Simulate the heavens from Faerûn

Chapter 179 Talent, authority [Please subscribe]

Chapter 179 Talent, authority [Please subscribe]

Rey has long understood the krypton gold nature of [Zhutian Simulator], so he naturally needs to take stock of his family wealth before spending heavily.

He switched the interface to [Personal Home Page] and immediately understood his current situation.

Current username: Rey Ober Pedler

Real name: Rey Ober Pedler

Talents: Diligence can make up for one's weakness (purple)+; High life energy affinity (green)+; High thunder affinity (dark green)+; Son of the sun (green)+; Extraordinary noble (light blue); Low natural element affinity ( deep yellow)

Source: 26806000
Source quality: 10

As for talent, Rey had already upgraded his talent before this projection. Although he had some regrets due to the economic situation at the time, he thought he should be able to make up for it now.

Especially the Sun Prince, the advanced talent of Son of the Sun that Rey has been coveting before...

"Prince of the Sun (Purple)
You are blessed by the sun, you are the glory of the sun, you are the pride of the sun, you are the son of the sun, you will carry the true power of the sun, you start to step into the field of the sun, as long as you go further, you will even Get involved in the power of the sun and become a god right before your eyes.

Redemption source points: 96. "

Because of the power of the sun, this talent has always been an important candidate in Rey's mind.

This is because according to Rey's memory, Amaunata, the powerful god of law and sun, reached its peak influence in the Netheril era. With the end of the Netheril era, Amaunata lost her power. A large number of believers and clergy.

And it should be that in the past few years, with the death of the Netheril Empire, the remaining species will be completely used up, and as a lingering god, Amaunata will also become a "plant god". If Rey is here If you perform well during this period, you may be able to gain a lot of weight.

Uh... The premise is to seize the right time and resist the pressure of the two powerful future giants, Ransander and Till... Well, there may be more than that, and AO, one of the ultimate leaders in the DND world, The pressure of this god above god...

"Otherwise...we won't take advantage of this advantage..."

Rey suddenly recalled that Amaunata was lying dead and abdicated, and the driving force behind Lansander and Tilqi's rise to power was the god AO. He didn't know if it was true, but Rey remembered it in the DND forum in his previous life. This has always been said.

Whether this statement is true or not is a life-and-death decision for Rey. Even with the [Real Simulation] function to deduce the future, Rey does not think it is useful. He is a little scared and retreats. After all, AO is This boss is so powerful...

Rey can't even confirm whether he can anal the big guy in the series in his lifetime, so in order to avoid entering the big guy's field of vision too early.

Even if it is seen, it is best to be just an ordinary ant, disappearing into the crowd...

"There is also Lansendre, who has a dark heart behind him. He promoted the Tribulation of the Dawn...the power held by the gods is highly concentrated...I dare say that if I am a weak god and have the power of the sun, I am afraid I will not be defeated by him. raised..."

"Be afraid, be afraid... A good man will not suffer the loss in front of him... he will run away first... There is a saying that getting rich first will not make you rich, and getting rich later will lead to collapse... In the 49-meter race, let you run [-] meters first, and see who laughs last Bar……"

Rey rubbed his little hands and stopped thinking about such a heavy topic. He kept filling himself with chicken soup and making excuses.

Although he refused to admit defeat, he was very honest in his heart - temporarily moving the importance of the sun's authority back. After all, this priesthood was too dangerous before he could withstand the catastrophe of dawn and reach powerful divine power.

Then Rey looked at the eye-catching capital [source point: 26806000; source quality: 10], and couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction. "Money" is the courage of a hero. With enough "money", a man's waist can be supported and he can start. You won't be tied down when things happen.

"These source materials are enough for me to upgrade a purple talent (level [-]) to a pink talent (level [-])...level [-]...that's another level...this should be what I did when I became a god in Faerun. The priesthood I choose... I have to be careful... With so many source points, I should be able to redeem everything I want... Maybe I can upgrade them all..."

Thinking about this, Rey made a rough consumption budget for himself: the source material must not be moved, and the source point must also leave most of the expenses needed to deal with unexpected needs and the next projection. This time, it will probably be about the same. It can cost 680 million points.

"Should be enough..."

Muttering in a low voice, after thinking so much, Rey began to really focus on the exchange interface this time. Rey is still very much looking forward to this exchangeable item.

As Rey turned his attention to the interface, the light groups of different colors in the mirror changed instantly, and the talents, items and introduction information contained in the light groups began to appear.

[Advanced spellcasting talent (green)
You have the potential to become a powerful spellcaster. You have extraordinary talents on the way to being a spellcaster. You can work in a variety of spellcaster professions. You can quickly understand and use magic and become the best among them. You can even get a glimpse of the essence of magic...

Redemption source points: 15 million.

Ancient Blood (Deep Purple)
This is a gift from the world. You are the darling of the world. You are a child of the river of time and space. You will carry the power of the essence of time and space. You understand the power of time and space, and you will soon gain access to the authority of time and space. You will become a god right before your eyes.

Not only can you break through the barriers between different spaces, you can even span the long river of time and space, observe everything, go back to the past or travel to the future.However, be careful!The Time Dragon is hunting you!
careful! *****’s eyes, be careful! ! **** noticed you! !

Redemption source points: 280 million.

handsome man (green)
You are favored by the world, and the world kisses your cheek and gives you peerless beauty. This is a gift and a test. You will have a charm that is difficult to conceal, and as time goes by, you will become more and more beautiful. Be careful, those women... …with men…

Redemption source points: 18 million.

Tenacity (dark blue)
Your unusual resistance to pain and suffering means you have the innate potential to become an extraordinary monk.You may be with light...or darkness...

careful!You have a certain probability of getting ****'s attention.This is both a gift and a test!

Exchange source points: [-].

Innate empowerment (purple)

You have fragments of authority that are difficult to control. As long as your talent is revealed and you master it, you are destined to be strong.But be careful, there are a lot of people peeping and searching for your traces...

Redemption source points: 120 million.


Vampire bloodline (blue bloodline)
A bloodline that comes from a supernatural race of vampires, specializing in darkness and blood, hunting.

Although it has been diluted over the years, the glory and power of vampires still flow in the blood. The fusion person will obtain higher purity vampire blood and become a warlock.

Exchange source points: sixty-eight thousand.


Najriel (light green equipment)

The legendary ship of the end, carrying believers of death, is built with the fingernails of dead people... Maybe the god of death will be interested in this...

Exchange source points: sixty-six thousand.


Divinity (pale pink wonder)
Climb to the foundation of God, the foundation of God.Only enough divinity can support a powerful priesthood and ignite the divine fire... Too much divinity will...

Exchange price: 15

After glancing around, Rey found that most of the gains from this projection were talents, and the specific physical objects were not very abundant.

However, when he thought that in the world of demon hunters, most of the equipment was alchemical items that were quickly depleted, and there were not many inherited equipment; and the talents were piled up by his huge number of followers, Rey quickly felt relieved.

However, although the interface provides nearly a thousand talent options, there are not many that can make Rey excited and surprised.

However, what makes Rey happy is that most of the high-end talents already involve authority, and the quality seems to be relatively high.

"Divinity!! Innate power! Ancient blood! Beautiful man!! Fuck, there are so many good things!"

Rey looked at the light ball, scratched his head and complained loudly, his heart was extremely excited and full of longing.

The former makes people stronger, and the latter makes people handsome. I want both~...

However, suddenly, Rey found that the budget he had just set for himself seemed a bit insufficient!
Especially when Rey saw the redemption item of divinity, he was sure that his wallet was really hopeless.

Because if he were to follow Rey's original plan - to become a god with 100 points of divinity from the top demigod, Rey's source points would definitely not be enough, and he wouldn't even be able to redeem his purple talent.

Therefore, Rey could only temporarily extinguish his mind that was heated by divinity and turn his attention elsewhere.

Because although exchanging divinity is very fragrant, tempting, and has a great improvement effect, there are too many source points to be consumed. The expenditure of about 500 million source points makes Rey unable to make a decision quickly for the time being.

What's more, the talents are also super fragrant, especially those related to authority, which are of great significance to Rey's plan to become a god. After all, becoming a god requires mastering the corresponding authority.

Now, Rey has only two talents that meet the requirements, one is "Son of the Sun". This Rey no longer dares to move for fear of being beaten to death.

There is another "diligence can make up for weakness". After thinking about it for a long time, Rey still couldn't figure out. If he uses this talent upgrade as a priesthood, what kind of authority does he have?Is it evolution?Or a transaction?Or maybe it’s hard work, eh~ It seems like there’s no such thing…

Because the description of this talent prevents Rey from confirming what authority it contains, and the uncertainty of its future development makes Rey afraid to place a bet. After all, becoming a god is not about opening a blind box, and you can use whichever one you catch. , encountering a rubbish priesthood will not only waste energy and source points, but also cause trouble to change priesthood in the future, so Rey can only place his hope on other talents.

Moreover, according to Rey's accumulated experience in the projection world, ancient blood, a talent related to the field of time and space, is very rare, and its effect is also very powerful.

For Rey, it also has a different meaning. Ancient blood, traveling through time and space, isn't it the golden finger of a trumpet?

Although Rey didn't say it explicitly, he understood that his dependence on [Zhutian Simulator] was very high.

Therefore, Rey, a stable person, is very afraid that the golden finger will suddenly expire or be no longer allowed to be used.

When the talent of Ancient Blood, which was the prototype of the [Heavens Simulator] function, appeared, Rey fell in love with it at a glance.

In addition, the power of time and space is the superior among the powers of gods. For Rey, who is about to choose the power to become a god, its temptation is even greater.

Moreover, if he redeems the talent of Ancient Blood, Rey will most likely directly upgrade it to control the power of time and space.

Although there are many secrets behind the power of time and space, its power is unquestionable, and it can beat the gods of the same rank.

In comparison, the natural authority and handsome man can only be the icing on the cake for Rey.Rey can only consider this if the budget is sufficient.

Looking at the exchange list, Rey looked troubled, and he was also very excited about those high-quality talents.After all, everyone wants good things.

However, now Rey has to fall into the quagmire of budget. His current priority is only Blood of the Ancients and Divinity, and he really wants to have both fish and cake at the same time.

"Why don't you try the quality of these two first?"

Lying in his sleeping bag, this thought suddenly flashed through Rey's mind.

After all, divinity plus purple talent is really delicious, I want to...

Rey felt that as long as he exchanged these two, his and the arcanist's practice would be basically unimpeded in the future, and it would have an inestimable effect on subsequent development.

Finally, Rey closed her mouth tightly, closed her eyes, and with a tap of her hand, she chose to exchange three points of divinity and ancient blood.

Then, in an instant, strange forces appeared out of thin air, continuously integrated into Rey's body, continuously strengthening, and transforming Rey's origin and physical quality.

At the same time, the divine fusion also began. The process was very simple. Three dazzling golden light balls flashed in mid-air and rushed straight to his head. The light balls directly passed through the skin, flesh and skull and merged into the body. Then the soul communicated and the divinity returned. The divine sea merges with the soul.

As the dazzling golden ball of light slowly sank from his forehead into his brain, Rey closed his eyes and waited for the three points of divinity to merge one by one. At this moment, he could clearly feel the three points of divinity merging with himself. At the same moment, waves of extremely hot warmth for him surged out from the Divine Sea and quickly flowed to his whole body. The muscles wherever it passed became tighter and his strength skyrocketed. A faint golden mist flowed from his mouth and nose. The air sprayed out and covered the whole body, and with his every breath, his body was slowly improving and changing.

As the three points of divinity gradually merge, Rey's physical fitness will naturally increase slowly, and the upper limit of the strength that can be accommodated will also increase.

"Fuck! I knew this was fucking stupid!... Exchange for divinity is a trap! It's great, but it's always too wasteful... I have to plan carefully..."

Although the feeling of divinity fusion was very comfortable and joyful, Rey was a little confused when he thought of redeeming seventy or eighty divinities.

After all, if he relaxed his mind and chose to exchange, the amount of source points he would spend would be a bit excessive. This had already exceeded the warning line in his heart, so Rey could only put down this idea for the time being.

 Sorry, my thinking has not been smooth in the past few days, and I am a bit stuck. I will update it on Sunday...

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(End of this chapter)

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