Chapter 239 Demon Sword Princess Yatagarasu

Half a quarter of an hour later, Asai Nagamasa stood up from the ground. Although the process was more difficult than he imagined, he finally succeeded in saving the arakkoa assassin from the Cathay Empire.

However, only her basic consciousness and part of her memory remained. Her body, which was originally transformed into a vampire, decayed on its own and turned into a rotten corpse that oozed pus just after her consciousness was separated. .

Whether vampires still have souls has always been highly controversial, but now it seems that even if they do not have souls like humans, they must have some kind of special consciousness, otherwise it will be completely impossible to explain what is happening before them.

So Asai Nagamasa burned it completely with a fire, because it no longer had any value.

However, her current body is better than before. Although she still looks like the arakkoa with wings on her back, her skin exudes a cool metal-like light, and there is even a faint flash of lightning in her eyes. .

Now she is no longer an arakkoa assassin loyal to the Queen of the Moon, but a shikigami summoned by Asai Nagamasa through the medium of Thunder Sword - Xiaolong Jingguang.

At the beginning, he was very pleased with the special feature of consciousness in the Demon Sword. After using it to kill the enemy, the Thunder Sword could absorb part of the opponent's consciousness fragments, and then engage in a decisive battle inside the Thunder Sword.

After winning, Thunder Knife's consciousness will be strengthened, and Xiaolong Jingguang will also be rewarded. In time, even if he can't become a peerless magic weapon, he will definitely become a generation of murderous knife.

But soon the facts told him that what he thought was too idealistic.

When dealing with the Kyoto Minotaur's consciousness, Thunder Blade's consciousness was already very difficult. Later, when it came to the Wraith Ghost, it failed hundreds of times before successfully defeating the opponent. By that time, this number had more than doubled again, which really consumed a lot of his energy and energy.

The reason is that it has strength and speed, but no wisdom.

Although in that special space, after every challenge it fails, as long as it has its own energy as a supplement, it will soon be intact and then challenge again, and in the past few months, its wisdom has indeed been there. Extremely slow growth, but that is too troublesome and too slow after all.

According to the current progress, it will probably take at least 30 to [-] years to reach the wisdom of a ten-year-old child. If it were an ordinary Onmyoji, it would probably be able to endure it, but for Asai Nagamasa, if it really reaches that point At that time, how could he value its power?

But now, he fused the arakkoa's consciousness with it, filled it with wisdom and combat experience, and then engraved the mark of loyalty, and immediately there was a powerful shikigami under his hands.

It's not like he hasn't thought about it before, but he just didn't meet a suitable partner, and he couldn't make up his mind whether to really use this method. After all, restraining other people's souls has always been a taboo among taboos.

But the current arakkoa couldn't be more suitable.

At this moment, her seemingly delicate skin is actually much harder than ordinary steel, and she still retains the characteristics of the original Demon Sword, that is, she can kill the enemy and then capture the enemy's consciousness fragments, in the consciousness space of the Thunder Sword. Fight against them repeatedly to hone your skills and improve your strength.

And it is conceivable that, with the wisdom of the Crow people as the leading force, her martial arts and strength will be fully utilized, and her efficiency will definitely increase more than a hundred times.

At present, among all the shikigami summoned by Asai Nagamasa, she is the one with the most potential.

The only pity is that she has been transformed into the Jade Blood Race for decades, and later she was driven by instinct to devour human blood and kill the humans who broke into this place. Purifying her, her memory was inevitably affected a lot, and she couldn't even remember her original name.

This made Asai Nagamasa's previous plan come to nothing. He might not be able to get too much information about the Dragon Emperor family of Cathay from the other party.

But despite this, he still gained a lot.

According to her, in addition to the Dragon Emperor and the Moon Queen, in the past thousands of years, there have been nine dragon sons in the Cathay Empire, named after gold, wood, water, fire, earth, yin, yang, etc. Good at other spells.

Thanks to their powerful power, the Dragon Sons can also transform into human forms and rule that ancient and powerful country, because the Dragon Emperor usually does not personally interfere with the common affairs of the empire.

Even though it is very difficult for dragons to reproduce between humans and animals, thousands of years have passed and the Cathay Empire now has many dragon descendants with the blood of divine dragons.

Although they cannot transform into dragons because their bloodline is not pure enough, their talents and strength are still far superior to mortals. Whether they become warriors or practice spells, they are much stronger than mortals. In the military system of the Cathay Empire, they are They usually hold various important positions.

So even though there are many fallen believers of the Four Gods of Chaos outside the Great Wall in the north of the Cathay Empire;
In the west are ogres, Skaven, hobgoblins and many other alien races;
To the south are the monkey people who are both enemies and friends, the Buddhist kingdom of Inda, and the cold-blooded snake people in the hinterland of Horeth;

Even in the east there were occasional pirates from the Dark Elves and Norscan Barbarians, but the Cathay Empire still stood firm for thousands of years.

The Dragon Emperor, the Moon Queen and the Dragon Sons are one of the gods whose power is comparable to that of the gods. The power of these Dragonborn cannot be ignored either.

The reason why it is said that nine dragon sons once existed is because in the long years, four of them gradually disappeared without a trace. Now there are only five dragon sons in the Cathay Empire, commanding the four directions and sitting in the center.

Among them, the dragon in charge of the east side and the dragon that Nibon is most likely to encounter is a young dragon girl named Yanglong Yinyin. She also has the titles of Governor of Weidong Province and Admiral of the Dragon Fleet. It is said that Not only does he possess extremely powerful water and wood magic skills, but he also has a hundred thousand naval troops under his command, and among them are not only human warriors.

She is young, hot-blooded and warlike. She is not content to defend the coastal provinces of the Cathay Empire. She will often take the initiative to attack. Dark elves, Norscan pirates, and the cold-blooded snake people in the hinterland of Horeth are all The object of her attack.

Of course, even though she is relatively young among the dragons, as a divine dragon that has survived for at least a thousand years, she still has enough strength and wisdom.

She will not fight all enemies at once, but will attack the worst enemies in a targeted manner, and occasionally try to divide, win over, or use strategies. After all, as an evil alien, no matter whether it is the dark Elves or cold-blooded snake-men, they are by no means monolithic.

Thanks to the divine wind surrounding Nibon, she seems to have never gone to Nibon. However, if Nagamasa Asai decides to step outside Nibon in the future, she is most likely to encounter this dragon girl. The dragon girl who has passed the most times.

In addition to defeating evil enemies, the arakkoa assassins who are loyal to the Moon Queen also have another task, which is to collect any information that may be related to the missing dragon sons. Yanglong Yinyin seems to be interested in her missing brothers and sisters too. Extremely concerned.

In addition, Demon Sword Girl seemed to have a certain status among the Crow Assassins during her lifetime. She was not an ordinary soldier, so she also acquired some martial arts, as well as some skills in training for lurking and assassination.

Although her skills are not particularly perfect due to her lack of memory, if it is given to Kato Danzo and Ning Ning, it will definitely be of great benefit to them in training their own ninjas.

After spending a while to digest these contents, even with Asai Nagamasa's calmness, he couldn't help but feel a little excited for a while.

In this world, almost all countries and races have their own gods. Only the Cathay Empire does not have any gods. There are only the Dragon Emperor family who are more powerful than ordinary gods.

I just don’t know what the difference will be between the divine dragon of Cathay and my own yellow dragon?

With a slight wave of his hand, Yaodao Ji immediately turned into a purple light and returned to the appearance of Thunder Saber, and then he took it back.

He himself took out the Seven-Star Sword Bingzi Shoulin presented by Senko Muramasa as a temporary substitute. Although after being transformed into a shikigami, Demon Sword Princess can still be used by him as a weapon, it still feels a bit strange. weird.

He glanced sideways at Akane Suzuki: "Her hands are stained with the blood of your Zahe City, but I didn't kill her completely. Do you have any dissatisfaction?"

Akane Suzuki just lowered her head and smiled to show respect: "How could it be? In the past few decades, she has never stepped out of this place. The reason why they died was because they took the initiative to break into her territory."

"Since she was fortunate enough to be saved by you, sir, and could not directly become a Buddha, of course it would be best for her to continue to serve His Highness."

Becoming a Buddha is originally a Buddhist term, which means being free from the worries of life and death forever. Since Nippon's Buddhist beliefs are extremely strong, and the Suzuki family in Zaga Castle has a background in the Issei sect, it is not surprising that Akane Suzuki uses it to refer to death.

Asai Nagamasa nodded slightly, not too surprised by this answer. Suzuki Akane and Zagajou have been actively showing their kindness to her. She will not anger herself because of some dead people. After all, Demon Sword Princess is indeed the real dead. It happened once.

Seeing that the flames in the cave were still going on, but there was no more roaring or hissing, Asai Nagamasa knew that all the monsters inside had been killed and injured, and now only a little guy was left, still playing hide and seek with them inside. .

It still refuses to come out. Is it unable or unwilling?
In that case, give yourself a little boost.

Instructing Ii Naotora and Suzuki Akane to get on the white tiger, Asai Nagamasa waved away the Minotaur and all the paper figures. Then he held his hands empty, and the power of Huanglong poured into his feet.

Although this was not Yaotouji's original wish, this place has indeed become a nest of monsters. It is too troublesome to clean it up, so let it be completely reduced to ruins, and at the same time force the Yatagarasu inside.

Akane Suzuki and Naotora Ii, who were sitting on the back of the white tiger, were soon shocked to find that with the spell cast by His Highness Nagamasa, the shape of the hill was rapidly changing. It was originally a mountain peak tens of meters high. But without any sound, it completely collapsed and gradually turned into a low, giant dirt bag.

Yes, it is indeed a dirt bag, because the stone that makes up this mountain has turned to dirt!

When did His Highness Nagamasa's power reach this point?
But then Suzuki Akane became even more excited, because the man who did all this was the man she fancied!
Of course she doesn't know now that for Huanglong, who controls the earth, there is no difference between soil and rocks. Even the mountains with thousands of feet will turn into soil in an instant with a thought.

Similarly, for Asai Nagamasa, who has received the blood of the Yellow Dragon and is constantly improving the concentration of his bloodline every moment, although this scene does not look small, the amount of power actually consumed is not too small. Too much, not even worth using the power from the guardian spirit.

This has also become his instinct.

He has been restraining himself and has not used the power of magic to directly participate in the war between mortals. Otherwise, his own power alone would have been enough to subvert a city or a country.

If at first it was because he was not strong enough to complete such a task, but now, it was because he had a new idea.

He cannot save the entire world on his own. He is as powerful as the gods of Nibon. Isn't it just as far away now that he doesn't know where he is hiding?
Therefore, he needs some companions and subordinates with wisdom and strength, and war is the best method.

Most people may not have thought about this at all, and only think that Asai Nagamasa's magic power is not that strong yet, but at least Shima Sakon and Numata Yumitsu who followed him first, as well as the extremely intelligent Takenaka Hanbei, or more Or at least they all noticed it.

The most obvious example is that unless they encounter monsters, they never take the initiative to use their special powers to deal with the enemy samurai and ashigaru, and miss the opportunity to kill many generals, seize the flag, and make achievements, which just proves that they wisdom.

The original hill quickly became lower, and a large amount of soil poured into the underground cave. Soon it was less than one-third of its original height. You can imagine how deep the underground cave is, and it takes a long time to explore it. With so much effort spent, it’s no wonder that Zahe City has been unable to achieve much results for decades.Seeing the hill quickly getting lower, suddenly, the fire suddenly appeared, and the three-clawed crow, which had been burning with flames, emerged from the soil.

There is a halo of light hanging on its neck, and vaguely there is a simple bronze mirror. It is the Yatagarasu Mirror, one of Nippon's artifacts. It is also the purpose of Asai Nagamasa's trip - Yatagarasu.

It's just that the current Yata Mirror only has an extremely dim shadow, and it is obviously in a completely unusable state.

Seeing that it was finally willing to appear, Asai Nagamasa simply stopped what he was doing and just looked at it with a smile.

Although it is not completely confirmed yet, while it can accommodate a large number of guardian spirits, it seems that it also has a special attraction for them. Wouldn't someone as arrogant as a phoenix easily choose to possess themselves?
Even if Yatagarasu once made a promise, will it really keep it now?
But this time he slightly miscalculated. Unlike all the previous guardian spirits, it was obviously very wary of him. Its golden-red eyes made of flames stared at him without blinking, and it refused to come close at all. .

However, it did not fly away immediately, which at least meant that there was still room for improvement, and it would occasionally look at Akane Suzuki next to it, as if it still had an impression of the mark it had left.

At this time, Suzuki Akane also felt very uncomfortable, because the mark on her body was now like a red-hot iron, and her whole body became hot.

After looking at each other in silence for a few breaths, feeling the joy and pride coming from Huang in his body, Asai Nagamasa roughly understood why the other party behaved like this.

It's not that he has lost his attraction to the guardian spirit, but as the King of Birds, Huang can tolerate weak ones such as the winged bird, and can tolerate different types of strong ones such as the yellow dragon.

But for powerful competitors of the same species and with severely overlapping attributes, it might not be able to tolerate it for even a moment.

Yatagarasu probably also felt this, so it didn't plan to get close at all, so as not to ask for trouble.

So he immediately smiled and said: "Go, Sissi, it seems that she still remembers her original promise."

Possessing Suzuki Akane and staying under your nose is at least much better than having it possessed by a random stranger. After all, Suzuki Akane has already had a great impression of herself.

This was the first time that he addressed someone so affectionately. Even Suzuki Akane couldn't help but feel elated for a moment, but she didn't forget about business. She nodded vigorously, then stepped forward and bowed slightly.

"I am a descendant of the Suzuki family, Yatagarasu, do you still remember the oath you made with my ancestors?"

Yatagarasu let out a soft cry, and without hesitation, she swooped down directly, carrying a series of faint firelights and merging into her body like a fish in water.

Seeing the dust fall to the ground, Asai Nagamasa was thinking about it. According to the legend, the Yatagarasu Mirror is the accompanying artifact of Yatagarasu. However, judging from just now, the current Yatagaragi Mirror is obviously unusable, and he has never felt anything special. The power seems to be just a shadow.

Is it possible that the power of Yatagarasu needs to be restored to its peak, and the perfect fusion between the guardian spirit and the possessed person is needed to summon the real Yatagarasu mirror?

From this point of view, if you want to go to the Netherworld of Underworld, you still need to take action yourself. Otherwise, according to Suzuki Akane's training speed, it may take at least ten years or more for her to meet Yatagarasu's requirements.

She also has fire talent, but her talent is inferior to Ii Naotora, and not as good as the little miko Kaga.

Feeling the blazing flames and the rapidly increasing strength in her body, Akane Suzuki couldn't help but laugh. The problem that had troubled the Suzuki family for decades was finally solved. It was all because of the man she had taken a liking to!
But she didn't take a few breaths of happiness. She suddenly staggered and fell to her knees directly on the ground. Her face turned pale and her whole body started to tremble: "It's cold, it's so cold."

"Cold? Yatagarasu is a fire bird, how can she be cold?"

This idea suddenly appeared in the minds of Asai Nagamasa and Ii Naotora, and then Asai Nagamasa immediately stepped forward quickly, put his hand on each other's shoulders, and began to investigate carefully.

After a few breaths, he suddenly frowned. Suzuki Akane should really be cold, because Yatagarasu was absorbing all the power in her body to complete its reincarnation!
The Yatagarasu is a divine bird with the power of rebirth. Probably during the decades of struggle in this underground cave, it has already lost most of its power and has been infected by filth. Therefore, only through reincarnation can it truly remain intact. .

It does not necessarily intend to kill Suzuki Akane, because if this process is interrupted unexpectedly, its end will definitely not be much better. At least the time of rebirth will be postponed for many years.

But it overestimated Suzuki Akane's power and underestimated the energy needed for its rebirth. If this continues, even if Suzuki Akane's life and soul are turned into the energy for its rebirth, it will actually not be enough.

Should he sit back and watch her die because of this and wait for his own opportunity, or should he save her life?
Although there was indeed a trace of hesitation, because the relationship between the Yatagarasu mirror carried by Yatagarasu was too important, Asai Nagamasa could not be so cold-blooded after all.

The only thing he can do is to do his best to strengthen their relationship with each other.

So he immediately hugged Akane Suzuki's body, lowered his head and kissed her lips that were becoming increasingly pale due to the constant loss of vitality.

Suzuki Akane's eyes widened immediately, and in the next moment, an extremely hot breath entered her body through her lips, but it didn't hurt her at all, instead it made up for the vitality she had just lost, and, for the Yatagarasu, who had lost his breath and was almost completely dead, replenished his energy.

After more than a dozen breaths, they both heard a bird song at the same time, and then an illusory Yatagarasu flew out of Akane Suzuki's chest and abdomen and crashed into Asai Nagamasa's body.

Huang glanced at it, but ignored it, because generally speaking, the branch spirit of the guardian spirit is a temporary loan of power, which cannot last long. Even if it is ignored, it will dissipate on its own within ten days and a half.

But after doing all this, when Asai Nagamasa wanted to separate, he found that he was already hugged, and the other party leaned over instead, taking the initiative to offer his lips that had regained their beauty.

Looking at the other party's warm eyes, he suddenly understood. If it weren't for the inappropriate place, she might even go one step further and finalize their relationship, right?

After more than ten breaths, whether because she realized that there was another person next to her or because she was a little shy, Akane Suzuki let go of her arm and just leaned softly against Nagamasa Asai, her eyes blurred. I don’t know what I’m thinking.

But in any case, let alone her thoughts about him, in the current situation of Nibon, since they already have such a skin-to-skin relationship, she may not be able to marry anyone else.

Ii Naotora's face was also blushing, as if steam was coming out. Although it was not her who was leaning in his arms, this scene was so exciting that she couldn't help but think about what if it had been her just now. if.
"Lord Nagamasa, can you accompany me to Zahe City to meet my father?"

Looking at Akane Suzuki who was slightly worried, Asai Nagamasa gave a positive answer: "Okay, then let's go see Mr. Suzuki."

Now that the matter is over, let's give each other a reassurance and further strengthen the relationship between them. Anyway, we already have Ashi, so we don't care about having another Sissi!

At the same time, somewhere in the Cathay Empire, [-] meters above the sky, there was a city suspended in mid-air. One of the rooms was filled with thousands of ink jade signs, most of which were Already cracked, less than a tenth is still intact.

When Asai Nagamasa purified the soul of the arakkoa assassin, a broken sign in the house suddenly returned to its original state.

There was a sudden scream in the distance, and then there was a flash of light, and a man and a woman appeared in the house at the same time.

The man was majestic and domineering, and the woman was graceful and luxurious. At this time, they all looked at that special sign.

"Wutu Dingwei, she has been degenerated into a demon before, and her soul has never returned here."

For a certain big plan, they have done many things carefully, and the current Moyu Pai is one of them. However, despite their strength, there are still some ways in this world that can hinder their plans, and accidents will still happen.

"But now it seems that her soul has returned to purity."

Unlike serious men, women only have joy on their faces. Although she and they are willing to sacrifice themselves for a big plan, if she can save one more soul, she will of course be even happier.

"But she has not returned." The man repeated again.

They have long known that life and death are not irreversible, but sometimes resurrection does not mean a good thing, not to mention that the soul of the other party recovers after falling, which is more difficult than the resurrection of the body.

Who knows if this could be another conspiracy of the Evil God of Chaos?
Among the Four Gods of Chaos, there is not only the violent and militant Blood God Khorne, but also the scheming wise one Tzeentch.

"So when the kamikaze weakens next time, I will need to go to Nibon in person to have a clear look. If we can find this method, it may be of great benefit to our plan."

Although her tone was still soft, both parties knew that she had made up her mind.

After pondering for a moment, the man finally nodded in agreement: "Well, after what happened at the beginning, the power of the Nibon gods has been greatly weakened, but the power of you and me has long been revived, so there is no danger in your trip. .”

"A few days ago, Ling'er hadn't investigated the commotion in Nether Yellow Spring. That monkey always likes to be lazy. I will continue to sit here."

While talking, the man seemed to have a slight headache.

The power of ghosts and gods was not a big problem for him in the first place, but when they degenerated into monsters and lost their minds, the threat was further reduced.

But this world needs the rules there to continue to operate. Simple massacre cannot solve the root of the problem. On the contrary, it will strengthen the blood god's power in disguise, which makes it difficult for him to escape, especially when other things come together. At that time, it gave him even more headaches.

If it hadn't been for this, the couple wouldn't have disappeared for hundreds of years, causing the monkey to cause a commotion on the ground.

But now it seems that the ending is good. Although the monkey is naughty and greedy, he can still distinguish between right and wrong. He knows that no matter who he wants to be naughty to, he needs a major premise, then the world is still Subsisting.

Hearing this, the woman couldn't help but become slightly serious: "Yang, you have to be careful. We can't make any mistakes before our plan is realized."

"Don't worry, everything is for this world. This is our world. We will not just run away like those so-called 'old saints'!"

(End of this chapter)

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