Simulate the heavens from Faerûn

Chapter 160 Another day and another day 【Subscription】

Chapter 160 Another day and another day 【Subscription】

"Rey, are we going over there to see this Merlin and King Arthur?"

Hearing this, Ciri asked in a low voice next to Rey. After all, novel adventures in the world always make people excited and they want to explore the culture and customs of this foreign land.

Rey glanced at Galahad kneeling on the sand, slowly shook his head, and whispered to Ciri: "No, Ciri, we are not going there, we are going to the east to meet a great King, he is my believer and will let my glory and glory fill the world..."

"Then, what should he do? Leave him here alone..."

Ciri nodded obediently and did not ask why. She just pointed to the knight below and asked Rey, because Galahad was the first person they met after traveling to this world, and he also had a deep understanding of himself and Rey. Very respectful, Ciri has a good impression of him.

Rey rubbed Ciri's little head and smiled faintly. He was not angry that Ciri had not completely changed her attitude towards weak mortals.

Rey slowly recalled this famous Knight of the Round Table during King Arthur's time. Well, he was still a young man who carried the next generation of the Round Table. He still had some value, so let him save his life to burn for his own glory.

"Galahad, my pure knight, I will give you glory, give you strength, give you virtue, and preach glory to the world. When you lift the Holy Grail, you will be saved and ascend to heaven... I am …”

A vast and majestic voice roared in Galahad's ears, making him feel particularly surprised and shocked. Although the voice was loud, it did not make people uncomfortable. Instead, it made people feel comfortable, warm, and intoxicated. Enthralled and in awe.

At the same time, a light golden ball of light fell from Rey's hand towards Galahad. Galahad felt a warm power suddenly integrated into his body, making him feel warm all over, his thinking became clearer, and his skills He is more agile and powerful, and his whole person has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Galahad knelt on the ground, clenching his fists, feeling the sudden increase in strength in his body. He frowned with joy, and his belief in the gods suddenly became more pious. He immediately knelt on the ground and prayed to Rey. grateful:
"Great God! Your lamb will definitely spend his whole life preaching your kindness and glory. May I find the Holy Grail as soon as possible, return to heaven, and serve you..."

Rey and Ciri looked at Galahad who was prostrate on the ground praying, and they smiled at each other. Rey took Ciri's little hand and nodded, and the two disappeared instantly, leaving only a faint golden glow slowly disappear.

Galahad was lying on the ground, feeling a little uneasy after not hearing the restoration of the gods for a long time. He couldn't help but glance at the lake carefully, and found that the reflection on the lake was empty. Only then did he know that the two great beings had left. .

Galahad raised his head cautiously, looking at the huge light ball slowly dissipating in mid-air, the diffuse water vapor, feeling the warm air, and the huge changes in his body. All these told him that he was not dreaming. He really saw the gods.

Galahad crossed his fingers on his chest and prayed loudly to the ball of light:
"We are in high heaven, Heavenly Father who loves us! You are the true God who created the universe!"

"Heavenly Father, I praise you. You are the most majestic and majestic God. You clothe yourself with honor and majesty. You cover yourself with light like a robe. You spread out the sky like a curtain. Heavenly Father, I thank you. Your glorious light always shines. In me, also shines the way before me, leading me on..."


While Galahad was praying loudly, Rey and Ciri continued to teleport westward and arrived at Rome, the current capital of the Roman Empire.

Why is Rey so impatient to bring Ciri here?
This is because when Ciri communicated with Galahad, Rey was already reading Galahad's memory to confirm the current era background.

A King Arthur cannot determine the current time, because the time cannot be determined in the knowledge that Rey has - various academic circles have not confirmed the Arthurian period, and it is generally believed to be around the 4th or 5th century AD.

This range is too large. Only relatively accurate memorabilia can accurately confirm the value of this world. If there is not much value, Rey will turn around and leave with Ciri. After all, time is precious and cannot be wasted.

Fortunately, Rey was lucky. Through Galahad's memory, Rey confirmed that he had come to a very good time node, which was about 324 AD. Although it was not the best time node in his mind, it was still Very good.

In Galahad's memory, Rey learned that two months ago, the Roman monarch Constantine had defeated Maxentius and Licinius in the civil war, won the victory, and reunified the Roman Empire. He suddenly led a large group of troops to the Byzantine homeland on the Golden Horn, carefully surveyed and looked around, and finally announced that the new capital of the Roman Empire would be built on this land.

Rey knew clearly that this was the famous Roman capital transfer event in history, and it was also the beginning of Constantinople or the Byzantine Empire.

Rey was a little excited when he thought of this, because when Emperor Constantine was young, he worshiped the invincible sun god very enthusiastically. The coins he minted often bore the image of the sun god and were engraved with Soli Invicto Comiti, "Invincible Sun" God, with the Emperor”;
Some gold coins and pendants bear images of both the Invincible Sun God and Constantine, and are engraved with Invictus Constantinus (Invincible Constantine).

And during this period, although Christianity had become a legal religion through the "Edict of Milan", its influence was not much stronger than the worship of the Invincible Sun God.

Although Emperor Constantine had openly converted to Christianity, this was more due to political considerations, and he was personally deeply influenced by the invincible Sun God.

But what makes Rey feel the best is that whether it is the Christian gods or the invincible sun god, they have no signs of real existence in this world, so this gives Rey a lot of room for maneuver.

Although in order to prevent the real boss "God/Jesus" from being plotted over this issue in the future, he still needs to perform micro-management to guard against possible dangers, the benefits are still very generous...

As for the sun god, ah~ bah!This is the position of an unlucky guy. After thinking about it for a long time, Rey couldn't think of any big boss who has always occupied this title and authority.

They are often just the sun gods of a single world, and their rank never exceeds the eighth level.

Among them, the outstanding ones generally started the cursed fate of the sun god's reincarnation around the seventh level, losing their lives or losing their authority. Therefore, Rey was not afraid at all. They were all rotating sun gods. Who was afraid of whom? !

If it doesn't work, just lose this name and change it. He doesn't want to take the position of this unlucky guy, because he has never...

Thinking of this, Rey couldn't help pecking Ciri's little cheek lightly, sharing his joy with her.

And Ciri, who originally wanted to ask about Rey's stay in this world, also had no questions at all after this question. She blushed, looked at Rey with a pair of big watery eyes, and collapsed in his arms. .

Rey whispered to Ciri who was soft in his arms: "Siri, I have some things to do, it seems that we need to stay in this world for a while..."

"Well~ Rey! What can I do for you?"

"Yeah~ of course..."


Sun Day (Sunday), according to the order of Emperor Constantine, whether Christians or pagans, today is a day of rest, work should be stopped, and government departments should be closed.

The entire city of Rome is in the midst of a lively holiday. People are coming and going in Rome, and the narrow streets and many public areas are crowded with vendors.

There are stalls on both sides of the street, some of which have occupied the road, making it very difficult for pedestrians to move, and shouts and curses can be heard constantly.

A carriage came under the golden sunshine, dancing gracefully as if it came from heaven.The carriage is very luxurious, and the entire body is golden yellow, which is particularly eye-catching in the bright sun.

Its doors were wrapped in expensive and exquisite silk, and the windows inlaid with gold and treasures were obscured by a curtain of light blue crepe, preventing people outside the car from peeking into the passengers of such a gorgeous and speeding car.But the distinguished guests in the car could catch a glimpse of pedestrians waving outside.

The carriage was pulled by two pure white horses, and the horses were put on golden saddles, but they were still majestic.The breeze gently blows through the horse's mane, leaving cold tracks in the air...

Emperor Constantine was sitting in a carriage, preparing to go to the Colosseum to watch the beast show. The escorting soldiers and knights drove away the chaotic people around the road.Constantine looked at the messy environment, the crowded and disorderly streets, and the stench. The good mood he had planned to relax in was also ruined. A look of disgust appeared on his face, and he cursed in a low voice:

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! I must move the capital to Byzantium. I can't stand this damn Rome anymore. It's so terrible!"

"I really hope that Byzantine City can be built immediately. I don't want to stay in this shabby place for a moment... and that damn Senate, you old guys just stick to this tomb and garbage dump..."

After a while, the emperor's motorcade arrived near the Colosseum. Constantine, who was staying in the carriage, was a little bored. He opened the silk covering the window and looked outside. He couldn't help but show a look of satisfaction and pride. , as if the bad mood just now was wiped away.

This is a three-span triumphal arch with a total height of 21 meters, a width of 25.7 meters, and a depth of 7.4 meters. It is located on the west side of the Colosseum.

The relief panel on the left side of the north side of the Arc de Triomphe records the wreath of "Wings of Victory" on the emperor's head. Next to it is the God of War and the Goddess of Courage, inviting him to the Arc de Triomphe, with the temple behind him.On the right is the emperor preparing to leave Rome, with the Senate and people surrounding him...

This is the Triumphal Arch of Constantine, which belongs to him. The triumphal arch of the Roman Emperor Constantine was built by him almost nine years ago (315 AD). It depicts his great achievements and connects him with the greats of all ages. It is a monument to his achievements and his pride.

Approaching the Arc de Triomphe, Constantine could see through the opening that a huge statue of the invincible Sun God stood beside the Colosseum.

That was the belief in his heart.

Even in order to win over the widespread Christians in the Roman Empire, he had to openly convert to Christianity and raise the status of Christianity to the status of the state religion.

After unifying the entire territory of Rome, it vigorously supported Christianity and replaced most of the government officials with Christians. At the same time, it was stipulated that officials who believed in other religions were not allowed to participate in temple activities, and it was prohibited to force Christians to participate in pagan sacrifices, and Suppress other religious beliefs...

He has done so much, showing great importance and respect for Christianity, but his heart is still with the invincible sun god, and he is still a good boy of the invincible sun god.

After thinking so much, Constantine couldn't help but feel a little irritable. He planned to pray to the invincible sun god, begging for the god's comfort and comfort.

He closed his eyes and prayed silently in his heart: "Great Sun God, thank you for your favor to my family, everything you have encountered with me, and the divine love you have given me. I pray to the Creator, I pray to the Sun God, you The grace of God. Please forgive my sins and show me a way to serve You. Amen..."

After praying, Constantine looked up at the sun and saw the symbol "+" there that symbolized Christ. He was so frightened that he even connected the invincible sun god with Christ. He couldn't help but start praying to the gods for his offensive thoughts. of forgiveness.

"Oh~!! No! That's the Invincible Sun God! That's the Invincible Sun God! My Lord, please forgive me..."

Just when Constantine closed his eyes and prayed devoutly to the sun god for his newly dizzy state, a vast and majestic voice suddenly appeared in his mind, and a bright, vast, great, and majestic image of the sun also appeared in his mind. in mind.

"My child! You are right, I am Christ, but Christ is not me... I see that people in the world do not know education and do not know the truth... I hereby educate all living beings as Christ... Now... I see that because of the identity of the children, Killing brothers and children, I hope you can eliminate the hatred of the children..."

"My Lord~! How should we call you by your name in the future?"

"My name is God..."



Constantine covered his head and woke up from the bizarre experience. He shouted with some horror: "Mage! Mage! Mage Antonio! Mage Alec! Mage Christ!"

In an instant, several white-haired mages in luxurious clothes appeared in the spacious carriage and respectfully asked Constantine: "Your Majesty, why did you summon us..."

"I just encountered a strange thing! Did you feel anything strange just now, or someone cast a spell on me..."

"Uh~! Your Majesty, we are around here, and we don't feel anything strange happening, nor do we feel any magic fluctuations... If we cast a spell, we need further inspection..."

"Then hurry up..."


"Your Majesty, the Christian Bishop of Rome asked to see you. He said that he dreamed of the Holy Father, and..."


"Your Majesty, the high priest of the Invincible Sun God Temple is also outside the door asking for an audience. He said that he dreamed of the great Sun God..."


"Your Majesty, after our inspection, we found that there is nothing wrong with you, the bishop, and the high priest..."


"Your Majesty, a priest in Western Rome said that he and many priests had dreams on the same day and at the same time... and many Bibles recording doctrines have changed for no reason..."

"His Majesty……"


In 325, Constantine convened a synod of Christian bishops throughout the Roman Empire in Nicaea, which formulated the "Nicene Creed", the orthodox doctrine that all Christians must abide by.

Confirming the Christian doctrine of the Trinity, it states that there is only one God, but includes three persons: the Father, Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Although the three are different in personality, they are absolutely indistinguishable in essence. They are both admired, honored, and eternal.

Constantine also determined December 12, the birthday of the sun, to be the same as the birthday of Christ, and the worship of the invincible sun god also began to be integrated with Christianity...

Although Christianity continued to change in the years that followed, no one noticed that the face and name of the gods had changed...

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(End of this chapter)

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