Gao Wu Da Xia: The fox demon lady at the beginning

Chapter 1 The worst start for a time traveler?

Chapter 1 The worst start for a time traveler?

The 850th year of the Great Summer Calendar.

The human dynasty of Daxia has long passed the prosperous age of burning oil and flowers, and has entered the turbulent end of the dynasty.

Ping'an Village in the northern border town.

"After leaving Tiezhu, the bride-to-be team came to our Ping'an Village to see off the bride today. Get up quickly and go to the center of the village. It's too late. All the beautiful girls have been chosen by others."

The fat boy, wearing a green short jacket with patches all over it, shouted anxiously.

The young man lying on the kang stood up, looked at the fat man in front of him and said, "You are so active. You go so early. What's wrong, do you miss your mother-in-law?"

The boy was wearing a gray singlet, which was also full of patches.

The fat man glanced at him and said, "Of course I'm anxious. As far as our family's situation is concerned, we are so poor that we can't get married normally. The wedding procession is our only chance.

Although the quality of the wedding party is generally not that good, if you go early, you may be lucky and pick something good. "

The boy lying on the bed was named Han Chufan, nicknamed Tiezhu.

What is not known is that he is a soul traveler.

His soul, named Sun Peng in his previous life, was a college student from modern society.

A month ago, he experienced a car accident just after he entered society. His soul possessed the boy named Han Chufan and merged with his original soul.

The country where Han Chufan is located is called Daxia. It is a unified regime established by the human race. It has a vast territory and has been established for more than 800 years.

The Ping An Village where he is located is a small mountain village in the northern border town of Daxia, close to the barbarians in the north and the Wu tribe in the northeast.

Decades ago, taking advantage of the declining national power of Daxia, the northern barbarians established a kingdom called Dayuan Kingdom, and the northeastern Wu tribe also established a kingdom called Daqian Kingdom.

The northern barbarians and the northeastern shaman tribe often plundered the northern border towns of Daxia, raped, raped, and plundered, and committed all kinds of evil.

Daxia has been at war with Dayuan and Daqian for decades, suffering heavy losses and falling on the defensive.

The army suffered heavy casualties, and the number of men in the northern border towns dropped sharply. In order to replenish the population, many places in the northern border towns had wedding escort teams.

The so-called bride-sending team is to select unmarried leftover girls from surrounding villages who are over [-] years old every year and give them to old bachelors over [-] years old in the village as wives.

In the northern border town, which has been fighting barbarians and witch tribes for years, the number of men is much smaller than the number of women.

As long as a man with a good family background can marry a wife, he can also marry a good-looking wife.

Han Chufan's family was so poor that his father was killed by northern barbarians when he was just born.

His mother was heartbroken and cried her eyes out.

The family only had five acres of thin farmland left, and could barely make ends meet.

A poor person has a hard time supporting himself and his mother, so naturally no one wants to marry his daughter over and suffer.

The fat man who woke up Han Chufan was named Wang Qiang. He had been fat since he was a child, and everyone in the village called him Fatty.

The fat man's grandfather was in business. When he was a child, his family was very rich and he ate very fat. He has not lost weight even now.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. His father became addicted to gambling and lost all the assets left by his grandfathers. His father was also beaten to death because he owed too much money.

Now he is the only one left in the family, and he has to rely on relatives for food, so naturally he cannot find a wife.

The two of them played together when they were wearing crotchless pants, and they had a deep relationship.

The two of them are both twenty this year. In this world where people get married at the age of fifteen or sixteen, they are really considered old bachelors.

In the entire Pingan Village, there are only five or six 20-year-old unmarried men. Either their families are too poor, or they are gangsters, second-rate people, and people who are not doing their jobs properly.

"Qiangzi is right, Xiaofan, pack up quickly and bring your mother-in-law back. You are already twenty, and your mother still points to you to continue the family lineage of the old Han family." Han Chufan's mother, Zhuo, who was blinded by tears, was also anxious. urging.

One of the most important things in this world is to continue the family lineage, and the incense cannot be cut off.

Han Chufan smiled bitterly and thought in his mind.

"As a time traveler, shouldn't he be the child of destiny? Why did he get off to such a bad start? The poor family can't get enough to eat. To marry a daughter-in-law, it's still someone who picks the rest and throws them to the send-off team.

If she is good-looking and has a good family background, which girl will join the pro team?

Where is Goldfinger?What about the system?Where are you?Show up quickly and change my life.

I may be the worst time traveler, damn, I have nothing.

The only thing I'm happy about is that I don't have to spend money to get a wife.You can get a wife without buying a house or a bride price, which seems pretty good.In the original world, this was unimaginable. "

Han Chufan is an optimistic young man who grew up under the national flag, was born in the spring breeze, has faith and hope, and slowly accepted the tragic beginning.

"Come on, Fatty, let's see our future mother-in-law."

Han Chufan put on his clothes. Although they were full of patches, they were still neat.

Seven feet tall, with a strong body and a resolute face.

Judging from his appearance, Han Chufan is quite good and full of heroic spirit.

"Wait for me, Stinky Tiezhu, you weren't in a hurry just now. I think you are in a hurry to get a wife and give you a hot bed."

The two of them jogged all the way to the center of the village.

I saw that all the old bachelors in the village were here, eight of them in total.

"Hey, the eight poorest people in our village are all here."

"Yes, isn't that the big fool of the Han family, Han Tiezhu? He is tall, but his brain is not good and he sleeps at home all day long.

There is also a blind old woman who was so worried about his marriage that she even asked a matchmaker to come to my third uncle's house to propose marriage.

His family was so poor and Han Tiezhu was lazy and useless. No one would marry his girl to him. "

"Fat Wang from the Wang family is here too. Not to mention he's fat, but his father was a big gambler before. He ruined everything in the family, the land is gone, and there are only two shabby houses left."

"The boy from the old Sun family, Sun Goudan is also an idler. He hangs around in the village all day long. I heard that he and people from other villages are sneaking around in the countryside."

"Zhao Tian from the old Zhao family lost an arm when he went hunting in the mountains, and he still hasn't found a wife."

The surrounding villagers who were watching the fun were pointing and pointing. The eight of them, who were over 20 years old, had not found a wife. It was a joke in the village.

"The previous owner of this body was indeed a loser, and his brain was not very good. According to the original trajectory, he would have been poor for the rest of his life, asking for a wife to have a baby, and that would be the end of his life.

Brother, since I have taken over your body, let me give you a different life. "

Han Chufan thought in his mind.

The original owner of the body was a bit mentally retarded, and he was very submissive when it came to meeting people and doing things. In addition, he was very lazy and slept half of the day, so he had no future.

Although he is tall, he is always bullied.

People of the same age in the village usually call him "big fool" or "stupid iron pillar".

"This is probably the worst start for a time traveler. The only difference is eating pig food in a pig pen."

(End of this chapter)

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