Simulate the heavens from Faerûn

Chapter 191 Sunset Powers 【Subscription】

Chapter 191 Sunset Powers 【Subscription】

Faerûn, Aylward, Temple of the Lord of Glory.

The huge dome is large but not bulky. Above it is placed a large gold-plated sun wheel holy emblem, shining brightly in the sun. Dazzling golden lights are continuously shining from it to the surroundings, as if the Lord of Radiance is watching This solemn temple makes it the second tallest building in Aylward and the largest temple.

The temple is all white, which makes people deeply feel that this is a holy place at the first sight.Exquisite sculptures can be found in any corner of the cathedral, blended with the pious heart of the sculptor and carefully decorating the cathedral.But the most dazzling and attractive thing is the largest and eye-catching statue in the center of the temple hall.

This is a tall and thin man with silver hair, a short and shallow silver beard, and other facial features have been blurred, but his skin always glows with a soft golden light.He holds a scepter in one hand and a huge code in the other. He wears a wide and elegant purple and black robe, decorated with gold "stars" and silver "moons".In the hall of the temple, tall statues of gods and holy candlelight interweave into a harmonious picture, which feels warm and solemn.

A carriage stopped by the side entrance of the temple. Lorna led Rey out of the carriage. Riley stretched and followed closely behind.

Under the leadership of a priest, Rey's family walked towards the interior of the temple. This was also the first time they stepped into the temple. Looking at the solemn and solemn temple, Rey was a little uneasy because he didn't know that he could do so simply. Is walking into a temple of a god a delivery to your door.

After all, his talent as "Son of the Sun" and divinity can be discovered by the Lord of Glory Amaunata with just a little attention. This is as bright as the bald man's forehead. The majestic Lord of Glory may not be interested in him before, but , the Lord of Glory who has been surviving for hundreds of years, Rey is not sure that this "old man" will not leave any back-up plan on him.

Therefore, Rey was extremely unwilling to go to the Temple of the Lord of Glory, and he did not want to have anything to do with Amaunata, which would cause any mistakes in his plan. He was extremely coy, looking around, and even wanted to run away.

However, all this was in vain. Rey even cried, made a fuss and rolled around on the carriage, which did not make Lorna change her mind. As for the wise saying passed down by the Netheril Empire, "Gods are only powerful people." That's all." This excuse hurt Rey even more.

Now, after getting off the carriage, Lorna held Rey's hand firmly so that Rey had nowhere to escape and could only follow Lorna obediently.

Because Lorna is not a devout believer in the Lord of Radiance, but she makes things difficult for Rey and insists on letting him go to the temple. This makes Rey suspect that this is her mother Lorna's response to him not coming home for a month... Really...

But what made Rey relieved was that even if the family of three prayed under the statue, no accident happened. Amaunata didn't have time to pay attention to this little shrimp.

"It feels so good to be ignored..."

Looking at the solemn statue and feeling that he was safe, Rey breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but think in his heart that there was finally a smile on his expressionless face.

After praying, Rey saw a somewhat familiar figure in the backyard of the temple.

"Rey, this is Priest Morton, do you remember him? You injured your hand last year, thanks to his help, and you awakened your magic talent soon after you recovered from the injury. This is a gift from the gods... You still have it? Don’t thank him…”

Lorna pointed at a young male priest wearing gray-blue robes and said to Rey.

Rey's forehead was almost covered with black lines. He finally knew the reason why he was so frightened. He didn't expect it to be such a trivial matter. However, everything was fine now. His mother looked expectant and grateful again. Rey could only He trotted towards the young male pastor and said with gratitude and joy:

"Priest Morton, thank you for your help last winter. Thank you very much. If it weren't for you..."

Priest Morton first looked at Rey who suddenly ran over with a surprised look on his face, and did not recognize Rey. However, when he saw Lorna and Riley, he immediately recalled the incident last winter. Morton The priest waved his hand gently and said:
"You're welcome. This is all the glory of the great Lord of Glory. I just practiced God's teachings..."

Priest Morton looked at Rey and replied gently, while at the same time promoting the glorious image of the Lord of Radiance.

Later, Lorna and Riley also hurriedly came forward to thank them. After chatting with Reverend Morton, they decided to take Rey with them to participate in the collective prayer at dusk today.

It's just that Rey is unwilling in his heart. After all, this is a dangerous place for Rey. Even if everything was fine just now, Rey feels that the longer he stays here, the more dangerous it becomes. He has always been very uneasy in his heart. It feels like danger is approaching.

However, Rey found that he could not explain to his parents at all. It was impossible for them to give up this decision just because they felt danger for no reason, especially now that dusk was about to fall, there was no way he could shirk it.

As dusk comes, a ray of sunset hangs on the horizon, casting its last afterglow, covering the sky and earth with a hazy layer of gold.

The huge statue of the god gave off a faint light under the prayers of everyone, and looked extremely majestic when surrounded by candles.

"The Great Lord of Radiance..."

Believers prostrate themselves under the statue of the God, and under the leadership of the priest, recited long prayers. The atmosphere at the scene was extremely lively and full of fanaticism.

However, suddenly the statue emitted a dazzling light that made it difficult to see clearly, and all the candles were extinguished. At the same time, a milky white light flew from the statue into Rey's mind and disappeared.

Then, the entire temple and the statues became dim, and even the setting sun outside the window became much darker. The entire temple fell into a commotion and a mess. The believers who participated in the prayer looked at the dim statues with disbelief. The priest who presided over the prayer also had a pale face. He felt that he could no longer connect with the Lord, but he recovered immediately and comforted the believers.

And Rey also felt the light that suddenly appeared and merged into the body and disappeared, and froze on the spot, with a look of confusion and despair on his face, and his face twisted up. He knew that there would be no good in coming to this temple.

The sky has changed...

Rey really didn't expect that he would be able to experience this accident and big surprise - Amaunata, the Lord of Glory, knelt down and became the plant god.

Because the advancement and retreat of gods are often difficult to understand and take a long time, Rey never thought that he would encounter this one-in-a-billion final moment.

Rey looked at the meteor in the dim sky that streaked across the sky and left a long arc. He knew that the sun god was "dead"!
From then on, he will sleep in the boundless world, and he doesn't know when he will wake up.

Looking at the dark sky, several stars shone brighter and swayed upwards. Rey seemed to see several huge beings. At this time, like wild beasts surrounding their prey, they began to carve up the remains of the sun and continued to expand.

Understanding instantly appeared in his eyes, and he whispered to himself in his heart: "The sun dies... the whale falls and all things are born... Now a god with at least powerful power has fallen... I don't know how many will be created... God..."

"Or should we say... Is Amana worthy of being a powerful god? In addition to Lansander and Tyr, other gods have benefited from this... Oh, what a pity..."

Thinking of this, Rey's expression became solemn: "In the end, only one person can reach the top of a priesthood. I have to act quickly... Otherwise, the good positions will be occupied by others, which will be troublesome..."

"Sigh... Sure enough, not everything is as expected, there are still some things that are beyond our control..."

Rey felt the golden light that had been hidden in his body and could not be found for a while. He couldn't help but sigh, but he had no regrets or fear.

After all, if the golden light is really harmful to him, Rey can't do anything, because in the current situation, if he uses the golden finger, there is no doubt that Rey will be killed immediately.Because there are not a few gods who pay attention to Amaunata, there are enemies and allies. After all, his basic belief system - Netheril has collapsed, and many gods are waiting for him to collapse and eat meat, and accept the vacant priesthood and position. , so many gods are closely watching the fall of Amaunata, and if something goes wrong with Rey at this critical moment, it is very likely that he will be discovered and killed.

Fortunately, Rey didn't overreact and finally came out of his daze. He followed his parents' footsteps and left the temple in panic.

Rey turned around and glanced at the image. He was a tall, thin man with silver hair and a short, light silver beard. He was holding a scepter in one hand and a huge codex in the other. He was wearing a wide and elegant purple-black robe. It was dotted with golden stars and silver moons.

Rey sneered in his heart and taunted: "What a dress full of ambition! It's such a wishful thinking to rule the sun, moon and stars... I don't know how many positions I have to give up this time to survive... Even if I survive, , I don’t know what the hell it has become, it’s so pitiful..."

Rey couldn't help but think of the many responsibilities of Amaunata before her fall: bureaucracy, contract, order, law, class, sun, and dominion.

"This is really a big fat pig, greedy, but thinking about the two priests of law and contract... we should also confirm their owners. Tire and Lansendre don't know what is going on with the other priests. Still too weak to be on the table, unable to share the meat...

However, it seems extremely unlikely that Amaunata will revive again, because neither his enemies nor the successors to the priesthood want him to revive.

It would be nice if the enemy were not busy looking for his Kingdom of God's Castle of Eternal Glory to kill him.Among the successors, forget about Tyr. He is an outsider and his heart is not in Toril, but Lansander... It would be good if he did not take this opportunity to cause trouble for the sun god Amaunata, but that's fine. It is impossible to resuscitate Amaunata and let her get up and enjoy the care of the Lord of the Morning..."

"After all, Lansander will never forget the words that almost spread in Toril... No matter how beautiful the first ray of light in the morning is, it will be dissipated in the warm and blooming sunshine.

However, those elves who believe in Lansendre should not be underestimated. They have brought the saying that the light of dawn awakens the sun to every corner of the world. The elves who have fought in the Crown War are still able to master this little trick..."

After all, the character of a god can be glimpsed from the church under him. As the saying goes, what is good above him will be bad for the bottom. Therefore, regardless of whether the evil god or the righteous god, their church often reflects the character of the main god.

And Rey happens to know that the Church of Lansander, the Lord of the Morning, is a church with radical doctrines. Their goodness is very different from the goodness taught by Tyr, the God of Justice. The Church of Tyr is trying to establish an order that allows society to operate stably. The order maintains good, so the action style and creed are relatively peaceful, and the evil ones are not easily killed - rather than killing, the guys from the Tire Church prefer to use and guide them to integrate them into the stable order. Reduce its harm.Only those who cannot be tolerated will be allowed to take action.

But this is not the case with Lansander. This church believes that all unkind existences should be eliminated, and there is no room for concessions. The philosophy of the Church of Tyr is very weak and lukewarm in the eyes of the Church of Sons of the Dawn. As long as it is controlled by Lansander They will spare no effort to attack and destroy the evil recognized by the doctrine until one party falls. In their view, certain orders are hotbeds used by evil to disguise themselves and protect themselves. In order to combat this evil, they can use some kind of It disregards order to a certain extent, and does not care about sacrifices, let alone compromise.

For example, believers in the Church of Tire will be faced with a dilemma and compromise with the evil enemy in order to avoid worse consequences. However, if they are believers in Lansander, in the same situation, they are more likely to The result was that both jade and stone were destroyed.

Therefore, Lansendre is too idealistic, which may be the reason why he will cause the Dawn Tribulation in the future.


In the midst of the turbulent flow of the void, there is a temple so majestic that it cannot be described in words!

A place that is even more mysterious than the legendary 'Sigil City', because only gods have the right to enter here through the ages.

This is the core of the rules of the entire multiverse!
This place is none other than the [Pantheon], which is said to be the place where the [gods] discuss matters.

In the past, countless mortals regarded this place as the highest place.

Every successful [Ascension to God] exists.

Whether it is a [good god] or a [evil god], they will leave a [divine power avatar] here, and get a [divine seat] with their own [divine power imprint] to symbolize that they have officially become a [divine spirit].

At this time, the Pantheon was very quiet.

This is an extremely huge space, and everything seen in front of you is shrouded in a light curtain. This is a light curtain that even the sight of gods cannot see through.

Thrones are placed one after another in the Pantheon.

There are many figures inside, and these are all avatars of the gods.It is also part of their souls. Any true god will send part of his soul to the Pantheon. As long as he does not completely fall, the throne belonging to them in the Pantheon will always be retained.

Natural gods.

Elemental Gods.

Human pantheon.

Elf gods.

Dwarf pantheon.

Halfling pantheon.

Drow pantheon

They sat quietly, watching the fall of the Lord of Glory. Some were worried, and some looked expectantly, but now they all just watched the Lord of Glory disappear. No one said anything or wanted to. It hurts to hit a drowned dog.

They all know that the Lord of Glory is about to fall into a long slumber due to the sharp drop in his godhood level. They don't want to accept a fatal blow from the trapped beast now. After all, the Lord of Glory will fall into slumber by himself later, plus the gods' The kingdom of God is difficult to search, and they are just watching the excitement while preparing for the snatching of power later.

Before the gods could react, the throne belonging to the Lord of Glory in the Pantheon suddenly disappeared from the front row in the center of the temple. It was unknown where it fell into the temple. At the same time, several bright lights flew out of the machine. But before the gods around them, who had been waiting for a long time, could start snatching away, the two dazzling rays of light disappeared. The gods were excited and fought around the remaining rays of light...

In the corner of the Pantheon, two thrones suddenly rose high and came to the front row and center of the Pantheon. The light dispersed, revealing the confused and surprised figures of Lansander and Tire...

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(End of this chapter)

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