She Song

Chapter 153

Chapter 153
Seeing his sister heartbroken, Zhao Kai could only leave with guilt.

He really couldn't stand up to his father and the courtiers about the important matters of his family and country, but he felt a little unbearable in his heart, so he came here to talk politely.

But Maode Bingxue was smart and quickly concluded that this was a decision unanimously made by his father and the court.

Zhao Fujin never expected that after the Han thief voluntarily gave up his request for marriage, the shameless Cai Jing and others forced his father to use himself as a pawn to the rebels!

Millions of soldiers have all taken off their armor, and not one of them is a man!

Xiaowei, the personal palace maid, sobbed with tears in her eyes: "I heard that the traitor has a green face and fangs, and can eat people without spitting out the bones... What if Your Highness marries her? Woohoo~"

Xiaowei is worried for Maude, but also panic about her future, after all, she must marry Maode when he is married.

Ever since Zhao Kai went on an expedition, various frightening rumors about the Hanji refugees have spread vividly in the harem. Xiaowei, who is fourteen or fifteen years old, cannot tell the truth from the false, so she can only take it as true.

Zhao Fujin lost his mother when he was young. Under the ruthless oppression of the harem, he only used his clever, sensible, gentle and pleasant skills to survive.

Ever since her appearance became more and more stunning day by day, she finally attracted the attention of her father, and she became more and more favored, becoming the most beautiful emperor. With Zhao Ji's care, she finally didn't have to worry about her personal safety.

However, in the best time of her life, this sudden nightmare exposed the ruthlessness of the palace.

Naihe was born into an imperial family?
Pushing back the tears, Zhao Fujin looked around the boudoir and noticed the golden scissors on the dressing table. Remembering that he had previously determined to stab Han Xiaoyao to death, Zhao Fujin picked them up and looked at them.

When Xiaowei saw her holding the scissors, she was so frightened that she quickly knelt down and begged.

"Your Highness, this is absolutely impossible! I beg you, my servant..."

Zhao Fujin snorted coldly and asked: "The ancients always used death to express their ambitions, how come I can't do it anymore?"

Quoting from classics, Xiaowei could not say anything better than the extremely intelligent Emperor Maode. After being silent for a long time, she could only plead, using cliché words such as ants greedy for life.

At this time, Liu Daguan came in to deliver the official order. When he saw Maode holding gold scissors and his maid kneeling on the ground begging, he knew that it was probably King Yun who had revealed the news in advance and deliberately kept it secret.

He flew into a rage and scolded Xiao Wei: "You are so bold, I dare to offend His Highness. Someone, drag me out and beat me hard!"

Liu Daguan came to deliver oral instructions, which represented his official status. If he really dragged Xiaowei out, he would definitely not survive.

Xiaowei was so frightened that she could only beg Maode: "I don't dare to do it anymore. I beg Your Highness to have mercy on me and spare me this time!"

Maode also knew what Liu Daguan was thinking, and he was clearly trying to scare away the tigers, warning him not to mess around and ruin the court's counterinsurgency strategy.

Sighing in his heart, before the eunuch took hold of Xiaowei, he put down the scissors and spoke to dissuade her.

"Xiaowei is Maode's maidservant. She has been taught a lesson just now. One crime will not be punished twice. I would like to ask Senior Official Liu to show his caution."

Liu Daguan saw that Maode understood his intention and did not want to get into trouble. He immediately asked his men to back off and said with a smile: "Your Highness is right. As a slave, you should abide by the rules of the palace. If everyone could do it, If you abide by the rules, the officials will have less to worry about, what do you think, Your Highness?"

Zhao Fujin nodded sadly: "What Liu Daguan said is that although Maode has no talent or virtue, he is still willing to share the worries of his father!"

Liu Daguan nodded with satisfaction. As long as Maode did not cry or make trouble and was willing to accept the marriage offer and send him safely to Han Xiaoyao's camp, he would be able to make a smooth transition. As for Maode's happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy, it was not important at all.

The situation of the rebels is fierce, so special things should be done without delay. The officials and the court have decided that in three days, Emperor Maode will marry Han Xiaoyao, the king of Zhenbei.

"Congratulations to your highness on your good match, I am so honored to be my old servant!"

After Liu Daguan conveyed Zhao Ji's oral instructions, he left briskly.

Zhao Fujin was kneeling on the ground, gritting his teeth and clenching his fists so hard that his nails pierced his palms without even realizing it.

The tailor of the Shangyi Bureau sighed inwardly while hurriedly measuring the clothes and kept saying congratulations and auspicious words.

There was no way around it. In three days, all the costumes and the corresponding ceremonial dowry needed for Emperor Ji's wedding had to be made in a hurry. It was really too hasty!
The clothing bureau was pretty good, and I got a priority position. There were several groups of female officials queuing up outside, waiting to give Maode various pre-marriage educations.

The preparation period was originally three to six months, but now it is limited to three days. Anyway, all the people involved in the ministries and bureaus will be overwhelmed.The eunuchs and female officials came and went like a revolving lantern. Maode was almost numb and at his mercy like puppets.

However, her thoughts broke free from the shackles and flew to the nine heavens!
Looking down, I saw a pitiful and weak woman, like a young lamb that had been carefully groomed and was about to be served to a jackal's table, and would eventually be chewed up without leaving any bones or scraps.

That kind of torture and humiliation is worse than death!

No, no!

Her father's instructions made it very clear that after she gets married, she must find a way to invite favors, and then win over Han Ji's internal forces, split or disintegrate them, and prepare for the imperial court to exterminate the traitors.

His father used Zhaojun and Princess Wencheng to motivate him, but in fact, his role was like Daji, who brought disaster to the country and the people...

It doesn’t matter, just be Daji, anyway, even if you die, you can’t let go of the culprit who caused all this... Han Xiaoyao!

In an instant, Zhao Fujin, who had returned to his senses, had the will to retaliate.

Just wait, I'm going to ruin your reputation and betray you!

Cai Quan visited Cai You again and passed by Han Xiaoyao's camp and came to Han Xiaoyao's tent by a familiar route.

"Congratulations to the most beautiful princess of Zhenbei King Shangtian's family!"

Han Xiaoyao thought he heard wrongly.

Cai Quan immediately informed the court of the decision one by one. Not only did he agree to three terms, but he also sent Emperor Maode as a bride.

Let me go, these ridiculous guys...

Of course, Cai Quan also explained the terms one by one.

First of all, the Zhenbei King was sealed off, and the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun and hundreds of towns in Hebei except Damingfu in Beijing were all under the jurisdiction of the Zhenbei King's Mansion.

After all, Daming Mansion is one of the four capitals of the Great Song Dynasty. The imperial court has always been directly under the jurisdiction, which involves tradition and authority, so it is listed separately.

Secondly, Han Ji can do business all over the world, but the palace and the court require a [-]% stake and share the benefits.

To give the land of Hebei to the King of Zhenbei, he had to find some income, and the court was really short of money.

Third, compensation of 5000 million taels will be deducted from Hanji’s profits year by year. It is tentatively determined that 500 million taels will be deducted every year.

Fourth, it is better to dissolve enemies than to make enemies. The officials appreciate Han Xiaoyao's talents, so they decide to marry him in two days, turning conflicts into friendship, bad things into good things, and they will surely be spread into good stories.

Cai Quan's eloquence is beyond comparison. He quotes scriptures one by one and makes sense, and his sincere words make Han Xiaoyao get goosebumps.

After all the words, the officials agreed to all the conditions and even sent the most beloved and beautiful Emperor Ji. You have to give your father-in-law some face, right?

Han Xiaoyao complained crazily in his heart. Of course, he also blamed himself for deliberately provoking Zhao Ji and deliberately bringing up the matter of Shang Maode, so he really just eliminated it this time.

But he didn't expect that the imperial court and Zhao Ji would shamelessly offer Maode both hands to him again, and clearly gave the order to send him over two days later to consummate the marriage.

Of course, Han Xiaoyao is very sober and is not in a desperate situation yet. If the court makes a 180-degree turn like this, there must be fraud in it.

First of all, not to mention the area that governs Hebei, even Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures Han Ji is unable to control it. It is said that the person who controls Yanjing now is Guo Yaoshi, the former Khitan resentful army.

This guy has lived through the Liao, Song and Jin dynasties and can be described as a legendary figure in the late Northern Song Dynasty!

Moreover, Yan Yun faced the Jurchens head-on. God knows when the Zhao Guan family would rise, they would come to the Maritime Alliance again and sell themselves out.

(End of this chapter)

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