Simulate the heavens from Faerûn

Chapter 188 Clues【Please subscribe】

Chapter 188 Clues【Please subscribe】

"Rey, you have to know that although we mages have been chasing knowledge and truth all our lives, we must learn to be cautious when facing knowledge and truth, because knowledge is not only a kind of power, but also a heavy burden... "

Eric said to Rey seriously, interrupting Rey's random thoughts.

Rey smiled to hide the fact that he was distracted, and asked curiously: "Burden..."

"Yes, it is a burden... Knowing a kind of knowledge beyond one's control and understanding is a burden, because this knowledge will not only affect our various concepts and choices, but more fatally, this knowledge The power we already possess is eroding us..."

"So a lot of knowledge can only be sealed and let people with the corresponding strength and authority know...especially the knowledge about gods, demons, and devils, which are completely blocked, because this knowledge is relatively more difficult to It’s so terrifying…if you don’t have enough strength, you simply can’t afford this knowledge…”


Rey nodded and expressed his understanding. After all, knowledge such as demon summoning and devil summoning, as well as the true names of gods, would be impossible to hold on to without some strength. Otherwise, the thought of these knowledge might cause him to be overwhelmed. Influenced by this knowledge, bewitched and become their slaves.

"Rey, the book you got now is "A Brief History of Faerûn," ​​right?"

"Hmm~! That's right, Master Eric, is there something wrong with this book?"

"There's no problem. It's just that although this book has a very good reading experience, at least it was written by a legendary strongman, and the recorded material is also dragon skin, but it contains many bizarre ideas, and some of the contents are not The truth is all the traveler's imagination, even mixed with the author's strong personal opinions, especially it also records some knowledge that is beyond your understanding... Therefore, Lei Yiqi should pay attention to the distinction when reading, and don't I was misled by this book..."

"Well, I see, I'll pay attention."

"Rey, I know you like knowledge and exploration, but you have to act according to your ability... From now on, the acquisition of knowledge will mainly rely on your strength and your teacher..."

Rey looked at Eric and wanted to ask who his teacher was. After all, isn't the teacher the one who answers questions? !In this way, he can obtain the knowledge he wants in a timely manner or directly, without having to search for a needle in a sea of ​​books.

However, looking at Eric's exhausted expression as he closed his eyes and rested his mind after finishing his words, Rey also knew that Eric must be very tired from the trial, and Rey could only give up this idea. , stood up and bowed to Eric to say goodbye.

After standing on the Frisbee, Rey returned to his dormitory after a while.

"Ah~! Woo~!"

As soon as the door was closed, Rey launched himself directly. His whole body drew an arc in mid-air, hit the pillow accurately, bounced on the soft big bed, and fell into the quilt, making some childish noises. After a few laps, Rey turned his attention to the "A Brief History of Faerûn" in his hand.

Gently patting the dark book cover whose color was unclear, Rey opened the book and rubbed the word "traveler" in the preface for a long time, guessing that the book should be about an elf or a halfling. , even written by a god.

However, Rey guessed that this book was most likely written by an avatar of a god who was too idle and possessed the field of travel.

After all, he has some experience of how boring the daily life of the gods is, especially since the current gods have not experienced the thrilling chicken-eating mode in the turbulent era. From the stories about the gods, it can be seen that all the gods are leisurely and panicked. , jumping around, not having the majesty of a god at all, having enough time to write a travel diary or a book is just basic work.

Moreover, the Faerun pantheon is not the Eastern pantheon that Rey remembers clocking in for work, but more like the Greek pantheon - the characteristics of people with strong strength.

So whatever bad things the gods of Faerûn did that were out of moral integrity, Rey also felt that he could do it, ah, no, he could accept most of them.

Although the image of the god of Faerûn is somewhat degraded, Rey still hopes that this book can be written by a god, because standing high and seeing far, the things in the sight of the god are more real, and may be more like Rey's. desired.

Rey breathed a long sigh of relief, swept away his distracting thoughts, found a comfortable position to lie down, opened the book, and started a leisurely life of listening to books and watching "movies".

“If you want to truly understand the continent of Faerûn, you have to talk about the true face of this world and know what Toril is.

The planes of life are a collection of different worlds, and there are intricate connections between these worlds.Except for a few connecting points, each plane is actually an independent universe with its own natural laws.

Planes are divided into several categories: material plane, transitional plane, inner plane, and outer plane.

The Prime Material Plane is the world where ordinary mortals live. It has the same natural laws as the real world. Toril is such a world.

Transitive Planes: The three planes of the Astral Plane, the Ethereal Plane, and the Shadow Plane have one important thing in common: they can be used for plane travel.The Astral Plane can reach all other planes, and the Ethereal Plane and the Shadow Plane are both connected to the Material Plane and can travel through it. These planes have the strongest interaction with the Material Plane and can be accessed through a variety of magic. They It also has its own indigenous people.

The elemental alien worlds are also called Inner Planes, and there are six main realms: earth, water, fire, wind, positive energy (Positive), and negative energy (Negative).

These six planes are the embodiment of the basic components that make up the world. Each of them is dominated by a single element or energy. Among the major elemental alien worlds, there are so-called elemental semi-alien worlds. The mixing of elemental realms, such as the elemental realm of magma between the elemental realm of fire and the elemental realm of earth.The natives of the inner plane are also composed of corresponding elements or energies.

The inner plane is a plane where the laws of matter dominate, and most elemental beings are in the neutral camp.The endless space between the elemental interfaces is called the ethereal realm, and the elemental planes are connected to other planes through the etheric channels in it.

The spirit world/ethereal plane is an intermediary bridge between the inner plane and the material world.

As for the Outer Planes: Gods live in the Outer Planes, as do celestial beings, devils and demons. Camps are used as the standard for division. In addition to absolute neutrality, each camp has a representative of the other world (and There will also be a world between the two camps, which has the characteristics of both sides, similar to the combination of semi-elemental aliens), arranged in a circle, and the absolutely neutral alien world (Outlands) is located in the center of the circle.Between this circle, law and chaos, good and evil all gather.

Each camp on the outer plane embodies a certain moral and ethical tendency, and the camps of the natives of these planes also tend to be consistent with it. The outer plane is also the final resting place for souls in the material world, although This rest may be peaceful meditation or eternal damnation.

From lawful and neutral to good to chaotic good and neutral, there are seven planes: Arcadia, Heavenly Mountain, Twin Heavens, Elysium, Beast Wilds, Unrestrained Wilds, and Joseph's Garden.

Acradia: Transition from Lawful Neutral to Lawful Good
Mount Celestia: Lawful Good

Bytopia: Transition between Lawful Good and Neutral Good
Elysium: Neutral Good Beastlands: Transition between Neutral Good and Chaotic Good
Arborea: Chaotic Good

Ysgard: transition between chaotic good and chaotic neutral
The above seven are collectively called the "Upper Plane", where kind-hearted angels live.

From lawful neutral to evil to chaotic evil to neutral, there are seven planes: Shura battlefield, Baator Hell, Burning Hell, Gray Wilderness, Casserly, Bottomless Abyss, and Noisy Tunnel.

Acheron: Transition between Lawful Neutral and Lawful Evil
Baator (also known as the Nine Hells): Lawful Evil←Devils live here
Gehenna: lawful evil and neutral evil transition
Gray Waste: Neutral evil

Carceri: Transition between Neutral Evil and Chaotic Evil
Abyss: Chaotic Evil ← Demons Live Here
Pandemonium: Transition between Chaotic Evil and Chaotic Neutral
The above seven are collectively called "Lower Planes".

Limbo: Chaotic Neutral

Mechanus: Lawful Neutral

The center of the outer plane is the legendary Sigil City (absolutely neutral). There is controversy about whether Sigil City is a plane, but as the intersection of all plane passages in the outer plane, there are a large number of plane travelers They stayed and even settled here, and there were even legends that gods often visited here.

The vast space between the outer planes is the astral world, and the astral world has many special rules, such as instant spell casting and constant injury (the injuries of creatures in the astral world will not recover naturally but will not deteriorate over time), etc.


However, according to the accounts of some ancient beings, the world does not seem to be like this..."

Hearing this, Rey's eyes widened, he stopped reading and looked at the book, a little unbelievable. He didn't expect that he had found such an extraordinary book, and now he started to introduce the true face of the world, but when Rey said it word by word After looking at it, the back part was gone. That’s right, it was gone. The content behind it turned to the continent of Faerûn.

The traveler seemed to have mentioned this sentence in the book after suddenly remembering it, without going into details at all. It was a typical digging hole, regardless of whether to bury it or not, which made Rey's mentality somewhat explode.

"Fuck! It's so fucking wrong to be a son of man!... Then what should the world be like?"

Although he was scolding in his heart, Rey's joy was beyond words, because based on the introduction of this pair of planes, Rey was [-]% sure that the sentence in this book was true. This book was definitely a demigod. The above people wrote it, otherwise they have had this experience.

Rey opened the book and continued reading, hoping that there would be similar sentences or evidence in the book that could help him determine the nature of the world.

However, Rey was disappointed. Although the following content was not quite satisfactory, it was not very useful to Rey. It only introduced the replacement of overlords on the continent of Faerun after the formation of Faerun, as well as some important events during the period. There was nothing in this incident that Rey expected.

"Alas~! It's still a matter of timing..."

Rey closed the book, lay on the bed, and sighed. Rey knew that this fruitless result was actually more of his own fault. He didn't know much about Faerun and the world of DND, and his focus was on As for the events after the Calamity of Dawn, even for Netheril, most of my understanding of it in my previous life came from novels.

Now, Rey has come to the period of time after the fall of Nese and the Calamity of Dawn. If he wants to locate it, he can only judge it through the changes in gods or memorabilia.

What Rey can currently know is this DND world. TMD is definitely an eighth-level world, with many seventh-level powerhouses and even multiple eighth-level bosses. This was when Rey returned from the last projection world. It was learned that at that time, Rey saw that the talent he wanted to redeem would be watched by an unspeakable existence, so Rey made some inquiries to the heavens simulator.

It turns out that before Rey reaches the seventh level, in order to protect Rey from being beaten to death by these bosses for silently reciting the boss's name, the simulator will actively cover up the boss's real name and name, and erase Rey's name. Marks on the body.

At the seventh level, a qualitative change has occurred. It can be said that the paramecium mutated into a blue whale, which is like changing the world. The size of the seventh level makes Rey no longer able to rely on the passive cover of the simulator and needs krypton. Only gold can achieve its own concealment.

That's why Rey is so cautious, afraid that he will make mistakes, or even take the wrong path. After all, the various DND worlds in novels and games are very different, and if the seventh-level boss turns over his old record because of this, then it will be a big deal. Rei spent all his money, considering his current economic level, even if he had to die.

In the end, although he gained a lot of useful knowledge, Rey was not very happy and could only meditate hard, thinking about the sentence "The world does not seem to be like this...".

Suddenly, Rey's little hand slapped the book cover hard, his face full of joy.

Because Rey suddenly recalled that there was a record of this sentence, although Rey didn’t know whether it came from the official setting of Green Wood, ah~ Bah! DND, who knows the official settings for this thing? !How many editions are there, and there are various expansions, magic modifications...

Rey remembers a setting about the Death God Yeager. The Death God Yeager is actually the dead remnant of the Spellweaver race.

Spellweavers from multiple worlds and planes tried to turn the entire race into true gods through one magic, but failed miserably, triggering a magical backlash that swept the entire multiverse. The Spellweaver Empire spread across the entire multiverse. Complete destruction in an instant - the event that led to it is called the "Disjunction", and the multiverse has undergone tremendous changes as a result.

Jaeger the Spellweaver became Jaeger the God of Death, and the multiverse underwent great changes.

"Hmm~! It seems that this statement is consistent with reality? However, it seems that the god of death, Jaeger, has directly turned into a bug, and the B block exploded... Moreover, there are so many seventh-level bosses, this is really possible" ?The little bug directly changed the world..."

Rey put down the book, scratched his head, and fell into doubt. Although this setting was very consistent with the current situation and "history", when considering the energy level of this world, it was a bit ridiculous.

"Ah~! A little bit of clues, tearing the scalp, it's better not to have..."

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  DND settings are too difficult... If there is a problem in the above, I hope you guys can help point it out, thank you very much...


(End of this chapter)

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