Simulate the heavens from Faerûn

Chapter 315 Void Maharaja 【Subscription】

Chapter 315 Void Maharaja 【Subscription】

The Guardians and their companions advanced towards the mountainous form of Y'Shaarj, defeating an army of Enraki.

When they arrived at the city gate and prepared to launch a general attack on the ancient god, they were already piled with Titan creations and the remains of Enlaki along the way.

Y'Shaarj is more powerful than the guardians expected. His terrifying form and powerful strength poison the minds of the titan creations, making them fearful and evil.

Seeing this, the Titans in the Pantheon were extremely worried, fearing that their servants would be unable to withstand the power of the ancient gods and the rescue operation would be in vain.

Finally, in anguish, they decided to take direct action at the risk of Azeroth.

Most of the Titans lowered part of their consciousness and controlled the Titan creations they made to attack the Ancient God.

And Aman'Thul himself reached out from the stars into the storm-ravaged skies of Azeroth to grab Y'Shaarj's writhing body.With a sudden force of his powerful arms, he tore the ancient god from the surface of the planet.

At that moment, Y'Shaarj's huge body was instantly broken into two pieces.

The death cries of the Old Gods caused the mountains to tremble violently, destroying countless Titan creations standing on the mountain tops.

Y'Shaarj is dead.

But what Aman'Thul didn't expect was that the tentacles of the Old Gods had penetrated so deeply into the depths of Azeroth.

In removing the Old God from the world, he accidentally left a scar on the surface of Azeroth.Unstable arcane energy - the lifeblood of the nascent Titan - erupts from the scar and flows across the planet.

The change of situation horrified the Pantheon, who realized that they could no longer use such extreme methods to destroy other ancient gods.These evil creatures have taken root deep underground, and their uprooting would destroy Azeroth as well.

The Pantheon knew that the only way was to imprison these ancient gods and their evil power on the spot.

It's a difficult task, but with the help of the Guardians it's still possible.

The Titans came up with a plan to completely eliminate the remaining poison of the Dark Empire. They descended into partial consciousness on the Titan creations and fought directly with each of the Old Gods.

After the enemy is weakened, Azadas creates underground cages to imprison them.Mimiron will use huge mechanical devices to lock the Old Gods in place.When this task is completed, Loken will apply powerful magic to each cage so that the evil power of the Old God cannot be exerted.

Now that the plan was established, the Titans set out to act with the Guardians.

They marched southeast toward N'Zoth's stronghold, fighting raging along the way.After subduing the ancient god who created the Titans, the Guardians used their own power to imprison him in an underground cage.

Next, the titan-forged head southwest to the temple city built around the third Old God, C'Thun.They first swept away Enlaki's army, then launched a fierce attack on C'Thun and subdued him.

Similar to what they did with N'Zoth, the Guardians buried C'Thun's body underground and built a cage around him.

Now the last remaining Old God - the vicious and cunning Yogg-Saron - is a tough nut to crack.As the titan-forged forces approached Yogg-Saron's stronghold in the north, the Old God unleashed his most capable general, Krasis.

Krasis is a ferocious warbringer, larger and more difficult to deal with than Enraki.Their strength and wisdom were astonishing, and their dark power and curse forced the Titans to overload their Titan creations. Many Titan creations were destroyed one after another because they could not bear the load.

By the time the Guardians and companions arrived in front of Yogg-Saron, their forces had been greatly reduced and they did not have enough manpower to confront the ancient god head-on.If it weren't for Odin's heroic fight, the Titans would have been completely wiped out by Yogg-Saron's offensive.

Although Odin was already scarred at this time, he still tried his best to inspire the Titan creations to fight back.

He commanded Loken to cast powerful illusions, forcing Krasis to view their own people—even Yogg-Saron—as enemies.While the armies of the Dark Empire were fighting each other, Odin launched a fierce attack and wiped out all the enemies in the melee.

The other titans also obeyed his command and worked together to subdue Yogg-Saron.Just as they imprisoned C'Thun and N'Zoth, the Guardians buried Yogg-Saron underground and locked him in a huge magical cage.

Azeroth ushered in an unprecedented brief period of peace.The Titan creations banished the chaotic elemental lords to another dimension, and at the same time wiped out the forces of the Dark Empire, leaving the power of the Old Gods nowhere to be exerted. Despite all the hardships, Azeroth was finally saved.

Yet there is still much to do.What the Guardians were most worried about were the horrific scars left by Aman'Thul when he tore Y'Shaarj out of the ground.

Unstable arcane energy pours out from this huge rift in an endless stream, washing away the entire world.The Guardians know that if left unchecked, sooner or later the entire Azeroth will be swallowed up by these energies.

So, they worked day and night to create numerous magic barriers around the open wounds to stop the gushing lifeblood.

With their efforts, the turbulent energy finally calmed down and returned to balance, leaving only a vast lake full of energy, which was named "The Well of Eternity" by the guardians.

After that, this wonderful spring water will moisturize this haggard world, allowing life to take root, sprout, and bloom on the entire planet.

After the scars healed, the Guardians began to seek ways to strengthen Azeroth's nascent World Soul and make its vitality more stable.

To this end, Azadas and Mimiron worked together to create the Forge of Will and the Forge of Origin.

These two extraordinary machines will work in conjunction with each other to deliver cosmic energy to the sleeping souls of Azeroth.

The Forge of Will will be placed in the north of the world, and it will shape the world soul's budding sentience.The Forge of Origin will be placed in the south of Azeroth to adjust the rhythm deep underground and strengthen the form of the World Soul.

After obtaining these two machines, the guardians began to work together.

Odin was in charge of commanding his companions to install the Forge of Will on a broad ridge to the north, later known as the Storm Peaks.

The Pantheon appointed Odin as its Chief Administrator based on his great achievements in the battle against the Ancient Gods. The burden of guarding the Yogg-Saron Cage and maintaining the Forge of Will fell on his shoulders without hesitation.

Odin and the other Watchers immediately began building the magnificent Ulduar Fortress as the titan-forged's primary stronghold in Azeroth.The fortress will not only house Yogg-Saron's cage, but will also house the Forge of Will and other mechanical equipment that the Guardians plan to build.

The Forge of Will has another purpose—the ability to absorb the life essence of Azeroth itself, giving form and sentience to creatures of stone and metal—not just giants, but other types of titan-forged.A new generation of titan-forged can help the Guardians bring order to the world.

While the Forge of Will was churning out these new titan creations in large quantities, High Guardian Laize led his team to the south to install the Forge of Origin.With him came a host of stone-skinned creatures, recently born from the furnace of will—the Anubisath giant, the half-man, half-lion tol'vir, and the indomitable mogu.

Along the way, Rai discovered that there were still fragments of Y'Shaarj's physical form scattered across the southern reaches of the world.

When Aman'Thul slew the Old God from Azeroth, fragments of his body fell back to the surface, and the land was eroded by evil.

The largest and most complete fragment of Y'shaarj is the icy heart of the Old God, a huge piece of carrion stirring with the energy of the void.

However, instead of destroying his heart directly, Rai built an underground cave and hid it inside so that its evil power could not spread around.

He and the other Guardians knew that studying this heart could help them understand the nature of the Old Gods and other void creatures.Rai ordered his mogu followers to guard the Vaults of Y'Shaarj, while also guarding and tending the surrounding lands.

After making arrangements, Lai continued his expedition westward.There, he and his followers placed the Forge of Origination on the ground.The ground rumbled under Rai's feet as the gigantic machine kicked into action.

The high-level guardian soon felt that the two furnaces began to work together, continuously sending energy to the heart of the world.Rai led his followers to build a towering fortress around the Forge of Origin, Uldum, which would serve as the Guardian's southernmost base of operations.

Similar to the Forge of Will, the Forge of Origin also serves a dual purpose.As the flora and fauna of Azeroth have been infected by the power of corruption, the magical energy stored in this huge machine can purify all living things and breathe new life into the world.

High Guardian Rai ordered a group of tol'vir and Anubisas to guard Uldum forever.

He and the rest of his servants headed northwest to the land that was later called Silithus.The cage that imprisons the ancient god C'Thun is deep underground in this barren land.

Rai and his followers toiled around the Cage, eventually building the majestic Ahn'Qiraj.With their mission completed, the High Guardian ordered the remaining titan-forged to stay and guard the stronghold.

As for Rai himself, after he was done, he spent the rest of the time wandering around the southern regions of Azeroth, monitoring his titan creations from a distance to ensure that they could perform their duties to the best of their ability.

After the two forges were installed in Azeroth, the Guardians began to reshape the world's surface.In order to achieve this goal, they summoned a new generation of servants born in the Forge of Will to help.

These loyal and powerful titan creations each play a different role in protecting the world and bringing order to it.

The kind-hearted earth spirits who look like jagged rocks are responsible for shaping mountains and carving ravines on the ground.

Clockwork-powered mechanical gnomes designed by the Guardian Mimiron help build and maintain the Guardian's exquisitely crafted machinery.

The stoneskin mogu are responsible for digging rivers and waterways across the surface of Azeroth.

The task of defending the Guardian stronghold fell to two very different constructs - the steel-skinned vrykul and the colorful tol'vir.

In order to shape the surface environment, the guardians also recruited powerful stone giants and sea giants.They wandered around the vast land of Azeroth, lifting thousands of peaks and digging out vast oceans.

As the Titans shaped Azeroth, Guardian Freya set out to restore life to the world.

During this period, she discovered the dream of the soul of the sleeping world in Azeroth, and, in order to communicate with the soul of the newborn titan, she used it to shape the Emerald Dream - a vast and ever-changing dimension of soul and natural magic.

This ethereal plane acts as a reflection of Azeroth, helping to regulate the evolution of the world's flora and fauna.In this magical dream paradise, a group of unusual souls and creatures live, playing in a beautiful home.

This mysterious dream subverts mortals' understanding of reality. The concepts of time and distance have no application in this elusive and illusory realm. One day in the material world may be equivalent to decades in the dream.

Freya then began to travel around, looking for places where the energy of the Well of Eternity was concentrated. Those areas gave her the best conditions to create new animals and plants.Freya built vast ecological gardens in these gathering places, created rich and diverse life forms, and spread the seeds of life all over the world.

Freya completed her work near the poles of the world, including what would become Un'Goro Crater, Sholazar Basin, and the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.

The most remarkable creature to emerge from these biotopes is the gigantic beast known as the Wild God.Freya loves and cares for these huge and majestic creatures as if they were her own flesh and blood.

She often took the wild god to wander in the material world. Wherever they went, the forests were dense and the grasslands were green.But there was one place she and the Wild God visited very often, and that was a vast, overgrown mountain called Mount Hyjal.

The most amazing wilderness beasts that appeared in the ecological park were later called the Gods of the Wilderness, and they are:
White Hart Malorne

Aisena, Mother of Elves

Agamaggan, the Razor Boar God
Avina, the King of Birds

Brothers Ursoc and Ursol the Giant Bear

Torah the Wise

Wolf God Goldrinn (Lo'Gosh)

Qinglong Yulong
White Tiger Xuenu

Zhu He Chi Jing
Xuan Niuzao
On the slopes of Mount Hyjal, Freya bound the spirit of her favorite wild god within the Emerald Dream.

Because of his close connection with this ethereal realm, the Wild God has gradually become a symbol of Azeroth's health and vitality.Ever since, Mount Hyjal has been both a sanctuary and a holy place for the Wild God.

Finally, with the efforts of the guardians and their servants, the landscape of Azeroth has become more and more stable, becoming a vibrant continent with various animals and plants.When night fell, the Titans gave the continent a name: Kalimdor - "The Land of Eternal Starlight".

The Pantheon, pleased with the efforts of the Guardians and the resting of the World Soul, prepared to return to the Dark Void.

The discovery of Azeroth proves that there are indeed other newborn titans in the universe, and the titans can't wait to continue their exploration.

Before Aman'Thul left, he appointed Algalon, the observer of the Star Saint clan, as the Celestial Guardian of Azeroth.Titans must be wary of the possibility of corruption of the World Soul.Once this happens, Algalon has the authority to initiate a process that activates the Forge of Origin, completely eradicating all life and any corrupting power from the world.

Then the Pantheon said goodbye to the Titans and disappeared among the stars.The Titans tried their best to heal Azeroth and ensure that the World Soul could grow safely.All that's left is to wait - hoping that the World Soul will wake up one day.

The Guardians are reluctant to say goodbye to their shaper, but are proud to stay and defend Azeroth.

To commemorate the departure of the Pantheon, Loken and Mimiron created a set of magical artifacts called the Norgannon Discs, which could record the history of Azeroth intact.If the Pantheon comes back one day, he will be able to understand everything that happened while he was away.


Dark void.In the corner of a living planet, a village was shrouded in blazing flames, and a group of hairless rat-like creatures slaughtered their fellow humans with madness and bloodthirsty eyes.

At the same time, a group of silly-looking, chubby blue fat men and the somewhat transparent blue "Apiao" swung their tails and wandered through the village, devouring everything they saw.

After a while, they suddenly flew high, dodged attacks one after another, and jumped, like dolphins leaping out of the sea. They passed through an invisible boundary, left the lively physical universe, and returned to the dark world. Void.

They were like flying sand into the sea, only causing slight fluctuations in a corner of the vast "sea" of the void, and were quickly absorbed by the void.However, they were not overjoyed, but scattered in all directions with their eyes on the six directions and their ears on all directions.

However, at this time, the surrounding dark void began to squirm like a living thing, and a terrifying devouring power came from the void.

Fatty Lan and "A Piao" were pulled into the depths of the void without any struggle...

In the void not far away, an ancient god as big as an asteroid with a diameter of twenty kilometers and an octopus-like appearance carefully stretched out its arms and legs to explore the dark void.

The arms and legs squirmed slightly, and the suckers with sharp claws trembled slightly.

Suddenly, several arms and legs suddenly stopped motionless.

The Ancient God suddenly opened his eyes, and he "saw" a strange fish devouring a group of void creatures that had returned to the void from the outside world.

Moreover, this strange fish is not big. The maximum diameter of its head is only 6000 meters. Its body is slender and getting thinner.

" eat...hungry..."

For thousands of years, the endless hunger from the void has tortured this ancient god, and his weak consciousness has become increasingly blurred, leaving only the instincts of predatory and avoidance.

Driven by instinct, the ancient god swung his arms and legs and shot towards the strange fish.

The power of the void surged wildly in its body, its broken claws became brand new and sharp, and its weak arms and legs became strong and powerful.

In an instant, the ancient god had arrived beside the strange fish, and his spread arms and legs were like closed flowers, tightly wrapping the strange fish...

But why is this fish so powerful? ? ?

The ancient god who was holding the "fish head" immediately felt frightened and was about to cut off his legs and run away.

But before it could move, a terrifying devouring force came from the void behind it.

At this moment, the ancient god finally glimpsed the scale armor of this terrifying existence hidden in the void.

A terrifying big mouth covering the sky and the earth opened slightly, like a celestial abyss, and the terrifying devouring power came from it, swallowing all the matter in the void.

And the "fish" caught by this ancient god is nothing more than a tiny tentacles in front of this giant mouth.

"Void Monarch..."

Seeing this terrifying power, the ancient god couldn't help but think of the powerful being who created it.Then his vision went dark and he fell into this boundless mouth...

Looking at the completely empty void in front of him, with not even the power of the void remaining, Rey closed his huge mouth indifferently, swayed his tail gently, and slowly turned around and left in a state that seemed slow but actually fast, without any movement at all. Not afraid of someone catching up.

"I'm getting really hungry..."

Rey, who was wandering aimlessly, felt his empty stomach and couldn't help but lament in his heart, "Sure enough... eating these is like drinking water or swallowing air when you are hungry, it is of no use at all... you still have to go to the physical universe... ...Otherwise, I will go crazy with hunger..."

"This fat blue man, the Void Walker, is too useless...not as good as the Void Soul...twisted soul and colorful life...a good seasoning..."

Rey complained silently while thinking about it.

Among them, the Void Walker mentioned by Rey is a kind of life form in the void formed by the accumulation of void energy, while the void soul is a parasitic void creature, which is formed from the souls of the races swallowed by the void. They It can tear apart space and live by devouring energy and creatures from the real plane. It is the most common creature in the void, and it is also the void life that Rey eats the most.

Having been in the void for nearly ten thousand years, Rey has also truly understood the suffering of the Lord of the Void and the creatures of the void - being in the void will passively superimpose a kind of debuff, hunger, emptiness, devouring, nothingness...

This forces the creatures in the void to continuously kill and devour each other, and also forces them to come out of the void and devour everything in the world.And everything in the physical universe is the most satiating thing. At Rey's level, if he swallows a galaxy, he won't have to worry about being tortured by the will of the void for at least a thousand years.

It's just that void creatures have long been on the blacklist of the physical universe. The stronger they are, the harder it is for them to enter the physical universe.

Weak ones like Void Walkers may still have a chance to sneak into the physical universe for a while. If you are like the Lord of the Void, you have to find the weak point between the void and the physical universe and break through layers of firewalls before you can enter. The physical universe, and even if you enter it, not only will your strength be greatly reduced, but you will also face a terrible repulsive force, your hands will be tied up, and you will gain very little...

Some Void Lords were even driven crazy by the Will of the Void, and became twisted things that only knew how to kill, or they were directly disintegrated on the spot and became an important source of indescribable creatures in the Void...

This life is miserable!

No wonder the Lord of the Void, who was originally in a competitive relationship, was willing to conspire to distort the Titans and destroy the physical universe.The void is really pushing too hard, and the physical universe has gone too far! !

Forced by survival~!

In addition, Rey also discovered that the relationship between the Void Lords was not as cruel as imagined. This may be because the Void Lords all possess considerable wisdom, and they did not devour each other like other void beings.

Most of the Void Lords maintain a relationship that is neither close nor hostile.Even among the Void Lords, they try their best not to have any conflicts. They usually keep a respectful distance from other Void Lords and can only get together when it is for their own benefit.

Rey can also understand this.Because at their stage, if they fight each other, it is absolutely impossible to end it in a short time, but the huge movement will attract other Void Lords, and then it will probably be nothing at that time, and other Void Lords will not be allowed to fight. There is an opportunity to gain advantage, and other Void Lords will not allow the power imbalance problem caused by the Void Lords devouring each other.

At this time, the only way to improve strength is to enter the physical universe and devour it.Although it does not prevent them from stumbling upon each other, at least all the Void Lords have a common enemy.

Therefore, the relationship between the Void Lords is relatively harmonious and friendly.

This couldn't help but remind Rey of a sentence in his ancient memory: "In an environment, when it reaches a certain height, the relationship between competitors is not just about fighting and killing, but more about human relationships..."

This may be the commonality shown by certain developments...

Therefore, in the past ten thousand years, the only conflict between the Void Lords that Rey has seen was caused by himself...

At that time, Rey had entered the void for more than 6000 years. Rey was suspended in the void boredly, occasionally flicking his tail to move forward, or taking a deep breath of cold air, sweeping a large circle around him like a vacuum cleaner. All the energy, life, and matter inside are swallowed up, leaving behind a veritable void. Of course, most of the time, he lies in place and merges with the void.

Rey has been living this salty life for 500 years.

Suddenly, Rey felt an attraction from afar emanating from the depths of his soul—the evil seal was glowing and trembling!
The salted fish turned into a giant kun.

Rey swung his tail and moved quickly in that direction.

This is an equally huge King of the Void. His head is inlaid with a small green fragment. Although it looks extremely small compared to the huge size of the King of the Void, it is comparable to a thin needle of ox hair on the blue star. , but the power it exudes is extraordinary. A huge evil flame storm lingers around it. The storm covers the head of the Void Lord like a hat. It is extremely conspicuous in the void, but this The Lord of the Void didn't seem to mind at all, but instead swaggered through the city and showed off his power against it.

"Mental patients are really happy!!"

Looking at the dazzling and huge hat, Rey couldn't help but complain in his heart.

When Rey saw the Lord of the Void, the Lord of the Void also discovered the menacing Rey.


The Lord of the Void stopped and roared, and the void became pure.He summoned up all the void power in his body and stood ready, staring at Rey with his eyes fixed on him, not knowing what this crazy brother was going to do.

"Bring the green pieces on your head!! Or I'll swallow you!!!"

Rey's mind roared ferociously at the Lord of the Void, baring his teeth and claws, with a very bad attitude.

"The fragment...swallowed me??!!"

The Lord of the Void was obviously confused by Rey's sudden roar. He seemed to have never expected such a scene. After all, the last dispute between the Lords of the Void was 10,000+ years ago, over the ownership of a galaxy in the physical universe. Quarreling, and this hasn't even started yet.


Is this strange brother crazy? ?

Although, no matter what happened to this brother... He, the King of the Void, still wants to save face. He will give it to him no matter what he says, and he is still in a situation where people are threatening him. Doesn't he want to lose face? !

"No!! Unless..."



Before the Lord of the Void could finish speaking, Rey swung his sharp tail and swatted at him.

The King of the Void, who was attacked, was instantly filled with anger and swung his claws at Rey.


The two behemoths collided violently, and the huge fluctuations quickly spread outward. Some weak void beings were even killed by the fluctuations. Other weak beings fled to other realms. Of course, there were also those who were greedy for profit. Hit the center away.

And other Void Lords in the void also came after hearing the news, extremely fast, either because they were afraid that the battle would end quickly and someone cruel would appear, or they were worried that they would not be able to reap the benefits if they were slow.

The folk customs are simple and empty!
At the same time, the style of the battle center has long been distorted.

As beings of the same level, Rey and the Lord of the Void were unable to decide the outcome in a short period of time, and were now in the middle of a stalemate hand-to-hand battle.Moreover, because they can change the shape of their bodies, tentacles and claws emerge from their bodies and become entangled... The painting style is so twisted that people dare not look directly...

At this moment, both of them noticed the Void Lord coming from all directions.

The King of the Void knew that this inexplicable battle would definitely end in nothing, and he was also afraid that he would be injured, lose face, or even be targeted by others. He yelled at Rey: "Let go and stop fighting!! This... ...No results!! You..."

But Rey on the opposite side is not timid at all. He is not afraid of the Lord of the Void. After all, no one will fare well in a tough fight. At most, they will be seriously injured. If the Lord of the Void runs away, the Seal of Evil Energy will be gone. .

"Don't let go!! Give me the pieces!!"


Hearing this, feeling the increasing strength on his body, the unlucky Lord of the Void cursed angrily. He noticed that the Lord of the Void around him was approaching, and the fragments on his head fell instantly and flew towards him at high speed.

"Remember!! You owe me three life planets!!"

Looking at Rey who was hurriedly grabbing the fragments, the Lord of the Void, who had escaped from the entanglement, sent a message to Rey, and then quickly dived into the deep void.


The tentacle hooked the fragments of the evil energy seal and quickly retracted. Rey sent a message to the Void Lord who was retreating, and then quickly dived into the void and disappeared...

 Currently, I owe a total of [-] words of updates, and I will try to make up for it next month. I hope you guys can forgive me! !

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(End of this chapter)

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