She Song

Chapter 319 Yue Fei beats up Yan Wushu

Chapter 319 Yue Fei beats up Yan Wushu

Among the thousands of people who were plundered from Tokyo and followed the Jin army, Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan's life was not bad. The other officials, workers, craftsmen and women were all miserable.

Along the way, those who were injured, sick and slow-moving were slaughtered, and hundreds of people committed suicide because they could not bear the abuse and humiliation. This only shows how heinous the atrocities committed by the Jin army were.

However, when Tan Ma reported: The Song Army Yiqi and the Zhenguo Army combined more than [-] troops to occupy Taiyuan, and gradually pressed southward in a pin-shaped formation, while the [-] Zhenguo Army on the southern front, with Zheng Liang's Cavalry Brigade as the vanguard It has also crossed the Yellow River and rushed straight to Jinzhou.

If nothing goes wrong, the Jin Army will be surrounded from the north and south by the Zhenguo Army in Fenzhou. Can the 17 Jin Army defeat the nearly 35 Zhenguo Army?

At this time, Wanyan Wushu was no longer a fool. The 17 Jurchen elites in his hands were already the core combat force of the Jin army. Once they were surrounded, the Jurchens would face the fate of destruction.

Looking at the map, Wanyan Wushu already had a way to deal with it.

He summoned Wanyan Salihe and Wanyan Ang, and said bluntly: "The Zhenguo Army is about to encircle the north and south. The army is the foundation of the Jin Kingdom and cannot be lost lightly. Salihe led [-] light cavalry to the east to break Xiangzhou and then attack Daming Mansion. To intimidate Tokyo and attract the enemy forces on the southern front. Wan Yanang, you also lead [-] cavalry to advance to Fenzhou. After building up momentum, quickly turn to Shizhou, then go north to Fuzhou and enter Yundi. After completing the task, you two can go your own way. .”

Sa Lihe frowned. Even if this strategy could achieve its goal at first, in the end it would be impossible to escape the fate of being surrounded and annihilated by the Zhenguo army, so he asked: "What about the more than [-] troops left?"

Wanyan Wushu pointed to a location on the map and said, "We will take this road to return home."

Although they knew they were being used as bait, Sa Lihe and Wan Yanang had no choice but to obey the military orders and lead their troops accordingly.

As expected, the movement of these two partial divisions attracted great attention from the Zhenguo Army.

"Pengju, what do you think of the Jin army's movements?" During the march, Yuan Shisi specifically asked General Yue Fei to inform him of the situation, hoping to determine Wanyan Wushu's true plan.

Yue Fei looked at the map and felt that it was impossible for Wanyan Wushu to make such a stupid decision as dividing his troops against each other.

"Forty to 5 people went east to attack Xiangzhou? 5 to [-] people are coming towards us. Is it a suicide attack? It's unreasonable!"

Yuan Shishi also thought so, so he said: "There must be a problem, but I don't know what tricks Wanyan Wushu is doing? Will he run away again?"

Yue Fei thought for a moment and couldn't help but said: "Maybe I really asked you to tell me. Wanyan Wushu swept Tokyo away, and he must have wanted to return to Huanglong Mansion. Judging from the speed of movement of the two enemy armies in the northeast, it can be seen that they are all light cavalry, so The main force of the Jin Army has already moved covertly."

Yuan Shishi looked at the map and asked in confusion: "Then they can't go to heaven and earth. Which way do they want to take?"

After looking at the map repeatedly, Yue Fei suddenly moved. Looking back on the forward trend of the two light cavalry of the Jin Army, he finally discovered a possibility.

"They want to go to Xingqing Mansion through Yan'an!"

Yuan Shishi was extremely surprised. It would take a full three to four thousand miles to go around in this way. Is it possible?
However, Yue Fei believed that Wanyan Wushu had always been deceitful. Although this time it appeared to be going east and north, it was very difficult to escape, especially when the other party had to ensure the safety of the golden army and important prisoners.

Therefore, he must have a backup plan.

In response to the joint attack on Yan, almost all the elites of the Western Army marched out into Yundi, which resulted in the remaining Western Army not having much combat power.

Wanyan Wushu's 11 horses would definitely penetrate the defense line between the Western Army and the Dangxiang people, then enter Xingqing Mansion and go north, thus perfectly avoiding the encirclement of the Zhenguo Army.

After all, the party items are still surrendered to the Jin Kingdom, and because the last battle in Yan'an was so tough, Wanyan Wushu is not worried about Li Qianshun's plans.

After reacting, Yue Fei straightened out his thoughts and became more and more certain that Wanyan Wushu would march westward.

Although the Fourteenth Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty was surprised by Yue Fei's bold speculation, he also realized the possibility of the Jin army passing through Dangxiang. In order to plug the omission, he decided to send cavalry to seize Yan'an Prefecture.

Knowing that Wanyan Wushu might escape across the northwest to Dangxiang, the Zhongshizhong and Xijun generals were in a hurry. 10,000+ Jurchens pushed them all the way. I don’t know how many people will die. They heard that Yan’an Mansion was going to be seized, and they fought bravely one by one. Be first.

Yue Fei once again asked for battle and issued a military order. He also proposed to gather [-] light cavalry to abandon the baggage and march in a hurry, otherwise he would probably miss the opportunity to intercept the Jin army.Since the first regiment took away a large number of horses, there were only [-] cavalry in the [-]th Yuan Dynasty, while Yue Fei had [-] cavalry. Then the division transferred [-] cavalry from the Western Army to Yue Fei, and sent Qu Duan as the representative of the Western Army to coordinate the suppression. Cooperation between the national army and various places.

After Yue Fei Quduan set off in a hurry, Yuan Shishi sent 4 people from the first division group and 3 people from the central part of the species division to intercept Wanyan Ang's troops, while the third division and other Western troops continued to march towards Jinzhou.

At the same time, Han Shizhong received an enemy report from the [-]th Yuan Dynasty. A part of the Jin army marched eastward to Xiangzhou, seemingly intending to kill the "returning spear".

Of course, Han Shizhong discussed with Guo Yaoshi and Zhang Jue that they must divide their forces. The 5 people of the second division group were responsible for chasing the Jin army. Guo Yaoshi and Zhang Jue led the remaining troops to cooperate with the [-]th Yuan Dynasty to encircle and suppress Yan Wushu.

As a result, the entire situation in the Northwest War has become a mess!

Wanyan Wushu, the mastermind of the whole chaos, has led an army to march towards Yan'an Prefecture.

On the afternoon of the second day, Yue Fei, who was marching quickly with light armor, led [-] light cavalry and rushed up from fifteen miles north of Wanyan Wushu. When Yue Fei, Qu Duan and others came closer to observe, the Jin army also discovered this pursuit force at the same time.

When he learned that the pursuers only had about 11 cavalry, Wanyan Wushu didn't take it seriously. He had [-] elite men under his command. He didn't care even if the opponent's number doubled again, so he continued to advance westward in an orderly manner.

Seeing Wanyan Wushu pretending, Yue Fei chuckled and asked: "General Qu, do you want to know the God of War of the Kingdom of Jin?"

Qu Duan almost thought he heard it wrong: "Mr. Yue, what do you mean?"

Yue Fei pointed at the Jin army's rear guard and said: "The soldiers and horses have not moved forward with food and grass. As long as their logistics are eliminated, they will be unable to fly!"

Qu Duan looked at the guards of the Golden Army who were closely defending, and said hesitantly: "Even if the guards are equal in number to us, if one accidentally falls in, it's better to occupy Yan'an City first, what do you think?"

Yue Fei smiled and said: "Then you take five thousand people to Yan'an and be sure to hold it! I will follow them and slow down the enemy as much as possible."

Qu Duan didn't waste any time and led the Western Army's [-] cavalry to cross the vanguard of the Jin Army and enter Yan'an.

And Yue Fei was able to let go of his hands and feet, and sent dozens of hundreds of cavalry teams to harass the Jin army's guards in turn, and burned more than a dozen carts of food with rockets alone.

Every time the guards of the Jin Army counterattacked, the Zhen Guojun with a small number concentrated their troops to eat them, and the Zhen Guo Army with a large number shrank back. The Jin Army was extremely depressed but did not dare to chase too far.

As a result, the defender couldn't move any faster. It was almost dusk and it was still seventy miles away from Yan'an City. Wanyan Wushu knew that he would not be able to enter Yan'an today and could only camp in the wild.

Overlooking the Jinjun camp from the nearby hills, Yue Fei quickly calculated all kinds of possibilities in his mind. Wanyan Wushu wanted to recharge his energy and store up his strength to conquer Yan'an tomorrow, which was probably a dream.

When the enemy advances, we retreat, when the enemy is stationed, we disturb, when the enemy is tired, we fight, and when the enemy retreats, we pursue!

The prince's guerrilla warfare method of using the weak to defeat the strong is truly brilliant!
Since dark, all Yue Fei's troops have been reduced to pieces, and they have been launching harassment battles against the entire Jin army. Especially Yue Fei's strong bow can shoot to 150 steps, and its accuracy is excellent. I don't know how many Jurchen sentries were shot silently. kill.

Then, a rocket fired randomly, or thunderbolts were thrown from the palms of the hands. The Jurchen tribes often passively counterattacked, but they did not dare to pursue alone. This kind of depressed mood was really miserable.

In the second half of the night, the Jin army had no choice but to maintain a certain number of cavalry in all directions that could attack at any time.

So early the next morning, most of the Jin army had "panda eyes."

After Yue Fei was harassed overnight, he killed about [-] Jurchen soldiers. Of course, low morale was the most important thing.

Wanyan Wushu began to feel a headache. These more than [-] soldiers were really like buzzing mosquitoes and flies!

We can no longer passively accept beatings, we must suppress these nasty bugs!
Thus, the wise and courageous Wanyan Wushu did a wonderful thing.

(End of this chapter)

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