Chapter 40 Moon Black Wind High Night

"What are you talking about mysteriously?"

Wu Xuan came over.

"It's okay, Sister Xuan, Wei Wu, forget it, let him tell you himself, I'll go first!
By the way, sister Xuan, if there is anything that is not good for Wei Wu, please take care of it! "

After saying that, Shen Yuehua left in a hurry.

"Okay, Yuehua, don't worry, I will live here from now on!"

Wu Xuan said again carelessly.

Shen Yuehua, who was about to leave, froze.

Then he looked at Wei Wu's crotch.

Wei Wu felt chilly and quickly covered his crotch.

"I heard it just now, you are really capable!"

Wu Xuan lazily sat across from Wei Wu.

The right leg rests elegantly on the left leg.

He held his chin with his right hand and looked straight at Wei Wu.

"Tell me what secret you have.

And where was the ax that day?
Even if you were chopping firewood, it should be there. Why did I look around and find nothing? "

Wu Xuan had long suspected that Wei Wu was not that simple.

A conversation between the two today confirmed this.

Judging from Shen Yuehua's expression, she has great confidence in Wei Wu.

But how can a mortal fight against a powerful practitioner?

"It's like this, Your Highness Princess, I have a characteristic, that is, as long as I am sincere enough, others will be moved by my sincerity.

Then I won't have to worry about my life!

As for the ax, it seemed that it was taken away by a wild boar while I was chopping wood. "

Listening to Wei Wu's endless nonsense, Wu Xuan knew that she would not be able to ask anything.

"Forget it, that's it.

I will live here from now on, and I want to see how your sincerity is used.

This bedroom will belong to me from now on, and you will live in the living room from now on! "

Wu Xuan seemed to have made up her mind, completely ignoring the objective conditions.

"Your Highness, I am a young man with a strong spirit. If you really want to live here, you might as well get out of my bestiality and do something!"

Wei Wu's fiery eyes scanned Wu Xuan's body without concealment.

"Come on! Let me see if you have the guts!"

Instead of being angry, Wu Xuan smiled seductively and tickled her with her fingers!
For a moment, a nameless evil fire rushed forward, and I really wanted to execute Wu Xuan on the spot!
But Wei Wu still held back, he felt that the time was not right!

Then, he raised his head and glanced at the bedroom, and Wu Xuan also glanced at it.

It just so happened that the bedroom was placed on the Seven Nations Alliance side.

Otherwise, Wu Xuan really couldn't live there.

"Oh, by the way, Your Highness Princess, I heard that the Seven Kingdoms Alliance has set a number ratio. How is this calculated?"

Wei Wu changed the topic.

"I didn't expect you to care about this!"

Wu Xuan raised her eyes and glanced at Wei Wu.

"Just ask."

"It doesn't matter, this is not a secret, everyone will know it soon.

The ratio of the number of people in the seven countries was just formulated at that time.

The final decision was made based on the actual situation and the strength of the country.

First of all, the one with the highest proportion is definitely me, Daheng.

Because after all, the Tianyang Sect is within the scope of my Daheng, they naturally have preferential treatment rights.

My Daheng ratio is 18.00%.

Dahan Dynasty is 17.00%.

Tianfang Ancient Kingdom is 15.00%.

The ancient country of Daxia is 14.00%.

Dynasty of the Gods is 13.00%.

Jinyuan Ancient Kingdom is 12.00%.

Beicang Dynasty is 11.00%!The total number of people so far is 600 million!
In other words, my Daheng can only have 8 million people now! "

Wu Xuan gave the general situation.

There is no doubt that the Tianyang Sect Daheng currently has as many as 400 million people, and most of these people can only quit!
"It means that the spiritual energy has not been restored enough, otherwise it can accommodate more people, right?"

Wei Wu asked.

“Yes, this total is not set in stone.

The seniors will adjust the total amount upward appropriately based on the recovery of spiritual energy.

As for the amount of mobilization and the length of time, it all depends on the speed of spiritual energy recovery! "

Wei Wu also started thinking after hearing this.

So far, his rate of producing spiritual energy is 500 threads per day, and the return ratio is [-] million!
In other words, he can now create 620 billion strands of spiritual energy a day!

If calculated according to the average, the Seven Nations Alliance occupies 40.00% of the territory.

In other words, as much as 260 spiritual energy can be distributed.

If averaged over 600 million people, that would be more than 4000 silks per person!

Indeed not much!

Of course, the Demon Sect and the Great Master with a smaller number of people will make a lot of money!
According to estimates, the maximum number of Demon Sects is around one million.

There are even fewer giant switches in the wild, and it may be difficult to reach [-]!
Their average is much higher than the Seven Nations.

But this is also impossible.

This can only be done in a short period of time. As long as Wei Wu is given a certain amount of time, he believes that the total number of people will definitely double!

"Okay, no more talking nonsense with you, I'm going to clean up the room.

From now on this bedroom will be requisitioned by me.

I want to change it into what I want. "

After saying that, Wu Xuan entered the bedroom.

Wei Wu thought for a while and went in.

Of course, he just moved his own bedding out.

Then I thought about it again and felt that it would definitely be very lively here in the future.

So he thought about it and decided to renovate his house.

The housing area is limited, only 72 square meters.

A ten-square-meter kitchen and a twenty-square-meter living room were left.

Of the remaining 42 square meters, except for the original bedroom which occupied [-] square meters, he renovated the rest and added two more bedrooms, each also occupying [-] square meters.

The area is indeed not large, but that's the current condition.

Of course, he did so with foresight.

In fact, he felt that these few rooms would definitely not be enough in the future.

As for why, Wei Wu knew it clearly!
For now, Shen Yuehua and Xue Mengbing alone have to occupy two bedrooms.

Although they don’t live there now, there’s no guarantee of the future!
So, it’s definitely no problem to prepare in advance.

Wu Xuan didn't come out after entering the bedroom. She probably went directly to practice inside. After all, the spiritual energy is much richer now, and the spiritual energy here is quite sufficient.

Wei Wu felt bored and went out for a walk again.

He found that there was no one outside at the moment.

Not only did the people from the Seven Kingdoms Alliance retreat, but even the people from both sides of the Demon Sect and the Great Desolate Switch disappeared completely.

Although there were only one or two people before, there were still some.

Fortunately now, there are none left.

But he was not surprised.

The location he is in is relatively remote, and basically no one came here in the past, unless he was assigned a task.

Although it has been turned into a junction now, it should be a heavily guarded place.

But in fact, no one is willing to stare at each other all the time at this moment.

If you can practice, practice as soon as possible. Being too close to each other will cause psychological pressure.

So everyone just stayed away and no one looked at anyone else.

Wei Wu wandered around casually for a while, but nothing happened.

Back to the woodshed again.

Soon after, it got dark again!

A dark moonlit night is a good time to do something...

(End of this chapter)

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