Simulate the heavens from Faerûn

Chapter 234 Contradictions 【Subscription】

Chapter 234 Contradictions 【Subscription】

Rey stood there and looked at this vast and strange world, his heart moved but he did not make a decision immediately. After all, it was not his turn to be the first bird.

Like other Ainur, he quietly looked at the new world in the center of the void and the still vast and lofty Eru (Iluvatar). From time to time, he talked with the "brothers" beside him, and at the same time, he watched In the innermost circle, the most powerful Ainnu make choices and set an example.

Even Rey pretended to follow his brother Gosmogor and discuss in a low voice.

That's right, it is Gosmog, the future king of the Balrog, Melkor's absolute loyalist, and now Rey and him are "brothers" of the same origin.

Um... Of course, this kind of "brothers" and "sisters" are relatively common among the Enu. Many Ainu have such "siblings" who come from the same source. Generally speaking, the Enu's "brothers" and "sisters" are from the same source. The relationship will be closer than the relationship between other Ainu, and the power will be closer.

Of course, the world is always full of surprises, and there are always "good brothers" who love and kill each other...

However, Rey still has a relatively good relationship with his brother Gosmorg, and there are many similarities in their powers.

Rey guessed that the reason why he suddenly gained this brother was because his power was much stronger than in his original life path.

Rey doesn't have much sympathy for Gosmaog. After all, "angel-level" beings like the Ainu created by Eru do not have much friendship with each other. Of course, they are much closer than other Ainu. .

Rey's attitude and positioning towards Goth Mog is: "A good brother is a good source of material for stabbing..."

Of course, Rey will try his best to save Gosmogor's life and not let him die in the hands of a little elf. After all, what a waste.

As for instigating Gosmorg to help him achieve great things, Rey would definitely not do it.Putting aside the fact that Rey couldn't defeat Melkor, Gosmorg himself was a die-hard loyalist to Melkor. The kind who was completely brainwashed by Melkor was more loyal than the Gestapo to Mustache.

Therefore, it is impossible to make Goth Mog change his banner.Rey discovered in his memory that his brother had been completely attracted to Melkor during the singing and performance of the Great Movement of Ainur. Gosmogor and Melkor had similar interests, and he was deeply impressed by Melkor's charm. He became Melkor's disciple and loyal loyalist, and he was already completely hopeless.

No wonder that in the future, Gothmog has always been loyal to Melkor, swore to be loyal to the death, and finally sent his life.

As for Rey, there's good news and bad news.

The bad news is that Rey was influenced by Melkor during the Great Movement, and the music he sang followed Melkor all the way, and he has fallen to Melkor's camp. In other words, Rey's identity as the Balrog this time It cannot be changed.

However, fortunately, there is some good news - it may be because of the deepening of the background or the trouble of Rey's own subconscious. Rey did not completely surrender to Melkor and did not become Melkor's lackey. He can only be said to be a like-minded partner.

After all, Rey also prides himself on being rich, so why should he spend his whole life working for others, so Rey has become an independent but obedient "little brother" in Melkor's camp.However, Gothmaog often persuaded Rey to surrender to Enumilkor, the most powerful and talented man, but Rey remained unmoved.

No, Gosmogor took the opportunity to persuade Rey in a roundabout way: "Rey, Melkor is the most powerful and gifted among our Ainur. He must be more lofty and more in line with this decision." My lord's will... More importantly, he shares the same interests as our brother, how about we follow him later?"


Rey did not hesitate, and immediately agreed, which surprised Gosmog who had finally thought of a few words of persuasion. He swallowed the words in his throat, and nodded happily, "Hahaha! Good, good..." Then I have to contact other partners.

At this moment, Melkor came out from the innermost circle of Ainur. He looked up at Eru and said: "My lord, I am willing to go there..."

"Anyone who wishes can do so, no need to ask anymore..."

Hearing this, Melkor looked back at the already excited Ainur, and immediately flew into the new world located in the center of the void.

Seeing this, Gosmogor, as Melkor's number one disciple and thug, immediately pulled Rey to follow him, and also greeted his friends beside him, asking them to follow Melkor together as they were planning something big.

As a result, a group of Ainu immediately swarmed up and rushed towards Iya, scrambling to be the first.

As such, though some Ainu still live with Iluvatar beyond the boundaries of the universe.But the other Ainu, including many of the strongest and most beautiful, said goodbye to Iluvatar and descended into the New World.

Melkor could not help but feel a little happy when he saw Rey, Gothmorg, and many other Ainur following him into Ea - wasn't this the great role played by his majestic appearance and determination? !
However, before he could express his ambitions, his good mood suddenly disappeared, because in addition to his "similar" good friends, he also saw several powerful and annoying Ainu also entering the new world. In the world, Melkor took his friends away from the place of descent with a somewhat depressed expression on his face, and traveled around the entire world with them.

And Rey also recognized these visitors who made Melkor feel bad - the future master of Yiya, and also the future seven Valar and seven Vali.

The head of all kings, the Valar of Wind and Air - Manwë: The brother of Melkor who came from the same mind as Ilúvatar. Melkor himself is the most powerful Ainur, but Manwë is the closest to Ilúvatar. , will be designated by Ilúvatar as the head of kings in the future, and will be the god-king in Arda in the future, in charge of wind and breath.

The Valar of Water - Ulmo: Ulmo is in charge of all the water in Arda. His power is second only to Manwë, and he is Manwë's best friend.

The Valar of the Earth - Aulë: The Valar whose power is second only to Ulmo's and who controls all the matter from which Arda is forged.The gems hidden deep in the earth, the shining gold in the palm of your hand, and even the towering mountains and basins in the sea are all his works.Melkor was most jealous of him, because Aulë's thoughts and abilities were most similar to his.Both parties are eager to create new and original things that others have never thought of, and they also enjoy hearing others praise their skills.But Auli is loyal to Yiru, and everything he does obeys Yiru's will.

Villa of Hunting - Orome: Although Orome is not as strong as Tokas, when angry, he is more terrifying than Tokas, who is always laughing boldly. He is the master of hunting and horns.

Arbiter of fate, Valar of the Dead - Mandos: His real name is Namo. Mandos is the name of his residence. He is the ruler of the "Hall of the Dead" and the leader of the slain souls. Summoner.He never forgets, and knows the future of all things except those which Ilúvatar alone decides.He is the arbiter of fate among the Valar, but he only declares fate as he knows it and his judgment at the behest of Manwë.

The Valar of Dreams - Lorien: The younger brother of Mandos, whose original name was Irmo. Lorien is also the name of his residence. He is the master of imagination and dreams.

Queen of the Stars, Starlight Valda - Valda: the future queen who will live with Manwe, she knows all the territory of Yiya.Her beauty was beyond description by the words of elves or men, for the light of Ilúvatar still shone in her face.Her strength and joy are in the light.She came to Manwë's aid from the depths of Ear, for she had known and rejected Melkor long before the Great Music was composed, and Melkor hated her, and of all the Ainur that Eru had made he feared the most. It's her.Queen of the Earth, Viri of Life - Yavanna: "The Giver of Fruits", the future wife of Aulë, the goddess second only to Varda among the Viri, she wears a green robe and is in charge of Ar Plants and life on earth.

Weaver of Time, Vaire of Weaving—Vaire: Mandos’ wife, goddess of weaving.She can weave everything within time into a web of stories.

Veli of Medicine——Este (Este): Lorien's wife, who can heal all wounds and give all beings a peaceful sleep.

Viri the Sorrow - Nienna: Mandos and Lorien's sister, Viri the Sorrow.During the composition of the Grand Movement, her grief became more profound as it unfolded, causing her music to turn into a lament long before the finale, a sound of mourning woven into the universe long before it began. every subject of it.

Veli of the Dance - Nessa: The sister of Orommi, the Hunting Vila, and the wife of Tuokas.

Goddess of Youth, Viri of Flowers - Vana: Yavanna's sister, the goddess of eternal youth, and the wife of Orome.

Originally, the Ainur had no distinction between body and gender, but now all the Valar have adopted bodies and colors for themselves after entering Yiya.

And because they were drawn into the universe out of love for the children of Ilúvatar and in anticipation of their coming, they took on bodies for themselves in the likeness of the elves and humans they saw in the vision of Ilúvatar. The shape of the body, but the glory and majesty are much better.

Of course, their form does not come from the world itself, but from their understanding of the existing world.They don't need a body in the first place. They use the body just like we wear clothes. The absence of clothes does not impair the existence of people.Therefore, if the Valar wanted to, they could walk in the world without their bodies. Even if they were close at hand, even the elves would not be able to clearly detect them.

However, when Vera wanted to take on a physical form, some took on the appearance of men and some took on the appearance of women. This is the origin of the names Vera and Weili.

Because their temperaments have been different since the beginning. This difference does not come from the choice of gender, but is reflected through this choice. Just like humans can choose to wear men's clothes or women's clothes, but they will not become men or women. .

Moreover, the forms in which these great gods adorned themselves were not always those of the kings or queens of the Children of Ilúvatar, for they could occasionally assume whatever form they pleased, and their forms were both majestic and formidable.

However, all the Ainu were excited and entered Yiya with anticipation on their faces, but the first reaction of most Ainu when they saw the true face of Yiya was shock and disappointment, because the scene they saw before didn’t seem to be completed at all. , everything in this place is waiting to be prosperous, it is chaotic, and it is pitch black.

Only then did the Ainurs wake up - it turned out that the Great Movement was just a growth and prosperity conceived in the eternal palace outside of time, and the scene was just a foreshadowing.

But now that the Ainurs have entered at the beginning of time, they realize that the universe they saw before is just a preview and prelude, and everything must be completed by them.

So, they began their great work in an unmeasured and unexplored desolate land, in countless and forgotten years, until in the abyss of time, in the vast space of Yiya, Yilu The time has come for the abode of the children of Vita to be completed.

This work was mainly done by the combined efforts of Manwë, Aulë and Ulmo.Auli toiled with Manwë and Ulmo, and was responsible for shaping the face of every land.

However, it is impossible for things to unfold so smoothly, because Melkor also led many Enu into this world from the very beginning.

Melkor took his "little friends" around in this newly born and desolate world, making trouble to vent his joy.

Now, in this new world, there are either cliffs or continents that reach into the sky, or a vast ocean, or a desert with strong winds and sandstorms that have blown away a layer of land, or a series of buildings that block the sky and the sun. volcano……

Rey followed Melkor and couldn't help but be overjoyed at the scene in front of him - this place is more comfortable than heaven! !

Cough cough cough... Yes, in the eyes of Melkor and other violent elements, this is a rare beauty of a good time. It makes people happy to look at it, and it does not harm or threaten them. Instead, it is a kind of comfort that comes from the soul. This Maybe it's the reason why everyone agrees.

Therefore, Melkor led Rey and his group of Ainu to transform the land according to their own desires and purposes, and ignited fires that blotted out the sky, and even volcanoes and icebergs and snowfields rose from the ground.

Therefore, the earth's existence was still short, but it was covered with fire. The Ainur couldn't help but rejoice at the masterpiece in front of them, especially Melkor who coveted it.

Immediately, he led a group of accomplices and said to the Vera who were working hard to build the world and destroy the beautiful scenery: "This will be my own kingdom, and I want to take it as my own! You guys leave quickly!!"

Manwë, however, was the brother of Melkor in Ilúvatar's mind, and he was the main force in the secondary theme that Ilúvatar evoked against Melkor.

Not only did Manwë not listen to Melkor's arrogant words, but he also summoned many gods with varying powers from outside the world for him. They came to Arda's domain to help him, so that Melkor would not continue to hinder him. They finished their work and caused the earth to decay before it flourished.

As Manwë leveled the earth, he said to Melkor: "You have spoken wrongly, for you should not take this kingdom for yourself, for the others have spent as much effort on it as you have."

Seeing this, Melkor definitely couldn't bear it, and immediately started a conflict with the Valar in front of him.

However, the Valar were numerous and powerful, and they had a tendency to obey the arrangements. Melkor could only retreat temporarily and do whatever he wanted elsewhere, but deep down in his heart, he always wanted to monopolize the Kingdom of Arda.

At this time, the Valar also attracted many companions to join them, some were weaker than them, and some were almost as strong as them. They worked hard together to bring order to the earth and control its turmoil.

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(End of this chapter)

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