The Journey of Creation from Illusion to Reality

Chapter 351: Rules merge, stars fall

Chapter 351: Rules merge, stars fall

With Yuan Meng's continuous experiments.
Finally, the smallest star rule rune was formed and began to bloom slightly.
This is formed by extracting a trace of the power of the source from the power of the source. Although it can slightly affect the power of other sources, it does not exert enough traction on it to swallow and plunder other sources. Power.

On the contrary, after this regular rune was formed, the core origin of the grass began to vibrate slightly, and a not-so-powerful traction force formed and spread rapidly.

When this traction force spread to the star rule rune, the star rule rune immediately shook slightly and began to move slowly, bit by bit towards the core origin, and this The process is getting faster and faster.
Finally, this star rule rune came to the core of the origin and came into contact with the most fundamental core origin of this grass.

At this time, Yuan Meng was also watching all this nervously. Whether the experiment could succeed this time depends on this day.

The moment the two sides came into contact, the core source immediately shook violently, and the entire source space shook slightly.

And as time continues, this kind of vibration becomes more and more intense, and traces of cracks appear and disappear in this original space.

"This is."

Seeing such a situation, Yuan Meng couldn't help but frowned slightly, not understanding that such a situation would happen again.

However, although he couldn't understand it at the moment, Yuan Meng's movements were not slow. While thinking about the reasons and looking for solutions, he also took quick action to stabilize the original space.

Afterwards, Yuan Meng focused his mind on the core source light pillar, observing the cause of all this.

Gradually, Yuan Meng came to understand
But it turns out that this newly formed star rule rune is related to the rules that the green grassland originally had. Although there is a trace of rules, it is related to it.

However, most of the rules are completely unrelated, without the slightest connection or similarity.

And that trace of connected rules is simply not enough to form stable rule runes to achieve balance with the star rule runes.

This makes it impossible for the star rule runes to be embedded into the core origin.

Therefore, this caused the two to constantly conflict and collide, causing the core origin to shake again and again, and even caused the rupture of the origin space.

If left alone, eventually either the original space will be completely broken, the grass will turn into powder again, or the star rule rune will be broken.

And if they can sustain it, they will form one or several new runes over a long period of time and countless collisions, becoming a connecting bridge between the two, so that the star rule rune can Completely embedded in it.

In that case
After Yuan Mengming realized all the truths, he immediately had an idea, wouldn't it be enough if I speed up the process?

He did it as he thought, and Yuan Meng carefully observed the rules circulating in the core source, and then extracted a trace of the source power again and began to condense new rule runes.

With countless previous experiences, although this was a completely different rune, Yuan Meng still completed the process of condensing the runes in an instant.

The starlight is still shining, and it can even be said that it is even more dazzling than the previous star rule rune.

This does not mean that this new rule rune is more advanced than the previous rule runes.

Although they are slightly more complicated, their hierarchies are at the same level.

And the reason why it is like this is just because this regular rune is a regular rune that combines stars and starlight.

That's right, it is condensed and transformed by the rules of stars and starlight.

Because Yuan Meng discovered that in the core origin of this green grass, the rule that had a slight connection with the star rule was actually a starlight rule.After all, these green grasses also go through the cycle of day and night, so they naturally have to be illuminated by the three lights of the sun, moon, and stars.

In those long years and countless life cycles, it was originally to absorb the power of the three to grow and evolve, and naturally it would also have a trace of the power of the three.

And Yuan Meng took that starlight rule as a guide and combined it with the star rules he understood to condense the rule runes. It serves as the link between the star rule runes and the starlight rules possessed by the grass. , connecting the two.

Some people may say that starlight and sunlight all mean the same thing, they are all the light emitted by stars.

This is true, but that is just the ordinary world of stars and universe
If it were the ordinary world, light would be light, and there would be no distinction between the light of the sun or the light of the stars.

But in this extraordinary world where gods and demons reign supreme, this is a completely different kind of power.

Although there are similarities, they are essentially different.

Although they are originally the power radiation of stars, when they shine on the nearby living planet, they are the sun's light.

But after passing through the long space of the universe, and even turning into a star point, when it shines on other living planets, it has already undergone essential changes, and it is no longer the original star light.

Don't say it's change anymore, it's also stellar light.
If we really want to calculate it this way, everything in the entire world is still the same thing in the original source, or matter or energy.

For example, the rules and other aspects of the heavens and realms in Yuan Meng's chaotic world are all very different.

But in essence, they all developed in Chaos and evolved by absorbing the power of Chaos. It can be said that everything in their world evolved from the power of Chaos.

What's more essential is that the power of chaos is just the manifestation of Yuan Meng's spirit.

Therefore, Yuan Meng can change everything as he pleases with his thoughts.

One thought creates the world, one thought destroys the world; one thought generates all things, and one thought returns all things to ruins.
Therefore, starlight and sunlight are two completely different energies in this extraordinary world where gods and demons appear.

What Yuan Meng is doing now is to use the star rule runes and the traces of starlight rules contained in the green grass over the long years of evolution to condense some of the characteristics that both parties have in common. A regular rune for the trait.

After this regular rune was formed, it was immediately pulled by the original core and was also integrated into the original core.

And it began to resonate little by little with the original core, the original starlight rule, and the star rule runes condensed by Yuan Meng.

Gradually, the three parties began to get closer to each other, and there was a trend of integration.

And as Yuan Meng expected, as time passed, the three finally became connected with each other.

The star rule runes condensed by Yuan Meng were completely integrated into the core source of this green grass, turning into a relatively complete rule fragment.

Gradually, a little bit of starlight began to flicker in the core source.

In the outside world, a piece of green grass in the garden suddenly flickered slightly, and a weak pulling force formed.

A faint starlight passed through many obstacles and fell into the underground laboratory and the garden. It was absorbed by the group of green grass, and the faint starlight began to twinkle on the grass.

(End of this chapter)

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