Simulate the heavens from Faerûn

Chapter 147 The Swift Flying into the Sea of ​​Stars [Please order]

Chapter 147 The Swift Flying into the Sea of ​​Stars [Please order]

Rey and his party took a boat from Gresven Village down the Wilda River, heading towards the river confluence downstream.

The early morning sun casts golden brilliance on the river. A breeze blew by, splashing thousands of gold waves, and there were small circles, as if coated with a layer of gold, shining brightly. From time to time, a few water birds flew across the water, and the river surface There are ripples on the sky, making people intoxicated.

In the cabin, Rey lay lazily on the crane by the window, squinting at the beautiful scenery on the river bank, and opening his mouth to accept Ciri's feeding and service.

Ciri stood by the hammock, carefully peeling the grape skins with her hands and feeding the pulp to Rey. From time to time, she timidly turned back to look at the white-haired Ms. Lena - she was frowning at Ciri. Serve Rey carefully.

However, Ciri suddenly felt creepy for some reason. The familiar aura and eyes coming from Ms. Reina made her a little restless, and it reminded her of the repressed life she once had in the Sintra Palace.

This is how her grandmother Calanthe looked at her, which made her breathless and more despairing than a cat playing with a mouse, so now the long-lost experiences and memories superimposed on each other made Ciri feel a little creepy.

If she hadn't already known that her grandmother Calanthe passed away in the Cintra Massacre, and the two were very different in appearance, Ciri would have even suspected that this was her grandmother Calanthe. After all, no matter what the look in her eyes, The imposing manner, the tone of speech and the surname are all exactly the same.

So even if it wasn't her grandmother Calanthe, it still made Ciri feel so scared that she was almost scared to death, and the atmosphere between the two became increasingly weird.

Shirley gently put a peeled grape into Rey's mouth. While Rey was enjoying the food, she slowly brought her little head closer to Rey and asked softly: "Well~ Rey, who is that?" ? She saw that I was a little scared, so scared? Did I do something wrong? "

"She~ ah... is my housekeeper, Ms. Reina. She may be dissatisfied with your identity when she looks at you. After all, you are just a poor girl who was rescued by us from the gang, and you are not worthy of serving. I……"

"She may be looking at you like this now because she wants to use this to oppress you, make you make mistakes, and then let a more qualified person replace you to serve me. So, you have to be careful, because if she catches you, she will at best give you a beating and a lesson." , or it will make you disappear directly from this world..."

"So, Falga, you have to serve her wholeheartedly. You have to stay away from her, otherwise you will be driven away. But don't blame me for not reminding you..."

Ciri nodded blankly and stuffed herself a grape.

And even when the two were communicating, they did not avoid Ms. Reina, and what Rey said was naturally heard by Ms. Reina.

Listening to Rey using his name to oppress "Falga", Ms. Reina's face became darker and darker.

After all, Ms. Reina is not as naive as "Falga". She has walked a road with more salt than Ciri.

Although "Falga" had put on a human skin mask and her appearance had changed drastically, Ms. Rena still recognized that it was Siri from "Falga's" eyes, tone of voice, and body shape.

Even though Ms. Reina was excited about this, she still felt chilled when she saw "Falga": "I don't mind it, but why did Ciri become his prisoner? Did he deliberately make it happen? That accidental law, if that’s really the case, then how much freedom and survival will Ciri and I have... No, no... definitely not..."

However, when Ms. Reina saw Rey relying on something to tame Ciri on the road, Ciri was slowly tamed by Rey's silent methods, losing her resistance and trapping herself. As a maid, she is like a little kitten being constantly domesticated by her master.

Ms. Lena hated the iron in her heart: "Ciri! You are a young lion of Sintra! Where is your pride! Where is your wantonness! Where is your yearning for freedom! Why have you become like this!"

That's why Ciri got the creeps and said Madam Reyna was looking at her in the wrong way.

Although Ms. Lena really wanted to give Ciri a scolding to make Ciri sober up and regain the pride of the little lion, but when she thought of Rey's unpredictable predictions, overwhelming strength, and cold eyes, her heart As soon as it got cold, all the anger dissipated.

As a prisoner who has been under Rey for nearly four years, Ms. Reina is now very angry and angry, and the edges of her unwillingness to fate have been smoothed away by Rey. Now she is a coward when facing Rey. He didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction.

When Rey wanted to draw blood, Ms. Reina would insert the needle and draw it herself. If he wanted to study, Ms. Reina would lie down on the dissecting table without any objection.

Ms. Reina finally turned into the person she hates the most, because she needs to live, live...

Back to the topic, after listening to Rey's slanderous words towards her, Ms. Reina's expression did not change, but she looked at Ciri and said seemingly unintentionally:
"Your Highness Rey, I heard that the little girl you took in is called Falja. I remember this name seems to be the name of a former member of the Kevir royal family, the notorious bloody queen Falja. Could it be that you..."

Shirley turned her head stiffly and looked at Ms. Lena, not knowing what to say, but fortunately at this time, Rey came to the rescue. He stretched out his hand and rubbed Shirley's gray-haired head, and looked at Lei Na. Ms Na said:

"It's nothing special. It was my idea to call her Falga. I thought her previous name was not nice, so I changed it to this one. Ms. Reina, what do you think?"

"Hahaha... Of course there is no problem. The name is very nice and matches Falga very well. It is indeed His Highness Rey who can find such a suitable name..."

"Well~ Since you have nothing to do, just go and do your work. Falga will be here to wait for you. We still have a long way to go from Ebin Unicorn Village, and you need to make good arrangements on the way... "

"Uh~ Huh?!...Okay...Your Highness Rey, please pay attention, after all, your mother..."

"Understood, let's go down..."



After the coup on Thaned Island, the half-elf Skiru went to Brugg, and together with Riens and Nazarian, kidnapped a girl, falsely calling her Ciri, and delivered her to the Nilfgaardian army. .

On July 7, the false Ciri was sent to the Nilfgaardian Empire and placed in the care of Countess Stella Congreve.

At the end of the month, Emperor Emhyr Emreth formally received her and gave her the title "Supreme Ruler of Attri and Abel Yala" (one of the titles belonging to True Shire).

Obviously, the fake Ciri was discovered by the emperor as soon as she appeared, so Emhyr immediately sent her to the castle of Darn Rowan, the most remote place in the empire, while he continued to send people to search for the real Ciri.

Soon after, Geralt received the news that "Ciri will marry Emperor Emhyr", so he left Broklon Forest and went south to rescue Ciri.The poet Dandelion and the archer Milva went with them.

On the same day, Philippa gathered several sorceresses and established a sorceresses' gathering place.The Coven is eager to use Ciri to control the world's political landscape and promote their magical supremacy.

In order to achieve this goal, after the coup on Senide Island, Francesca Findabei used the chemical sealing technique to capture Yennefer and semi-forced her to join the gathering.

Just as various organizations were constantly taking action around the eye of the storm in the world of Siri, Siri and Rey, whose pseudonym was "Falga", also arrived at the Unicorn Village leisurely, as if everything in the outside world was gone. It has nothing to do with them.

This is a village in Ebin of the Nilfgaardian Empire, located north of the Pereirat Swamp, quiet, peaceful, and uncontested.

Ciri stood on the bow of the ship, standing on tiptoes and looking at the village called Unicorn.

After all, it is a unicorn. When she thinks of this word, Ciri can't help but think of the "pony" who shared the joys and sorrows with her in the desert. Although it is related to her law of accidents, she believes that the "pony" must be innocent.

"I wonder if Pony is doing well and if she is here... If she is here, I must go and have a look..." Ciri thought involuntarily.


A sudden brain collapse brought Ciri back to the world.

Ciri covered her forehead with her hands, bulged her face, pouted, and looked at Rey with tears in her eyes, full of grievances and confusion. "What were you thinking about just now? Is this what a little maid should do?"

"I...I was wrong...I was wondering why this village chief called the Unicorn Village. Is there a unicorn in this village?"

Rey couldn't help but feel a little proud when he looked at Ciri's well-behaved appearance. All of this was the result of Rey's continuous corrections in the past month. Rey didn't know whether Ciri's true personality had changed. , but Rey is proud of Ciri's performance now!

This is all the result of his own efforts. Otherwise, with the carefree character of a crazy boy like Shi Rui, who grew up among boys, how could he have such a charming look, and a full sense of accomplishment filled Rey's heart.

Rey was secretly happy while introducing to Ciri:
"Falga, the name of this village comes from a local stone shrine, which houses a sacred unicorn statue."

"The statue was first made of gold, then it was replaced with silver, then copper, bone, and finally the cheapest wooden statue."

"The statue was stolen every time it was made, until finally people decided to make a statue out of straw. So, you're right, there is a unicorn here, made out of straw."

"No way……"

Looking at the frustrated and disappointed Siri, Ms. Reina felt a chill in her heart.

"Isn't it possible?! The Cintra lion cub is just useless and becomes someone else's domestic kitten..." The huge loss in her heart almost made her vomit three liters of blood.

After all, Ciri is the hope of all Cintra~ Why is it like this? !God is going to destroy Sintra~

Time flew by, and it was late November 1267 in the blink of an eye. People had already replaced their cool summer clothes with heavy winter clothes, suffering in the cold wind and severe cold.

In Unicorn Village, Rey sat by the campfire and watched the girl dancing on the ice lake.

Ciri is wearing a tight hunting suit, holding the sword "Swift" obtained from the swordsmith Esterhaize of Fanor, and dancing with the sword skills learned from Wolfsburg.

The sword is like a white snake spitting out a message, hissing through the wind, and like a swimming dragon walking around. Sometimes it is as light as a swallow when it rises with the sword drawn, sometimes it is as sudden as lightning, and fallen leaves fall apart.

"Okay! Mr. Visogota, what do you think?"

Looking at this scene of dazzling sword light, Rey couldn't help shouting "Hello", turned around and looked at the old man Visogota next to him and asked.

Vysogota was a surgeon, alchemist, scholar, historian, philosopher and moralist, and was a professor at two universities, Cowburg College and Imperial College.

Only banished by the Nilfgaardian Emperor, Vysogota now lives in a hermit hut in the swamps of the Perelat region.

It's a pity that he was caught by Rey, a black-hearted little guy. Now he mainly talks to Rey to relieve his boredom, and by the way, he educates Ciri, a scumbag in elementary school.

Vysogota thought for a while and was about to speak when an impatient voice came from behind.

"Rey! How long are you going to stay here! When are we going back?! It's freezing here and there's nothing to do. Let's go back to the Golden Tower City quickly. The deadline is coming, and mother should be anxious! "

Morvan sat by the fire and muttered dissatisfiedly. After all, it was too boring to sit in a small village doing nothing, and the winter in the north was too cold.

"Brother, it's coming soon! It's coming soon! I will definitely spend the New Year with you at home this year, and we will definitely leave for the south before December..."

"Well... you have to do things quickly, and you can't drag it out for a year and a half like last time..."

After appeasing his somewhat impatient brother Morvan, Rey smiled apologetically at Vysogota and asked in a low voice: "Mr. Vysogota, is Hundred Lakes Centrok appearing soon?" "

Vysogota swallowed his saliva, approached Rey and whispered: "Your Highness Rey, I can guarantee that "Hundred Lakes" Centrok will appear today. I have been here for decades and have witnessed it with my own eyes. There will be mistakes. As long as you tell me..."

"Don't worry, as long as I see "Hundred Lakes" Centrok, I will take you to the Golden Tower City and hire you to be the tutor of the Fulis family..."

"Okay, thank you Your Highness Rey, you will definitely be right..."

That night, due to the sharp drop in temperature, a thick layer of white fog enveloped the Perelat swamps and villages.

Rey took Ciri into the mist while everyone was asleep, but he didn't notice that Mo Erfan followed behind secretly with someone.

Morvan looked at the two people not far ahead and murmured in a low voice: "Rey, if I hadn't asked that old guy this time, I almost let you run away again. I'll let you see what's in front of me later." , what's your expression..."

It's just a pity that this is just a beautiful fantasy of Morfan's wishful thinking.

At Lake Tarn Mira, when everyone was moving forward in the fog, Rey and Ciri noticed something strange and kept taking detours, leaving Morvan and the others behind.

Morvran tried again to catch up to Ciri, and the Wild Hunt appeared just as the stars returned.

The fog cleared, and a thin ribbon flashed across the sky, making it almost impossible to distinguish the figures of the knights.

Then the knights got closer and closer, and they could see more and more clearly.Now I saw the horns on their helmets, the protrusions in the middle of the horns, and the skull-like faces behind the visors.

The knights rode on skeleton-like horses, their sides as bare as wounds.A strong wind blew through the willow trees.Their blades now looked like twinkling stars in the night sky.

The wind is getting louder and louder.No, not the wind, but the singing of ghosts.Suddenly the nightmarish knights turned around again, the hooves of the ghostly horses like phosphorus fire on the swamp.

At the front of the cavalry regiment is the King of the Wild Hunt.

A rusty visor atop a skull-like mask.Light blue flames burned in the ethereal eye sockets.

He was wearing a tattered cloak.A necklace rattled on his rusty breastplate.The opening in the breastplate resembles an unfathomable cave.

Once there were gems in these openings, but one by one they fell and became the stars in the sky.The King of the Wild Hunt laughed, his grave-rotten teeth clashing against the rusty collar of his breastplate.The blue flames in his eyes glowed.

Seeing the Wild Hunt flash past more than ten meters in front of him, Morvon's horse was frightened and broke through the ice, delaying his pursuit. He could only watch helplessly as Lei led Xi Rui and ghostly The "Swift Tower" that suddenly appeared disappeared together.

 I am a 12-year-old bookworm and a new author. I am asking for votes for online updates. Please give me your recommendations. Please support by clicking on favorites!I hope you will support us a lot!Thank you all for your love and support!


(End of this chapter)

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