Simulate the heavens from Faerûn

Chapter 252 Vera's Final Battle 【Subscription】

Chapter 252 Vera's Final Battle 【Subscription】

Rey, who is high above the sky, lowers his loving eyes and pays attention to the son of destiny of this period, the half-elf Eärendil.

Eärendil's father, Tuor, was a human hero who was chosen by Ulmo as the last hope to save the fate of the Elves and humans from the destruction of Morgoth; his mother, Idril, was a Noldor elf princess, Gondolin The daughter of Turgon, the High King of the Noldor.

The blood of the three major families of Edain and the royal family of the Noldor elves flows in his body. The beauty and wisdom of the elves and the bravery and tenacity of humans are simultaneously reflected in him.

"You deserve to be the child of destiny..."

Rey looked at the happy family of three on the beach and thought silently.Although other people may not know Rey well, but the brightest star in Middle-earth - Eärendil, Rey still has some impressions.

It can be said that although they are both children of destiny, they have different fates. Compared with the tragic fate of Feanor, the son of destiny of the previous generation and the sorrow it caused to the descendants, the result of Eärendil is as good as it could be.

Visually speaking, Feynor has drawn a tragic and sadistic script of bitterness and hatred and constant disasters, while Erendil has drawn a happy reunion koi comedy that lies flat all the way and is full of good luck. Think of Ray Yi felt sorry for Fei Nuo, and he deserved to be arranged to die all the way for a tool man with no eyesight.

As for Eärendil, the lucky child of destiny, Rey has no envy, or plans to add a tragic scene to him. After all, this is a pawn and destiny as arranged, and there is His The loyal servant Ulmo watched all the way with guards at all times, and Ray didn't want to make things difficult for himself.

What's more, the child of destiny is just a chess piece that controls the world with the Valar.As long as he is not Ainur, he is just a pathetic actor with a fixed upper limit, and he will never be able to achieve anything in Middle-earth.

"It's just... the only person with such a strong background in the Middle-earth world who has the love and hatred of all ethnic groups can be the child of destiny. There is no one who has risen from the grassroots. Bad reviews..."

Recalling the identity of the children of destiny in the Middle-earth world, Rey couldn't help but secretly complained in his heart. From a certain point of view, everything on the Middle-earth continent in the future is the internal replacement and rise and fall of the entire noble class. There is no chance to get ahead.

Time flies by, Rey recuperates in the sun, and watches a movie by the way, and the destiny child of the era slowly grows up, shouldering the heavy burden given by destiny...

In 525 of the First Age, Erendil married Elwyn (Elwynn, a half-elf, granddaughter of Beren and Lucien, King Thingol of Doriath and Maia Melian of the Immortal Land) descendants of the Sindar, of the blood of the Maia and Men).

That same year his parents, Tuor and Idril, sailed westward.Before leaving Middle-earth, Idril left Elessar to his son.Thus Eärendil became lord of the people at the mouth of Sirion.

In 532 of the First Era, Elwing gave birth to twin sons, Elrond and Elros, to Eärendil.

Around the year 534 of the First Era, Eärendil began sailing to unmarked seas on the map.He not only hopes to find his parents, but also hopes to find a passage to the "land of the undying", so as to pray to the Valar to help the residents of Middle-earth fight against Morgoth.For this reason, he went on many sea voyages and visited many islands and vast oceans...

538 years after the First Era, after the third genocide, Elwing jumped into the sea with the Silmarillion. She was rescued by Ulmo, turned into a white bird, and flew to her husband Eärendil.Eärendil, who had no hope of seeing Middle-earth, sailed to Valinor with his wife Elwyn and three human companions.

In 540 of the First Age, Morgoth controlled almost all of Middle-earth, and the Noldor's resistance ended in failure.Elves and men were captured by Morgoth and forced into slavery in Angband, and the last survivors fled to the Isle of Balar.

In the year 542 of the First Age, Erendil fastened to his forehead the Silmaril which Elwyn had kept.Guided by the light of the Two Sacred Silmaril Trees around the Enchanted Isles and through the Sea of ​​Shadows, Vinkilot arrived at the Gulf of Eldama on the coast of the Undead. He became the first to set foot on The human blood of Valinor.

Eärendil came ashore, and though he left his wife and sailors on board, Elwing followed him.Eärendil went deep into the interior alone, but he did not see any of the children of Ilúvatar until Eonwë, the herald of Manwë, the leader of the Valar, called him, just as Morgoth and Ulgorien had done many years ago. It's the same as when Te broke in.

Then Eonwë brought Eärendil before the Valar.With both elven and human blood, there Eärendil explained to the Valar the mission entrusted by the two kin - he begged forgiveness for the Noldor, asked mercy for their deep sorrow, and prayed for the mercy of the gods. Humans and elves lend a helping hand to them in critical moments.After Eärendil finished speaking, the Valar finally decided to intervene in the dispute.

However, at the same time, Eärendil's fate must also be decided - because humans and the exiled Noldor are not allowed to set foot in the Undying Land, but Eärendil is the descendant of both.

Eventually, Manwë decided to give all half-elves a choice: become elves or become humans.But whatever Eärendil chose, neither he nor Elwing were allowed to return to Middle-earth.

Eärendil gave his wife the first choice, and Elwing ultimately chose to become an elf.Although Eärendil originally wanted humans, but because of Elwin, Eärendil also made the same choice (later, when their sons also faced this choice, Elrond chose He chose the fate of the elves, and Elros chose humans. Elros later became the founding king of Númenor).

Then, at Valar's command, Eonwë went to the shores of Aman, where the three companions of Eärendil remained waiting for news; Eonwe took another ship, and put the three sailors on board the ship, and the Valar blew them back to the east with a gust of wind.

The Valar took Wengeloth, made it holy, and took it through Valinor to the edge of the world.There Venkilot passed through the "Gate of Night" and was lifted up into the ocean of heaven...

Rey glanced at Wenkilot in the sky, and couldn't help but have a smile on his face.Now this ship is really dazzling, with fluctuating flames emitting from the hull, pure and bright.

Eärendil the Navigator sat at the helm, his whole body shimmering with the brilliance of elven gems, and the Silmaril was tied to his forehead.He drove the ship far away, deep into the dark void without stars...

"This is the correct way to open up the Child of Destiny~ Your young master has become the savior of humans and elves, an epic hero, and has become a regular member of the Yiya World, not to mention the descendants of Fuyan. …”

After complaining slightly, Rey turned in the direction of Angband.Now that the tool man Eärendil has successfully completed his destiny mission, the time he has been waiting for is finally coming.

Rey has been coveting Morgoth, the former BOSS, a large experience pack, and a gift box to be opened. Previously, because Morgoth's fate had not yet been completed, and his own wings were not yet full, Rey had to squeeze out the value of Morgoth. He did not dare to go too far, and finally released Morgoth. This time he could finally eat it.

"Anaregus, this battle..."

"I will, Tokas."

Rey glanced at Tokas who asked the question and said firmly.

"Anaregus, what are you going to do..."

"I will mainly challenge the Balrogs under Melkor. They are just pathetic people who were bewitched by Melkor's power and took the wrong path. As the leader of the Balrog clan, it is my responsibility to bring these astray Ainu purifies and returns them to the embrace of light and greatness..."

Hearing this, Tuokas looked up at the "Sun Ship" docked above Valinor. Looking at the dazzling, divine and majestic sun, he couldn't help but nodded.Rey informed the Valar that he had captured several Balrogs, and so far there has been no trouble. Rey has not betrayed the trust of the Vallars. It seems that he will leave the handling of Balrog affairs to Rey. It is indeed correct.

The Valar also know that the Balrogs are not necessarily evil originally, and many of them are even their former partners, but they were only corrupted by the power of Melkor. Therefore, the Valar are willing to give these Balrogs a chance to change. .

Moreover, regardless of Rey's previous identity as the Balrog or his current role in controlling the sun, Rey is currently the best candidate among the Vera to deal with the Balrog.Coupled with Rey's consistent good performance and his habit of reclusiveness, he has also won the trust of the Villas.

Therefore, the Valar also welcomed Rey's joining.Rey was also asked to join the discussion on Melkor's battle plan.

"Anaregus, please plan this final battle with us..."

Yes, the Valar attach great importance to this time of lending a helping hand to the elves and humans to fight against Melkor, and even made special plans and arrangements in advance.

Moreover, this is different from the last time they attacked Melkor. In the last battle, Valar led Maia to fight directly against Melkor, but this time Valar led Maia and the elves of Aman to fight against Melkor. The dark forces captured Melkor, the scope of the battle would be wider, there would be more participants, and the war would be more intense, so the war would need to be planned and arranged in advance.

"It is my honor to work with all the powerful men to contribute to the purification of this world..."

Rey nodded with a faint smile, and had extensive exchanges with the Villars about combat arrangements.At the same time, the elves and Maia of Aman began to actively prepare for war under the leadership of Manwe's herald Eonwë.

In 545 of the First Age, Eonwë, the herald of Manwë, led the army of Valinor to land on Beleriand, and the War of Wrath broke out.

Although Morgoth was suspicious of the "Great Star of Hope" in the sky, Morgoth did not expect that the West would mobilize to attack him; his power and pride were so great that he thought that no one would dare to reveal it publicly again. Wage war against him.

Moreover, he believed that he had separated the Noldor forever from the Lord of the West, and that the Valar lived in their own joyful realms, and would pay no attention to the kingdom outside which he ruled; Not only was the act of mercy strange to him, but he had never been able to imagine what it was.

But the hosts of the Valar began to prepare for battle; there were many Maia among them, and countless Vanyar and Noldor who had never left Aman.

Only a few of the Teleri elves were willing to join the war. They had not forgotten the massacre at Swan Harbor, nor the captured White Ship; but they listened to the advice of their relative, Elwing, the daughter of Dio Elusil, and sent A large number of sailors sailed to send Valar's army across the sea to the east, but they all stayed on the ship, and no one set foot on the other side of Middle-earth.

The armies of Valinor landed in Beleriand, and the trumpets of Eonwë's challenge resounded in the sky; all Beleriand was filled with the brilliant radiance of their majestic army, and the armies of Valar were dazzling in their bright clothes and angry horses. , the mountains trembled beneath their feet.

At the same time, Morgoth, who learned of the Valar's attack, also arrayed all his forces to meet him. The force was astonishing and indescribable. Not even Amverglis could accommodate it, and the entire north was involved. The flames of war.

But these armies were useless, and Morgoth was undoubtedly defeated.The armies of Valinor defeated Morgoth's men, and slew most of the Balrogs, but a few escaped and hid themselves in unreachable caves in the foundations of the earth.Countless Orc legions were quickly destroyed like straw in a fire, or they were swept away like dead leaves in a strong wind.The few who remain alive will rise up to cause trouble to the world in the future.

The Edain joined the Valar in avenging Baragon and Barahan, Gordor and Gondor, Hur and Húrin, and many other leaders who had fallen in those days; the Men from the East He joined Morgoth's side, but after his defeat fled back to the Far East.The unstoppable army of Valinor marched all the way north towards Angband, chasing the defeated army.

When the war reached this point (287 of the First Age, the last year of the war), Morgoth was close to defeat, so he launched a last wave of prepared desperate attacks on his opponents, from the crypts of Angband. A winged evil dragon that had never appeared before flew out.The onslaught of that terrifying army was so sudden and destructive that Vera's army was also driven back and suffered heavy losses.

For these dragons come with thunder, thunderbolts, and storms of fire.The most powerful of the army of dragons is the "Black Dragon" Ankaragan, which is also the largest and most powerful dragon in the history of Arda.By the power of these dragons Morgoth drove back the hosts of the West, and drove them to the shore.

When the situation became critical for the Valar, came Eärendil, glowing with white flames, and gathered around Venkilot all the great birds of the firmament, and Thorrendor was their commander.A fierce battle broke out in the sky and lasted all day and night.

Before daybreak, Eärendil slew Ankaragon and threw him from the sky.He fell upon the peaks of Thangorodrim, and the mountains crumbled with him.Immediately after Ankara's death, the morale of the Valar army was high, and the lost lands were retaken.

Most of Morgoth's power was destroyed, and the survivors were driven into the deepest parts of the earth.Soon Morgoth's external forces were completely destroyed, leaving only Angband as his last stronghold.

Just like the last decisive battle scene, Morgoth's forces huddled and hidden in the last stronghold in the world of Arda - the dark and intricate underground fortress.

The Valar also led the crowd to block the entrance to the fortress just like last time.

But unlike the last time when the traitor Rey betrayed him, Morgoth was quickly discovered and captured.

This time, the Villars chose the simplest, most violent, once-for-all, powerful method to achieve miracles - forced demolition!
So, under the power of the Valar, all Morgoth's caves and tunnels were opened and destroyed, and the powerful Valar descended to the depths of the earth by blasting holes through the walls.

The frightened Morgoth fled to the deepest part of the mine, curling up and hiding in this hidden cave.

Morgoth was trembling with fear, sweating profusely, and utterly terrified.He knew that if he fell this time, it would really be the end of everything.

"Damn Valar!! Why are you pressing me every step of the way! As the master of the world of Arda, I have already given in so much and ceded Aman to you! Why are you still pressing me every step of the way!!

He claims to be kind and tolerant, but he is so shameless and greedy! !It's so hypocritical and disgusting! !Why are you forcing me? !Ah~! ! ! "

Morgoth cursed bitterly in his heart while concentrating his breath and mobilizing all his strength to prevent the worst from happening.

However, he still couldn't help but feel fear in his heart, and he didn't look like the Dark Lord who once oppressed the world and destroyed the world.

Yes, he has changed.Although he is still bloodthirsty and evil, keen on destruction and destruction, and fond of conspiracy...but he has indeed changed.He became afraid and trembling; he also became helpless and furious, and could only lament and curse in his heart like a weak person...

He is no longer the Melkor who dared to contradict Eru alone, who dared to fuck the whole world alone, who dared to do anything and had no taboos. Now he is just a Morgoth who can only huddle underground.

When and why did this huge change happen? !

Oh~!Morgoth remembered that it had happened in the three short ages between his coming and going from the prison of Mandos.After coming out of Mandos, he changed from Melkor to Morgoth.

The main reason for this is that there is a problem with Morgoth's power.After emerging from Mandos, he found that his strength was incomplete.Morgoth had thought that this would be a trivial matter, that the weak power would be repaired in a short period of time.

However, an accident he didn't expect happened.The lack of strength made him begin to become imperfect, and his strength began to decline. It seemed as if someone was stealing his strength, or as if the great Yi Ru had abandoned him.
So, just like this, Morgoth's strength continued to decline, and Morgoth's spirit and courage also faded away.

Strength is the only way a person can survive in this world. Without the tyrannical strength he once had, Morgoth had to face the cruel reality.

While Morgoth was frightened in the cave, afraid of curses and ready to fight to the death.

In the dim underground passage, a nimble figure dashed through it, causing rocks to collapse and flames to rise along the way.A series of painful groans sounded from the corner, and there were more black pieces of char.

The flames dissipated, revealing a terrifying Balrog with a crown of flames on his head.He carried the furnace and wrecked it recklessly, even if he met a Balrog of the same race, he would devour it in one gulp.

And this figure is naturally Rey's Balrog form.During a certain period of time, Rey, who was chasing the Balrog, suddenly sneaked into Angband.

Rey looked at the furnace in his hands and remembered the wonderful life before.The furnace is filled with hundreds of Balrogs, which provide energy for the furnace's combustion and sublimation like biological batteries.

It can be said that in the world of Alda, except for those who died in battle or were hidden in a corner, most of the Balrogs were captured by Rey, or became Rey's lackeys.

Even before the main course started, Rey was already making a small fortune.

Walking through a secret tunnel, feeling the strong scent of Morgoth in the room, and looking at the resentful elf skin scroll on the stone table, Rey couldn't help but smile.


Rey turned and left, the furnace in his hand hit the ceiling hard, and several black shadows shot into the cave.There was a loud noise, and a pile of rolling stones firmly blocked the cave.

In the cave, the stone table collapsed, and dozens of elven skin scrolls were piled together like a pile of rubbish. The strange runes on them shone with evil light.

At the same time, the Valar also discovered Morgoth's figure.Fourteen tall and majestic figures surrounded Morgoth tightly.

Morgoth, who was found, did not fight to the death, but hid in the deepest pit to beg for peace and mercy.

But how can the Valar be deceived by Morgoth so easily? Morgoth's actions have already taught the Valar a lesson, making it difficult for the Valar to trust him.

Tulkas rushed forward, the wind and thunder surged, and a radiant fist attacked Morgoth fiercely.Knowing that the Valars were determined to kill him, Morgoth could only stand up and resist.

Thick black mist spewed out, raging fire swayed all over the field, and the terrifying freezing suddenly descended.

Morgoth is a trapped beast and still fights, but unfortunately, he is locked by all the Valar, and nothing can be changed at all.


A huge footprint was printed on Morgoth's face, and he was kicked out. The wind blade in the air almost cut off Morgoth's legs. He fell to the ground, and his whole head sank into the ground. In the stone pit.

Morgoth struggled to pull out his head. Before he could wake up, he saw the familiar face of Rey flying forward. Before he could react, a terrifying blunt blow came from the back of his head.



Before he finished speaking, Morgoth was smashed into the stone by Rey's furnace. Morgoth fainted from the heavy blow.

Then Morgoth was tied to the iron chain Ungenor he had worn before, and his iron crown was also beaten into his iron collar in the impact. He collapsed to the ground motionless.

The two Silmarillions that Morgoth still possessed were taken from the Iron Crown, and they shone with pure brilliance under the clear sky.Eonwë took the Silmaril and guarded it closely...

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(End of this chapter)

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