Simulate the heavens from Faerûn

Chapter 302 The vast universe [Please subscribe]

Chapter 302 The vast universe [Please subscribe]

The cosmic energy wind swept in from the unrecorded ancient time and space; the rise and fall of the vast energy storm drove the tide of creation, and the embryonic stars dragged away the white light at the initial explosion point in an instant.When the world was first born, the universe was wild and vast, and billions of stars illuminated the void.

In the boundless universe, there are countless stars shining.Stars burn their own light without regrets and engrave themselves in the long river of history.

Rey fell asleep in the fantasy sea of ​​​​mind, walking through the dark and long corridor, and finally saw the blurry light spot in the distance in the mist.

In the deep starry sky, starlight gathers into nebulae, and starlight surges into galaxies.This beautiful starlight attracts countless demons to follow it.

The sea of ​​stars is vast and the universe is vast. In an inconspicuous nebula, Rey is like a wisp of gossamer, condensed and scattered, flickering...

The surging starlight is like a spiraling vortex, moving slowly and unhurriedly. The rich starlight and dust form a huge shell, covering this strange landscape.

In the center of the vortex, a huge spherical shadow loomed in the dim universe, sometimes appearing and sometimes disappearing. The huge body was extremely misty, even illusory...

Rey controlled the shadow to "breathe" slowly and regularly, pulling the turbulent light fragments from the periphery towards him, like a black hole, devouring everything that came close without any change...

"Sigh... The dark void is still interesting... Even if you can't move yet, being confined in this small corner is much more interesting than the twisting void... No wonder all the demons want to come here... I'm so jealous. Make people angry..."

Rey thought as he manipulated the "shadow" to continuously swallow the "little powder" of the material world with great interest, while looking at the universe with bright stars with joy.

Not long ago, Rey woke up from a hazy slumber. He found that he had arrived in this vast universe and became a huge shadow - the shadow from the true body of the twisted void, which was also his true body. The beacon left in the dark void, if Rey is strong enough, can use the shadow as the basis to directly guide the true body to come.

Of course, it is precisely because Rey's true body is still growing and it is difficult to fully exert all its abilities, so the shadow's state has been unstable, flickering and appearing...

However, even in this state, this "weak" shadow can still rely on the characteristics of Titan to attract the free energy in the universe, swallow it up, and feed back to the true body.

When Rey's consciousness came to the shadow, this passive effect that originally relied on instinct was instantly amplified. The terrifying suction force burst out on the shadow, and a special wave lingered on the black shadow. The surrounding starlight and Stardust rolls in.

After controlling the shadow for a while, Rey used its effect to its maximum.Then, Rey began to activate the mysterious connection, which was the connection to the true body of the twisted void. It was invisible and intangible, but extremely strong, just like a person looking into a mirror, even though they were separated by different realms. , but you can clearly feel the other person's presence and the connection with yourself.

Rey feels that as long as he wants, his consciousness can immediately return to the true body of the Twisting Nether. However, compared to the boring life in the Twisting Nether, Rey still prefers to stay in the endless interstellar universe in front of him...

At the same time, in the vast universe, a huge figure like a nebula was roaming in the empty world. His skin was platinum and his eyes glowed yellow.He holds a huge staff with a lightning symbol on top and an electric current surrounding the staff.He has long hair and a waist-length beard.

Sometimes he stops by the nebula to investigate carefully, sometimes he runs fast, and when he encounters every star, he will stop there temporarily, as if he is looking for something, but almost every time, he leaves in good spirits and returns disappointed, But he did not give up and was still searching hard.

He was developed from the soul of the world and named himself Aman'Thul, a powerful being. He named his race Titan.Although Aman'Thul was born alone, he always believed that others of his kind existed.

Therefore, after awakening, he struggled to explore various worlds in the dark void, hoping to reunite with his fellow Titans.Hard work paid off and he finally found the other Titans.

However, these Titans are still just newborn souls of the world and have not yet awakened from their slumber.But Aman'Thul was still overjoyed. While taking good care of these newly discovered tribesmen, he also searched carefully around for other world souls that might be hidden.

It's a pity that the conditions for the birth of Titans may be too harsh, and Aman'Thul failed to find new Titans in the surrounding area. He could only return disappointed and concentrate on guarding the Soul of the World that he had found.

There is no era in the void, but there are a few more light spots in the starry sky. The Titans guarded by Aman'Thul have also awakened and joined this great journey to find their relatives.However, in most cases, after the Titans visited the world, they could only return empty-handed.

In order to better find their people scattered in the vast universe, Aman'Thul and his people founded the Pantheon.

Moreover, during this period, the Titans realized their natural affinity with the potential magic in the universe and their amazing power, and also realized the importance of order in the process of finding other companions.

Therefore, during the search for Titans, they will formulate a series of strict commandments for the civilizations they encounter. Even those wild and untamable elemental spirits must abide by...

"Aman'Thul, how are you?"

Eonar the Lifebinder, a bronze-skinned female Vanir titan holding an alabaster staff, was suspended in the starry sky, looking at the magic spell on Aman'Thul's hands. planet, asked expectantly, and the other Titans also stared at Aman'Thul with concern, waiting for his answer.

"Alas~! No...but it doesn't matter. The world is such a big place. As long as we work unremittingly, we will find them sooner or later..."

Aman'Thul shook his head calmly, encouraging the Titans around him.

"Hmm~! In that case, let's start reshaping the world order..."

Sargeras said slowly.The Titans swore to preserve and protect the living worlds they found, even if there were no sleeping world souls there.Titans will also give power to local primitive life forms, create a new world appearance, and make the originally chaotic world orderly and prosperous.

The first thing the Titans have to do is to appease the angry elemental inhabitants of the world, because the elemental inhabitants are the masters of these worlds.

Not long after the Dark Void was born, fire, earth, wind, and water—the four dominant forces in the new world—continuously conflicted with each other, causing the surface of the new world to surge with an endless torrent of elements.

The four elemental lords, the true masters of the world.Where the Lord of the Wind Element appeared, the wind was howling, the sky was dark, and the storm was raging. The ground seemed to be cracked by lightning. The cyclone element screamed and fell from the sky, sweeping everything along the way with a devastating whirlwind.The fire elemental lord wreaked havoc in all directions, and wherever he went, hot magma erupted from the ground, turning everything into a sea of ​​flames and destruction.The sea boiled, the mountains were flattened, and the sky was filled with ashes and dust...

The destructive war between the elemental lords is endless.The dominance of the world is constantly rotating among the elemental lords, and each force is trying their best to reshape the world into what they want.

But for the Elemental Lords, victory is far less important than the conflict itself.For them, the state of the world falling apart is the most outstanding pursuit. Their only wish is to let the chaotic situation repeat itself and never stop...

It's just that these violent elements are nothing in front of the powerful Titans. Even if the Titans are too big to enter the world, dealing with these domineering "little overlords" is nothing more than Taishan crushing eggs.

Naturally benevolent Titans will not use force to suppress others. They will make friends with reason and unite all lawful and stable creatures.Of course, in the face of those die-hards who are difficult to communicate with, the Titans will not stick to their heads. As the Pantheon's strength, Sargeras will make a brilliant appearance at this time, using thunderbolt methods to smooth out the noise.

Sargeras stretched out his fingers and lightly brushed the planet, and the noisy elemental life on the surface disappeared. The world became more peaceful and harmonious than ever before, and all living creatures became the great beings outside the planet. Lowered his proud head.

Then, under the leadership of Aman'Thul, the Father of the Pantheon, Iona the Life-Binder, Khaz'goroth the Shaper and Builder of Worlds, Norgannon, the Guardian of Magic and Knowledge, Lord Gorgones uses various means to reshape this world of belonging and order.

Mountains and peaks, seas and oceans, densely covered with clouds...

A desolate world reveals a new look.

Finally, Iona, the Life-Binder, activated her power to sow the seeds of countless life forms in this orderly new world, bringing new hope to the world...

The reason why the Titans did this was to summon the Soul of the World and help him mature.

Before leaving, the Titans also placed huge machines on the surface of this world.Through these devices, they can monitor the world, and once the local evolutionary path deviates from the track, they will immediately take action to clean it up; and once the birth of the world soul is detected, the Titans will rush over immediately to take good care of the newborn tribesmen.

However, this kind of remote monitoring still has many shortcomings. Someone needs to be guarded to truly maintain the order and balance of the world.It's just that the number of Titans is limited, and they have to work hard to find their clan members, so they have no time to stop.Therefore, in order to better maintain order in these worlds, Aman'Thul turned to a race called the Star Saints for help.

This race called the Star Saints was encountered by Aman'Thul when he was looking for other Titans. They have no physical body, so they always appear in the form of Starlight People. Their form is very similar to the Titans, so Aman'Thul has a very friendly relationship with them. .And it was because of seeing a large group of Star Saints that Aman'Thul became more determined to find his tribe. These Star Saints also gave him a lot of help when searching for his tribe, and deepened the relationship between the Titans and the Star Saints. The relationship between the two groups.

Therefore, at this time, as an old ally, Xingsheng was pulled in by the titans to help. .

The Titans bestowed upon some Star Saints powerful powers, and allowed these Star Saints to serve as observers, watching the worlds established by the Titans and always alert to any signs of instability.If necessary, Star Saint will activate the automatic fail-safe device to eliminate all life forms in the abnormal world, thereby resetting its evolutionary process...

In this way, after years of searching, although the Titans have found many tribesmen and their numbers have increased significantly, the souls of the world they have discovered have become less and less.

However, the Titans still persevere because they understand that the breadth of the universe is immeasurable. Even if they have searched the star sea for many eras, they have only glimpsed the tip of the iceberg of the Creator's great masterpiece...

However, the Titans did not expect that everything they did would be seen by the Void Lords lurking in the void. This group of evil beings who had been imprisoned in the void for a long time were full of malice towards the material world and only wanted to devour it. ,destroy.

The powerful strength of the Titans makes them feel jealous and threatens their purpose.Therefore, under the twisted malice and greed of the material world, the Lord of the Void decided to corrupt the unawakened Titans, accept them as lackeys and pawns, and help them destroy the entire world.

And for this purpose, the Void Lords had to squeeze into the dark void again and again, and then kicked back into the void due to the tyrannical repulsive force of the world, just to penetrate their own power and creation into the dark void.

Groups of ancient gods descended from the dark void into the vast world. These twisted, evil, and ugly beings made a strong appearance in each living world and took root everywhere in the living world.

The ancient god rises from the ground, with a mountain as its body, a huge mouth that swallows everything, and dark and cold eyes. It soon fills the place where it goes with an aura of despair.Like a huge boil that spreads rapidly, the ancient gods spread their corruptive power across the land.Wherever they went, the land became hot and withered, black and lifeless.Every moment, there are worlds withering under the erosion of the ancient gods...

The Titans are so busy looking for their tribesmen and reshaping the world that they have not noticed that in the vast dark void, more and more worlds are dying in the darkness before they can bloom, and there are also a group of twisted and huge creatures swimming around. Walking among the stars devouring all life you see along the way.

These ancient gods blooming on all sides are like scattered mildew spots on the scroll, expanding without restriction and eroding toward the outside.And in the corner of the scroll, a black spot slowly spreads towards the dusty galaxy...

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(End of this chapter)

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