Wanton God's Life Records

Chapter 869: Date with Emma Watson

Chapter 869 Date with Emma Watson

"No, no, no, I'm... very happy that you can talk to me like this..."

On the other end of the phone, Emma Watson was in tears, it was exciting.

Because Li Yue had never spoken to her so tenderly, and was so considerate and gentle. At this moment, she felt that she was being ridiculed and ridiculed by the media and fans. Everything was worth it, because she seemed to be very close to her goal. …

"I should be very happy. Being favored by Hermione is like being kissed by the goddess of luck. I am flattered... Although you seemed to have this intention before, I did not understand your affection. This is my apology. It’s hard for me to imagine that a woman would disclose her unsuccessful pursuit of a man in front of the media. That requires a lot of courage..."

"You are amazing, Emma Watson..."

"I admire your courage and appreciate everything about you..."

"Your beauty shines in this matter, and your temperament is sublimated..."

Emma Watson covered her mouth tightly, fearing that she would laugh unladylikely because she was too happy, causing her voice to be heard by Li Yue. Even so, it was difficult for her to control her emotions. She was shaking, and her face was red from holding her breath for a long time.

"Emma? Are you okay? Who are you calling?"

The assistant saw her strange behavior and rushed over.

"That's great, Jenny, I'm so happy. Li Yue is praising me. You can't even imagine how sweet his mouth is. I can't wait to go to him right now and kiss him hard... I swear, I would do anything for him..."

Seeing Emma Watson holding the phone and dancing excitedly, the assistant named Jenny rolled her eyes, and then said calmly: "The place you are covering is the receiver, and the microphone is under the phone..."


Emma Watson was completely stiff, but she was a woman who could disclose her "failure to courtship" in front of the media. The next moment, she took a deep breath, picked up her phone, and said: "What I just said to Jenny , are all my feelings, Li, did you hear it? I really like you, please be my boyfriend?"

This woman, even when she was under great emotional shock, was still extremely intelligent. Among Li Yue's compliments, one of the harsh words was "I didn't understand your affection." Didn't you understand?So now I confess directly.

"It's an honor and it's me who should say this, my Hermione, will you be my girlfriend?"

Li Yue immediately agreed and "fighted back."

Emma Watson covered her mouth and really wanted to exclaim, "He's so good at it." She felt like her heart was beating wildly and she couldn't hold it back at all. After waiting for a long time, she suppressed her excitement and finally finally Say, "Are we going to go public in front of the media? Let's tweet together now, shall we?"

She has not forgotten her "original intention" of pursuing Li Yue, which was inspired by her competitive spirit after seeing Li Yue and Emma Roberts constantly showing off their affection.

"Honey, listen to me, I hope we can start with a date. Do you have time tonight? Let's meet..."

At least half of the reason why Li Yue accepted Emma Watson was the pressure from the media and public opinion. Of course, he would not be reluctant to have a beauty like "Hermione" as his girlfriend.

Therefore, in order to cooperate with the promotion of the "Super Heroes 2" crew, his love affair with "Hermione" needs to be gradually exposed and gradually drained.

Emma Watson naturally didn't know the truth, so she readily agreed to the invitation.

She didn't know that Li Yue put down the phone and ran to "consol" the two girls on the crew, Kitagawa Keiko and Fukada Kyoko. These two fantasy beauties with 120+ charms, once they have tasted it, they will never let go.

Moreover, the two women have different personalities. Keiko Kitagawa is rigid, serious, but very docile, and Kyoko Fukada is charming, sexy, and very interesting. The feeling they bring to Li Yue is different every time.

When true fantasy falls into reality, only Li Yue who has tasted it can understand the mysterious taste...

It wasn't until night fell, at [-] o'clock in the evening, that Emma Watson couldn't wait for Li Yue's call, and couldn't help but hurry up. Li Yue left the set. Half an hour later, the two met at a high-end restaurant in West Hollywood. .

Emma Watson was dressed extremely beautifully tonight, wearing a Chanel haute couture suit, a Gucci handbag and Martin boots, with a ponytail, and most importantly, she was wearing a variety of sparkling accessories. A modern girl straight out of a movie.

"Hermione, it's beautiful tonight..."


The two entered the restaurant, which had been reserved by Li Yue, so that the couple could enjoy the quietest and most wonderful atmosphere. There was no shortage of food, flowers, and music, and they were all of the highest quality. The most important thing was Li Yue is the one who treats a woman with his heart and can easily make her fall into the charm of a man, and Emma Watson is no exception...

Outside the window, a pair of paparazzi came over silently. Although the news that Emma Watson broke today was huge and caused a lot of enthusiasm on the Internet, this "scandal" has one characteristic, that is, it is only "one-sided." "Hot" means that there was only Emma Watson's announcement, and Li Yue did not show up from beginning to end, not even a public response.

In the eyes of the media, this meant a cold treatment, so by this time, the heat had completely subsided.

It’s not that the media gave Li Yue face, but everyone in this industry knows that hot scandals need to be hyped up. Both parties come and go, and there are follow-up points to watch. There are only a lot of people who follow the media reports. It was announced unilaterally. Things, no matter how earth-shattering they are, are just a flash in the pan.

This pair of paparazzi is different. They are relatively low-end existences in the North American entertainment industry. They couldn't find any other material for a while, so they followed Emma Watson with a wait mentality until they discovered a huge surprise here. !
"Li Yue! Oh my god, it's definitely him. The two of them are dating?!"

"Quickly take a photo and upload it to the Internet immediately..."

The two paparazzi were busy taking pictures. One of them also selected some high-quality products and sent them to the media with daily contact, and then...

"A picture of the scene? It still has a certain value, 3000 US dollars."

A media editor was the first to react and directly offered a price.

"Are you kidding? This is an exclusive first-hand revelation, and it's the hottest scandal. This is the date between Li Yue and Emma Watson!" The paparazzi felt that he was being fooled and immediately shouted.

The editor-in-chief was not in a hurry, and asked, "How much do you want?"

"Twenty thousand dollars, not even a penny less!"

"No need to talk!" The editor-in-chief thought for a while and said, "For the sake of our frequent cooperation, I would like to remind you that I suggest you check online first. These news have been spread all over the Internet."

With that said, he hung up the phone. "What?"

The paparazzi were stunned. If a piece of news is no longer exclusive, its value will be greatly reduced. In this regard, $3000 may not be a random quote.

The two quickly took out their mobile phones, and then saw the scandals about Li Yue and Emma Watson flying in the sky.

"Li Yue responded to 'Hermione' and is willing to start dating with her."

"Her Royal Highness 'Hermione' won the first victory, Li Yue and Emma Watson are dating at the restaurant."

"The waiter uploaded photos of the date scene..."

"According to the crew of "Superheroes 2", Li Yue does have an extraordinary charm, and it is normal for Emma Watson to fall for him..."

"Li Yue tweeted, claiming that he also likes Emma Watson. He hopes that the two of them can not be affected by public opinion and start dating and slowly start to fall in love..."

Everyone who saw the two paparazzi was dumbfounded. Not only was the news flying all over the Internet greatly reducing the value of their on-site photos, but also because of this plot development, it was really impossible to complain.

"It has been made public to this extent, and the popularity is soaring now, how can they still be in a 'normal relationship'?"

"Hey, rich people and celebrities really know how to play. I saw some tricks to promote movies in this."

Regardless of what the paparazzi say, Li Yue is indeed seriously enjoying his date with Emma Watson.

At first, the latter was a little nervous and didn't know what to say to Li Yue. Li Yue immediately started a topic: "In some aspects, you are actually quite similar. You have both entered the entertainment industry since childhood and have maintained a good reputation. The personality and popularity, and even the planning of his own future is very good..."

"You? Me and Emma Roberts?"

"Well, do you want to hear my evaluation of the two of you?"

Emma Roberts is extremely hostile to Emma Watson. In fact, Emma Watson is also similar, but because she has always been the best, the hostility is not that strong, so she was immediately attracted by Li Yue's attention. force.

But what did Li Yuan say?He started off with me, saying you two are great, two of the best girls in the world, and then complimented Emma Watson on some of her achievements, saying she was more famous, prettier, and more beautiful in public. The image is also better.

In short, it is always right to praise that woman to the sky in front of that woman.

"But she is still your girlfriend, and I am just a backup option. You even agreed to date me because of public opinion."

Emma Watson is not a master who is easily fooled. With a faint word, she faintly expressed her dissatisfaction and pursuit.

"It's just God's joke. I swear, if I meet you first, then I will pursue you passionately..."

The solution is simple, just leave it to "God". Of course, the most important thing is the future, so...

"I swear, I am serious about you now. When I learned that you said those words in front of the media, I really felt sorry for you... Such a beautiful and lovely girl, how could I not be tempted?"

"I hope I can have a perfect start and a perfect process with you..."

Accompanied by Li Yue's words, Emma Watson took the initiative to reach out and put it in his big hand: "Okay, I believe you, and I also swear that when we are two, we will never mention Emma Roberts again, Or your other girlfriends..."

This girl actually touched Li Yue's heart. What bothered him the most was the Shura scene between women, especially the jealousy between women.

To be precise, Li Yue traveled from China to South Korea, and from South Korea to Japan, Southeast Asia, and even North America. It was not because he lost the novelty, but because once there were more women, the jealousy and competition between them would make people Once you get bored, go to a new place and meet new beauties, these will decrease instantly, and then as the number of beauties increases, a new cycle will begin again.

Currently, Li Yue is pointing to the system's ultimate mission, "Great Consummation," to see when there will be an opportunity to complete this mission in order to resolve this "ultimate contradiction."

After gathering his emotions, Li Yue began to enjoy love with all his heart and soul: the online publicity and reports are the work of PLAY Entertainment. As the boss, he will not participate. The only contribution is to open up part of his private life, that's all. .

The dinner lasted nearly two hours. Even later, Li Yue took out his mobile phone and started a live broadcast on Facebook live for a while!

"Want to see everyone's blessings for us?"

"What do you think? Read the comments? Here?"

"No, as a star, how can you not know about live broadcasting? Come on, let's live broadcast our love life together."

Since coming abroad, the most uncomfortable thing for Li Yue is the lack of barrage. That kind of real-time interaction is a completely different experience from social media.

There is no way. Domestic online live broadcasts are leading the world and even unique. Similar to South Korea, Japan and even Southeast Asia, they all lack population base or environmental foundation. However, this situation will change when Li Yue arrives in North America, especially when PLAY Entertainment fully After entering North America, relief began.

At the time of the "Lydia beating Emma" incident, PLAY Entertainment reached a cooperation with Facebook. The former invested US$10 billion in the latter's subsidiary Facebook LIVE, accounting for 30% of its shares, and reached a series of cooperation agreements.

The live broadcast business in North America, or to be precise, the online live broadcast industry in other countries except China, has just begun to develop. Facebook LIVE is only a small company that was just established in early 16. It is only because of its support from Facebook that it has grown rapidly. And it’s available to everyone around the world, so the potential is huge.

However, PLAY Entertainment’s entry into Facebook LIVE was something Li Yue didn’t know. He initially promoted Lidya, who had already cooperated with China’s Douyin and was developing the “international version of Douyin”, namely TIKTOK. It’s just that it takes time to develop this, and it’s not online yet.

In the not-too-distant future, Facebook LIVE will be completely defeated in the competition with TIKTOK and will be directly crushed. Other giants such as Twitter, INS, and Netflix will also rush to the street, but Li Yue does not care about this. He does not care about losing money. PLAY It's good for the group to make its own decisions. He only enjoys the present.

"Like this, now you can start the live broadcast... Hi, friends on Facebook LIVE, my name is Li Yue, and this is Emma Watson who is dating me."

When the live broadcast started, the agitation of the media and the public reached its peak. In an instant, countless traffic rushed to Facebook LIVE...

(End of this chapter)

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