Chapter 18 Training the Army
"Is there meat to eat tonight? And white flour noodles? Chief Jia, is it true or not?" Many new military households left behind.

"When did I, Han Chufan, never keep my words?"

"Long live Commander A."

"Long live Commander A."

The cheers grew louder and louder than the waves.

"Fat man, Sun Da, go and buy a pig, dozens of kilograms of white flour, dozens of kilograms of cabbage, and by the way, a few jars of wine. Let's celebrate tonight."

"Brother Fan, this will cost a lot of money." The fat man said in pain.

"That's right, Chief A. It cost a lot of money to open up wasteland. You didn't get your money from scraping. It's better to save some money."

"Go if you are told. We are happy today." Han Chufan scolded with a smile.

"Okay, just stew a pig, it will taste delicious just thinking about it."

Han Chufan waved his hand, and the two went to do so.

After a while, the two got a fat pig, several jars of wine, and several bags of white flour.

Under the skillful hands of Mrs. Sun, Mrs. Zhang, and Mrs. Luo, the stewed pork with cabbage and noodles with white noodles were ready soon.

The newly arrived military households almost salivated when they smelled the fragrance.

"Let's eat, brothers, to celebrate that our hard work has not been in vain. From now on, everyone will have fields in Ping'an Dun and have a good life." Han Chufan raised a bowl of wine and shouted loudly.

The new military households also raised their bowls.

"Do it." Han Chufan drank the bowl of wine in one gulp.

"Go ahead, Xie Jia Zhang." The others also drank all the wine in their bowls.

Afterwards, everyone gorged on noodles and pork stewed with cabbage.

"It smells so good. It reminds me of the days when my family was still rich and we often ate pork stewed with cabbage and white noodles." The fat man ate with his mouth full of oil.

"Master, please eat slowly," said the fat man's mother-in-law, Mrs. Sun.

"Haha, your sister-in-law's craftsmanship is good, right?" The fat man gave Sun a bowl of food and asked with a smile at the military household next to him.

"My sister-in-law's craftsmanship is so good, and the noodles are so delicious." The surrounding military households responded with a smile.

"This noodle reminds me of my mother. When she was still alive, she would make white noodles for me during the Chinese New Year," said a military household.

"It's delicious, everyone, please eat more, but don't forget that this is all given to us by the commander."

"Brother Qiang is right, we all should toast Jia Chang with a bowl of wine." The military households toasted Han Chufan one after another.

Now that Han Chufan is nourished by green energy, his body is very strong and he can drink a lot.Anyone who came was welcome, and he drank bowl after bowl.

"When did this fat man become so good at flattering? No, we can't let him compete. If this continues, there will be no place for me in the future." Sun Da thought in his mind.

"Come on, brothers, let's wish Chief A a safe and healthy life, promotion and wealth. Only when Chief A is here, we will have a good life. If Chief A gets promoted and rich, we will also enjoy the blessings. Guys, am I right?"

"The deputy commander is right." The surrounding military households responded one after another.

"This bastard Sun Da really knows how to lick." The fat man felt contemptuous in his heart.

The two looked at each other and saw the hostility in each other's eyes.

"These two are really boring, let's have a drink." Liu Tianfei, Geng Chunping, and Ma Yong sat together, watched their performance and shook their heads helplessly while drinking.

They drank until midnight before everyone dispersed.

The fat man drank too much again and started a drinking fight with Sun Da, which ended in both losses.

Han Chufan supported him and sent him home.

"Thank you, Mr. Jia. This person of mine is really troublesome." Mrs. Sun thanked him.

"You're welcome, brothers and sisters, go back and go to bed early." Han Chufan returned home.

"Brother, have you been drinking?" Liu Xiaoyu smelled the smell of alcohol on Han Chufan.

"Today the task of reclaiming wasteland is completed. Let's celebrate with some drinks with the military households in Dunli."

"People in the village say that my brother is a great hero and a great benevolent man. Not only did he kill Tartars, but he also took the poor and hungry to open up wasteland and farm. They all admire you." Liu Xiaoyu said proudly.

She now has a high status in the village and is flattered when she goes out.

"I'm not that great, I just want to have my own strength in this troubled world, to be able to survive, to protect you and this family," Han Chufan said.

"Brother, in my heart is the best."

"What's great?" Han Chufan asked with a smile.

"Um? What do you mean, brother? Of course they are all great."

"I have the best part, you'll know later."

"Um...I don't know what brother is talking about."

Han Chufan stopped driving and continued to tell Liu Xiaoyu fairy tales to coax her to sleep.

Looking at the leaky roof, I thought to myself: "We have just opened up the land during this period, and we have to build a few new houses. By then, Xiaoyu and my wife will be able to live comfortably.

There are also new military households who are still living in the original village. If there is enough money, we will build houses for them and let them move to the vicinity of Ping'an Dun.

Money, everything needs money. Almost half of the silver I harvested last time was spent. I have to find a way to make money. "

Han Chufan looked at the roof, with a lot of thoughts in his mind.

The task of clearing up wasteland in Ping'an Dun was completed, and sowing began one after another.The new military households also have a more important task, which is training.

Han Chufan wanted to train an elite soldier. In the future, whether he wanted to protect himself or develop better, he would be unable to do without the elite soldiers in his hands.

Instructor Han started the first lesson of military training.

Seeing the military households lazily basking in the sun at the training ground, Han Chufan shouted: "Stand still for me."

Everyone stood up lazily.

The troops at Datong Town Army Fort were used to being lazy and rarely had normal drills.

In addition, most military households do not have enough to eat and have no energy to practice.

"Join the military households of Ping'an Dun, I will make you well fed, and you will also be assigned fields. But my training will be very strict in the future, and I will train you into a different army.

An elite army that can protect their families and their villages.Training will be very tiring, much more tiring than pioneering. If anyone wants to quit, they can ask for it.But as a price, you will leave Ping'an Dun and lose those ten acres of land. "

Everyone was shocked. Losing the ten acres of land they had just acquired would cost them their lives.

"Don't worry, Commander A, we won't quit." The military households shouted.

"I hope you can persevere until the end, and there will be no cowards in Ping'an Dun."

"The first course will begin below. Stand in line."

Instructor Han began to teach these military households how to stand in line according to the methods of military training in the university back then.

"Stare at the back of the other person's head and keep them in line."

"Are you on track? Didn't you see that it was a little off?"

Han Chufan transformed into a terrifying university instructor and scolded these military households.It won't work if you are not strict. Only if you are strict can these military households make rapid progress.

"Give me some snacks."

It took half a day, but the 51 people finally stood in five neat teams.

(End of this chapter)

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