Simulate the heavens from Faerûn

Chapter 332 Comprehensive Development [Please subscribe]

Chapter 332 Comprehensive Development [Please subscribe]

Deep in Mount Hyjal, thick fog surrounds this desolate and wild land, and a faint green light emanates from it, making it look extremely psychedelic.The entrance to the Emerald Dream, the "Twin Stars" of Azeroth, is hidden here.

The night falls, the moon hangs high, and the scenery of the Emerald Dream becomes smart and mysterious.

An ancient and magical forest, full of towering trees and trees of different colors, with floating clouds hovering above each tree.

The moonlight slowly falling from the sky casts shallow light and shadow.Many shiny insects were dancing on the branches, and they painstakingly emitted their own light to embellish the darkness.

In addition to long grass, the meadow is also full of all kinds of strange flowers - golden pine cone flowers, blue heaven feather flowers, lavender star flowers... each one is more beautiful than the other, from the deep and mysterious plants. It exudes an intoxicating aroma and sways back and forth frequently when the wind blows.

The lake in the center of the grassland shines with a faint and soft blue light, making people feel as if they have entered a brilliant and intoxicating dream.

Faint and fluffy ashes emanated from the tops of the dream trees around the forest, but they didn't seem to be ashes, but lanterns rebuilt by various insects or related plants and other life forms. More importantly, when these "lanterns" It will only start to light up at night and float on the branches in the forest, adding to the mysterious atmosphere of the forest.

The turquoise crystal on the ground pulsated faintly, emitting a soft and mysterious light, which further highlighted its magic power.There is always a layer of mist shrouding the Emerald Dream, making all scenery and figures appear blurry and unreal.

In such an atmosphere, an illusory figure shrouded in hazy fog stretched out its slender fingers towards the sky. A bright moonlight fell into it, and a crystal clear light blue mark exuded a faint light on the fingertips. Light.

Elune pinched the mark between her fingers and looked deeply at the bright moonlight falling between the leaves... She seemed to see the tight dragnet covering Azeroth, tightly wrapping Azeroth , I saw the Titan creations that were constantly busy in the starry sky, and the star array that was constantly forming and closing...

She felt that a tighter, more solid and more powerful network was coming towards her, making her unable to move and even more unable to escape...

"Alas... Rayelas... Sargeras... Pantheon... It's too difficult for me... It's too late after all... I don't have enough strength... I am a slave to others and I am a fish... endure him and let him let him go. , let’s see him again in a few years... Time is on my side after all..."

Elune stared at the moonlight in front of her with a complex expression, feeling a little helpless and resentful in her heart, somewhat dissatisfied with her current embarrassing predicament.

"But... Why does this Reylas always give me a strange feeling... His behavior is different from those of Iona... The Pantheon is destroyed, and he is the only one alive... Although the situation is reasonable... …but I just feel weird—there’s definitely something wrong with him…

Now, his actions have not actually done much harm to me... I just feel uncomfortable... and it has indeed enhanced my protection against external attacks. I can cooperate with him and cooperate... But I also have to speed up the process. Be more cautious..."

Elune silently analyzed in her mind while recalling what Rey did after coming to Azeroth.

Then, Elune recited silently in her heart: "Cenarius... Cenarius..."

Soon, Cenarius appeared in front of Elune. He was three meters tall. His upper body was almost the same as that of a night elf, but his lower body was like a majestic stag.

Like other stags in nature, Cenarius has a pair of huge and beautiful antlers on his head, which makes his three-meter-high body even taller, reflecting his stern but kind face and long and dense His beard makes it difficult to believe that he is actually the son of Elune.

His thick green mane hung down to his shoulders, and his golden eyes were like amber.His hair and beard were covered with leaves and twigs.His fingers have no flesh, but instead have curved old branches, capable of tearing enemies into pieces effortlessly.

The demigod Cenarius is agile and light on his feet, combining the speed of the wind with the strength of a tree.He is a symbol of the fresh and vigorous vitality of the land of Azeroth, like the son of the forest, or the father of the forest.


At this moment, the powerful demigod Cenarius knelt on the ground with his front legs, raised his head slightly, and shouted respectfully towards Elune.

"Cenarius, my child... On the shores of the Eternal Lake in the center of Kalimdor, there is a group of night elves with extraordinary talents... And I want to go to Ulduar to discuss important matters with the Titans, and I want to leave the Emerald Dream for a while. can go and teach them and let them become natural partners..."

Elune looked at Cenarius calmly, and said lightly.

"...Yes, mother, I will, and I will definitely live up to your expectations..."

Hearing this, Cenarius puffed up his chest with joy, looked at the hazy figure in front of him and replied happily.

"Cenarius...I believe you...just go ahead and do it..."

As the words fell, the mist trembled like water waves and quickly disappeared, leaving a bright moonlight shining on Cenarius's strong body...

In the vast starry sky outside Azeroth, it is empty and desolate, but it is extremely lively.

Powerful and powerful spaceships are constantly wandering in the starry sky, dragging and placing asteroids in designated positions. There are even groups of mechanical gnomes installing magic energy to destroy stars on an asteroid. Cannon, transformed it into a steel fortress, but more importantly, the tall Titan creations worked together to remelt ordinary asteroids, and inscribed dense runes and magic circles on them...

Suddenly, a bright white light shot out from the lady in white and condensed into an invisible white light person in the starry sky.

In an instant, the lady in white and the blue boy not far away suddenly became a little brighter. A faint wave emanated from them, surging towards the galaxy space of the foreign commission. The originally dim galaxy suddenly changed under the sunlight. It was so eerie, and the runes in the invisible but densely packed silk threads kept flickering.

An invisible barrier of time and space appeared outside the galaxy, and a heavy sense of oppression weighed heavily on the souls of all Titan creations in the starry sky.

Fortunately, this change came and went quickly. This strict and powerful defense measure dimmed in an instant, and disappeared back into the gap of time and space.

At the same time, a weak space fluctuation slowly dissipated in the starry sky, and Algalon's huge figure and a small spaceship appeared next to the white light man.

Algalon nodded slightly toward Elune, and then began to comfort the newly frightened Titan creation in the starry sky.

Rey also nodded towards Elune and said with a smile: "Hahaha... very good! The protective measures left by the Pantheon were very good!! Much better than I imagined... enough to intimidate Sargeras. Stop beyond the galaxy..."

Hearing this, Elune looked at the two bright moons in front of her, eyes full of thoughts, she nodded and said as if recalling:
"Well... this protective measure was built when the gods of the Pantheon came to save Azeroth... The Titan creations and guardians eliminated the minions of the Old Gods on Azeroth, defeated the Old Gods, and reshaped Azeroth. Azeroth…

During this period, in order to prevent Azeroth from being invaded again, the gods spent thousands of years in the starry sky, working together to build this protective measure for Azeroth, and used the power of the Pantheon to save these years. Time erases... It seems unremarkable at first glance, but in fact, it is more protective than the Pantheon...

These two moons were shaped by all the gods at the beginning... and I came to Azeroth at that time..." Hearing this, Rey couldn't help but nodded, looking at the two bright moons and Azeroth. Xerath, and the vast starry sky, I don’t know what he was thinking about. After a long time, he said slowly:
"Since this is the case, there is no need to change it... But, considering Sargeras' men, they are not within the defense target... We must fill in this gap. Before, Algalon and I and a group of creations created This is what I did...but it seems I have to modify the plan a little bit..."

Hearing this, Elune nodded and asked, "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Hmm~~ Elune... These two satellites are the core of the entire defense method, or the key points? I don't know, can you connect them with our supplement, or even connect them with the protection on the ground? , thus making the entire defense measures more complete and more powerful..."

Rey asked, looking at Elune expectantly.

Hearing this, Elune couldn't help but paused for a while, and then replied with some embarrassment:
"This... This is somewhat beyond the scope of my authority... Although these two rounds of moons are indeed one of the key points of the entire defense method, I can only use a small part of their functions...

The core of the entire protective measure lies elsewhere, and it also operates autonomously. At least, I have no right to control it... Therefore, it is impossible to integrate it with multiple magic circles...

However, there are indeed external interfaces and nodes on it, which can supplement the original defense measures... Therefore, it is no problem to integrate the supplementary measures we made into the original defense measures..."

Rey nodded solemnly, waved to Algalon beside him, and said:
"In this case... we have no choice but to connect and integrate the Star Curtain Array with the Mountain and Sea Array on the ground, and then connect the Star Curtain Array to the original defense measures... Although this effect will be better than the original The solution is weaker, but it is also the best option at present..."

Hearing this, Algalon and Elune thought for a while and then nodded in agreement.

In the next nearly 2000 years, Rey, Algalon, and Elune made many revisions to the Star Curtain Array and finally finalized the Star Curtain Array. Then, Algalon and Rey The contractor led the Titan Creation engineering team to start the project step by step in the starry sky.

Elune provided help in the early 1000 years, and later returned to Azeroth, unknown to where...

Just when a group of top experts on Azeroth and most of the Titan creations went to the stars to build the Star Curtain Array, huge changes also occurred in the vast Azeroth...

After Elune assigned Cenarius a task and left, Cenarius did not immediately go to the shores of the Eternal Lake to carry out work. Instead, he first asked the creatures living around the Eternal Lake to help investigate the night elves and understand the situation.

Therefore, after receiving the request of the demigod Cenarius, the local trees, flowers and woodland creatures began to silently pay attention to the vigorous development of the night elf society, and quietly reported the news to the wild gods of Mount Hyjal.

As news continued to spread, the demigod Cenarius became very interested in this group of night elves who settled on the shores of the Eternal Lake.Coupled with the mission left by Elune, Cenarius left Mount Hyjal and went to the night elf tribe on the shores of the Eternal Lake.

When the night elves saw Cenarius, they regarded him as the son of Malorne and Elune, the White Deer King, and showed great respect and excitement.

Cenarius also loves the night elves very much and believes that they have the ability to become the guardians of nature.He became friends with this emerging race and taught them the knowledge of nature. Cenarius hoped that the night elves could work hard to live in harmony with nature...

When the night elves mutated and grew rapidly, the trolls on the south side of the Eternal Lake also experienced rapid development, especially after the Loa gods returned from the Well of Eternity. However, although the trolls I am greedy for the rich energy in it, but I no longer like going to the Eternal Lake area.

After thousands of years of development, the most powerful group of trolls was called the Zandalari tribe. They almost occupied the mountains at the highest altitude of Zandalari, treating them as sacred and inviolable holy places.

They built several small primitive temples to worship the Loa on the tops of the highest mountains.And these temples, after a long period of development, gradually became a lively and prosperous temple city named Zuldazar.

In the following centuries, due to the Zandalari Mountains' rich resources and special status, other troll tribes challenged the Zandalari tribe for territory and power.

The three most powerful opponents are the Gurubashi, Amani and Drakkari tribes.The Gurubashi and Amani even wanted to capture the vast areas of Kalimdor's dense jungle.

However, although conflicts will break out among these tribes due to disputes over territory and power, these are usually just showdowns on hunting grounds. Fierce conflicts rarely occur, and protracted wars are even rarer.

Because the trolls are experienced and brave warriors, any real confrontation will cause heavy losses to both sides, so each tribe is very restrained from fighting...

Moreover, after realizing that there was a lot of unowned land in all directions, several major tribes quickly stopped fighting and began to lead the tribes to disperse and find other good lands...

During this period, Cenarius also discovered an intelligent, bull-shaped race called the yaungol in the grasslands of central Kalimdor.

Cenarius's appearance is closer to that of a human being, with a figure that is half like a deer, and his body is covered with flowers and vines.Not only does it have the majestic majesty of a "god", but it also looks somewhat similar to the buffalo people, and it quickly wins the trust of the buffalo people.

Therefore, Cenarius often appeared among the nomadic buffalo people. He shared the secrets of nature with these creatures and watched them thrive.These robust creatures live in harmony with nature under the guidance of the demigod Cenarius.

Eventually, the buffalo people grew tired of sharing their hunting grounds with the trolls and decided to go out in search of new lands.Although the beloved demigod Cenarius asked them to stay and be friendly with the trolls, the buffalo people resolutely went south...

The swarm in the northern part of Azeroth was originally the neruben that should have evolved near Yogg-Saron's underground cage, and the aqir swarm in the southwest was also supposed to be in the cage where C'Thun was imprisoned - Evolved Qiraji in Ahn'Qiraj.

However, because of Rey's intervention, not only did they not evolve, but they were slaughtered when the Titans reinforced the cage, and only a very small part remained in the dark and deep underground crypts.

In comparison, the Aqir swarm in the southeast were much luckier, because the area they were in hadn't changed much, so they had been gathering in the land that was still polluted by the spirit of Y'Shaarj.

This group of aqir gathered on the southern edge of Kalimdor and established a burgeoning empire under the roots of the giant kypar tree.Moreover, because they were contaminated by the spirit of Y'Shaarj, they eventually turned into mantids. Before the trolls expanded their territory, they had already established the huge territory of Mantivis near the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.

Shortly after the territorial war with the trolls, the mantid not only stopped moving north, but also retreated south, stopping at a natural dividing line.

Because the Mantid are not only extremely rational, but also have strong self-control. They did not stun their minds with the red-eyed battlefield, but saw clearly that this war was meaningless to the Mantid and was contrary to their ideals. .

Although the Mantid, like other Zerg, still worship the Old Gods fervently, and believe that these ancient masters will one day break free from their prisons and once again dominate Azeroth.

However, the mantid believes that the best way to better serve the gods is not to expand the mantid's power, but to conserve its strength and wait for the opportunity.They chose to make themselves powerful in such a non-threatening way.

Moreover, in the mantid group, although like other Zerg, the noble queen supervises the daily activities of the mantid, but in fact the fate of the Zerg is controlled by another group of people.

They call themselves the Klaxxi - which means "priests" in the language of this race.They guide the actions of the queen and the mantid, hoping to maintain and strengthen the power of the pack.The Klaxxi were not eager to seek revenge against the trolls, but instead set their sights on another enemy...

 Thank you all for your love and support!
(End of this chapter)

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