She Song

Chapter 232 Burning the Golden Dog

Chapter 232 Burning the Golden Dog
Zong Wang ordered an all-out attack on the city, and Xi Yin could understand what the other party was thinking.

A total of [-] troops were invested in attacking the city, but Zong Wang still had [-] mobile troops, and he was fearless even if the Song army encircled him.

But Xi Yin still has a little worry. Unlike other Song troops, the tenacity shown by the Zhen Guojun so far has far exceeded their expectations.

He wanted to remind Zong Wang that if he was delayed in Jingzhou and the enemy troops from Pingzhou arrived, there would be more than 2 enemy troops on the periphery, as well as artillery, and the situation would probably not be good.

But last night, he lost 2000 troops in a daze, and Zong Wang had already restrained himself from hitting him with a whip. At this juncture, no matter what, he couldn't provoke the other party's authority.

Soon, problems arose.

The Jurchen soldiers who attacked Jingzhou encountered a strange street battle specially set up for them by the Zhen Guojun.

Since Jingzhou was designated as the main battlefield, it took four days around Yuan [-] to not only lay out the city like a maze, but also dig a large number of tunnels.

Therefore, after the first division voluntarily gave up the top of the city, the unknown Jin soldiers rushed in and suffered all kinds of unimaginable injuries.

The unpredictable arrows and spears on the roofs, walls, and cracks in the walls were like insidious snakes, sending brave Jurchen soldiers down to the underworld one after another.

Every time they compete for a house or a street, the Jin army has to pay a lot of casualties. What makes Wu Shu, who commands the battle in the city, depressed to the point of madness is that many houses, streets and alleys have been swept away, but there are Zhen Guojun in the blink of an eye. The soldiers jumped out inexplicably and attacked the Jurchens who were advancing from behind.

The further they advanced towards the city lord's palace in the center, the more frequent attacks became. Although they occupied most of the city, people from all walks of life were frequently in danger.

So, after more than half an hour, Wushu obviously sensed that something was wrong, and immediately stopped attacking and gathering troops.

When he heard that the siege troops had lost more than 500 people, his heart bled. When he heard that there were only eight Mukes, a chill came from his heart.

This is really weird. The loss in attacking the city was only 700 people, but the advance inside the city, which was relatively safe, suffered heavy losses. Moreover, the opponent seemed to intend to kill the generals. This is very wrong!

I looked at the barricades in the western half of the city, and they looked like ferocious man-eating beasts.

Immediately afterwards, a thousand reinforcements and Zong Wang's military order for a strong attack arrived. Wu Shu quickly shook his head and left his fear of war behind.

"Tear down all the barricades, burn down all the houses, and see how they can use the tunnels? Fight forward all the way to the city lord's palace and kill all those despicable rats!"

As a result, Jingzhou was once again burned by fire. Fortunately, the people and residents in the city had already moved away, otherwise, countless deaths and injuries would have occurred.

Yuan Shishi, Sun Zhi, and Guo Yaoshi stood on the roof of Jingzhou Zhizhou's official residence, watching the fire raging and spreading.

Guo Yaoshi smiled and said: "Old Yuan, you are driving Wushu crazy!"

Yuan Shishi chuckled and said: "The prince said: Only a dead golden dog is a good golden dog. This is so relieving!"

Sun Zhi echoed: "Since they like to play with fire so much, do you want to help them have fun?"

Yuan Shishi asked: "Have all the wounded been evacuated?"

The two sides fought fiercely for nearly a day, and the 1 defenders in Jingzhou City were reduced by more than one-third. A large number of the wounded had been transferred to the outside of the city for covert evacuation through tunnels.

Yuan Shishi, who received an affirmative answer, looked at the sunset glow in the west, and said with a smirk: "Persist a little longer, dragging the golden dogs in the city to a pot at night, isn't Zongwang still arrogant? By the way, little boy!" How are Dong's preparations going?"

Sun Zhi nodded and said: "Everything is ready, all we need is the east wind!"

Dong Xiaoyi is leading his subordinates, carefully moving the old wine jars, which are distributed in key positions in the magistrate's mansion and surrounding streets and alleys.

Seeing Dong Xiaoyi installing the lead, a soldier asked curiously: "Captain, can the wine in this jar be ignited like a cannon?"

Dong Xiaoyi nodded and said: "This thing can be lit better than a gunpowder bag..."

Everything was ready, the sky darkened, and the military bugle for the retreat of the Zhenguo Army sounded. Dong Xiaoyi said to the seven people left behind: "Each person has two jars, sprinkle them evenly on their respective streets, and be ready to assemble at the west gate as soon as possible."

The subordinate asked: "Head, how about you?" Dong Xiaoyi kicked him: "Nah, the golden dog is coming, hurry up and execute the order!"

The seven soldiers had no choice but to hold the wine jar and start splashing.

The Jurchen soldiers suddenly discovered that the soldiers of the Zhenguo Army who had been fighting fiercely retreated quickly, and the pressure was suddenly relieved. Although they did not understand why the other party gave up their position, they were still forced to cross the obstacles and pursue the prefect's mansion under military orders.

At the magistrate's residence, seeing the Jin soldiers swarming in all the streets, Yuan Shishi sneered and said: "Withdraw!"

When the Jin soldiers rushed into the magistrate's mansion in one go, the Zhenguo army disappeared as if they had disappeared from the world. However, no matter what, taking over the magistrate's mansion meant that they controlled [-]% of Jingzhou's territory, and success was imminent.

The closer Wu Shu got to the magistrate's residence, the more uncertain he became. The sudden retreat of the Zhenguo Army gave him a very bad feeling.

Suddenly, he smelled a strange smell, and the smell gradually got worse. Soon, he found the source of the smell.

On the ground of the street, there were a lot of oil stains, and then he found the wine jar at the intersection...

Who would put a wine jar outside the house?And it's even connected to a fuse?

In horror, he kicked the wine jar to pieces, and the light yellow liquid in the wine jar splashed all over the floor along with a strong pungent smell.

What is this?
Although he knew nothing about it, Wu Shu alertly ordered his men to stop advancing.

Suddenly, a shrill brass horn sounded in the west of the city, and Wu Shu suddenly looked up.

Countless fire points fell in the night sky, like a goddess scattering flowers.

Many female generals also discovered it, and common sense told them that it was a rocket.

"Avoid arrows! Lean against the west wall to avoid arrows!"

Most of the Jurchen soldiers immediately followed the instructions and took shelter close to the west wall.

Only Wu Shu’s intuition suggests that the rocket may have something to do with the wine jar and the oil spilled all over the street... This oil will cause a fire!

So, he immediately gave the order and shouted: "Retreat, everyone, go back, hurry up..."

However, it was too late.

When the landing rocket encountered traces of oil, it ignited the fuse, causing violent combustion and a violent explosion.

As huge clouds of smoke rose up one after another, the building complex with the prefect's residence as the core turned into a sea of ​​flames. At least a thousand Jurchen soldiers who had no time to evacuate struggled and were engulfed by the blazing fireworks.

Seeing the soldiers screaming for help and struggling in the flames, Wu Shu's eyes were splitting, and he retreated to a safe area under the pull of his guards.

However, the feeling of frustration and resentment was stuck in his throat for a long time... "Pfft~"

Wu Shu spit out a large mouthful of blood and only said: "Jingzhou turned into powder and scorched earth. Leave the city and return to the camp."

Zong Wang's face was ashen. Although he captured Jingzhou, he didn't get a single grain or grass. Instead, he lost 500 men.

Now, the trouble is big.

Standing on the slope outside the west of the city, looking at the burning Jingzhou, Guo Yaoshi said: "Zong Wang should know the pain now! Maybe he is going to run away..."

Yuan Shishi smiled and said: "Come when you want and leave when you want? How can it be so cheap?"

(End of this chapter)

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