Chapter 92 Jumonji Gun
Just as Asai Nagamasa's thoughts were drifting further and further, a burst of aroma and a series of swallowing sounds brought him back to reality. Their roast duck had arrived.As for the rice and other dishes, the waiter has already served them all with quick hands and feet. For this big customer, the store just wants to serve him well.

Asai Nagamasa asked for two more clean glasses and poured out the red wine.

The aroma of wine mixed with the aroma of meat seems to have stimulated some special effect. This tangy aroma can be smelled even from ten meters away. The surrounding guests who are eating simple meals are all greedy, and the sound of swallowing suddenly becomes louder. .

Even the hotel staff and staff couldn't help it. Without this level of delicacy, ordinary daimyo wouldn't be able to eat it during the Chinese New Year, right?

However, the unique wine as red as blood also reminded them all that the person who can produce this kind of Nanman wine will definitely not be an ordinary ronin!

Asai Nagamasa grinned, was he too ostentatious?

Regardless of looking at Axiu in front of him who seemed to be completely unaware of this, just sniffing his little nose, he couldn't help but chuckle and shake his head: Forget it, it doesn't matter what he is doing, it is better to enjoy the moment.

What's more, even if something unexpected happens, with their own magic and Axiu's force, it won't be a problem for the two of them to escape safely.

The Oda family has just gone through the turmoil and is still in a state of division. How many troops can it use in non-war times?

Originally, there were still about ten or twenty customers in the hotel, but under the influence of the aroma of roast duck, they all left quickly. Soon the entire hall became empty, leaving only two tables of guests in the west direction. .

They were all dressed as ronin, and at one table there were three ronin who were dressed in shabby clothes and looked very poor.

At another table was a solitary man with a shaved head.

Because Nippon has no ring scars, ordinary people can't tell whether he is a monk for a while. After all, he has personally seen his cheap apprentice Miyabe Tsurun and his group of monks. .

Apart from their different hairstyles, they sometimes have no essential difference from ronin or even bandits.

However, the reason why he was interested in the bald lone traveler was not because of his hairstyle, but because of the weapon standing behind him, which was a cross-word gun more than two meters long.

The Jumonji Gun is as its name suggests. It has a cross-shaped blade that can be stabbed, scraped or chopped. It is a small variant of the sickle gun. If you want to use this weapon skillfully and freely, it is undoubtedly better than using an ordinary long gun. Consuming more energy, this is still a very, very rare spear in Nippong at the moment.

If it were hundreds of years later, many people in Nippon would probably know about this special weapon, because in a few decades, there would be a powerful samurai known as "Japan's number one soldier" wielding it across the battlefield.

But at this time, there are probably only a few people who use it as a weapon.
Following Asai Nagamasa's line of sight, Axiu also looked over. Then Asai Nagamasa clearly noticed that the muscles on her body were slightly tensed. Even though she was eating delicious roast duck, part of her attention was focused on the bald head. on the body.

Asai Nagamasa knew that her guess was correct, because Axiu obviously felt a certain amount of pressure from the other party. Maybe the bald man might not be able to beat her, but at least she thought that the other party could fight her.

Then go give it a try. Anyway, even if you guess wrong, you will only lose a little bit of your possessions.

Thinking of this, Asai Nagamasa directly raised his glass from a distance: "Hey, big brother over there, it seems that your shooting skills should be very good. How about coming over and having a drink together?"

The bald rogue, who looked to be in his twenties, put down his bamboo chopsticks and bowed with one hand in front of his chest: "Amitabha, thank you for your kindness, but the poor monk is not good at drinking, and he has to hurry, so I don't want it." Good drinking.”

His answer confirmed his identity. He was indeed a monk, and he seemed to be a very polite monk.

"Ha, how can a martial artist not drink? What's more, this is a wine purchased from Jie Town and comes from Nanman. Could it be that the master blames me for not treating him well? Whatever!"

Without giving the other party a chance to speak, Asai Nagamasa immediately picked up the remaining half bottle of red wine and the second roast duck that he had packed for the road after nodding slightly to Axiu and walked over quickly. He sat down at the young monk's table.

Seeing Asai Nagamasa sitting directly in front of him and starting to tear the duck meat, the young monk was stunned. He didn't expect that the other party was so familiar. Seeing that the other party was about to take the initiative to pour wine for him, He quickly began to dissuade: "My lord, you can't do it, you can't do it."

Asai Nagamasa immediately made a displeased look: "It's just a roast duck, manly man, what are you doing with such a mother-in-law? Or do you think you are not worthy of this thing?"

Faced with Asai Nagamasa's provocative words, even though he knew that the other party was intentional, the young monk was still arrogant in his heart. Indeed, it was just a roast duck!

He couldn't help but smile bitterly, and saluted Asai Nagamasa again: "Thank you for your kindness, the poor monk would be disrespectful."

After drinking a glass of red wine, the young monk's face quickly turned red. Unexpectedly, his previous claim that he was not good at drinking was not an excuse, but the truth.

In Asai Nagamasa's original world, normally the alcohol content of sake and wine was about the same, both around ten degrees. However, with Nippon's relatively backward technology and conditions, it was naturally not as good as the Nanman people, so It is said that the alcohol content of this bottle of red wine is several degrees higher than that of common sake, and it is also sweeter and has fewer impurities.

"Amitabha, it is indeed a good wine. It is indeed the wine of the Southern Barbarians. Thank you for your hospitality." Even though he was drinking, the young monk looked very polite.Asai Nagamasa laughed out loud: "An outstanding warrior should enjoy fine wine. I am Asai Nagamasa, what do you call me master?"

The young monk's mind was spinning rapidly, and he quickly found the information related to the name. He couldn't help but be a little surprised, but he still answered Asai Nagamasa's question very politely.

"It turns out to be Asai-sama, the poor monk Hohoin Yinei. If the donor passes through Nara at any time, I hope to go to Kofukuji Temple for a while, so that the poor monk can fulfill his friendship as a landlord."

Sure enough it was him!

Hearing the name spoken by the other party, Asai Nagamasa felt happy, knowing that his food and drinks would not be in vain.

Maybe the other person is just a monk with outstanding martial arts skills at the moment, but his future prospects are very bright.

After visiting more than [-] famous teachers and understanding the precision of spearmanship by watching the moon reflected in the water, he would become the first person to create a truly independent spearmanship school in the Warring States Period.

The previous martial arts of various schools included swordsmanship, spearmanship and other martial arts.

Hohoin Yinrong's hohoin-style spear skills are still very prosperous even in modern society hundreds of years later.

The fifteen-character mantra of "Sticking makes a long spear, cutting makes a razor, and cutting makes a hook and sickle" has roughly summarized the characteristics of the cross-word spear. The famous gun master.

If the highest martial name pursued by warriors who use swords as weapons is the Sword Saint, then Hohoin Yinrong at his peak can be called the Spear Saint. Even though Hohoin Yinrong is not yet 30 years old, he should not have reached that level yet. He is at the peak of his life, but he is definitely one of the few strong men in the world, and he is also a very loyal person. Asai Nagamasa will never lose money on this meal of wine and food.

After this good start, the relationship between the two people became more and more harmonious. Asai Nagamasa took the lead in saying that he took advantage of the opportunity of the Yuan server to go out for some travel. Treasure Academy Yinrong also quickly revealed that He went to the Kamiizumi Ise Defense Office to learn the art from his master, and was about to return to Kofukuji Temple to try to develop his spear skills.Asai Nagamasa couldn't help but respect him more and more after hearing this.

Kamiizumi Isemori, whose full name is Kamiizumi Isemori Hidetsuna, is the famous Kamiizumi Nobutsuna in later generations. He is one of the two sword masters recognized by many warriors in the world today. It is said that he has never met the same swordsman in his life. Even though he is now over fifty, he is still active on the battlefield as a samurai.

It is worth mentioning that although he is revered as the Sword Master, Ueizumi Hidetsuna has always used battlefield weapons such as spears when guarding Minawa Castle. He even had the title of Ueno Seven Guns. That's why Baozoyuan Yinrong asked him for advice on marksmanship.

Although surprised and delighted by the deliciousness of the wine in the cup, after drinking three cups in a row, Baozangyuan Yinrong put down the wine cup completely: "Amitabha, thank you for your generosity, the poor monk can't drink any more today."

Asai Nagamasa didn't try to persuade him any more and just chatted with the other party.

It is almost impossible for a person like the other party who has been devoted to martial arts all his life to be taken under the command of any daimyo, and he has never been an official of any daimyo in history, but if the relationship is good, no matter if he borrows some money from Xingfu Temple There is no problem with monk soldiers, or letting the other party teach them some martial arts.

Although I don't particularly need it because I have Onmyoji, it's always good to learn something for self-defense. What's more, even if I don't need it, it would also be good to use this opportunity to ask the other party to help train a few younger brothers with excellent martial arts.

Gently turning the empty wine glass, Asai Nagamasa had no intention of continuing to drink. Although he knew how to drink, he was not obsessed with it at all.

"Master, I heard that Kamizumi Isemori is working for the Ueno family in Minawa Castle, and the Ueno family is subordinate to the Uesugi family. Will Minawa Castle, which is at the forefront of the confrontation between the Uesugi family and the Takeda family, be attacked by the Takeda family? Woolen cloth?"

Uesugi Kensei, the daimyo of the Uesugi family, is the Kanto governor appointed by the imperial court, which theoretically includes Kai, Izu, Sagami, Musashi, Anbo, Kamisou, Shimotsou, Ueno, Shimono, Hitachi, Mino, Hida, Shinano, and Mutsu More than a dozen states such as , Deyu and so on are territories under its jurisdiction, but now is the chaotic Warring States period. Whoever has the biggest fist has the final say. With only name but no power, even the emperor and generals cannot survive, let alone Don't talk about him as the leader of Guandong.

Therefore, Uesugi Kenmasa was often bullied in Kanto. His nominal territory had already been divided up by a bunch of daimyo such as Takeda, Hojo, Saito, etc., and he was beaten violently by the Takeda family and the Hojo family in turns every two days. After repeated defeats, his territory became smaller and smaller, and his retainers also betrayed him one after another.

By now, Uesugi Kenmasa had even been forced to flee all the way to the north to seek asylum from Nagao Kagetora, the governor of the Echigo Nagao family.

Not only was Nagao Kagetora himself a famous general known as the "Dragon of Echigo" who had repeatedly fought against the Takeda family, but he was also known as the "Dragon of Echigo", but also because the governor of the Nagao family was a well-known man who paid attention to ethics and still maintained respect for the court. Name.

A few years ago, he spent a huge amount of money to go to Beijing to meet the emperor and the general. Because the amount of money spent was so huge, it even made many important officials in the family dissatisfied and caused quite a dispute, which is evident from this.

Therefore, Kenmasa Uesugi, the spokesperson of the imperial court, chose to join Nagao Kagetora. It was undoubtedly the right choice, and he would definitely receive excellent treatment there.

However, while Nagao Kagetora is busy arranging Uesugi Kenmasa, the Kanto leader, will his old enemy Takeda Shingen really sit idly by and ignore him?

"Amitabha, the poor monk didn't notice anything when he returned, but even if the Takeda family made some moves, Minawa Castle's strong defense, coupled with the excellent command of the Nagano family's eldest son, Nagano Yamasa, and the leadership of Uizumi Isemori, Ueno's sixteen shots, it must not be difficult to defend, no one in the Takeda family can be his opponent."

Hohoin Yinrong didn't seem worried about this. As a martial artist, and having personally learned from him as a disciple, he naturally knew how powerful Kamizumi Isemori's seemingly old body actually was. strength.

Even if there is only one person, it can still be equal to the power of a hundred people!
(End of this chapter)

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