The Journey of Creation from Illusion to Reality

Chapter 146: The First Opening of Heaven

Chapter 146: The First Opening of Heaven

Yuan Meng was able to open up the prehistoric world because the entire chaos was his spiritual fantasy world.

He wants to open up the prehistoric world, which is not just a thought.

As for Hongjun, Sanqing and the others, there is no need to say more. They seem to have formed an independent small world.

But in fact, their small worlds are still part of the prehistoric world, and there is no difference between them and other places in the prehistoric world.

The world evolved by other innate sacred demons is also in the same situation as Hongjun and Sanqing.

But what Pangu wanted to open up was a completely different small world.

Because the small world he wants to open up is a real small world. Even if it is due to the chaotic world, what he will eventually open up will only be a semi-illusory small world.

However, all the rules in it are real and true.

Unlike when Yuan Meng opened up the wilderness, most of the rules were in place.
Well, it should be that almost all the rules are just an illusory concept evolved based on Yuan Meng's cognition.

Even the rules contained in those ferocious beasts are many times stronger than them.

Although the area and volume of the small world opened by Pangu will certainly not be too large, what it contains are the real rules.

Moreover, all these rules came from Pangu himself.

In other words, the small world opened up by Pangu can be completely controlled by him. In this small world, he is equivalent to the Lord of Heaven and the source of all laws and ways.

After countless years of groping, experimenting, and failing again and again, Pangu is already close to the threshold of success.

The reason why Pangu has been unsuccessful is not because his method is wrong, but because the rules of the prehistoric world are lacking.

How could Pangu really carve out a complete and perfect little world when all the rules were incomplete.

The emergence of the Rules Network Projection has brought a change to this situation.

Over the hundreds of thousands of years since the Web of Rules appeared, Pangu has been comprehending and analyzing the rules in the Web of Rules.

It's just that unlike others, Pan Gu didn't analyze the profound rules, but only made up for what he lacked.

The reason why it took so long was that Pangu still didn't fully understand it. It was simply that if he wanted to open up a complete and perfect small world, he needed to master almost all the rules.

Regardless of the degree of mastery, Pangu needed to master this rule.

Naturally, if you want to master all the rules, it will definitely take an extremely long time.

If it were not for Pangu, who also controlled the Jade Disc of Creation, I am afraid that in these hundreds of thousands of years, he would not have been able to reach what he is now, having almost understood all the rules.

But now, what Pan Gu has done is close to the edge of success, and the Human Sovereign is naturally paying attention all the time.

As for the Heavenly Lord and the Underworld Emperor, they don't pay much attention. Without them, Buzhou Mountain suppresses the three realms of prehistoric times and the infinite world.

Where Mount Buzhou is located, both the power of Tianzun and Emperor Hades are the weakest.

If it weren't for the special nature of humanity, wherever there are living beings, humanity would spread, and the Human Emperor would not have discovered Pangu's anomalies, let alone Pangu's courage.

Finally, Pan Gu opened his eyes violently, and all the rules of the Dao that wandered around him gradually fell silent and submerged into his body.

Looking at the chaotic time and space in front of him, Pangu grinned slightly, and the Pangu ax in his hand was already slashing fiercely. "Tsk~!"

"Boom! Crack!"

With the flash of a bright ax light, the entire chaotic time and space was cut open by Pangu's axe.

Various laws and principles emerged, and in the chaotic time and space separated by them, the surging power of chaos began to evolve in different directions.

But generally speaking, it can be divided into two directions, the clear and ethereal air, and the thick and solid heavy and turbid air.

The light and clear air slowly rose and turned into the vast sky, while the heavy and turbid air slowly descended and evolved into the vast earth.

Looking at the small world that was slowly taking shape in front of him, Pangu's eyes flashed with joy, and he raised the Pangu ax in his hand again.

However, when he saw the chaotic time and space outside the small world, he reluctantly put down the Pangu ax in his hand.

Because this chaotic time and space is nothing more than the sharp edge of Pangu's ax that bloomed unintentionally and destroyed this space and time dimension.

The ax he had used to open the sky had already split the entire chaotic time and space.

If Pangu ignored it and continued to carry out the act of opening the sky, then the small world that had just evolved in front of him would be directly destroyed by it.

Therefore, Pangu had no choice but to give up and continue to create the world. He could only evolve and improve the small world in front of him to see if there was anything missing.

After all, there is always some difference between theory and practice.
The next moment, the jade disk of creation appeared behind Pangu's head, and the infinite brilliance spread layer by layer, pervading every corner of this small world and every dimension of time and space.

Well, no matter what, this is a relatively complete small world. Naturally, it also has its own dimensions, time and space, which will be opened up.

It's just that compared to the time and space dimensions of the prehistoric world, whether in terms of quantity, volume, or quality, it is far inferior, and it cannot be measured at all.

And as the brilliance of the jade dish of creation spread, the endless rules contained in it began to quickly spread and integrate into the small world.

Gradually, the rules of the small world began to be perfected, and the earth, mountains, rivers, sun, moon and stars all appeared one by one.

When all this is completed, it can be said that although this small world is not big, it is only tens of light-years at most.

But it is also complete with all five internal organs, except for living things, everything is available.

When the small world was completely stable, and after Pangu adjusted a few dissonances, and the operation was no longer in danger, he nodded with satisfaction.

And this wasn't the end, Pangu stretched out his hand slightly, and all the rules in the small world immediately began to vibrate and become active, turning into a network of rules that encompassed the world.

Moreover, the web of rules of this small world began to resonate slightly with the projection of the web of rules covering the prehistoric world.

In the end, the web of rules in the small world was closely connected with the projection of the web of rules covering the prehistoric world.

All kinds of fragments of Taoism and jurisprudence began to be analyzed by Xiaotiandi's network of rules, and in the self-evolution of Xiaotiandi, they were quickly sorted out and integrated, and became nutrients for Xiaotiandi's growth.

"Ha! It's done!"

Pangu let out an excited laugh, and the palm of his hand holding Pangu's ax tightened, unable to conceal the excitement in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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