She Song

Chapter 176 Pharmacist Guo’s family background

Chapter 176 Pharmacist Guo’s family background
After reading the secret letter, Medical Master Guo was shocked and confused. He suddenly looked up to the south, then looked at the secret letter again, and finally slapped the signature on the table with hatred.

Zhen Wuchen knew that it was confidential information, so he turned a blind eye and just kept his head down eating meat and drinking wine.

Looking at Zhen Wuchen again, Guo Yaoshi asked pointedly: "Five ministers, pack up your belongings, let's go back to Yizhou, Zhuozhou!"

Zhen Wuchen, who was gnawing beef, suddenly froze, knowing that it was a secret message, but even if Medical Master Guo ordered to withdraw, there must be an explanation, otherwise Huahua Yanjing City, why would he leave without a clue?
Too cowardly?
He asked vaguely: "Brother, what's going on?"

Pharmacist Guo sighed softly: "Someone has taken a fancy to Yanjing City, and maybe he wants to swallow the whole Yanyun!"

I go!

After struggling to swallow the piece of meat, Zhen Wuchen asked naturally: "Who? The imperial court or the Jurchens?"

Guo Yaoshi shook his head and said, "It's not..."

Zhen Wuchen felt relieved. As long as it wasn't these two, it would be easy for everyone else.

However, Pharmacist Guo added: "A group of refugees."

Zhen Wuchen almost choked and couldn't help but paused while holding the wine bottle.

Although he has a big and rough appearance, Zhen Wuchen can become Guo Yaoshi's right-hand man and has a delicate heart.

The first question was: "How many people are there?"

"About fifty thousand." Yaoshi Guo continued: "More than ten thousand regular soldiers, twenty thousand auxiliary soldiers, and twenty thousand refugees. They defeated the imperial court's most elite fifty thousand forbidden troops, including five thousand elite cavalry.

The leader, Han Xiaoyao, was said to be the richest man in the world and a well-trained soldier. He not only established himself as the King of the North, but also forced the court to grant him the power to rule Hebei. Ten days later, his vanguard troops arrived at Yanjing City. "

Zhen Wuchen was stunned by some shocking words.

"Brother, don't say it's a joke!"

Pharmacist Guo chuckled and said, "I thought it was a joke when I saw it, but then I thought about it. The angel and Wang Anzhong sent money, food, and soldiers for free, so they must have been involved in this matter... Haha, interesting!"

"We can't retreat!" Zhen Wuchen thought for a moment and suddenly said: "Brother, they only have 5 horses at their left and right. What's more, the southerners don't know how to fight on horseback. Why don't I weigh them first?"

But Pharmacist Guo stopped him and said: "There are not many old brothers in Changsheng Army. Even if we have to weigh in, there is no need for us to come forward. I remember that there is a big group of horse thieves in the north of Zhending Mansion. I spent some money to send some men and horses." Equipment, just dampen their spirit south of Futuo River!"

Zhen Wuchen understood the other party's intention instantly. If he did not act in Yandi, even if he missed, he would not break up with the other party.

Just as he was about to go out to deal with it, Zhen Wuchen heard Pharmacist Guo say again: "First recruit 5 people and collect more food and grass. No matter how powerful he is, can he still break my Yanjing City?"

Zhen Wuchen was a little unsure. The Jurchens had plundered too hard and Yanjing had not yet recovered. However, if the surrounding towns were forcibly conquered, they should be able to gather an army of [-].

To put it bluntly, if the horse thieves can't stand it, these people will be used as cannon fodder to consume the strength of the national army in the battle to defend the city.

According to the operational principle of siege ten times and attack five times, if the Zhenguo army wants to take Yanjing City, it will cost at least 20 lives to do so.

However, no one wants to give up the fat in their mouths. The horse thieves test the vanguard and the city defense engages in a decisive battle.

People die and birds face up, immortal for thousands of years!

At noon, notices for the recruitment of soldiers for the Ever Victorious Army were posted all over Yanjing City, and dozens of teams were dispatched to surrounding towns and villages to force young men to join the army. Men between the ages of 15 and 45 must serve in the army for one month!

As a result, the atmosphere inside and outside Yanjing City suddenly became tense.

The tea house and wine shop were baffled by Yaoshi Guo's move. Judging from the situation, tens of thousands of people were recruited!

Therefore, someone reported to Wang Anzhong, the prefect of Yanshan, that Guo Yaoshi was expanding his army wantonly and intending to separatist power.

Wang An knew in the center that the other party must have received news that the Zhenguo Army was heading north.

Sure enough, no matter what the heroes of troubled times, they still can't let go of the money, fame, fortune and territory they have obtained!

It's really nice to leave the bad things to others and let them jump.

All parties in Yanjing City were confused when they saw no movement from Wang Anzhong. Then they saw the Ever Victorious Army transporting a large amount of supplies from outside the city and even ordering craftsmen to build various city defense equipment. Everyone was aware of the approaching danger.Is this to defend the city?
Who will attack Yanjing?Could it be a Jurchen?

Damn it, many people still remember the horrific scene of the massacre of Yanjing, and immediately their hair stood on end and they began to frantically inquire about the inside story.

Intentionally or unintentionally, all kinds of rumors spread rapidly in the streets and alleys and in dark corners.

"Did you hear that there's going to be a war!"

"I know, it's said that the Jurchens are here again... What the hell are you going to do?"

"The Ever Victorious Army kidnapped tens of thousands of people from outside the city and came back, saying they wanted to live or die with Yanjing!"

"Forget it, the Jurchens kill each other without blinking an eye, who can stop them from breaking the city?"

"I have to go home to tidy up and go to the countryside to avoid the limelight..."

"Let's go, I'll go too..."

Fatty Cao Li from Changsheng Army Warehouse was busy today without touching the ground. He watched the last cart of grain being moved into the granary and walked to the paperwork with a large stack of lists.

“Minibus, register all of this!”

Miniba raised his head, looked at dozens of lists, and said awkwardly: "Uncle Li, this is too much. I have to be busy until late at night. Can you find another helper..."

Fatty Li laughed and threw a bunch of copper coins on the table: "Boy, except for the porters and the weak people, all the people have gone out of the city to grab grain. Where is there anyone left?

However, uncle knows that you are working hard, so you are not in vain. This is a reward, and there is half a chicken and a pot of wine in the kitchen at night. However, there must be no mistakes in the accounts! "

Xiaoba's eyes lit up, he quickly took the money into his arms and agreed wholeheartedly.

"Uncle Li, you have seen it through your eyes these past three months. As long as the accounts handled by me, Baman, are absolutely correct, you can rest assured!"

Patting Baman on the shoulder, Fatty Li said with a smile: "I certainly believe it, but I won't let you handle the accounts if I don't believe it!"

After speaking, Shi Shiran walked away humming a little tune.

Baman got up to stretch his muscles, washed his face, then sat down at the table again and started to make a new list. Except for eating, he was busy until late at night.

After all the lists were checked and correct, he registered them. Then he opened the door and took out a copy of "Meng Xi Bi Tan" published in Lan Kwai Fong from the bookshelf. Then he took out a small paper signature from his arms and carefully compared it with a thin wolf brush. The book contains a strange set of characters.

After writing, wait until the ink on the paper sign is completely dry, then roll it into a small roll and hide it in a secret pocket under the neckline.

Blow out the candles, close the door and lock it, and leave the ever-victorious army warehouse.

Baman walked around the street twice to make sure there was no "tail", then quietly stuffed the secret message into the secret compartment in the corner wall of the street, left a secret mark, and left immediately.

Early the next morning, a salesman passed by this deserted corner, saw the mark, quickly took out the secret message in the secret compartment and left.

Soon, in a private house in Yanjing City, a pigeon soared into the sky and flew to the farm outside the city. Someone took out the secret message from the pigeon's leg ring and handed it to Xiao Yunhe, who arrived secretly.

Screening away his subordinates, Xiao Yunhe took out the "Mengxi Bi Tan" and translated the secret letter.

The Yanshan Prefecture’s military resources to support the Ever-Victorious Army, the men and horses recruited within three days, the grain and grass snatched, large and medium-sized city defense equipment, etc., are all clearly visible in Guo Yaoshi’s family fortune.

However, when a large number of supplies and soldiers gathered in Yanjing City, the only large expenditures and the dispatch of troops and horses seemed particularly abrupt.

"Thirty chariots and soldiers, money and food, but a thousand soldiers are missing? Something strange!"

Intuition told Xiao Yunhe that there was a conspiracy involved, probably targeting the Zhenguo Army.

"It is impossible for such a large group of people to disappear without a trace. Send all the scouts to the south to investigate carefully!"

(End of this chapter)

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