She Song

Chapter 214

Chapter 214

Dong Xiaowan suddenly proposed to move out of Jiedu Mansion, which made Zhen Wuchen very angry.

This little ancestor is so ignorant!

In other words, Pharmacist Guo missed his old friendship and took care of his former brothers' widows and orphans, otherwise there would be no need to be angry with the yellow-haired girl?
"Girl! What on earth are you going to do? Why are you moving out?"

Seeing that Zhen Wuchen was angry, Dong Xiaowan felt a flash of joy in his heart and said lightly: "My surname is Dong, not Guo, is that enough?"


Zhen Wuchen was so angry that he almost went crazy, but was stopped by Pharmacist Guo: "Well, if your mother agrees to this, it might be a good idea to move out of the Guo Mansion!"

Dong Xiaowan bowed slightly and walked straight to the backyard.

Zhen Wuchen gritted his teeth angrily: "Brother, you are doting on this girl too much! If I were my daughter, I would have to teach her a lesson..."

Pharmacist Guo chuckled and said: "Okay, Lao Dong's only daughter, what do you care about? Watching them grow up, can you really teach them a lesson? It seems that this girl probably has a new backer, and I'm afraid she won't need you and me in the future. Don’t worry anymore!”

Zhen Wuchen suddenly looked at the other party and said hesitantly: "Brother, who is supporting her? Could it be..."

Pharmacist Guo thought for a while and shook his head: "That person should not use such small means, but provide some kind of guarantee. At least, when the girl looked at me just now, didn't you notice that there was less hatred?"

After Zhen Wuchen thought about it, he realized that it was indeed the case, and asked in confusion: "It's true what the elder brother said! Could it be that he was trying to hide it?"

"Then why did she have to move out? And openly said that her surname is Dong?"

Zhen Wuchen doesn't understand such delicate thoughts, but since Yaoshi Guo says no, it's not good.

But Guo Yaoshi suddenly asked: "Prince Zhenbei only has two concubines, isn't it too few?"

Zhen Wuchen replied bluntly: "That is, the person who will be the emperor in the future, at least the 72 concubines of the Sangong Sixth Court...Brother, what do you mean?"

Zhen Wuchen suddenly woke up, looked at the backyard and asked, "It can't be..."

Pharmacist Guo nodded, making quick calculations in his mind, and soon came up with an idea. When Zhen Wuchen opened his mouth wide, he smiled and said, "What, it's not appropriate?"

"Ah?" Zhen Wuchen became more and more confused about what this elder brother was thinking?

When the King of Zhenbei came, he directly seized the territory and troops. Although the situation was stronger than others, it was a bit disgraceful to take the initiative to send Dong Xiaowan into the palace now.

"I heard that the palace has already set a date for the wedding!"

Guo Yaoshi asked: "You don't know the origins of the two princesses, do you?"

How could Zhen Wuchen not know?

Shen Erniang, who was able to surpass Maode Diji and become the first princess, relied entirely on the support of the Daming Mansion faction.

Of course, Maode Diji now also has the support of the inner guards and non-Damingfu forces, and now there is a trend of rapid rise.

Thinking of this, Zhen Wuchen suddenly thought of a possibility, so he asked: "Brother, what do you mean, we should also fight for Yan Di?"

"Why not?" Pharmacist Guo looked at Zhen Wuchen with interest: "I'm afraid King Zhenbei already knows about Jinji Ling... Even if we don't think about it for ourselves, we should think about it for our brothers."

His meaning is obvious. Han Xiaoyao's failure to reveal the truth for the time being is probably because he is not on a stable footing, but this does not mean that there will be no settlement in the future. Only by bundling the interests of both parties can the other party's concerns be dispelled.

"But..." Zhen Wuchen completely understood, but thinking of Dong Xiaowan's unruliness, he was a little worried, and couldn't help but glance at the backyard: "That girl..."

Pharmacist Guo's smile became even stronger and he said: "When a daughter chooses a husband, it is nothing more than the fate of her parents and her husband's talent, appearance and status. With the full support of our brothers, she will have no worries... What kind of woman is as popular as the King of Zhenbei?" Not moved? Otherwise, why do you think she had to move out? "

Is it?

Zhen Wuchen scratched his head. He didn't quite understand his daughter's family's thoughts. He thought it made sense, but he didn't know how to talk about it. He could only say: "How should we handle it?" "Of course it's a matchmaker!" Pharmacist Guo stood up and walked directly to the backyard. Zhen Wuchen He was stunned for a moment, then got up and followed.

A small independent building, the first floor is a Buddhist hall for Dong Ye to eat and pray, and the second floor is Dong Xiaowan's boudoir.

In the living room, a beautiful middle-aged woman with her hair practicing meditation knelt on a futon. After hearing the intentions of Pharmacist Guo and Zhen Wuchen, she couldn't help but squeeze her rosary beads.

When she heard the news of Dong Zhongsun's death, she had been in fear. When she was taken to the Guo Mansion, she put on her silk clothes and spent the whole day eating and chanting Buddha's name, not for herself, but just for Dong Xiaowan's safety.

But today, as soon as his daughter proposed to move out of Jiedu Mansion, Yaoshi Guo came and proposed to send her daughter to some Zhenbei Prince's Mansion. Could it be revenge?
"Old sister-in-law, Xiaowan has grown up and will eventually get married. Now we old brothers are supporting her and ensuring her wealth throughout her life. This is a great thing!" Zhen Wuchen advised patiently.

Pharmacist Guo also said sincerely: "I won't tell you what happened back then, but my sister-in-law also knows it very well. I, Pharmacist Guo, swear to God that I have no bad intentions. If this happens, everyone will be happy. If it doesn't happen, not only will you mother and daughter be miserable, but you will also be miserable." Even our old brothers in Yandi will be in danger, who allowed us to be born in this world!"

Suddenly, Dong Xiaowan, who was eavesdropping on the side, couldn't help but come in and stand beside Dong Ye, and said: "Don't force my mother, if Guo Jiedu has any tricks, come at me!"

Medical Master Guo knew that the other party had a strong personality and didn't like to follow the rules, so he smiled and said: "The parents and elders have the final say in the marriage of children in this world. I can't talk to you about it, right?"

Dong Xiaowan said coldly: "I appreciate your kindness, please come back!"

Pharmacist Guo smiled and said: "So you don't want to marry King Zhenbei? Then you have a sweetheart, who is it?"

Dong Xiaowan almost laughed angrily.

Do you care who this girl marries? !

"Don't bother Guo Jiedu!"

Pharmacist Guo nodded. The little girl doesn't know what is good or bad. However, the future of the Ever Victorious Army must not be abandoned halfway. It has just begun now. Just wait!
So, Guo Yaoshi pulled Zhen Wuchen out of the small building.

Dong Ye tasted the taste carefully and felt that there was something in what Guo Yaoshi said. It was not that simple. Moreover, even if mother and daughter moved away from Guo Mansion, it would be difficult for them to escape the influence of Chang Shengjun, let alone the terrifying King of Zhenbei. .

"Wan'er, you Guo Shishu and the five ministers may not have bad intentions, maybe they are also entrusted by others, and they have no choice but to..."

Dong Xiaowan immediately denied it: "Mom, this is definitely not what King Zhenbei meant!"

Dong Ye frowned, but her daughter denied it. There were only two possibilities, either she was too prejudiced against Pharmacist Guo, or she knew King Zhenbei very well.

"Why not? They are all subordinates now, this kind of thing doesn't even need to be said explicitly, someone will rush to do it..."

Dong Xiaowan still shook her head and said: "Mom, you don't understand, King Zhenbei is not that kind of person at all! He is very kind to the maids, and he also treats me..."

Dong Yeshi quickly grabbed her daughter's hand and asked anxiously: "What did he do to you?"

Seeing her mother nervous, Dong Xiaowan found it funny. She gently held her mother's hand and said softly: "Mom, don't be nervous. Isn't my daughter okay? This is what happened..."

After a heart-to-heart talk, Dong Ye became more and more uncomfortable as she listened. Two of the three sentences mentioned King Zhenbei. Looking at her daughter's cheerful expression, she didn't understand the current situation.

"Do you like this prince?"

"Ah?!" her mother asked suddenly, catching Dong Xiaowan off guard. She looked at her mother inexplicably: "Mom, what are you talking about? How could my daughter like..."

Mr. Dong Ye looked at her beautiful daughter again and felt even more certain: "Because, I have never heard you talk about other men, and I have never seen you as relaxed and happy as you are today in more than two years.

Wan'er, since I've been through this, I naturally understand better than you. If you like someone, that person will always be in your mouth and in your heart!Of course, at the beginning, you wouldn't think it was love, but some fates can never be changed once they meet. "

Dong Xiaowan was surprised. Before her mother pointed it out, she really didn't realize that she actually said so many things about Han Xiaoyao.

However, I was just a little curious, a little admired, and a little grateful. How could it turn into liking?

Seeing her daughter lowering her head in deep thought, Dong Ye asked deliberately: "You have said so many things about the young prince, but you have not mentioned his appearance. Could it be that he has a ferocious look and a ferocious face?"

(End of this chapter)

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