Chapter 252 Questions
A month later, Datang directly created an additional yamen. The yamen was the Water Department. This yamen began to regulate and organize the inland rivers of Datang. At the same time, Li An's shipyard was officially put into operation.

Li An immediately returned to modern times and began to search for and print the drawings of the flying shear ship. This flying shear ship was the type of ship recommended to Li An by netizens. The last time Li An came back, he also asked about it. Netizens asked what kind of boats are the most competitive on inland rivers and told how powerful the Meng family was at this time.

Netizens are netizens, and soon some netizens gave answers. The first one is to set up a water department to restrict the Meng family, and the second one is to build a flying shear ship to take away the advantages of the Meng family's ships. Lose.

When Ang Lee returned to modern times, he immediately searched for information on the Internet. However, what surprised Ang Lee was that the streets were busy with traffic and lights were everywhere.The four wide roads around the city center are brightly lit, shrouding the entire city in a sea of ​​lights and permeating the atmosphere with a festive atmosphere.

Li An was a little surprised, because he knew today that it didn't seem to be a festival, but why was the road so busy now?

Just when Li An was surprised, Li An looked around. He found that the streets were decorated with lights and colorful decorations, and it was very lively. Every household had stickers reading "Celebrate Reunification" and hung lanterns.

People dressed in festive costumes walked towards shopping malls of various sizes with smiles on their faces, some shopping and some playing.Such a warm, peaceful, prosperous and festive festive atmosphere is really exciting.

On the festival night, colorful sparks form in the sky, and thousands of lights on the ground are ablaze. The pedestrian streets are bustling with people, and there is an endless stream of people shopping. There are children laughing and laughing. Take a look here. Take a look there; there are young people dressed in fashionable clothes, taking advantage of this holiday to pick out their favorite items; there are also elderly people with their families, chatting and laughing, clothing stores and hotels are even more crowded, and on the bustling streets, vendors' shops The sounds of sales, the bargaining sounds of customers, and people’s laughter are all intertwined together, making it extremely lively!

But Li An didn't know what day it was today. When Li An came to the Internet cafe, this is an Internet cafe street in Jiangcheng. The conditions here should be the smell of smoke, instant noodles, musty smell, cursing, shouting, and heavy hitting The sound filled the small room.

There are cigarette ashes and snack bags everywhere on the table and at the feet, and a greasy keyboard and mouse are standard equipment.Is the environment harsh?It's really bad. Did you have fun?And indeed happy.

But this time when Li An entered the Internet cafe, the Internet cafe here was completely different. All the machines inside had turned into the best machines, and the benches had turned into sofas. Along the way, Li An felt as if he had entered a hotel.

The owner of this Internet cafe changed. Li An was surprised. Why did Li An come here to surf the Internet? It was actually for safety, because no ID card was required to surf the Internet here. It was relatively easy for Li An to check some things, but why did it become like this now.

Just when Ang Lee hadn't gotten over it, the owner of the Internet cafe shouted at this moment: "Brothers, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of our unification of Asia, the Internet is free today."


The Internet cafe owner's words completely stunned Ang Lee. What does it mean to unify Asia for 100 years? When did we unify Asia?
Ang Lee quickly walked to the boss's side and asked: "What does the boss mean by unifying Asia for 100 years?"

"Ah!" The Internet cafe owner looked at Li An with an expression that looked like a fool: "Aren't you from the Tang Dynasty?
Our Tang State conquered the island countries in the east 100 years ago and officially unified Asia. Now Asia is the land of our Tang State. In two days, we will go and destroy the beautiful country. That beautiful country has no foundation at all. It’s really Some people think that our country, Tang, is easy to bully. "

"Tang Guo?" Li An really didn't know what to say. He knew that he couldn't ask the owner of the Internet cafe anything at this time, so he immediately said: "Turn on a machine for me." '

"Okay, you go to No. 45." The boss didn't take any money and just let Li An go online for free.

After Li An went online, he was shocked to find that it was no longer the AD he was familiar with. The calendar now displayed was the tenth year of Longqing in the Tang Dynasty. For a moment, Li An felt an unprecedented terror. Because he knew that he had changed the trajectory of history by introducing sweet potatoes.

You know, this is not a good thing. Once the trajectory of history changes, you and your daughter may also be erased. This is the butterfly effect.In fact, Ang Lee has always only dared to be careful not to change large-scale history, but Ang Lee did not know that such small-scale changes would also turn into a terrible butterfly effect, just like Ang Lee now introduces sweet potatoes to large-scale history. Tang, then the structure of Datang has changed, and it has changed drastically.

Li An sat in front of the computer and opened the history of the Tang Dynasty. There were no other dynasties in this period of history, and there was only one Tang Dynasty. In just ten years, the number of households has increased from more than 300 million to more than 3000 million.

It has increased tenfold.

This is a terrible figure. In 581 AD, the last year of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, the national population was registered at about 900 million; in the Sui Dynasty census in 589, the registered population was 4000 million;

In 618 AD, the Sui Dynasty fell, and the country's registered population was about 920 million. The Tang Dynasty was established in the same year, and the Tang Dynasty's population did not reach 726 million until 4100 AD.

In other words, from 900 million to 4000 million, the Sui Dynasty took 8 years, while the Tang Dynasty took 108 years.

But with the advent of sweet potatoes, it took Li Shimin only ten years to increase the population of Datang to more than 3000 million households, which is equivalent to more than 1 million people. This is a terrible statistic.

The power of sweet potatoes can also be illustrated from the side.

Later, the Tang Dynasty became even more powerful. It conquered Goryeo, destroyed the Japanese kingdom, and dominated the oceans. Then it continued to push forward all the way. The only difficulty it encountered was about 5 years after Zhenguan, when the family members were wiped out. A man named Huang Chao The man once again raised the flag of justice and killed all the members of the family.

But just after Huang Chao killed all the family members, the Li Tang royal family rose again. It seemed that they had obtained the treasures of a certain ancestor. Among these treasures, there were gold, silver, and weapons. These weapons were all thermal weapons. , which includes advanced thermal weapons such as artillery and explosives.

The Li Tang royal family used these money and hot weapons to unify the Tang Dynasty again in less than two years. Later, some historians said that this time Huang Chao's act of annihilating the family members was probably set up by others. , because the royal family of the Tang Dynasty knew that this aristocratic family would not be able to lose its power, and they were unwilling to bear a dishonorable reputation, they did this.

In this way, the reputation of the royal family of the Tang Dynasty was preserved, and those aristocratic families were eliminated. Then it was directly centralized and the world was unified. Then in the second year, the steam engine appeared, and the technology of the Tang Dynasty began to make a leap forward.

At that time, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty was named Li An.

Following Emperor Li An, he led the Tang Dynasty on the road to unification. To be honest, Li An was shocked when he saw this. After 500 years of Zhenguan, how could there be another Li An with the same name and surname as him? Guy.

This history is really weird. In the following time, the Tang Dynasty conquered Asian countries one by one. When he was finally preparing to conquer Europe, a plague began to spread in Europe, and Ang Lee announced that he would stop attacking Europe.

Then suddenly something happened. Li An passed away. Li Duoduo, the first and only female emperor in history, came to the throne. When he saw his daughter's name again, Li An felt bad all over again. Why? Li Duoduo became the only female emperor in history. What happened?

At this time, Li An discovered that there was actually a painting of Li Duoduo when he ascended the throne. Li An immediately zoomed in to see it, but the enlarged painting was not clear, and the female emperor inside could not be seen clearly at all. Even more unclear.

(End of this chapter)

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