She Song

Chapter 207 Which foot comes first?

Chapter 207 Which foot comes first?

Huan Die was led to the pavilion, and when she saw paper, copper wire, candles and other objects, she understood the whole story.

The so-called spy crisis is just a game played by big leaders.

However, Huandie, as a veteran of the Di Ji Party, Zhao Fujin and Xiao Wei enthusiastically invited her to taste the freshly baked fancy bread.

Xiaowei not only weaved exquisite flower shapes, but even tried adding fillings, which tasted very good.

Han Xiaoyao did not shy away from hiding anything from this capable subordinate and continued to give lectures to the master and servant.

"Through previous experiments, we know that heat expands and cold contracts. Therefore, constant heating makes the air expand, which can produce upward buoyancy. It can be deduced from this: As long as the heat is enough and the vehicle is large enough, we can all fly into the sky like Kongming Lanterns .”

Huan Die, who was tasting the bread, was shocked.

Oh my God!What did I hear?
Can it actually make people fly?The King of Zhenbei shouldn't be involved in cultivating immortals and seeking Taoism, right?

Just when Huan Die was feeling uneasy, Zhao Fujin asked: "If after flying into the sky, we can gradually weaken the fire energy, can we land safely?"

She is indeed the legendary Emperor Ji!
Han Xiaoyao admired Zhao Fujin's ability to draw inferences from one instance. At least at his age, he only knew how to study hard and study to death...

A girl hidden in palace confinement was able to understand the threshold of future generations of physics in just half a day, and was able to give her own independent insights, which made Han Xiaoyao have to stand in awe.

Let me take a good look, are you the Song Dynasty version of "Mrs. Xiaoyao"?
"Let's make a giant 'Kongming Lantern' that can carry people into the sky. At that time, we will enjoy the unprecedented scenery!"

Xiaowei put down the bread and asked in surprise: "Can you really fly?"

"Ah!" Huan Die was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

Zhao Fujin stared at his fiancé and asked jokingly: "Can you see a fairy?"

God is just a scientist with knowledge beyond his time!
So, Han Xiaoyao smiled and said: "If you have the chance, maybe!"

Just when the three women thought it was just a casual joke by King Zhenbei, Han Xiaoyao wrote a list, signed it and handed it to Huandie.

"Prepare the venue and all materials within three days, and recruit the best technical talents from schools, workshops, steel mills, and the national army. We also need to openly recruit relevant personnel. The more the merrier!"

Huan Die glanced at the list, and his scalp suddenly went numb. According to a rough calculation, there are no less than a hundred people needed, and the first batch of funds is as high as [-] yuan!

I have to report again...

"Your Majesty, under what name are you applying?"

Han Xiaoyao thought for a while and said: "Chang'e Project!"

From the story of Chang'e flying to the moon, Zhao Fujin can easily think of the purpose of carrying people to heaven.

So, what the other party means is that he is Fairy Guanghan in the Toad Palace?

Inadvertently, Zhao Fujin's heartstrings were gently touched again.

"Yes!" Huandie accepted the mission, saluted and quickly left Tingyu Garden.

In the evening of that day, recruitment information for the "Chang'e Project" appeared on notice boards outside the city gates of Yanjing, as well as in the bustling downtown streets.

The legends of Hou Yi shooting the sun and Chang'e stealing elixirs and flying to the heavenly palace became known to women and children as the Guanghan Fairy in the Toad Palace.

Many interested people quickly speculated that Han Xiaoyao, the half-immortal who owns the King of Han Cannon, further enhanced his mana and planned to refine the elixir to prepare for his ascension to the Heavenly Palace.

Therefore, all kinds of monsters and monsters feel that the opportunity to show off their talents has finally come.

Because Han Xiaoyao's notes indicate that the "Chang'e Project" will be divided into two parts: the core process and the auxiliary process. Therefore, the core process link will be handled by Han Ji and Zhen Guojun's internal personnel.

Huandie reviewed the files of all personnel who had reached the "A" level in assessment, stayed up all night, and finally selected a hundred elite talents.

Handing the list to his assistant, Huandie rubbed his temples and ordered ably: "Notify those on the list to report to the east gate of Miyagi City before noon!"

The order was conveyed quickly inside and outside Yanjing City. The elites who received the notice put down their work and assembled as quickly as possible towards the east gate of the palace city.Willow saplings are also on the list.

When he heard the signal soldier calling him to report to Miyagi in the workshop, he had no idea what was going on?
But this notice was issued directly by the Yanyun Management Committee. Unless you don't want to do anything wrong in the future, you must report there.

After receiving the notice, Liu Shumiao immediately handed over the work and hurried to the palace. When he arrived at the east gate, a considerable number of people had already arrived.

As for many people, Liu Shumiao is vaguely acquainted with them. Hanji Chamber of Commerce conducts monthly assessments every month, and those with outstanding performance from all walks of life are eligible to go to the headquarters to participate in the monthly award party.

As the fifth generation descendant of a family of coppersmiths, he has mastered the Liu family's craftsmanship after ten years of training. His technical level is even higher than that of his father Liu Dashan and his uncle Liu Dali!

The precision copper parts in the Liannu machine were made by Liu Shumiao. The workshop he led made tens of thousands of pieces, with almost no defective products.

Therefore, he initially thought that the Zhenguo Army was probably going to develop a giant repeating crossbow, but when he saw the tailor Li Sister and Qiu Pijiang, he was not so sure.

I have never heard that Lian Nu needs to wear leather clothing...

Soon, the internal security reception staff took everyone to an inconspicuous courtyard, and entered the rooms one by one for face-to-face interrogation and review.

When Willow Sapling entered the room and stood still, Huan Die, who had recovered from his sleep, asked.

"Tell me your name, age, place of origin, and expertise!"

Willow Sapling answered truthfully one by one.

Huan Die asked again: "If someone says you can fly into the sky, what would you do?"

Flying?Earn enlightenment and ascend to heaven?Isn't this ridiculous?

Liu Shumiao instinctively wanted to deny it, but suddenly his heart moved slightly, thinking of the "Chang'e Project" that had been rumored during the day. After thinking about it for a while, he answered calmly.

"I will personally testify that what the other party said is true or false."

Huandie looked at Willow Sapling's information and then asked: "If you could fly with the wind, what would you most want to do?"

Uh, how do you answer this?

Liu Shumiao suddenly remembered the fantasy she had when she heard ancient legends when she was a child, and said, "I will probably go to the top of Kunlun Mountain to see the wonderland of Yaochi... This is a childhood wish."

Huandie nodded and said: "You have passed the review and have been recruited as a core member of the 'Chang'e Project'. Go back to hand over the affairs, and come back here in two days to go through the relevant procedures. Be sure to pay attention to the confidentiality discipline and do not disclose relevant information to anyone." "

Ah, is this entering the "Chang'e Project"?But I still don’t know what to do specifically?

However, it was obvious that Huandie, who cherished words like gold, would not disclose more information. Liu Shumiao, who was confused, could only go back to the workshop to handle the handover.

The open recruitment scene is full of funny atmosphere, with a constant flow of "talents" from all three religions and nine streams, and even the mysterious Zen Master Buddha came to apply.

When Sima Hengru saw the Zen master, before he asked, he said, "Don't say it. If you say it, you will be wrong!"

Then sit cross-legged, no matter how the old master asks, he will not open his mouth.

In desperation, Sima Hengru said: "Okay, you can pass..."

The Zen master immediately stood up with a smile and said, "This is a great thing to say!"

The old master nodded and asked casually: "When you enter the door, which foot goes in first?"

The Zen master was taken aback, unable to remember at all, but out of habit, he immediately said, "The right foot."

The old master looked disdainful: "It's a pity that you were eliminated!"

The Zen master was very surprised and asked hurriedly: "Why is it that if you enter the door with your right foot first, you will be eliminated?"

The old master waved his hand and said slowly: "Don't say it, it will be wrong if you say it!"

(End of this chapter)

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