made his hotels close for rectification, you probably didn't expect that I was the one in his two hotels, Our Lin family sold it to you!"

Seeing Li Yue's leisurely and contented appearance, Lin Yiqi secretly sneered: Now is your last moment of pride, I don't believe it, you can come up with money!
"What? The Lin family sold it to me?"

Li Yue made an exaggerated reaction, but then suddenly changed his face: "So, the Lin family cheated the Venice International Hotel Group? Those two hotels have been verified by the hotel group."

"That's not true. Our Lin family's hotels are all high-quality assets!" Lin Yiqi squinted at him and decisively revealed his trump card: "Unfortunately, you are useless if you are given a chance. High-quality assets are in front of you. Swallowed it, but what about the money? 15 billion, it hasn’t arrived yet, our contract is clearly written in black and white, and it must reach the designated account within a week!"

It's a pity that Li Yue didn't have the good mood to continue playing with him, and his face sank as well: "You also said, the money has already been sent to the designated account, you Lin Yiqi, you still want to get money from me Pay twice?"


Lin Yiqi instinctively felt that something was wrong, and asked: "Li Yue, you still want to quibble when the situation comes to an end, if you make a payment, why don't I know?"

"Have you received any money? Just look at the bank statement and you'll know?"

Li Yue tilted his head, and someone beside him naturally took out a document and placed it in front of Lin Yiqi, which clearly stated: Play Capital transferred 15 billion RMB to Lin's Hotel Management Service Company and other documents.

Lin's hotel management service company is naturally the collection account specified in the contract. The assets of the big family are naturally not owned by one person. All assets are managed by the company. Even companies like "hotel management" also have There are more than one. In theory, it is just a transfer station for funds.

(End of this chapter)

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