Chapter 134 Xingfu Temple

After sending mana to the purification circle three times in a row, the filth and evil energy near the wound on the left side of the island was finally completely purified, leaving only the blue-black wound.

When the light of the magic circle gradually extinguished, Shima Sakon also breathed a sigh of relief: "Thank you, lord, I feel much more relaxed."

Although this was the first time he said this word, the process was surprisingly easy and simple.

Asai Nagamasa stretched out his hand to help the other person stand up: "No, Sakon, don't be careless. In order to avoid causing trouble, starting from tomorrow, I will continue to cleanse your wounds until you fully recover."

As if he suddenly remembered something, he took out the string of Buddhist beads that he had just acquired: "I got this by chance. It is a relic of an eminent monk of Xingfu Temple. I will give it to you so that the Buddha's light can protect you." Bar."

Although he had only acquired it for a very short period of time and was not familiar with the power of Buddha's light, so he had not been able to fully explore the power of this bracelet yet, but what is certain is that it has a certain degree of meditation and concentration. As well as the effect of expelling filth, it is suitable for Shima Sato to use now.

"Ah, my lord actually gave me the relics of the eminent monk of Kofukuji Temple. How dare you?"

Of course, being from Kinki, he knew the name of Kofukuji Temple. Although it has been squeezed out of territory by the Ichigo Sect in recent years and snatched away believers, it is still one of the seven major temples in Nandu. Even the land of the Tsutsui family under their feet is theoretically All of them belong to Kofukuji Temple, because the first generation of the Tsutsui family was born as a monk soldier of Kofukuji Temple.

"Okay, Sakon, let's not be polite between us. If you feel something is wrong, then we will return it to Kofukuji Temple after you have completely recovered from your injuries."

Asai Nagamasa didn’t think too much about it. Although this bracelet with Buddha’s light was indeed not an ordinary thing, so what, as long as he was given enough time and materials, he could create a better magic weapon. Onmyoji They can't just draw some charms or summon shikigami.

"Also, I am traveling around the world as a ronin, and I am not the governor of the Asai family yet. To avoid trouble, Sakon, just call me young master."

"Yes, young master, I understand."

Shima Sakon immediately followed the good example. As for what the young master said about ronin, he didn't take it to heart. Even before he chose to be loyal to the other party, he didn't mention anything about salary at all, because he had never mentioned it from the beginning. Not here for this.

Moreover, with the power that the young master has shown so far, if he really wants to obtain the position of family governor, no one in the entire Asai family will stop or refuse, right?

Although he was born in the Kinki area, he had heard many stories about the cowardly daimyo of Kita Omi, but in the stories he was without exception, all of them played ugly roles.

If he can be replaced by the young master, it will be a blessing for the entire Asai family and even the Kitaomi area!
After resting for a while, the flames in the valley gradually extinguished. Asai Nagamasa also used Hashihime's power to cast several water spells to ensure that they would not spread outside and cause a fire.

Then he was quite surprised to find that among the layers of ruins, there was a long spear emitting an extremely faint light. Even after being burned by the flames, it was not damaged in the slightest.

He immediately realized that it was a treasure.

After getting closer, Asai Nagamasa discovered that the appearance of this spear was different from many of the spears currently popular in Nippon.

In addition to the light blue gun body coated with unknown dye, its biggest feature is that the gun head is a flat and long triangle, just like a huge arrow magnified dozens of times. In addition to being able to launch stabbing attacks, it can also It can easily cut off the enemy's limbs and even heads just like the Odachi sword.

The white tassels embellished on the spear were not swallowed up by the flames, but floated smoothly in the breeze, with a faint water energy emanating from it. It was obvious that it was precisely because of the power of these white tassels that it was in the flames. Protected the spear.

Shima Sakon, who barely held his body and ran over, was also amazed again and again. Although he did not personally participate in the subsequent battle just now, even if his feet are on the ashes now, he can still feel the blazing heat. This flame is real and real. .

He had never seen or even heard of a spear that was not afraid of flames. Why did the monster not take out this spear when he fought with him before, but only used a blood-stained sword? Woolen cloth?
Asai Nagamasa looked more and more familiar. He quickly mobilized many memories in his brain. When he noticed that those white tassels were actually the feathers of some kind of bird, he couldn't help but suddenly realized: "This is a white bird gun!"

Shima Sakon next to him was shocked when he heard this: "What? Is it Zhenxi Hachirou's magic gun?"

Asai Nagamasa nodded: "Yes, if that is the case, then the monster just now did not lie. Even if it is not Zhenxi Hachiro himself, it is at least his direct descendant. Sakon-kun, you can defeat his corpse The war ghost he transformed into is indeed extraordinary in strength."

Shima Sakon said humbly: "I don't dare, I don't dare. If you hadn't come to help me, I would have had to fight to the death to escape with my life."

Even so, the shock in his heart was unimaginable to others.

Jinsai Hachiro, whose real name was Minamoto no Toto, was a fierce general at the end of the Heian period and the uncle of the famous Nippon war god Minamoto Yoshitsune.

It is said that he is more than two meters tall, has long arms and is good at shooting. He once sank a ship with one arrow. Even if his hand tendon was broken by someone, he could recover and join the battlefield again.

It's a pity that he was not truly invincible in the world, and he ended up with a tragic death. It is said that he was the first samurai to commit seppuku.

But despite this, his magic spear White Bird, strong bow Zhenxi Hachiro's bow, and his powerful reputation are still passed down to future generations and are talked about by people.

If the corpse ghost just now was transformed by a descendant of Yuan Weichao or even himself, it would not be surprising to be so powerful.

The more Asai Nagamasa watched, the happier he became. He raised his hand and pulled the white shotgun out of the ashes and ruins all over the ground. After he got it, a weak cold energy followed, stabilizing his mind. This feeling It is very similar to Hashihime's power, both are water power.

Now Nagamasa Asai can probably understand why the War Ghost did not use this spear before. How can the War Ghost driven by death and resentment endure such a peaceful atmosphere?
It didn't choose to destroy this spear, so it was just nostalgic.

So he hung the white bird gun directly on the saddle. Although he was good at double swords and tachi, the long gun would definitely be an excellent weapon when fighting large monsters.

Returning to the road again, while chatting with Shima Sakon about his origins and various interesting things nearby, he made some associations.

If he hadn't appeared today, even if Shima Sakon managed to escape in the end, he would have been seriously injured, and his wounds would have been contaminated by evil spirits. By then, only the eminent monks hidden in Kofukuji Temple would have been able to help him.

Then it is not incomprehensible that he chose to serve in the Tsutsui family according to history and stayed there for decades.

But when he appeared, this historical inertia was forcibly erased. His existence may be a bigger variable than the monster.
Shima Sakon, who was born in Kinki, is very familiar with the terrain here, so even if he is injured, he can lead the way while communicating with Asai Nagamasa.It turned out that he had heard in the castle town that there were fierce ghosts and resentful spirits haunting this place, and screams were heard from time to time in the middle of the night. Although no one had died due to this, it was obvious that this place was still somewhat threatening.

Of course, Shimazakon would not believe it easily, he mistakenly thought it was bandits in disguise, in fact, in the chaotic Warring States Period, there were quite a few bandits and bandits who used this trick.

Therefore, Dao Sakon, a newborn calf who was not afraid of tigers, came here alone. He did not expect to independently destroy the possible bandit dens. He just wanted to expose the other party's disguise and then lead people to encircle and suppress them.

But he never expected that there really were monsters here. If it hadn't been for the adventure he had here, where he was unexpectedly protected by the guardian spirit of Tang Shishi, and later rescued by Asai Nagamasa, he might have died today. Buried here.

Having said this, Shima Sakon once again expressed his gratitude to Asai Nagamasa. After all, this was a life-saving grace.

Asai Nagamasa waved his hand, indicating that the other party did not have to do this.

No matter how great a favor is, if you talk about it all day long, not only will you not be able to get the gratitude and closeness of others, but it will only gradually alienate the relationship between each other, and may even attract the resentment of the other party. This is the so-called kindness. Great revenge.

If your kindness is so great that the other party feels that there is no way to repay it, then they will have no choice but to kill you. Otherwise, every time you mention this kindness, the other party will relive their weak moments.

What's more, he knew that Shima Sakon was definitely not a person who didn't know how to repay kindness. He didn't need to remind him at all, because the young samurai had already remembered it deeply in his heart.

Since Shimazukon also came here on horseback, their speed did not slow down when they headed to Xingfu Temple, and even improved because Shimazukon was familiar with the nearby terrain.

When the sun began to set, they finally arrived at their destination, Kofukuji Temple in the Nara area.

Looking from the outside, this Buddhist holy land covers an area far wider than Nagashima City, with dozens of slopes and endless houses. Nagamasa Asai couldn't help but sigh.

Even though it has been squeezed by the powerful Yixiang Sect in recent decades, after all, the foundation of hundreds of years is there. Even though it is approaching evening, there is an endless stream of believers coming to worship the Buddha.

Most of these believers were holding something in their hands. Asai Nagamasa took a few cursory glances and found that some were millet, some were vegetables, and they were holding two small fishes. In short, no one was empty-handed.

He couldn't help but sigh even more. It was obvious that all these believers were dishonest and they couldn't even eat enough, yet they were still willing to use food as offerings to temples that were much richer than them. This was really true.
Do they really think that with spiritual sustenance, they can get rid of the physical hunger in front of them?

But he didn't mean to meddle in other people's business. This was not his territory, and those believers were not his subjects. So what reason did he have to interfere with other people's freedom?

But after a few random scans, Asai Nagamasa felt something was not right. Although he couldn't tell it on the surface, he always felt that the atmosphere here was a bit tense, as if he was guarding against the invasion of some foreign enemy.

"Sakon, have you been to Kofukuji Temple before? Are there usually this many monk soldiers patrolling?"

Shima Sakon shook his head: "Young Master, I did come here once, but there were far fewer monk soldiers that time. Generally speaking, in order to show their kind side to the believers, they rarely come so fully armed. Appear."

"Yes, there are naginata, bows and arrows, war horses, and even many armored monk soldiers. Are they preparing to deal with the Miyoshi family again?"

Ever since the last generation of the Tsutsui family governor died young and this generation succeeded him at a young age, the Miyoshi family has been eyeing this piece of fat. As an ally for generations, Kofukuji Temple is almost one with it. Naturally, He has always stood with the Tsutsui family, donating money and food is a routine operation, and sending monk soldiers to fight is not once or twice.

Shima Sakon sighed and said: "This is probably the only possibility. It's just a pity that those innocent farmers have to be displaced again."

If it were an ordinary samurai, when they learned that the war was about to break out, they would probably be filled with only excitement, because for the samurai, war meant merit and land, and they didn't care even if countless people would bleed and die behind it.

But Shima Sakon seems to be different. He is not interested in meritorious deeds, he is more concerned about the suffering of the people.

Unfortunately, in this turbulent era, peace is more precious than life.

Asai Nagamasa rode forward leisurely. Although there was an endless stream of believers dressed as farmers and travelers on the road, after seeing them, they took the initiative to avoid them. This is the privilege of the samurai who are superiors.

"But Sakon, as long as the war does not stop, the suffering of the people will never end. The Warring States Period full of blood and killing has lasted for hundreds of years. If you really want to change this situation, there is only one way to go, then Just so that there will be no more wars in Nepal.”

Shima Sakon immediately understood what the other party meant: "Is the Nippon truly unified?"

In fact, he is not the first person to raise this question, but in the past hundred years, no matter how powerful the warrior is, they have not been able to solve this problem.

Because the more chaotic the era, the more heroes tend to emerge. When these heroes with different talents compete and fight for various interests and purposes, it will only make the situation more chaotic, and the best result will be It's nothing more than changing from one famous name to another.

The little kunoichi who had been silent on the road suddenly said: "If it's Asai-sama, I believe it will be okay!"

Shima Sakon's eyes lit up instantly, and he looked directly at his young master: "If it is you, young master, there must be hope to completely end this troubled world!"

After all, the young master is carrying the legendary dragon!

"Okay, Sakon, then you can work hard for this goal with me."

Although Asai Nagamasa said this sentence with a smile, it seemed that he was not serious, but Shimazakon was instantly excited about it. If he wanted to end this troubled world, what reason could he refuse?

The little kunoichi behind her suddenly snickered. It seemed that this young samurai who was several years older than herself was actually more innocent than herself.

However, maybe Lord Asai is not fooling him, because there is indeed a dragon in his body.
(End of this chapter)

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