Simulate the heavens from Faerûn

Chapter 273 The Destruction of Sauron [Please subscribe]

Chapter 273 The Destruction of Sauron [Please subscribe]

All the elves gathered around and looked at the restrained Saruman quietly.

"What do you mean..."

Although he was horrified in his heart, Saruman still spoke eloquently and spoke righteously.

"Kurumo, you must have known about the Supreme Ring a long time ago..."

Gandalf took a puff of cigarette silently, frowned, and with extremely complicated emotions in his heart, he looked at Saruman who was trying to defend himself and said slowly.

Hearing this, Saruman's grip on the vines loosened a lot. He could quibble with this issue.

"Oluolin, before Sauron arrived, I didn't know whether the news was true or false, so I didn't tell you... After all, as the leader of the White Council, I can't let a hearsay news that is true or false consume everyone. What's more, after confirming the news, didn't I notify you immediately?"

"How do you explain the Palantir in Orthanc Tower and the Elendilmir gemstone worn by Isildur?"

"Ah?!... That's just something I discovered recently. I'm just keeping it temporarily and will return it to Gondor... You actually searched my residence without my consent!! I'm really ashamed of the White Council!! !...No, you didn' were..."

Upon hearing this, Saruman's face froze. He did not expect that his secret would be discovered, so he racked his brains to make excuses.

However, suddenly he remembered that there was no other way to enter the indestructible Orthanc except using the key. At this time, he realized that he had been deceived by Gandalf! !
"Sorry! Kurumo, I lied to you... I know you are a dedicated person who has been researching the knowledge about the Ring of Power...

It’s just that you didn’t realize that while you were gaining knowledge, evil had already corrupted you through your pride and greed…

Let you do the next thing that tarnishes your original intention... Now, are you still stubborn? "

Gandalf looked at Saruman and said with compassion, feeling sorry for Saruman's corruption and glad that he did not take over the Ring.

"Oluolin, I'm sorry! I really didn't expect... I actually did these things without knowing it... Thank you for waking me up from the darkness and chaos...

I will work hard to correct it. I have never forgotten the reason why we are here. We are all God’s messengers, adhering to God’s will to spread light and peace to the world... Let us go hand in hand again..."

Saruman said with a guilty look on his face. The more he spoke, the more excited he became. He almost burst into tears. The voice full of magic infected everyone, including the Ents (treemen) who came to restrain him. They moved one after another, and the tree The vines on the prison began to squirm.

"No... Kurumo, you haven't really realized your mistake, you haven't opened your heart to the gods...

Kurumo, we are all messengers of the gods... I believe that as long as you can apologize for your mistakes and open your heart to the gods, they will forgive you..."

With compassion and expectation in his eyes, Gandalf shook his head slowly, persuading him sincerely.

"No...Oluolin...we are different!...You won't know, you won't understand...I will not surrender to you!"

When Saruman heard this, his face was filled with frost, he stared at Gandalf and said coldly.

In fact, Saruman's feelings about Gandalf are very complicated.

When Varda emphasized to Gandalf that he was not in third place, Saruman began to hate Gandalf; When the Lady was about to elect Gandalf to lead the White Council, Saruman's jealousy of Gandalf became even more intense.

However, Saruman was not stupid; he was aware of Gandalf's power and eventually decided to treat him as an equal.But his jealousy and scheming finally went to his head, and he became very suspicious, suspecting that Gandalf was carrying out an ulterior conspiracy behind his back; in fact, this was just because he had always kept his purpose secret, especially To Gandalf and the White Council.

Saruman was jealous and afraid of Gandalf, so he sent spies to watch all his movements.He noticed Gandalf's interest in the Shire and soon began training spies in Bree and the South End.He heard that Gandalf was particularly fond of hobbit tobacco. He was dismissive at first, but gradually he became fascinated by this kind of art.

Now, Saruman refuses to surrender, not only because of his pride and hatred of Gandalf, but also because he knows that Gandalf can't do anything to him.

Because Saruman knew that he had not made any big mistakes, and he had done his best for the mission assigned by the gods, but he was confused later, and Gandalf could only give him a small punishment to make him repent.

Also, the current situation only allows Gandalf to imprison himself for a while.Because he had heard that Sauron had sent troops.

Looking at Saruman who was holding his neck and refusing to admit his mistake or bow his head, Gandalf also had a headache. After all, Saruman did some innocuous things. However, he did not expect Saruman to immediately reflect on his actions and help him. , he looked at Saruman and said calmly:
"In that case, Kurumo, please stay here for a while...Treebeard, I'm sorry to bother you..."

"Well...Gandalf, don't worry, we will take good care of him!"

An old face appeared on the trunk of the huge ancient tree, and Treebeard nodded.

After dealing with the potential "bomb" of Saruman, the elves returned to the conference room with Gandalf to discuss escorting the messenger of the Lord of the Rings.

In the end, the meeting decided that Gandalf, Elrond, Galadriel, and Radagast would escort Gollum to Mount Doom.

Sauron, who also planned to form an alliance of elves, dwarves, and humans to attack Mordor, created an opportunity for the Fellowship of the Ring to complete their plan, and notified the human king and the dwarf king of this idea.

On June 6, the Great Eagle carried Galadriel and Radagast to Rivendell, and brought a lot of bad news.

The biggest thing is that Sauron has openly returned to Mordor, announced a crusade against Rivendell, and begun to dispatch troops, mobilize supplies, and gather troops.

Compared with Sauron's hall, the free people's place is a mess.

The matter of the three-community coalition is extremely cold, it is impossible!
The first was something that made Radagast extremely ashamed and guilty - the great destruction of Dol Guldur.

One out of ten of the human army who participated in the conquest of Dol Gurdur walked out of the Black Forest alive, and one out of ten returned to the human town alive! !
This incident made Radagast feel so guilty that he did not dare to look at Gandalf's face.

After some questioning, Radagast revealed the tragedy after Gandalf left.

After the heat and flames of Dol Guldur disappeared, the money-hungry humans actually went there to hunt for treasures. Although they did find a lot of gold, silver, and strange colored glass, humans began to die mysteriously in large numbers, including Radagast. I’m at a loss what to do—it relapses immediately after treatment, how to save it! !

Immediately afterwards, because most of the human food and grass in the camp were burned, they scavenged for food and hunted wild fruits and animals in the black forest. A large number of humans died, and the dwarves also suffered many casualties.

At this time, Radagast finally realized that the Black Forest had been cursed, and the only outcome would be death if he stayed in it any longer.

Therefore, the dwarf and human armies hurriedly withdrew from the Black Forest, and walked for five days in two days. During this period, a large number of people died due to the outbreak of the curse.

After leaving the Black Forest, there were no more than one out of ten humans, and 5.00% of the dwarves stayed in it.

What's even more deadly is that when the survivors returned to the human towns, the tragic situation and horrific things in Dol Guldur quickly spread throughout the human kingdom.

Panic... continues to spread and ferment...

This is only one reason why humans are reluctant to send troops. There is also a bigger problem - lack of food!The curse spreads!

Since the Spring Festival this year, people in the Northern Kingdom have suddenly become frail and sickly, which has caused problems in the cultivation of staple food products such as wheat. However, a large amount of food has been consumed in the previous long winter.What is even more frightening is that after comparison, many people have developed symptoms caused by the curse.

Therefore, the various human kingdoms were already in chaos. Preparing for the invasion of neighboring countries and suppressing domestic unrest restricted all their hands and feet. They simply did not have the strength or energy to participate in the crusade against Mordor.

But what surprised and disgusted everyone the most was that at this time, the theory of elves being guilty and other remarks that slandered elves broke out and became popular in human society!
Who prevented the elves from being injured or killed by this? !

Fortunately, there is good news among all the bad news. The dwarves are willing to form an alliance with the elves. In addition to the existing dwarf army, they will continue to increase their numbers.

Ahem... Of course, there is a small requirement - the elves must be responsible for the army's food supplies.Naturally, the elves agreed to this trivial matter with tears in their eyes.

And Gandalf and the elf lords also saw from these complicated things that it was urgent to defeat Sauron! !
Now that Sauron has brought Middle-earth into such a mess, he will be able to do it again in the future!

As a result, the elves quickly gathered their troops, transported food and grass, and made an appointment with the dwarves to make an alliance in front of the magic farm.

On June 6, two giant dragons flew to Rivendell and Lothlórien respectively at night. Fortunately, the ring bearers Elrond and Galadriel mobilized their troops in their territories, and they discovered in time that they were carrying the "big dragon". "Iron Ball" dragon.

With the help of the big eagle, the two killed the dragon, and the "big iron ball" fell near their territory.

Out of the mystery and fear of the "big iron ball", the elves did not dare to investigate, leaving the magic circle and soldiers to seal off the two areas.

After being frightened, the elves accelerated the gathering of the army.

On June 6, news came that the southern kingdom of humanity had been invaded by the forces of Mordor. The kingdom of humanity expressed its willingness to provide marching convenience for the coalition forces.

On July 7, the 2-strong alliance of elves and dwarves successfully formed an alliance.

On July 7, the coalition forces formed their formation facing Black Gate and began to attack Black Gate.The dwarves were in front, the elves were behind, and all kinds of war machines were brought out, many of which were drawings contributed by Saruman.

Enemies pouring out of the Black Gate soon surrounded them: orcs emerged from within the walls, followed by trolls, and the Easterlings burst from the hillside hiding behind the northern towers.The orcs were blocked by the hillside, so they stopped and fired arrows at the defenders.

The powerful trolls broke through the attack of the coalition forces. The first ones to rush through the mud were the mountain trolls. The dwarves resisted the troll attacks with their shields. Their warhammers and spears killed each of the crazy trolls who were not afraid of death.But more trolls rushed up, and the western army was surrounded by Mordor's horses.

At the same time, the Nazgûl (the Ringwraiths) and the dragons swooped down from the sky, covering the sky with flames. Fortunately, the big eagle also came and pounced on the Nazgûl and the dragons.

Suddenly, at the moment when Gandalf lifted the black robe covering Gollum, the Nazgûl seemed to have received the call of their master, turned around and flew into the shadow of Mordor.Without the help of Nazgul, the dragons were defeated by the eagles and fled one after another.

Originally, the dragons cultivated by Melkor were defeated by the Great Eagle. What's more, this group of dragons, which had been weakening over the years, faced the Great Eagle supported by Valinor. The dragons were killed and completely defeated.

Even Smaug, who was originally extremely arrogant, was scratched on the head by Thorondo's claws, and was thrown into the black orc army like a rag doll.

Bloody and ferocious dragon corpses fell from the sky, killing one piece of Mordor's army after another.

Watching the dragon that was once so powerful in their minds continue to fall, the enemies also felt the wavering of the Dark Lord's power. They no longer mocked the Western army, but became afraid and trembling.New hope arose, and the Western army launched a charge.

The army of Mordor was defeated and fled frantically for their lives. The defeated troops who fled back to the Black Gate suffered numerous casualties during their escape. Some fled to the wilderness, and some even ran into the spears of the pursuers in a complete panic.

All the giant dragons in the sky were also killed and injured, and only a few dragons were injured and escaped with their lives.

However, despite the great victory of the coalition forces, they were still stopped in front of the Black Gate, and the solid Black Gate still guarded the gate of Mordor.

If the Mordor side cannot hold out, the Western coalition forces will not be able to capture the Black Gate without struggling for several months.

However, Gandalf and Elrond, Galadriel could not wait so long.

They know that the evil Sauron is brewing a conspiracy, and the longer time passes, the worse it will be for them.

What's more, by now, both sides have probably figured out the other's strength and intentions.

Sauron hastily raised an army, and the troops he mobilized have not yet arrived. Now that they have suffered a huge defeat, Mordor must be even more empty.

And Sauron had almost guessed their purpose. He was waiting at Mount Doom, waiting for his army to gather. The longer the time passed, the greater his advantage would be for Sauron. He was not in a hurry.

So, that night, Elrond and Galadriel rode Gwaihir and Thorondor into Mordor to contain the Nazgul.

Gandalf and Radagast took Gollum on foot and sneaked into Mordor to stop Sauron and destroy the Lord of the Rings.

Under the cover of night, Gandalf successfully sneaked into Mordor. The Nazgul were also entangled by Elrond and others, and Mordor entered a state of alert.

In the middle of the night of July 7, with the help of animals, Gandalf and Radagast successfully sneaked into Mount Doom with Gollum.Success seems to be only one step away.

Gandalf and the others encountered the guardians of Mount Doom, a group of vicious wolves, and they had to fight with them at the risk of being exposed.

In the flickering firelight, Gandalf seemed to suddenly grow taller: he straightened up, and his huge figure stood like a stone monument of an ancient king, full of menace, standing on the top of the mountain.He leaned like a cloud, raised his sword, and strode forward to meet the wolves, who retreated before him.

Although Gandalf quickly eliminated the wolf, the roar of the wolf had exposed their traces, and the torches all over the mountains and plains continued to approach and surround them.

At this time, Radagast put Gollum's hand on Gandalf's, raised his sword, and said: "Oluolin, go ahead, here, I will stop them!!"

After the words were closed, he rushed down without looking back.

Gandalf could only quickly pull Gollum towards the crater on the top of the mountain.

At the top of the mountain, feeling the oncoming heat wave, Gandalf finally breathed a sigh of relief. He knelt down, patted Gollum on the shoulder and said:

"Smeagol, throw it away, and you can avenge your people and grandmother. If you can do it, you can become a hero and save countless hobbits!! Believe in yourself..."

Gollum tugged at the necklace around his neck, which was strung with a gold ring, and stared blankly at Gandalf without speaking.

At this time, a hoarse voice suddenly sounded behind them.

"Why bother... You know very well that you have brought your own doom. As I sit here, I must be somewhat relieved to think that when you destroy my residence, you also destroy your own home.

Now, what other ship can take you back and sail across such a vast sea?It would be a gray ship full of ghosts. "

A sculpture-like figure shrouded in armor appeared behind them.


"Oluolin... I have been waiting here for a long time. I want to ask, after you really decide to destroy me, the world will become better, not worse... Without common pressure, the world will become For the chaos...

What's more, I just want to bring a new order to the world. It's not as bad as you think... If I lose my order, the world may really be destroyed... Then it will really be you who destroy the world. …”

"Hmph~! Sauron, your lies cannot deceive me. You and your master Melkor have always been the source of unrest in this land..."

"Hahaha... the world always misunderstands me, always blaming mistakes and filth on me...

Olorin, I know you don’t want to see me, and I don’t want to see you either... It’s just... under the arrangement of... fate, we finally met... There is no room for our own will...

Meeting the right person at the right place at the wrong time, this may be the arrangement given to us by Da Mo Zhang..."

"what do you mean?!"

" will know..."

Sauron sighed softly and looked at Gulu who was tiptoeing towards the crater. A stream of flames shot out from his hand.


Gandalf flew up, waved his staff and cast a spell to block Sauron's attack, and a fierce battle between you and me began.

Due to Sauron's strength, Gandalf could only barely parry, causing Gollum to also be attacked by Sauron.

At this time, the sky gradually became brighter, and with the help of the eagle, Radagast got rid of countless pursuers and flew down towards the top of the mountain to support Gandalf.

At this time, amidst the aftermath of the battle, Gulu became unsteady, and the Supreme Lord of the Rings in his hand fell off, and rolled towards the crater along the mountain.

Gollum, he hurriedly staggered after him, his whole soul attracted by the Supreme Lord of the Rings.

On the protruding cliff, Gulu grabbed the Supreme Lord of the Rings jumping on the rocks, as if he had grasped the whole world.

His face was filled with joy and he murmured: "Baby! My baby!!"

He was jumping on the cliff, but he didn't expect that the cliff had already shattered during the previous battle. Now, he stepped on it and jumped, causing this large rock to collapse in an instant.

Fell into the flames of Orojuin.The ring was also destroyed in the volcanic eruption.

Gollum desperately grabbed the Supreme Lord of the Rings flying in the air and fell into the flames of Mount Doom with it. The ring was melted in the volcano, and the evil contained in it was also eliminated.

Sauron was suspended in mid-air and fighting Gandalf. He just watched everything quietly, with regret in his eyes. He wanted to be free and easy...

The Lord of the Rings was destroyed, and Sauron's influence on Middle-earth came to an end.

His body instantly dissipated under the first ray of dawn, leaving behind a sluggish soul. Soon the soul stood high above Mordor and was taken away by a strong wind from the west.

Sauron was completely defeated and there was no possibility of rising again.

The Tower of Barad-dur and the Tower of the Fang fell to the ground, the ground on which they stood cracked and collapsed, and Sauron's power was reduced. He became a malicious shadow, no longer able to cause any damage to the world. .

After Sauron disappeared, his armies fled like frightened insects.

Under the hot magma of Mount Doom, without the support of Sauron's power, a magic circle was activated, and infinite light burst out in the small space...

Gandalf looked at the location where Sauron was originally, as if it was a bit unbelievable - Sauron, you were wiped out so easily? !
The next second, his expression froze. In the volcano, the dazzling light that he was so familiar with hit him. The crater of Doomsday became a world of light, with nothing but light.

Silence spread, and the terrifying waves pushed across dozens of kilometers...

What can be seen and felt at Heimen is that the earth trembles and the mountains shake, a flaming mushroom cloud rises from the top of the Doomsday Volcano, gray dust covers the sky, the Doomsday Volcano is flattened, and the volcanic magma spews out and submerges tens of kilometers...

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(End of this chapter)

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