Chapter 203

You know, even the evil-eyed white tiger is only the second echelon of beast spirits on Douluo Continent.

As for the Nether Civet Cat, which is far inferior to the Evil-Eyed White Tiger, it would be great to be in the third echelon.

Although the Nether Civet Cat is okay, at least not outrageous, it is also the lowest existence in the entire Shrek.

Not to mention Zhu Zhuqing's talent.

During the Ninth Poseidon Test, Tang San passed the red test because he had the Heaven Dou Empire's national treasure, the Han Sea Cover.

Others like Oscar Ning Rongrong, and even Ma Hongjun are very tall.

But only Zhu Zhuqing has the lowest talent, there is no doubt about it.

But now Zhu Zhuqing, even though his talent and martial arts skills are not very good, he still insists on exercising every day.

With the help of Gan Qiao and Karisaki, Zhu Zhuqing's strength is even stronger.

As a result, the battle between Zhu Zhuqing and the soul masters of the Sensitivity Department of the Blazing Academy came to an end.

Zhu Zhuqing, who was so transparent in Shrek Academy, now bursts out with a brilliance that is unique to her.

On the other hand, Dai Mubai's growth rate was not much different from Huo Wushuang's, but now he was firmly suppressed by Huo Wushuang.

And the pure white hair behind Dai Mubai's proud spirit possessed was also scorched black.

Therefore, Dai Mubai looks and is actually extremely depressed now.

Huo Wushuang looked at Dai Mubai and smiled secretly.

Because the victory of Blazing Academy is already in sight.

Don't worry about the auxiliary soul masters. The agility and attack soul masters, even if Zhu Zhuqing wins, will be exhausted and unable to threaten them.

Three people and one bird can't tell the winner at first, and Huo Wushuang can also deal with Dai Mubai for a while and then go to Zhu Zhuqing.

Then, the center of gravity on the field shifted to the control soul masters of both sides in an instant.

Tang San looked at the opponent's Huo Wu, adhering to the method of striking first to gain the upper hand, so.

"The first soul skill, Blue Silver Coil!"

The invincible blue-silver winding that is renowned throughout the world has once again exerted its supposed power.


Seeing this, Huo Wu condensed a ball of fire in his hand, staring closely at the Blue Silver Grass launched by Tang San.

So, Huo Wu saw the range of his own shooting range, so he threw the fire ball directly.

The Bluesilver Grass that was hit directly turned into a ball of ashes, and disappeared as soon as a gust of wind passed by.


Tang San saw this, but continued to use soul skills.

"The third soul skill, spider web restraint!"

So Man, who failed in Tang San's study, fired a white spider web from his hand.

The flying spider webs rushed straight towards Huowu.

Huo Wu hesitated, but a fireball appeared in his hand again.

When Huo Wu saw that he was within range again, he continued to throw them out.

So the spider web disappeared again after encountering the fireball.

Huo Wu hesitated this time.

Blazing Fire Academy, you should know from the name and their names and martial arts, that their Blazing Fire Academy is purely in the direction of fire.

So, why did the other party send a Bluesilver Grass?
Huo Wu, as the wise person in the team, was actually thinking that after all, he couldn't hit someone who was restrained by confrontation.

Huo Wu thought, no way!

Therefore, Huo Wu thought that this man named Tang San must have other means left, and he must not be easy to deal with.

Maybe now I have to pretend to be weak to paralyze Huo Wu, and finally I have to make a surprise move to win!
So Huo Wu has been dealing with it carefully.

But after several rounds of fighting, Tang San's vulnerable attack method was successfully defended by Huo Wu's sequential attack.

Therefore, Huo Wu further strengthened the other party's problematic standards.

After all, who uses the grass type to defeat the fire type? Doesn't he think he was defeated fast enough?

So Huo Wu thought that Tang San must have other means of attack, so Tang San launched an attack and carefully defeated Huo Wu.

However, Huo Wu did not take the initiative to advance, and the two sides actually reached a balance.

But what Huo Wu didn't know was that because of the various blows plus the bonus of not having the grass jelly.

Tang San, who only used Blue Silver Grass, was average among everyone in the entire Soul Master Competition, without using any means other than Blue Silver Grass.

Not to mention that the current Tang San does not have fire immunity and ice immunity, so when Tang San's attacks are based on the blue silver grass, as long as he touches the opponent's soul ability, it will disappear.

So Tang San also had a dark look on his face now, not to mention that the immortal grass increased not only his martial spirit, but also Tang San's physical fitness and soul power.

Therefore, Tang San, who did not have the fourth soul skill Ten Thousand Years Soul Ring, was just a little brat.

Not to mention the cleverness in Shrek, and with a boss like Ryotaro Karisaki, even Ma Hongjun would not call Tang San the third brother, but the mistress...

So now Tang San, go down, but Tang San still has the Clear Sky Hammer Spirit and the Eight Spider Spears.

But if Tang San wants to go up, the Clear Sky Hammer Martial Spirit doesn't have a soul ring attached, so he can't go up just by relying on the Blue Silver Grass.

Tang San can now easily defeat those with low soul power and junk spirits, but when facing someone who is slightly restrained, as long as he doesn't use hidden weapons, Tang San won't be able to defeat them.

So now Tang San can be said to be unable to go up or down, unable to go up or down, stuck there.

while in the arena
Huo Wu looked at Tang San who was reluctant to attack, and his fiery temperament became a little unbearable, so he was ready to give a test attack, so.

Huo Wu looked slightly at the two auxiliary system soul masters, and the two auxiliary system soul masters also understood what Huo Wu meant.

So most of the sparks from the flames in the sky poured into Huo Wu's body.

Suddenly, Huo Wu's whole body emitted a fierce red light, as if the sun goddess had come to the world.

And behind Huo Wu, the purple soul ring symbolizing the fourth soul skill also appeared directly behind Huo Wu and began to shine.

The fourth soul skill!

"Fire—dance—, shine—yang—!"

A clear voice slowly came out of Huo Wu's mouth, and with every word, the incandescence in her hands became a little stronger.

When the last yang character appears.A huge ball of white fire had condensed above her head, shining like a sun.At this moment, even the sunlight in the sky has been obscured by its light.

This is Huo Wu's final trick, and it can only be used with the blessing of the two auxiliary soul masters Martian's fire soul.

Huo Wu looked at Tang San with her beautiful eyes, planning to use her ultimate move to test it as soon as possible. If it succeeded, it would be fine, but if it failed, then she would return to her previous state.

And when Tang San saw the huge momentum of Huo Wu's offensive, his face was once again covered with black lines.

Tang San here didn't have fairy grass and other unique bonuses, and there was no fire immunity, so Tang San didn't dare to just go through and use the spirit ring to kill the opponent like normal.

So now Tang San and his spirit Blue Silver Grass are really afraid of fire!
Therefore, when Tang San was hesitant, Huo Wu started to attack.

(End of this chapter)

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