Simulate the heavens from Faerûn

Chapter 97 Silence【Please recommend, collect and invest】

Chapter 97 Silence【Please recommend, collect and invest】

While Augustus was plunged into mourning and the excitement of the new emperor's accession to the throne, the Thunderbird Valley thousands of miles away was solemn.

Greeted by the house elves, thunderbirds and feathered serpents, Rey climbed onto the anchor altar in the secret realm of the sanctuary.

This altar was originally located in the center of the valley where the Thunderbird King's lair was. Now it has become a tall and majestic altar with a diameter of 20 meters and a height of 15 meters. The three-story cylindrical altar is guarded by Thunderbirds standing on the edge of the altar.

Since Ishlandi had fallen asleep in the secret realm of the Sanctuary five years ago due to world suppression, the Thunderbird Valley is now mainly managed by house elves, Thunderbird Elders, and Quetzalcoatl Elders.

Rey stood in the center of the altar, looking at the dark crowd of house elves, thunderbirds, and feathered serpents crawling around the altar. He smiled faintly, and in the blink of an eye, his head flashed with golden light, and the majestic celestial dragon soared into the air with its teeth and claws.

A golden light gate was condensed in mid-air. The light gate was wide open, and there was a dazzling and rich golden light inside the gate, and bursts of low and solemn singing wafted out, echoing in the valley.

The Tianlong roared loudly and rushed into the light gate. The light gate disappeared instantly, and the entire valley fell into silence...

A few years after Rey entered the secret realm of the Sanctuary, the extraordinary environment of the entire world suddenly experienced a cliff-like collapse change. Countless extraordinary people who failed to enter the secret realm to sleep suddenly died suddenly due to the sudden changes in the world or because of their strength. Reduction leads to exhaustion of life.

For more than ten years before 1777, the strength ceiling of the extraordinary world was still level 10. There were also a large number of second-level personnel among the major forces, which were enough to suppress the mortal world and maintain the dominance and otherworldly status of the extraordinary forces in the mortal world.

Well~ The Rhodes family is a very typical example of ruling the mortal world with its tyrannical and extraordinary strength.

Otherwise, how could the numerous family members of the Rhodes family be able to rule this empire with a population of tens of millions, and what capital would they have to take advantage of the great supernatural forces and occupy the interests of the entire North Graek continent? !
All of this was due to the tyrannical strength of Rey and Yixiu Landi who were unparalleled in the world at that time, and they were invincible in the world without waves. The so-called respect and acceptance were nothing but the fruits of awe and victory that Rey used the blood of the enemy.

The royal families or ruling classes in other countries have almost used their strength to obtain their privileged positions.

However, after 1777, the situation suddenly changed in a frightening way. The ceiling of strength in the extraordinary world became level 3. This is only a low-level level, and its strength is almost the same as that of ordinary people. This means that the extraordinary world rules the ordinary. The foundations of the world have collapsed.

The world will usher in earth-shaking changes, and the major forces will also usher in a new round of reshuffle.

Every extraordinary force has fallen into boundless panic, especially the nobles and royal families who rely on extraordinary power to become the rulers of the kingdom.

However, some people are panic while others are excited, especially those big businessmen who were previously regarded as "suddenly rich/fat sheep" (the bourgeoisie). In the past, they could only be regarded as a group of "money bags" with empty money but much contempt.

Those powerful people who want money directly cut off the flesh of big businessmen and big capitalists, plundering wantonly, without any taboos. Unless there is the intervention of extraordinary forces, otherwise they, the "Muggles", will not be able to withstand any trouble even if they are killed.

After all, one side is a transcendent with noble blood and powerful strength, while the other is just a weak and lowly Muggle who can be killed with a light punch. …

This is because merchants have huge amounts of wealth but do not have the corresponding strength and status to safeguard their own interests and safety. After all, they have not mastered extraordinary power, and those who have mastered extraordinary power are particularly seldom willing to deal with them, let alone He said he was working for these big businessmen.

Even if a big businessman gathers a large number of ordinary soldiers, due to the limitations of technological level, no matter how many elite soldiers they are, they can only pose a threat to mid-level extraordinary beings and below, but not to high-level extraordinary beings with extraordinary status. It is said that no matter how many people there are, it will have no effect. Only existences of the same level can pose a threat to them.

And the above situation is also the result of everyone showing their horses and fighting directly and openly.

If in real battles and battlefields, conspiracy, assassination, poisoning, etc. are tacit methods that everyone is proficient in, in this case, even a low-level transcendent will have the power to change the situation of the battle.

For example, a low-level wizard who masters invisibility can not only sneak into the enemy camp to poison, steal secrets, and even carry out beheading operations.

After all, extraordinary people are the existence of all kinds of great powers attributed to themselves. There is an old saying that people are as close as possible to the enemy, which refers to the great threat and extraordinary status of such people.

Now, the forces that dominate big businessmen and big capitalists have basically lost the strength and confidence to maintain their extraordinary status.

This means that big businessmen and big capitalists can finally stand up and sing, telling those adults who used to regard them as ants, "My lord! The times have changed~..."

yes!Times have changed!Times have changed since 1777. Undercurrents are surging between the traditional feudal aristocrats (that is, the group of people with extraordinary strength and noble blood) and the bourgeoisie in various countries. Turbulence and storms are brewing in a peaceful social environment...

An old ship is about to sink. Some people on the ship are waiting to die, some are repairing the old ship, some are setting fire to it, some are dismantling the ship and building rafts...

This is also the case with today's extraordinary forces. Some people were scared out of their wits by the collapse of the extraordinary and waited for death. Some went crazy because of this and started indiscriminate massacres. There were also some "wise men" who needed a change and built new ships or contacted new ships... …

The big businessmen and big capitalists are a group of people with the best knowledge and wisdom in the world. They are not only evil-minded, but also cunning and cunning with extraordinary intelligence.Faced with the great changes in the world, most of the bourgeoisie have not acted rashly, but have adopted the strategy of boiling frogs in warm water.

This is not only to prevent the previous ruling class from jumping over the wall in a hurry, and finally breaking the pot and dying together.

What's more, the bourgeoisie is stalling for time in order to strengthen itself and accumulate strength for the final seizure of political power and the right to speak.

And it can also make the traditional feudal forces calm down and think, and continue to bleed them to further weaken them.This can be described as killing multiple birds with one stone.

Moreover, this transitional period is also a time when many bourgeoisie and supernatural forces gradually collude and work together.

After all, there are many wise men among the extraordinary forces who have a long-term vision, think calmly, and accept the reality. They think that since the collapse of the extraordinary is inevitable, why don't they find ways to maintain or even expand their dominance and privileges? !

And the bourgeoisie are also extremely eager for extraordinary power. Whether it is to meet psychological needs or practical needs, extraordinary power is what they want to control.

For the bourgeoisie, psychologically, they believe that extraordinary power is extremely magical and extremely desirable. Even if they were extremely fearful, even disgusted, and slandered by it, when it comes to them, they still shout with disdain and integrity: " I want! I want! I want! I want..."

Hmm~ This can be one-sidedly understood as Stockholm Syndrome. After being beaten too many times by extraordinary powers, you are extremely eager for extraordinary powers...

In a practical sense, it is to prevent the emergence of extraordinary powers in hostile forces, leading to asymmetric battles, and to prevent extraordinary people from assassinating, poisoning and other black methods. After all, only magic can defeat magic, and ordinary people are really not professional.

As a result, some supernatural forces and the bourgeoisie began to collude affectionately, and the development of science and technology accelerated the showdown between the new forces and the old forces.

Unexpectedly, the new forces eventually won the confrontation between the old and the new and began to replace the status and authority of the old forces. Some of the old forces also successfully transformed and continued to maintain their dominance.

The fastest outcome of this duel was in the country of Yu. Most of the nobles were overturned by the big capitalists of the bourgeoisie.

In the next half century, except for a very small number of nobles and extraordinary forces in the country of Yu, all power has been seized by the bourgeoisie.

As a result, the power and status of the King's royal family were greatly reduced, and they basically became a symbolic ruler.

However, across the sea, the Star Empire, which was the latest to start the industrial revolution, had not undergone many major changes. The sky was still the same, and the rulers were still the Rhodes family.

Although the influence of the new trend of thought from Bailuozhou caused some short-sighted people to have small thoughts and even set off small strikes, uprisings, and rebellions, under the leadership of the emperor, these small problems soon swept away the fallen leaves like the autumn wind. solved quickly.

Because there are already countermeasures in the various plans and tips left by Rey, and the emperor and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty are not idle men, but also temporary heroes. Solving these problems is just easy.

However, the emperor also tightened his control over the army and the Academy of Truth, and gradually promoted people?civil? ?The execution of the Conference and the Imperial Reichstag.

The former is a governance saying left by Rey and practiced throughout his life, "The one with strong soldiers and horses is the king (in the barrel of a gun? Out of power)". In addition, the successors to the throne all have military experience, so the emperors all know the important role of the army in governance. .

The royal family not only placed die-hard cronies at the grassroots level of the army, but also strengthened the construction of military schools, trained officers such as "emperor's disciples", and promoted faith in the emperor (a reformed mixture of the German-Italian mustache spirit and the spirit of those who lived a good life. body), adopt and train a large number of orphans to join the army.

The latter is completely in line with the changes of the times and the prediction of the century-old plan left by Rey, because it has taken on not only the challenges of the capitalist class but also the bloody wave.

The Rhodes family must win over social elites and big wealth owners into their own camp, and people?civil?meeting?The Imperial Congress, the Three Colors and the Eight Banners, and the Imperial Examination were born for this purpose.

In terms of extraordinary power, the Star Empire and the Rhodes Family have certainly been affected. However, since the current pillar of extraordinary power of the Rhodes Family is the house elves, which have reached 80 in number, their strength has basically reached the ceiling, and their lifespans are long. With extraordinary wisdom and never betraying, he can still effectively maintain the dominance of the Rhodes family.

Coupled with the spread of the belief in Tianlong among the vast aboriginals, blacks, and even whites, and the fact that the Rhodes family controls the army and the Academy of Truth, the Rhodes family's dominance in the Starlight Empire has not declined and is still unbreakable.

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(End of this chapter)

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