Simulate the heavens from Faerûn

Chapter 200 Xiaotian Knows Fate 【Subscription】

Chapter 200 Xiaotian Knows Fate 【Subscription】

“It was also because the family’s focus back then was on searching for the empire’s legacy. Otherwise, how could we allow a giant dragon to take advantage of the opportunity to develop, and ultimately forced us to return to defense and give up exploration... What a damn big lizard! "

Master Ike said angrily, his words revealing his hatred and disdain for the dragon.

It's normal to think about it. Every arcanist in the late Netheril Empire had his eyes high and claimed to be a god reserve. This time, his home was stolen by a giant dragon. This not only ruined the family's treasure hunting plan, but also The family's face was severely beaten, how could the family not resent it? !
Rey also echoed and cursed a few times. After all, if he continues to search, he will have to pay back more of the secret treasures of the past, and he will have to have better and wider choices.

However, when Rey thought about it from another angle, he also felt that the Red Dragon Queen had superior means and wisdom. Even though she angered the family, she was not killed. Instead, she survived, and her power continued to grow to where it is today. , It’s really extraordinary! !
Rey followed Master Ike around the secret vault. Although Rey was very greedy and wanted to ask for them all, the shining magic lines on the secret vault and the ready-made golems made Rey behave honestly. You can only choose three treasures that resonate with you the most and have the strongest appeal to make your final independent appraisal and decision.

These three treasures are the Orb of Time and Space, the Dragon Bone Pendant, and the Fountain of Youth. After being identified by Rey's golden finger, he discovered that these three treasures are really ridiculously powerful. Whether they are appropriate or not is another matter. Their effects and functions are quite powerful. .

The space-time orb is a light blue bead, similar in size to a glass bead, with a surface as smooth as jade. Even when Rey looks at Du from a distance, he can feel its strong attraction and resonance for his talent [Ancient Blood]. feel.

After identification, Rey discovered that this was a perfect piece of equipment that had reached purple quality, and this treasure actually contained a trace of precious time and space rules.Its effect is to reduce the difficulty of casting spells such as time regression, time banishment, time stop, etc.

Rey remembered that the time and space spells of the mages were originally learned from the time dragon. The same was true for the arcanists. The time and space spells they mastered were closely related to the time and space dragon.

Time dragons can be said to be masters of time control. They are born with the ability to control time. They can cast spells such as time stop at will.This is a very powerful legendary dragon species. They are also called chronological dragons, epochal dragons or eternal dragons. When they grow to the ancient dragon stage, their strength is enough to compare with the top demigods. Its powerful.

Time dragons like to stay in the long rivers of time and space for time travel, exploring the past or the future. When they discover a potentially dangerous war, they will not hesitate to use the abilities at their disposal to end the battle as soon as possible, and rarely communicate with mortal things.Time dragons are also the only truly immortal dragons other than gods. This dragon is also the only one that does not collect treasures but instead collects everything from ordinary sundials to exotic clocks with mechanical transmissions.

And according to the information that Rey read, the time dragon appeared very rarely in the world of Toril. There are only a dozen historical records. Some lucky great arcanists were lucky enough to communicate with the time dragon, and then I learned the time spell from the Time Dragon, which is how the famous legendary spell time stop came about.

It is said that a great arcanist studied and imitated the breath of the time dragon to create spells.The breath of the time dragon has two effects, one is to rob time, they spit out the time plundering dragon breath that the wizard can save regardless of, and directly rob the opponent of time, causing irreversible and permanent aging effects that cannot be saved.

It is said that the breath of some time dragons can easily transform a human from an infant to an old man.

The second dragon's breath breath effect is to banish time. It is also unable to save. Its effect is to directly throw the enemy out of time. The enemy will completely disappear and be unable to move until the dragon's breath effect disappears and he is captured by time again. .

Both types of dragon breath are very powerful. The time banishment spell is a spell imitated based on the breath of the time dragon. However, the effect of this spell is far inferior to the power of the time dragon breath. But even so, this spell is very powerful. There are very few people who master this spell.

Now that he has a treasure called the Space-Time Orb, which can be called an artifact, Rey can consider finding and collecting it in advance, and practice time-based spells.

[Time and Space Orb (Purple): After being washed by the long river of time and space, it is a magical treasure condensed by the power of time and space due to the huge waves in the long river of time and space. It contains a trace of the rules of time and space. Wearing this bead can greatly reduce the use of spells. The difficulty of time spells, and will master part of the power of time, improving the affinity of time and space.Effect: Immunity to Slow!Immune to positioning spells such as dimensional anchors!Immunity time stopped!control time!The effect of time and space spells is extended by 100%; the difficulty of casting spells is reduced by one spell level. 】

[Control time: You have the power to control time in a small area, which can make your actions faster. 】

If you have this time and space orb, in terms of short-term effects, the fusion speed and awakening speed of Rey's talent [Ancient Blood] will be greatly improved; and in terms of long-term effects, the most obvious ones are time and space. The difficulty of casting the spell has been directly reduced from the nine-ring legend to the eight-ring. In conjunction with the time control effect, it has reached the point of instant casting. It is simply a small artifact. I don’t know which ruins the family dug it out from?

The biggest function of this orb may be to master the time spell for other mages.But for Rey, what is more important is the awakening of the [Ancient Blood], and the compatibility between the Ancient Blood and the Orb of Time and Space: Both are treasures that combine the laws of time and space, and embody the authority of time and space.

This means that if Rey becomes a god, he can inject divinity into it, and upgrade the space-time orb into an artifact, an artifact with attributes and authority that perfectly match. This thing will just solve his urgent need, and with the priesthood and authority, the artifact The perfect fit can completely achieve the effect of 1+1>2, providing help for Reyferon to overcome the early difficulties after becoming a god.

The second piece is the dragon bone pendant, a small pendant engraved with the face of this giant dragon. It contains the power of the red dragon that Rey is very familiar with. It may have limited improvement for Rey, but for Rey's father Riley, it is A rare treasure.

[Dragon bone pendant (purple): Made from the most essence of bones and dragon blood in the dragon's body, the power of the dragon remains on it. Wearing it can gain dragon power (red dragon in adulthood), and the wearer's strength will increase by 5 points ( (up to 40), physical fitness increased by 4 points (up to 40).

At the same time, it can be directly immune to any attack with an attack strength below 80 points. When receiving most damage, it can reduce the damage it takes; improve its own regeneration ability, and the basic life recovery rate +1 per hour. 】

The third item was a ball (probably less than three milliliters) of spring water containing strong vitality. Rey could feel his body's desire for it from a long distance away.

And as far as Rey knows, the Fountain of Youth is a strange object in the material world. It is similar to the Orb of Time and Space. They are both treasures created by the world. However, it is said to be the Fountain of Youth. In fact, this kind of spring water cannot truly achieve immortality. , but the Fountain of Youth can also increase people’s life span by about 150 years.

[Fountain of Youth (Purple): A strange thing. The Fountain of Youth is the essence bred by nature and a gift from nature. It has miraculous effects and can make people live a long life. Countless people are willing to pay any price to get it. The entire material There are very few places in the plane where you can find the Fountain of Youth.

Effects of use: Restore life, regenerate broken limbs, treat fatal injuries, maintain youth forever, and extend life.

Use effect 1: [Restore Life], one milliliter of fountain of youth water can restore ten points of vitality. This effect is only effective for living creatures.

Use effect 2: [Rebirth of broken limbs], the Fountain of Youth can regenerate broken limbs, but you need to take a corresponding amount according to the severity of the injury (rebirth of a broken arm requires 300 ml.).

Use Effect 3: [Cure Fatal Injury], the Fountain of Youth can treat fatal injuries, but it also requires a sufficient amount (drinking one liter of the Fountain of Youth before death can cure all injuries on the body).

Effect 4: [Eternal Youth], the Fountain of Youth can keep the appearance of all living things as they were when taking it. Aging will only occur in the last ten years of the living being's life.

Use effect 5: [Extend lifespan]. Drinking the Fountain of Youth can increase your lifespan by about 150 years. This effect is effective for all living beings (note: you must have full vitality when triggering this effect). 】

To be honest, the effect of the Fountain of Youth on Rey is very limited. After becoming a god (Rey boasts that he will definitely become a god), Rey does not need to worry about lifespan. So far, Rey has not heard of gods who die of old age. .

Therefore, the most important life-extending effect of the Fountain of Youth is basically of no use to him.As for the regeneration of severed limbs, the restoration of life, and even the treatment of fatal injuries, these are also not attractive to Rey. After all, he can exchange divinity and fused projection clones at any time.

The power of divinity is stronger than all healing techniques, and this is only a side effect of divinity. For divinity, it can bring people back as long as they are not dead, but it may require a little more divinity.

Now the only function of the Fountain of Youth for Rey is to promote physical development, that is, to promote the integration of body, talent, and divinity, which is of little significance to Rey.

Although the Fountain of Youth is not attractive to him, it is very attractive to other people. The life span of human beings in this world is about seventy years. Of course, this refers to the nobles. The life span of ordinary people is generally between forty and fifty years.The lifespan of professionals is much higher. As long as they don't suffer too serious injuries when they are young, it is normal to live to be 50 or 90 years old.

Of course, life will be longer after being promoted to Legendary. The Fountain of Youth is very attractive to warriors and nobles. Their condition will gradually decline after age 130, but if they spend the Fountain of Youth, they can easily live to more than 350 years old.

This is almost twice the lifespan of a legendary warrior, and due to the effect of immortality, he will reach an astonishing 340 years old at his peak.

This is relatively important to Rey's parents, well, it's relatively important to Rey's mother Lorna.

Regarding his father, Riley, Rey felt that even without his help, if nothing unexpected happened, Riley would be able to successfully advance to become a legendary warrior. The Fountain of Youth would only be the icing on the cake for him, clearing away hidden injuries and increasing his vitality. At that time, Riley became a legendary warrior, and Rey granted him divinity to extend his life.

Rey feels that it is more difficult for his mother Lorna to advance to Legend. This Fountain of Youth can be said to be her hope for advancing to Legend in the future, not to mention eternal youth, which is an invincible fatal attraction for women.

So, now the question comes to Rey. Each of the three treasures has its own role for the family of three, but now they can only choose one. For Rey, this is not only a rational decision but also an emotional consideration.

Even Rey suspected that his teacher had planted a test for him. After all, it was such a coincidence, wasn't it?
Rey doesn't believe in any coincidence of fate. He can only say that this is a test given by the strong to the weak.In addition, he has been interfered by psychic magic since he entered the secret vault, and now he has entered the secret vault where he cannot cast spells. Rey suspects that the three items he picked out now were also interfered by the insidious old guy, Master Ike.

I thought that Master Ike introduced the items because he was optimistic about himself or because of the rules of the secret library, but he didn't expect that he was also a dark-hearted guy.

"Alas~ I was still too young and too careless, and I actually fell into the trap without knowing it..."

"Rey, have you decided which one to choose?"

Master Ike looked at the three items in front of him, smiled and asked the thoughtful Rey with a smile.

"I've made my choice...I choose the Space-Time Orb."

Rey glanced at the three treasures and grabbed the light blue space-time orb decisively, resolutely and without any hesitation.

"Eh... Hahaha, okay, now that you have made your choice and the permissions have been used, then leave as soon as possible... In this important place of the secret library, those without permission are not allowed to stay..."

Master Ike was surprised. He originally thought that Rey would need to struggle for a while, but he didn't expect to make a decision so quickly. He couldn't help but glance at Rey, secretly uploaded the news to the tower spirit, and then started with a smile. Evict guests.

"Okay, Master Ike, I'll leave now..."

Rey took a deep look at the two treasures left behind, nodded and replied with a smile, and then walked away quickly, stroking the orbs in his hands.

Seeing that the silver metal door behind him was tightly closed and the diamond golems were waiting, Rey weighed the time and space orb in his hand and turned around decisively to leave. "Time and Space Orb, you have to work hard..."

A soft murmur drifted through the empty hallway.

Rubbing the Orb of Time and Space in his hand, Rey had no regrets in his heart. To be honest, if he had a choice, he would want them all. But in reality, he can only have one, and he can only choose an equipment that can enhance his strength to the greatest extent. .

Because strength is the root of all conflicts, if he is strong enough, it is not a problem to just take them all away, so why bother here?

Giving up now is just for better access and choices in the future, just like a person squatting down just to jump better.

Rey feels that there is no need to worry about his parents' lifespan for the time being. Both of his parents are still strong and still far away from the legendary rank. And he is not far away from becoming a god. It will take half a year to a year at most to wait for his real simulation. If he has enough savings, he will attack to become a god.

At that time, extending the life of his parents will not be a problem at all. The main problem is how he can reasonably become a god. Rey has not found a suitable reason yet.

But Rey had no intention of procrastinating any longer.Because I can't wait any longer, the risk is too great. Who knows when Jaeger, the god of death, will give up the pick and don't want to do it. The Dele family would be doomed if they stayed here.

Well, what he said was almost over. After seeing so many treasures in the secret vault, Rey knew that Faerun could no longer stay.

NMD, so many purple-quality treasures are stored here without the blessing of the gods. Which force will not be tempted by this fat piece of meat? Even with the deterrence of the Star Tower, it is only a matter of time. As long as the black hands in the dark reach an agreement, That was the end of the Pedler family.

With worries about his family, Rey returned to his teacher Ober's room on a Frisbee.Under the guidance of a halfling servant, Rey came to Ober's laboratory. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Ober writing quickly among a pile of documents. Odo grabbed it and a document fell into his hands. He simply After reading it, giving your opinion and then throwing it away, the document returned to the pile.

"Teacher, I'm back..."

"Hmm~! Looks like you got a good harvest..."

Ober stopped writing, looked at Rey and said with a smile.

"Teacher, I choose..."

"Rey, you don't need to tell me what you long as you think it's appropriate...come and see the gift I prepared for you..."

Ober waved his hand to stop Rey from continuing. As he waved, two pieces of equipment flew towards Rey.

One piece of equipment is a dark red robe with a dark red main tone and black lines running on it, which looks very mysterious; the other piece of equipment is a bright silver staff with a giant head on the top. The dragon's skull, with its eyes inlaid with crimson gems, is full of majesty.

"This is……"

"This is a robe made from the skin of a red dragon, and a staff made from the skull and spine of a red dragon. It is very suitable for your choice of a mage path in the future, and is enough for you to use until the legendary stage... Come on, Put it on and take a look..."

"Uh... yes, teacher..."

Rey took the dark red robe flying from the air and held it in his hand. Rey realized that the robe was as light as nothing. Just by touching it, he felt an invisible force field spreading from his hand. .

Covers the entire upper body from the forearm to the shoulder.

"Hmm~! It turns out that the legendary robe feels like this! It's so good! Compared with the mage robe issued by the Tower of Stars, it's just like clouds and mud..."

So, Rey put the dark red robe over his original clothes. As soon as the dark red robe unfolded, the invisible force field expanded again.

It covered his whole body without any dead ends.

Then Ober sent him a message to teach him how to activate this robe. Unlike common items such as ordinary mage robes, most legendary equipment has a unique activation method.

After activation, the magical brilliance of the robe became much more stable. Rey even felt that the robe was like an extension of his body, and all the functions of the robe were clear to him.

Not to mention the basic defensive ability, the robe also has the functions of spell resistance, spell absorption, spell deflection, damage immunity, elemental immunity, etc., and Rey also feels that his strength and physique have increased a lot, what a guy!
Picking up the staff, Rey felt refreshed. Not only was his mind more active, but it was also easier to focus. Especially, Rey felt that even casting spells felt much easier, as if some spells were just casual things, all passive blessings. , no additional activation is needed, Rey feels that this staff always contains other powerful powers.

"My opponent! Only these equipments are worthy of me..."

After putting on two new pieces of equipment, Rey felt like he had a completely new look!

"Okay, okay! Very good... You look different when you put this on. It seems you are very satisfied with it, Rey..."

Ober looked at the changed Rey and said with a smile. Then, he put down the quill in his hand and asked Rey: "Rey, what are your plans next? Are you going to continue studying magic, or are you planning to go to El?" An adventure around Ward… or…”

"Teacher, I plan to stay in the Star Tower to study with you and continue to study magic..."

"Hahaha... Very good, I thought that little guy, if you stayed in the Tower of Stars for a long time, you would go out on adventures like others... The outside is not as beautiful as described in the book... It seems that you have already I have my own ambitious plans..."

"Hmm...Teacher, I think it is better to study in the Tower of Stars and study magic. Studying is so fun? Why would you want to go out for adventure?! Even if it is an adventure, I have to wait until I become an arcanist, no, I will become a legend... …”

"It's not like... when you become an arcanist, you should go out and take risks. You can't become a legend by staying in one place... From now on, I will take one day out of every five days to teach you and answer questions..."

"Hmm~! Okay, teacher. Teacher, I...I..."

Rey nodded disapprovingly. After all, he knew that Aylward and its surrounding areas would not be peaceful in the next few years, and the Tower of Stars would be safe. Then he looked at Ober and hesitated.

"What's wrong? Just say whatever you want to ask."

"Teacher, should the family consider leaving Faerun?"

"Huh~?! Why do you think so? Rey..."

When Ober heard this, his eyes flashed with strange light, and he asked without changing his expression.

"I, after seeing the Chamber of Secrets, I knew that the family had accumulated too much treasure... I was afraid that the god who protected us disappeared that day, then..."

"How could the gods who protect us suddenly disappear?! Rey, the gods are stars, eternal existences..."

"But, but, as they said, the Lord of Glory suddenly disappeared. If the Lord of the End of All Things also..."

"Okay, I understand... Rey, nothing happens, just go down first... I'll see you in class tomorrow..."

Ober was silent for a while, nodded tiredly and said.

"Okay, teacher, see you tomorrow..."

Seeing that his meaning was conveyed, Lei Yi didn't say much, replied respectfully, and immediately turned around and left.

Ober picked up the quill and stared blankly at the door of the laboratory without writing...

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(End of this chapter)

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