Wanton God's Life Records

Chapter 762: PLAY Island Experience (Executive)

Chapter 762: PLAY Island Experience (Executive)

Kane-David is an executive at [-]th Century Fox, primarily responsible for supporting executive Jess Bryan.

On this day, Kane David followed Jess Bryan to PLAY Island for the movie "Superhero", which is currently popular in ASEAN.

He first walked around the port, and then was taken to the Island Hotel by a slim and beautiful waiter in uniform. Because it was just noon, he and his colleagues from the top five Hollywood companies had a sumptuous lunch together.

"Should I say he is worthy of being a famous super-rich man? The size of this private island is really astonishing, beyond the imagination of ordinary people..."

"The key point is that there are various buildings and facilities here. Generally, on uninhabited islands, rich people live alone, with at most their female companions and several service staff. As for the buildings, there is only one A villa, it’s great here, it’s like a small city!”

"The hotel we are staying in now has 12 floors. I heard that it corresponds to Li Yue's private residence. The two buildings are the tallest buildings on this PLAY island."

Although those who can come to PLAY Island are all senior managers of the five major Hollywood film companies, and they all receive annual salaries of millions of dollars, but compared to the lavishness of PLAY Island, it still pales in comparison, and most people seem to have never seen it before. Like all the little wives in the world, they were sighing one after another.

Kane David is also a member of this group of people, but he is also concerned about another thing: Li Yue invited his boss Jace Bryan alone. How is the meeting going now?

Just as he was thinking of this, a waiter came over and asked him in a low voice: "Hello, are you Mr. Kane-David?"

"Yes, I am……"

"Mr. Silen from PLAY Entertainment, I invite you to meet alone. Please come with me..."

As Kane-David kept up with the waiter, he quickly flashed the information of "Mr. Silen" in his mind: He is the current CEO of PLAY Entertainment Philippines and the apparent producer of "Superheroes" , is solely responsible for contacting them with the top five PLAY Entertainment executives in Hollywood.

A moment later, in a relatively closed feudal society, Kane-David met Silen.

"Welcome Mr. David. When Mr. Jess Bryan discusses cooperation with our BOSS, I hope to communicate with Mr. David in advance for future cooperation."

Kane-David raised his eyebrows and said to himself that he is indeed a "native" of the ten ASEAN countries and has a natural respect for big Hollywood companies. This is actually good.

"Cooperation? It is too early to say these words before Mr. Brian and Mr. Li Yue have reached an agreement."

Silen was stunned and asked in surprise: "Is it true that your trip to PLAY Island by the top five Hollywood players is just for the distribution rights of "Superheroes" in North America?"

Kane-David narrowed his eyes slightly: Although the name of this trip to PLAY Island by the five major Hollywood film companies was to meet and get to know Li Yue, in fact, it was because Hollywood recognized the huge power of PLAY Group in Asia. Strength, especially in entertainment and media, the five major companies hope to deepen cooperation with PLAY Group.

This kind of cooperation between companies often starts with some small projects. These projects do not need to be approved by high-level figures like Li Yue, but are often decided by middle- and high-level executives like them.

"Although we are just the Philippine branch of PLAY Entertainment, you may also know that the Philippine branch is the first branch established by BOSS in the ten ASEAN countries. In the future, it will soon become the ASEAN branch of PLAY Entertainment. As PLAY Entertainment As the largest division of the group, we control many resources in the ten ASEAN countries. I think there are still full prospects for cooperation between PLAY Entertainment and [-]th Century Fox in this regard..."

With Siren's words, Kane-David's attitude quickly softened, and then the two began to have a frank conversation about some possible cooperation.

What Kane-David didn't expect was that after the official business was done, he actually received a check for US$200 million from Silen!
Giving money directly, this kind of heroic style really shocked Kane-David, and the check of up to 200 million dollars made Kane-David even more excited, and he did it without much hesitation. I accepted this generous gift!
Even after accepting it, Kane-David looked at Silen expectantly and asked: "So, is there anything I can do to help you and your company?"

This kind of gift-giving in business interactions is a typical form of bribery. It is not surprising that Kane-David asked this question.

But Silen just smiled and waved his hands and said: "No, this is just a way for our PLAY Group to make friends. In fact, anyone who shows goodwill to the PLAY Group can receive gifts of varying amounts."


Kane-David walked out of the room confused, and then felt someone tapping his shoulder: "Hey, what are you thinking about?"

He was startled and turned around to see Jess Bryan standing behind him. The latter pointed to the room where Kane-David left and smiled: "Did you just talk to Mr. Silen? Specifically? What are you talking about?"

Mr. Bryan knew I was chatting with Mr. Theron, but he didn't know the specifics.

Kane-David thought for a while and then told the story except accepting bribes.

"You have done a good job. If I purely follow my personal thoughts, we at [-]th Century Fox should establish a long-term partnership with PLAY Entertainment. However, a major event of this level requires the approval of the board of directors and the parent company. At present, we have to do The reason is to introduce "Superheroes" at all costs..."

To Kane-David's surprise, Jess Bryan immediately revealed the complete negotiations between him and Li Yue, and even said frankly to him: "Li Yue also promised me a series of private In terms of interests, I have promised him that I will completely stand with PLAY Entertainment..."

"What?" Kane-David was shocked, and Jess-Bryan admitted that he was bribed and completely bought.

Patting him on the shoulder, Jess Bryan smiled and said: "I was told that you confiscated the check from PLAY Entertainment? As the only person who talked to Li Yue, do you think I don't know these things? "

"Uh, sorry..."

"It doesn't matter, we are all in the same boat. We worked together in a tacit understanding before. In fact, we got the most. Except for the two of us, other people from 50th Century Fox who came this time Both of them will receive checks of more than [-] US dollars, while other people from the four major Hollywood companies will only receive gifts worth about [-] US dollars..."

Jess Bryan spoke a lot in a happy mood, and also let Kane-David know some inside information: Li Yue's ambition is not to make much money in North America with "Superheroes", but that he wants to use "Superheroes" to make money. Superhero" is a stepping stone to open up the North American film market!When he heard that Lee was willing to pay US$2 million in promotional fees, Caine-David was so shocked that he didn't know what to say: To the six major Hollywood companies, this is like giving away money for free. They can turn a movie into a profitable one. The movie's accounting was a loss of money, not to mention the promotional expenses that fell into the pockets of the six major corporations!

What Li Yue did was not just bribing a person, but directly bribing a company!This kind of skill makes Kane-David feel suffocated.

In shock, Kane-David followed Jess Bryan back to the banquet hall. About 5 minutes later, he saw Li Yue!

A very handsome and handsome oriental man. Even if Kane-David has a Western aesthetic, he has to admit that Li Yue's handsomeness is reflected in his temperament. It cannot be explained clearly. It gives people the feeling that this man is born. He is like a noble man, and very sunny and kind. He seems to be an easy friend.

Li Yue first said hello to everyone in the banquet hall, especially the people from the remaining three major film companies. Then he directly said, "To express my gratitude for everyone's presence, I have prepared some gifts for everyone." Then the waiter Start handing out gifts.

Kane David also got a copy. He opened it and looked at it. It was a gold watch. As Jess Bryan said before, it was worth about $1.

Of course, not all other people's gifts were gold watches, but they were all of similar value.

A gift of this scale, because everyone has a share, so it doesn't look like a gift or a bribe, everyone takes it with peace of mind, and everyone is very happy after receiving the gift.

The power of money to communicate with the gods is most vividly demonstrated at this time.

Later, Li Yue gave a speech. The general content was that "Superhero" was just the beginning. He would release more films in the future and looked forward to cooperating with the five major companies that came this time...

Finally, Li Yue announced in public that he had decided to sign a North American distribution agreement for "Superheroes" with [-]th Century Fox, and he even announced the contents of the agreement to everyone.

“Oh my God, $2 million in publishing fees!”

"Although the requirements for the release of "Superhero" are higher, it is not impossible to consider."

"Kane, you did a good business this time."

Listening to the admiration of other company people around him, Kane-David looked at Li Yue who was in the center of the crowd. He also sighed: "The really powerful person is him..."

As for why, Kane David naturally would not tell these people.

He has already seen that Li Yue is waving money around so that now, everyone from the five major Hollywood film companies will want to cooperate with him!
This causes two changes:

First, for [-]th Century Fox, although the cooperation agreement for "Superheroes" has huge benefits, it was originally difficult to pass. However, due to the "envy" of other companies, I am afraid that the agreement will be passed smoothly soon.

Second, if Li Yue makes a new movie in the future, it will be very easy for him to seek cooperation and distribution. The five major Hollywood film companies will think that he is taken advantage of, and they will join in eagerly, instead of going to see any "overseas movies". "Tags like "Chinese movies".

To put it bluntly, in addition to advancing and retreating together, the six giants in Hollywood also have fierce internal competition. Li Yue directly provoked the competition among the five giants in Hollywood by throwing away money!

Understanding this, Kane-David didn't have any resentment towards Li Yue. Instead, he only had endless exclamation in his heart: Only Li Yue can use this method!

Think about it carefully, just for the North American release of "Superheroes", how much does Li Yue need to pay?On the surface, there are 2 million U.S. dollars in publicity fees, gifts for everyone this time, and the "benefits" that make boss Jace Bryan work so hard!
Who else but a billionaire could have such a skill?
No, except for a billionaire like Li Yue, who would do such a thing!

With such a sigh, Kane-David quietly watched Li Yue's "performance". Afterwards, their apparent task was completed, and they only needed to attend tomorrow's "PLAY Celebration Banquet".

While there was still time in the afternoon, Kane-David took a sightseeing bus and visited PLAY Island. As a man, he saw the angles of things on PLAY Island, and also had sex with girls such as Lima and Lydia. They are different.

First, Kane-David came to the supermarket, and then he was shocked to find that the supermarket salespeople here were all beauties with outstanding looks, the kind who could play a role in a Hollywood movie!

Then he discovered that the island supermarket was not only large, but also had a dazzling variety of products.

When settling the bill, he asked the pretty salesperson: "How much traffic is there every day here?"

The other party replied casually: "No more than 100 people. Today there will be more because guests like you are on the island."

"The daily passenger flow does not exceed 100 people, but there is such a complete range of products on display? Are you not afraid of losing money?" Kane-David said in surprise.

The saleswoman smiled and said nonchalantly: "As a private island, everything here is meant to serve BOSS alone. If it weren't for the foreign guests, the things here would be provided free of charge and would even be changed every day..."

Good guy!
Kane-David was shocked again and walked out of the supermarket in confusion. Next door was a newly opened store. It looked like a bar. Maybe it would be open to tourists now, but it is conceivable that in daily life, , it will only provide services to Li Yue.

Supermarkets, bars, and then an intersection. There is even a traffic light device at the intersection. Going further, it turns out to be a police station. Next to the police station is a hospital with a red cross...

Continuing walking, on the plain at the westernmost end of PLAY Island, Kane-David found that he could find all public facilities and places. Except that there were not many people here, it was like a mini city!Not only that, it is also an extremely economically developed city, a city where beauties account for over 90% of the female population you see...

It took a whole afternoon, and by the evening, Kane-David went from deep admiration to Li Yue to sincere envy. A person can actually own a city-type private island, and the island can also provide so many Resources, this is simply the life that countless people dream of!
Of course, the premise of all this is to have enough money. Even if Kane-David only uses his eyes to see and only uses his feelings to judge, he can come to an astonishing conclusion: to maintain the current operation of PLAY Island , the daily consumption is an astonishing figure!
"...It is very likely that the daily consumption will be more than 1 million US dollars..." Kane-David concluded on PLAY Island on Twitter at night.

(End of this chapter)

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