From the King of Fighters to Across the Heavens

Chapter 180 The truly superb tornado blast!

Chapter 180 True·Superb Tornado Gale Slash!

Chris can still win even without using the power of the Orochi.

But the most shocking thing is not this incident, but that Chris, as the youngest fighter in the 97 Fighting Competition, was so cruel that it was heart-stopping.

Although Su Xin's "Eight Girls from Purgatory" looked bloody and violent, no one took it seriously.

Because Su Xin is very measured in his actions, if there is no injustice or enmity, there will be basically no blood.

But Chris clearly took pleasure in bloodshed, attacking with vicious words and leaving no room for action. If the competition allowed killing, Chen Guohan would have been a corpse.

"Hmph! Still so annoying!" Yagami'an muttered to himself with murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

The hell band once had a disagreement with Yagami's band during a performance, which almost turned into a conflict.

So Iori Yagami has already known the trio of Hell Band, and of course most of them dislike them.

"Well done Chris!" Qiluoshe showed a happy smile and cheered for Chris.

This is their ultimate goal, to make their opponents irritable, out of control, and angry, and to transmit negative emotions into the sealed formation.

Cai Baojian wanted to kill Chris, but he finally held back. He wanted to get it back in the ring, blood for blood, tooth for tooth!
"This is too cruel." Yuri Sakazaki hugged Su Xin's arm. She didn't like the Korean team, but she couldn't bear to see Chen Guohan beaten to a bloody pulp and lost half of his life.

"The world is dominated by the jungle. If you don't want to be as miserable as Chen Guohan, it is the last word to improve your own strength." Su Xin disagreed. After all, there was still a gap in strength. If the strength of the two were reversed, the results would be different.

If it's a life-and-death fight, and you can't even save your life, how can you talk about being cruel or not?

Besides, this is not the true strength of the Hell Band. More cruel competitions are probably still to come.

In the second game, Cai Baojian came on and faced the victorious Chris.

"I will avenge the Chinese Han!" Cai Baojian looked at Chris and pointed at him from afar with his sharp steel claws.

"It was a pig just now, but now it's a monkey. Can animals also participate in fighting competitions?" Chris's tongue-in-cheek ability is indeed powerful.

Two simple sentences pointed directly at Cai Baojian's pain points.

"Don't be influenced by him, treat the game with a normal mind!" Jin Jiafan quickly reminded him, for fear that the apprentice would be carried away by anger.

"I'm going to scratch your face! Flying and splitting!" Cai Baojian's special skill ranks among the best among all fighting moves.

It is fast and very sudden. It can control whether to take off, adjust the height of the flight, and control the direction and angle of the flight.

Moreover, it can pause in the air, fly diagonally, shuttle back and forth, and if it succeeds in the air, it can also attack continuously.

It is difficult for opponents to capture his flight trajectory. Although he is not the strongest in terms of strength, he is among the most difficult opponents.

The black shadow flew over quickly, and the sharp steel claws made the sound of piercing through the air. Cai Baojian was like a sharp drill bit, trying to pierce Chris's chest.

"Dancer's Chapter: Aerial Techniques!" Chris was not disturbed by Cai Baojian's difficulty. He jumped into the air and used his strength to spin, protecting himself while waiting for the opponent to hit him.

Brake statically!

However, Cai Baojian directly changed direction and pierced diagonally upwards. When Chris lost his strength, he passed diagonally downwards again, and the steel claws went straight to Chris's chest.

"Change direction!" After Chris landed, he felt the cold light coming from above and quickly evaded it.

This move is similar to Su Xin's teleportation and Athena's teleportation.

It can allow them to move short distances to chase enemies or avoid attacks.Uh-huh!
Cai Baojian's steel claw instantly pierced Chris's afterimage. He did not continue to pursue, but returned to the ground.

The burst of energy was not enough to keep Cai Baojian flying in the air, only four times at most.

If the last flying piercing attack fails again, he will leave a very big hole.

"Only to this extent?" Chris smiled with a bit of sarcasm, but did not immediately fight back because he wanted to maximize the energy of the game.

"Flying feet!" Cai Baojian had a bad temper. Faced with Chris's successive provocations, he could no longer suppress his anger.

Cai Baojian used his powerful jumping ability to make a second jump in the air, went directly behind Chris, opened his hands to make a flying gesture, and kicked his feet continuously in the air.

This trick makes it difficult for the opponent to distinguish the direction of the attack, and does not know whether to defend the back or the front.

"The special move: Shoot the Dancer's Move!" Chris reacted again, spinning at a high speed, with sky-blue energy swirling around him, perfectly protecting himself.

Cai Baojian didn't dare to use his feet to kick with sharp energy, so he had no choice but to seek another change.

However, Chris jumped into the air and crashed into Cai Baojian with a spinning force.


Cai Baojian reacted in time and quickly changed direction in the air. Chris' energy passed through and only cut off half of his clothes.

"Super special move, true, super tornado blast!"

Cai Baojian couldn't take Chris down for a long time, and immediately exploded with energy. A strong tornado rose into the sky with him as the center, which was more violent than the tornado used by Gonitz.

However, this move of his is a super special move, and Goenitz can summon hurricanes at will, making it a decisive battle between the two.

Cai Baojian in the tornado spun very quickly, controlling the tornado to sweep towards Chris.

"It's better than that pig!" Although Chris said this, his face became extremely serious, which showed that the huge tornado in front of him was not easy to handle.

Seeing that the tornado was getting closer and closer, Chris could only burst out with energy, and at the same time kept retreating, waiting for the tornado to disappear.

However, Cai Baojian's super special move lasted very long, and the strong tornado showed no intention of stopping. Chris had already retreated to the edge of the ring, and there was no way to retreat.

"Super special move: Slider's Stomp!" The super special move is used, which is somewhat similar to "Shoot the Dancer's Move", but it is more powerful and takes longer.

Chris wanted to take advantage of the second move to arrive first and win by time difference. His energy gathered on his feet and started spinning strongly.

However, Chris still underestimated the power of Cai Baojian's tornado. The moment he touched the tornado, the powerful force threw it into the air.

"Win!" Jin Jiafan clenched his fists, he knew very well the power of Cai Baojian's move!

Did you really win?
Just when everyone thought the victory or defeat was decided, the huge tornado gradually became smaller until it disappeared.

Chris was right, even if this trick lasted longer, there was a time limit.

If Cai Baojian had forced Chris into a corner at the beginning and used it, his chances of winning would be very high.

Unfortunately, Cai Baojian used it in the center of the ring, which gave Chris space to escape and also consumed the duration of the tornado.

(End of this chapter)

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