Simulate the heavens from Faerûn

Chapter 135 Arcanist Practice 【Subscription】

Chapter 135 Arcanist Practice 【Subscription】

In the blink of an eye, summer passes and autumn comes.The hot summer has passed, and the coolness of autumn has arrived in the southern city of Golden Tower City.

The two brothers, Morvan and Rey, who had stayed in the River Manor for a summer, also started to pack their luggage and prepare to return to the City of Golden Towers under the arrangement of their mother.

In a corner of the dense forest in the Hejian Manor, the lush shrubs and weeds were as tall as a person, hiding Rey tightly in them. He leaned against the big tree, sat cross-legged on the straw mat, closed his eyes and meditated.


As the last node was lit up, a loud sound sounded in Rey's mind. He suddenly opened his eyes, and the chaotic elements of different colors in the air around him began to become orderly, forming a small element platter.

The nine strange elemental nodes in the body both attract and repel each other, reaching a kind of balance. They rotate regularly, and the various elements also rhythm with it.


Rey reached out and made a move. With the help of the gravity of the nodes in his body, a group of elements condensed in his hand. Under the shaping of mental power, the group condensed into different shapes. One moment it was a ball, another moment it was like a small snake, and then another Turned into a bird and so on.

Seeing the little bird made of fire elements flying around him, vividly, although it looks a bit gimmicky and not very powerful, Rey is very happy. After all, although this is inconspicuous, it is the starting point of his rise in this world .

"After such a long time, I finally started to look like a master. I finally started the first stage of the Arcane Forge and embarked on the arcanist profession. It's not easy!"

Since acquiring this world's version of the arcane master's training method, Rey has focused most of his energy on the arcane furnace and meditation methods, especially the arcane furnace. After all, it is related to whether he can become an arcane master. An arcanist.

By absorbing Otto's various level research and accumulation of knowledge and experience in the basic arcane furnace, Rey already knows the joints of the first two stages of the arcane master's path, and then he only needs to follow the steps step by step.

Just like this time, Rey not only learned from Odo's experience, but also used simulation deduction to verify, and successfully found and condensed in the simulation, lighting up the nine nodes of the first stage of the Arcane Forge.

After the simulation, Rey immediately exchanged his life experience and experience, struck while the iron was hot, and started actual operations, step by step, and as expected, succeeded in one fell swoop.

After the success of the Arcane Forge, Rey figured out what to do next.

The first is the creation of the intelligent core. Because there is no corresponding learning environment, and in addition, in the arcane emperor world, the intelligent core is only an assistant for the arcanist's study and life, and has little impact on the arcanist's overall practice, so Rey Decided to give up building it.

After all, he has a talent due to a golden finger, and adding an intelligent core is of little use for the time being. Why waste this time, energy, and precious source points? !It’s not like he’s so idle that he has too many sources to spend.

As for the meditation method, Rey felt that he could continue practicing.

Because the basic meditation method from the Arcane Empire is very unusual. Compared with the traditional legal training method, it has made a qualitative leap in functionality.

Generally speaking, the meditation methods of traditional mages and wizards are mainly aimed at the improvement of elements and spirit. Only a small number of meditation methods (only for protagonists and villains) are for the all-round improvement of elements, body and spirit.

But this meditation method is like building a car. You start making the engine, body, chassis, and electrical equipment at the same time and force them to the same progress and require them to be completed at the same time to get a complete car.

The Arcanist is different. It builds a planetary fortress/single world. The elements, body, and spirit complement each other, which is similar to the three paths of spirit, energy, and spirit in the fairy/fantasy world.

The arcane furnace allows the arcanist to no longer worry about the elements and lays the foundation for forging the elemental body. The powerful elemental body can support the construction of a more powerful spiritual world. The legendary arcanist who is promoted after the three are combined into one/ The Grand Arcanist is far stronger than other professions can imagine.

Therefore, although the difficulty of arcanists is far higher than that of magicians and wizards, the speed of progress is even higher.

The second is the learning of arcane knowledge. After all, there are many arcane templates and spell templates in Odo's life experience. The powerful spells from other worlds can make Rey greedy.

When it comes to arcane magic, we have to talk about the evolution of arcane magicians in the Arcane Empire. The earliest arcane magicians, magicians and wizards were almost the same. They all attached great importance to the application of arcane magic. For this reason, they developed an extremely prosperous system. school.

Protection system, conjuration system, prophecy system, enchantment system, illusion system, evocation system, necromancy system, transformation system, and universal system, these nine arcane systems were the cornerstone of the entire arcane empire at that time.

At that time, if an arcanist wanted to have combat power, he needed to learn and record many arcane templates, and even differentiated into two modes: the school arcanist and the combat arcanist.

School arcanists focus on research, exploration and application of basic theories; combat arcanists spend more experience on the learning of arcane art itself.

A clear division of labor can indeed lead to higher efficiency, coupled with the genius that appears from time to time, it can achieve both.

After continuous development and progress of the arcane school, arcane masters gradually discovered that after some basic arcane arts have been evolved and combined, the energy they can produce is far beyond people's imagination. As a result, the old arcane system has suffered unimaginable consequences. impact.

Take the Silver Tower where Otto is located as an example. After the arcane furnace is built, the arcane masters of the Silver Tower only need to learn one basic arcane spell.Construction: Basic arcana, which can manipulate matter and change its form.

This was originally just the most basic little skill in the transformation system, not even arcane, but if you have enough weapon knowledge, you can use this arcane to directly transform metal into a weapon.

Of course, you can only make ordinary cold weapons at the beginning. As long as you study hard and improve, it is only a matter of time before you can create big toys such as floating cannons, elemental bombs, mechanical golems and even spaceships.

Therefore, arcanists of many schools only need to systematically master a few arcane spells, and they can easily turn the knowledge they have learned into combat effectiveness.Hmm~ Although for Rey, a person who believes in the absolute theory of personal power, the Silver Tower School where Odo belongs does not have much reference significance (the evil way of using foreign objects, ah~ bah!).

However, the wisdom, thoughts and profound knowledge contained in it still benefited Rey a lot, allowing him to resolutely throw himself into the embrace of the evocation system.

Not only because the Evocation Department is the most powerful school in the world of the Arcane Empire, but also because my father (Auber, Creation Arcanist) also belongs to the Evocation Department, but also because Rey thinks the Evocation Department is more suitable.

That’s right, it’s just right!After all, looking at his current talent and his character design, he knows that the evocation department has nothing to do.

However, just when Rey was about to practice the magic of the Arcane Empire, he suddenly felt a sense of emptiness in his body, followed by a sharp pain. His internal organs seemed to be fighting, and the pain spread from the body to the spirit. .

Immediately afterwards, his whole body began to feel hot. After a while, his whole body turned red like a cooked prawn. The water vapor escaped from Rey's body at a speed visible to the naked eye, forming a white mist around him.

Rey clenched his teeth and gasped. At this moment, he was sitting under the tree, leaning against the trunk, with his hands clenched into fists.

The pain and heat that came from nowhere made him almost unable to control himself. It was all about restraint that kept him from rolling around in pain.

It's just that the pain and hot shocks are endless, as if they want to cook him, as if what flows in his veins is not blood but magma, and they want to completely burn him into black charcoal from the inside out, and his whole body will be cooked. , I feel like my brain is going to burn out.

Fortunately, the body's stress response worked, and before Rey could make a fool of himself and wail, he fell into a coma.

At the same time, a stream of flames emerged from Rey's body, igniting Rey's clothes and the surrounding trees and weeds. However, Rey was unscathed in the flames, but frowned, looking very uncomfortable.

At this moment, Rey has fallen into a magical dream.

Half asleep and half awake, Rey felt like he was wrapped in a warm liquid, as if he was in his mother's arms. He wanted to stretch his body, but hit a "wall".

"Have I traveled through time again? Am I still in an egg?" Although there was a slight estrangement, Rey could not help but think about it. After all, he had just woken up and was still confused about this opening.

Then the body used all its strength to hit the top of its head.

Although Rey was also curious about why he hit his head, was it because the skull was too hard?But it also made it clear to him that this was probably just a memory he was watching someone else have, but it was just a little more realistic.

After unremitting efforts, a crack appeared above his head, and wisps of light came in from the crack, making the body even more excited. With all his strength, he finally broke out of the shell this time.

"Soren Serjo...Stewart...Grenya Ogmundu!"

The childish roar of his true name, fiery red scales, dark golden pupils, sharp horns that are beginning to show their edge, dark red eggshells with black markings, shiny gold coins everywhere, and not far away, rolling and bubbling magma .

All this allowed Rey to figure out the situation.

"Is this a red dragon?! Is my bloodline awakened?! Now am I receiving the memory fragments in my bloodline?"

At the same time, a vast and violent roar suddenly came from the distant sky.

"hold head high!!!"

The terrifying dragon roar instantly spread across the entire volcanic mountain range, and a terrifying coercion like a substance was covered from the sky!

Rey saw Sauron's originally hazy eyes filled with excitement and joy.

Following Sauron's gaze, at the end of the sky, a huge red creature was flapping its wings with a wingspan of more than a hundred feet (more than 30 meters), proudly heading towards this place in an absolutely domineering manner. The volcano - its own nest flies.

Red Dragon!

The leader of the five-color dragon's combat power!
A young red dragon!
She also held a long-dead spiny tailed lion in her mouth. This monster, which was deadly to human adventurers, was no different from a cat in her mouth!
It seems this is for her children who are about to emerge from their shells.

"It seems that Sauron can have a good meal right after he hatches. This is much better than the treatment of countless seniors who have traveled through time and become dragons..."


The picture suddenly stopped, and it was like a dream.

Suddenly, a vast amount of information poured into Rey's mind.

A large amount of magical knowledge, combat skills, geographical knowledge, biological knowledge and a lot of various knowledge were all stuffed into his brain and turned into his deep memory, which could be mobilized at any time when he needed it.

Red dragon bloodline inheritance!
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(End of this chapter)

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