Simulate the heavens from Faerûn

Chapter 153 Strength 【Subscription】

Chapter 153 Strength 【Subscription】

Xiwei's early morning light illuminated the window lattice, and Xirui woke up from her deep sleep with her eyelashes trembling slightly. She rolled a few times, but she couldn't find anyone who made her feel at ease. She suddenly woke up from her sleepy state with a start.

Ciri climbed up from the warm and comfortable quilt, sat on the warm big bed, rubbed her eyes, looked around but still couldn't find Rey.

It seems like everything last night was just a dream...yesterday...

Last night, after teasing Ciri and finishing dinner, Rey gently shook the glass, sniffed the faint aroma of wine wafting from the glass, and held the already somewhat intoxicated kitten in his arms.

Everyone gets drunk even if they are not drunk. The intoxicated Ciri was lying in Rey's arms with a flushed face. She was as soft as a ball of dough, rubbing back and forth in Rey's arms, feeling a little restless.

She looked at Rey's side face, her lips moved slightly, and she had a lot of things she wanted to ask, but she still didn't speak. Instead, she hugged Rey's waist tightly, put her head on Rey's shoulder, and sniffed Rey. The masculine energy comes from Yi Shen.

Like a little kitten who was afraid of being abandoned, Chu Chu pitifully spent all her strength hugging Rey.

Rey looked at the kitten in his arms, hanging on him like an octopus, and couldn't laugh or cry. He first rubbed Siri's silky hair, and then picked up Siri's whole body by the waist, facing towards the silk curtain. Go to the big bed.

Ciri, on the other hand, was half-drunk and squinting her eyes, looking at the big bed getting closer and closer, burying her head in Rey's arms without saying a word, as if she was really drunk, but her body was shaking slightly. Revealing her unusual mood.

Rey hugged Siri and lay gently on the bed, lifted up the mink quilt to cover the two of them, and then naturally went to sleep. After all, what are you thinking about if you don't sleep at night?
Si Rui, who was lying on the inside of the bed, was restless in bed, listening to her little heart pounding, closing her eyes and waiting for the wedding.

3 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, why is there still no movement! ?

Ciri opened her eyes suddenly and looked at Rey, who was motionless from the side, with a confused face.

"Well... If the mountain doesn't come, I will come. If I come, the mountain will come..."

She buried her head in the quilt and hid her whole body under the quilt. She Rui kept exploring the outside secretly.

"One, two, three... there's no one here yet, look at me..."

Ciri seemed to be looking for a warm fish, and soon she slipped next to Rey and was about to poke her head out from under the quilt.

"Crack~! Crack~!"

"Just sleep, what are you doing?!"

Rey lay on his side and hugged Ciri who had snuck into his arms. He slapped the restless kitten twice on the buttocks, rested his chin on Ciri's head, and said impatiently.


Like a child who had made a mistake and been caught, Ciri blushed with shame and her face was surprisingly hot. She put her head close to Rey and responded in a low voice. She hugged Rey's waist tightly with her hands and remained motionless.

Next, naturally there will be a night of silence and peaceful sleep, otherwise you think that what Ciri is expecting will happen...

Ahem... For Rey, this is also his true thought.

As for the nonsense about being inferior to animals, Rey firmly refused to accept it.

After all, boys need to protect themselves when they go out, especially when a girl covets them.

After all, there is a saying that goes well, if you don’t get it, you will always be in turmoil...

The same is true for Xi Rui. You can't let her get him in one step. You have to do it one step at a time. Now, sleeping with Xi Rui for one night is already a great blessing...

Siri thought about the embarrassing things last night, covered her face with the quilt and rolled over on the quilt.

Feeling the remaining warmth and breath in the bed, Ciri quickly got up and went to find Rey.

She found Rey on a flat land by the river: he was about to lie on a small boat on the shore, talking to a female elf.

Seeing this, Ciri quickly stepped forward without any hesitation. She didn't want anyone to interfere in her relationship with Rey.

"Ciri, how did you sleep last night?"

When she sat down on the stool at the bow of the ship, Rey asked with a smile.He sat across from her, took out his books, and looked at them, completely ignoring the ship.

Ciri blushed, and dared not look down at Rey, let alone stare at him blankly, but the boat drove smoothly to the middle of the river without even an inch of deviation.

Only then did Ciri realize that this boat was so weird. Ciri had never seen anything like it before - even though she had been to the Skellig Islands, where there were all kinds of things that could travel on water.The tall bow is carved in the shape of a key, and the hull is narrow and thin.

Indeed, only an elf would do something like this, lying carefree and reading, enjoying life and scenery without having to row an oar or steer.

Rey stopped reading and pulled Ciri into his arms.

"What are you upset about?"

Then, he looked at Ciri with a half-smile and asked.

"You are disappointed," he said, not in a questioning tone. "Disappointed, disillusioned, and extremely angry."

"No such thing! I don't have such thoughts!"

Ciri has learned a lot. When Rey teased her, she didn't get angry or show any impatience or anger. She just blushed and hid in Rey's chest without saying a word or continuing. argue.

The boat moved forward and the bridge passed over their heads.

"Ciri, did you know? We have every reason to believe that our world is facing the crisis of extinction..."

After passing the fourth bridge, Rey hugged Ciri and whispered softly, just like mumbling to herself when petting a cat.

"A natural disaster of extremely large scale is about to come. If you have received some level of basic education, then you must have heard of Aen Ithlinnespeath - the prophecy of Ithlinne."

"She mentioned the age of white frost in her prophecy. In the opinion of most wise men and mages, that should refer to the extremely cold Ice Age."

"And that period would last so long that it would threaten the life of all living creatures... They would die from simple cold."

"The survivors will be reduced to savages, will kill each other in brutal battles for food, and they will become the prey of hungry predators. Remember the words of the prophecy: the age of scorn, the time of sword and axe, the time of cold The Age of Wolf and Snow.”

Lest she miss Rey's wonderful explanation and sharing, Ciri did not interrupt him, but leaned close to Rey and listened carefully, enjoying Rey's gentle touch.

"And the only one who can save it all..."

Rey fiddled with Ciri's slender hair and whispered into Ciri's ear, "He will be the descendant of Laura Doron, the one with the blood of the little Swift...that's you... "

"Ciri. Now you understand how important you are and how much they care about you, right? Believe me, this is also the reason why you have been hunted down. Little Swift, you have undoubtedly noticed..."

"Yeah, I noticed."

Listening to Rey's words, Ciri couldn't help but flash the figure of the Black Knight who captured her in Cintra.Ciri's body couldn't help but tremble with fear. As she answered, she hugged Rey tightly, trying to expel the fear in her heart through the warmth coming from Rey's body.

She changed the subject a little stiffly and said:
"I noticed the current was taking us quite a distance away from Tir na Lea. It was time to pick up the oars. But then again, I didn't see the oars."

"Because the paddle isn't here."

Rey first tightened his arms around Ciri, then raised his arm, twisted his wrist, and snapped his fingers.The boat stopped.It stopped where it was and began to swim upstream.

Rey hugged Siri and said to Siri's little ear: "Siri, do you still remember what Vysogota called you?"

Lying in Rey's arms, feeling the itching heat coming from her ears, Ciri rubbed Rey's shoulder, looked up at Rey, and said happily:

"Of course I remember! He said that I am the master of time and space... It's really embarrassing..."

"Ciri, he is right. Your blood does contain this power... You also have the potential to become the master of time and space..."

"If you can improve your strength and finally control this power, it will bring me great convenience..."

"Uh...ah?! Rey, how can I improve my strength to help you?"

After rubbing Ciri's hopeful little head, Rey smiled and said, "Is it enough to practice and study?"

"Practice and study?"

"That's right. Generally speaking, the so-called practice refers to the improvement of energy quality, quantity, and effectiveness to varying degrees."

"So the comparison of strength often manifests itself in the comparison and synthesis of these three aspects: the amount of energy control, the quality of energy, and the efficiency of energy utilization."

"And in the process of practice, overall, the amount of energy controlled is often improved first, then the quality of the energy is improved, and finally the efficiency of energy utilization is improved. It's like this..."

With that said, Rey began to demonstrate to Ciri, waving his hand gently in the air.

A small burning blue fireball appeared in mid-air, and then the fireball the size of a fist turned into the size of a basketball; then the color of the fireball burned more intensely, and the color became darker. It didn't feel hot when you let it go, and it turned into a flame now. It has begun to distort space.

Then the scorching fireball began to converge again and turned into a big black ball.Ciri relied on her bloodline to be sensitive to space. She felt that the current black sphere was obviously more dangerous than anything before. Although it seemed to be harmless and did not leak out any temperature, it was actually a sphere that was constantly being destroyed. surrounding space.

"Wow~! Rey...this is so strange..."

Ciri covered her small mouth and exclaimed, feeling a little unclear. She couldn't help but think of Yennefer's magic teachings to her. However, she felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't explain it.

But thinking of Yennefer and Geralt, Ciri couldn't help but feel a little bad, and hugged Rey tightly.After all, she fell into Rey's hands after coming out of the Koraz Desert and never left.

Due to the lack of information and Rey's intention to block the influence of the foreshadowing of fate on Ciri, until now, Ciri thought that Yennefer and Geralt were killed in the coup on Thaned Island.

"But, Ciri, what you see is just an appearance, a description and understanding of surface phenomena."

"If someone is really stuck in this superficial understanding, then he is just a fat pig with power."

"The essence of cultivation and strength improvement is actually the growth of knowledge and the improvement of knowledge control and conversion rate."

"It is manifested in the accumulation and growth of experience and experience. The so-called mood, artistic conception, law analysis, etc. are all just like this. They are all knowledge."

"However, we all know that there are many wise men in the world, such as Vysogota. He is a knowledgeable wise man. He knows and controls a large amount of knowledge, but he cannot transform this knowledge into his own strength."

"These wise men can only exert the power of knowledge through collective strength, so in some civilizations, they have a different kind of power, but because they cannot directly exert the power contained in knowledge, the essence is that they Still a bunch of weaklings.”

"So, generally speaking, these wise men are a good mentor, or a walking experience bag..."

"If you want to improve your strength, I can ask Avallac'h to teach you."

"Yeah! Rey, I will try my best..."


Next, Ciri was taught by Avallac'h about the power of the ancient blood and magic in Tir Na Lea.

It's just that due to Oberyn's accidental death, Avallac'h is now hurriedly dealing with the next mess, and does not have time to teach her every day.

So for the rest of the time, Ciri was either traveling around with Rey or exercising her strength alone.I also occasionally made modifications to the decorations in the gardens and palaces, and lived a wonderful life.

One morning, after breakfast, she went straight to the stables.Avallac'h and Rey both had things to deal with today, so she could relax alone for some time.

The elves around her always looked at her with curiosity. Obviously they were not indifferent to what happened in the palace, but because many elves who took action were punished, now they just watched and did not dare to act rashly.

Ciri wanted to avoid the prying and questioning eyes of the elves, as well as their gazes, because she did not need to care about these things. Rey and Avallac'h would take care of these things. She just wanted to relax now.

Ciri found a strong mare in the stable and began to saddle and harness it.Before she could finish, those little gray elves who were two heads shorter than Ain El appeared.They smiled, bowed to her, and began to work.

"Thank you," Ciri said. "I did it myself, but thank you so much. You are such good people."

The female elf closest to him grinned.Ciri stepped back and saw canine teeth in the mouth.

The female elf quickly stepped forward and supported Ciri, who was almost frightened and fell down.She brushed the hair from the servant's ears and found that the ends of his ears were not pointed.

"You are human!"

The servant fell to his knees on the swept floor.Other servants knelt down.They kept their heads down, waiting for punishment.

"I..." Ciri stroked the reins in her hands and said, "I..."

She didn't know what to say.The servants were still kneeling on the ground.The horses in the stable snorted uneasily and stamped their feet.

When she left the stable and trotted along on her horse, her mind was still in confusion.Human female.Being a maid—none of that mattered.The important thing is that Dh'oine also exists in this world...

It's human, she corrected herself.I started thinking like elves and them.

Ciri took a horse from the stable and rode it across the river.She was deep in thought, oblivious to everything around her.


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(End of this chapter)

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