Simulate the heavens from Faerûn

Chapter 195 The Outer Spaceship 【Subscription】

Chapter 195 The Outer Spaceship 【Subscription】

Huh, the breeze ruffled the pond water, ruffled the treetops, and caused a rain of flowers all over the sky.

The petals fell off and were blown up by the breeze, sweeping across the entire hill. In an instant, a rain of flowers enveloped Rey's figure, like a dream, making people marvel and cheer.

At this time, a bright red rose petal was blown by the breeze through the woods, passed through the fence, and fell into Rey's palm.

There was calm in the pale golden eyes, vaguely reflecting an undulating river, looking at the rose petals falling in his hands, Rey slowly closed his palms.

The petals melted in Rey's palm, like water droplets melting into the sea, leaving no trace.Living in the botanical garden residence of Arcane Garden, the noise, cheers, exclamations, and noises have long been far away from Rey, away from all right and wrong, immersed in the world of magic, life is so peaceful.

Huh, let out a breath, gathered all the thoughts in his heart, picked up the tome covering the ground, closed it, and placed it on the grass. Rey put his hands on the green grass and sat up.

The sun was bright but not dazzling. When he sat up, a sea of ​​flowers appeared in front of Rey. At a glance, he could not see the edges. There were red, purple, and light yellow, all in different colors. There are tens of thousands of flowers of all colors in the world, and they can be found here. The postures are either delicate or elegant, each with its own splendor. The most important thing is that every flower is filled with gentle aura, which makes people enchanted.

Gorgeous butterflies and hard-working bees shuttle among the sea of ​​flowers, complementing each other, adding a touch of freshness to the beauty, and making this magnificent sea of ​​flowers move from a picture to a three-dimensional one.

Lei Yi has been in this botanical garden for nearly four months. To be honest, Lei Yi enjoys a carefree life, the kind of picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, leisurely seeing Nanshan Mountain, fishing in his spare time, nothing to do. Farming is a small world where he is usually obsessed with magic research.

However, Rey feels that this beautiful life of hers is coming to an end.

Whether it was the fall of the Lord of Glory or the fall of the floating city Analil, Aylward's atmosphere became increasingly grim after that night, with no intention of recovering along with the weather.

Nowadays, the weather in Northland has already warmed up, but Aylward is still very deserted.The situation around Aylward is getting more and more serious. Rey heard from Lorna and Riley that the roar of the dragon heard around Aylward is getting louder and louder.

This is the test that the red dragon queen Melogarland has been launching since the Lord of Radiance fell. She often sends her dragons to wander around Aylward.

"It's Melanjialan. It seems like it can't hold back anymore. It started an operation immediately after learning about the death of the Lord of Glory. It wants to explore the background of our Aylward..."

"So, Rey, you have always stayed here, and it is very safe... You can study here with peace of mind, and your mother and I will come over to see you from time to time..."

"Yes! Yes! Rey, it's better for you to stay here and feel more comfortable. You don't have to go outside and suffer..."

"Well... and Rey, something big is going to happen in the Tower of Stars in half a month. If everything goes well, you will regain your freedom. On that day, we will come to pick you up..."


The family of three went to the seventh floor of the Star Tower under the protection of arcane guards. Along the way, there were magic structures, arcane guards, and various magic circles. Even Rey's family passed by one. It took a rigorous inspection to reach this destination smoothly.

Entering the seventh floor, Rey saw the tightness of the guards and felt that the inspections he had made along the way were insignificant.At a glance, the seventh floor is mainly an extremely wide hall, as big as seventeen or eight football fields. Dozens of three- and four-story-high demon statues cling to the walls of the hall, with their blue eyes. It makes people feel intimidated.

In the center of the hall is a high platform and a building that looks like a dock. There are many golems and guards standing on them, and around them are many powerful figures and outstanding figures in the Pedler family. The juniors, as well as many middle- and high-level mages in the Star Tower, all stared at the high platform with eager faces.

Rey looked around and was very curious as he walked along. When he came here, he finally couldn't hold it any longer. He raised his head and asked curiously: "Dad, what are you going to do? There are so many people here..."

Riley waved to an acquaintance and replied: "Rey, our Pedler family's exploration fleet is coming back from the star realm today... As long as the exploration fleet comes back, your problem will be solved immediately." After saying that, his face was full of joy and excitement.

"That's right, Rey, your great-grandfather, Archmage Ober, the patriarch of the Pedler family, is coming back. Your problem will definitely be solved..."

Lorna touched Rey's little head and said with a smile on her face.

"Exploration Fleet, Star Boundary, great-grandfather?"

Rey scratched his head and asked somewhat confusedly. After all, he remembered that he had met his great-grandfather, Archmage Ober, when he first entered the Tower of Stars. Why did he sneak into the Star Boundary again? What about middle?
"That's right, it's your great-grandfather, Archmage Ober. He led the fleet to the star realm a year ago. If it weren't for you being too young, I would have followed him on board..."

Riley rubbed the back of his head and said with some regret.

"Go to the Star Boundary. You warrior, go to the Star Boundary. Aren't you just looking for death?! Are there any regrets? Isn't it good to keep the two of us safe?"

"Hey hey hey..."

Yes, the star realm is a very dangerous area. Even a mage will not take risks there without being prepared, let alone a warrior like Riley. What Lorna said is still very reasonable.

The star world is connected to all planes. It has almost endless space. Many creatures also live in the star world. Many powerful people who cannot enter the material plane live in the star world, such as those gods and god-like creatures.Of course, there are also many strange races and beings living in it, as well as false gods, evil beings, giant dragons and other powerful beings that are legendary or even demigods.

That's why so many golems and weapons were arranged in this hall, not only to prevent people from making trouble inside, but also to guard against monsters who ran into the Tower of Stars from the star realm.

The crowd outside looked at the high platform and talked a lot. Everyone looked very happy. After all, the strongest member of the family was coming back. From now on, his backbone in the Northland would be much stronger, and he would be even stronger against the Red Dragon Queen Melo Jialan. I feel confident.

Suddenly, several old mages with white beards and hair wearing navy blue mage robes appeared on the high platform and stood on their own. Suman came to the astrological platform and took out a crystal ball, and then began to cast spells with the other mages.

It is not easy to enter and exit the star realm and the material realm, because there is a protective film around the material plane. Spellcasters call it a crystal wall. This crystal wall is actually a manifestation of the will of the plane. It blocks Overly powerful creatures enter the material world, but at the same time it is not easy for people inside to get out, but the difficulty is much lower than coming in.

However, there are actually many ways for spellcasters to travel to the star realm. In addition to soul projection, some mages also like to use cloning to create clones, and some mages will create powerful golem puppets, and then let part of their souls control the puppet. Use the Golem Golem to enter the Astral Plane.

It's just that the Tower of Stars is not going to the star realm this time, but opens the door for the returning fleet and lights up the return sign.So everything on the astrological platform was quickly arranged. On the astrological platform, the magic circles continued to shine as the mages cast spells, and the crystal ball began to emit dazzling light.

Taling opened the energy channel to continuously charge the magic circle, and light blue elemental energy rushed out.

"Gate to the Star World!" Powerful magical energy gathered, and a gate emitting strange light appeared in the center of the magic circle, followed by shadows of the souls of the mages appearing around the gate.

In the boundless star realm, darkness, dead silence, and emptiness are the eternal colors here. Occasionally, one or two comets fly by at high speed. Material is scarce here, there is no air, no gravity, no water, and even no sound. Everything is so dead.

At this moment, a starlight flashed deep in the star world, and then a huge bubble suddenly appeared in the void. If anyone saw it, they would know that this was someone traveling through space.

The bubbles expanded rapidly, expanding more than ten times in the blink of an eye.Soon the outline of a huge spaceship appeared in the bubble, and with a flash of spiritual light, the bubble slowly disappeared, and a huge magic ship continued to shuttle through the star world.

Although this magic ship may be large in the material plane, it is as inconspicuous as a speck of dust in the astral realm.

In the hall, a silver river appeared before everyone's eyes.Rey stood in the hall and looked at the gorgeous star world. It felt like standing on the surface of the moon and gazing at the universe. In front of him was the boundless silver river, like the Milky Way where countless stars gathered.In this seemingly small astral gate, you can see countless stellar matter, as well as objects passing by at high speed like meteors.

It might just be a comet, or it might be the corpse of an ancient god!

The astral world has become a huge garbage dump.

Over the course of countless years, countless people entered and died here, and there were also various beings who entered the star realm for other reasons, ultimately turning the star realm into a huge garbage dump.

Inside this dump, the bodies of the ancient gods can be found, hidden demiplanes.The fallen kingdom of gods may even encounter a dilapidated floating fortress.Huge star warships and so on.Almost everything imaginable can be encountered here.

Because this is a huge, all-encompassing garbage dump!
It is also the most dangerous garbage dump.

There is no air in the star realm, so it is not easy for flesh and blood life to survive here. They must rely on the floating demiplane of the star realm, or a floating city, or a magic ship.Therefore, traveling into the star realm is purely a game between the strong and the rich.

With the opening of the star gate, the Star Tower's built-in magic network and the outside world immediately changed. Under the action of the mysterious lock, the original built-in magic network seemed to be integrated with the outside world's magic network.

But now, it seems that a huge thing is slowly emerging from the bottom of the water, causing huge waves.As shown on the star gate, it is a huge vortex that even ordinary people can distinguish. It begins to flow slowly, becomes faster and twisted, and exudes a huge sense of intimidation.

The cold, loud tower spirit tone sounded throughout the hall.

"Attention! Attention! Plane jump is ready!"

"Start the plane jump!!!"

The Star Boundary Gate trembled suddenly, as if something was hitting it. Then, the Star Boundary Gate shone with light, and it suddenly increased several times in size, and a huge thing slowly drove into the hall from it.

It was a light gray metal ship about 300 meters long.

It is covered with various mysterious lines that continue to shine in a faint blue. Due to the overall dark color of the ship, its presence appears to be very weak in the dim star realm.

Once it moves, it looks like a dim gray rock. Even if it is very close, it is not easy to find its existence without careful inspection.

Instead of choosing those flashy and brightly colored paintings, which would provide a strong indicative effect to other ships around it, I chose this dim color simply for concealment. To a certain extent, this performance In this quiet and strange star realm, it is undoubtedly inconspicuous, and this is its main goal.

Because if you are too conspicuous in the star realm, it will easily attract unnecessary glances and attention.

For example: some warcraft with violent nature, or some hidden star pirates, or some inexplicable things that are weirder, more powerful, and more threatening...

Therefore, in the dark forest of the Star Boundary, unless they are really very powerful and have a strong organization, people who enter the Star Boundary will choose to hide in the environment.

Of course, this giant ship is dim in color and unremarkable, but the ferocious gun barrels and the terrifying blue eyes of the giant ship clearly tell everyone that it is not easy to mess with.

As long as it is angered, its magical bombardment shining with magical brilliance will reveal its ferocious and terrifying face!

With the cooperation of magic crystals and magic spells, those bombardments, any time they are fired, have terrifying power equivalent to a sixth-level attack spell or even higher! !

Basically, with just one shot, you can easily destroy the walls of most mortal cities. Similarly, you can also easily wipe out a small army.

As for regular meteors, they will be evaporated in an instant!

And when this kind of attack becomes large-scale, even those large cities with defensive barriers will be directly wiped out by residents and buildings!
After all, this thing is not only expensive to make, but its power when used is also completely proportional to the consumption... The loss of any magic energy cannon can make an ordinary person work hard for a lifetime.

Therefore, this kind of attack can also be called an authentic money offensive!

The poor can only look and cry...

Moreover, such a giant ship cannot be bought with money, because this kind of giant ship is also among the best among the magic ships of all races in Faerun. It is the glorious crystallization of its own magical civilization and is not for sale at all.

That is to say, the Netheril Empire was truly wealthy in its glory days, with no shortage of money, countless rare resources, and high-end technologies emerging in endlessly.

Not only can more than a dozen great arcanists gather to design and build such a giant ship, but they can also prepare enough ammunition for various giant cannons. Otherwise, even the Pedler family might build it alone. Own this expensive and powerful magic ship.

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(End of this chapter)

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