Chapter 173, The End and the Flame
Walk through the corridor according to memory, the corridor is made of steel, very hard.

Dim lights, and then gently shaking.

Shadows lurk in the darkness.

This is not a good place.

Open one of the steel gates.

Inside were blood-stained weapons.

These weapons have harvested countless innocent lives.

Huo Xie closed the door.

"Tired, let's destroy it!"

Huo Xie continued to move forward, thinking in his heart.

Then Huo Xie saw the birth of a ghost.

Birth of the Grudge and Curse.

Create the Ring of Night and the Grudge.

Huo Xie shook his head indifferently.

until the room is opened again.

A human with empty eyes...

This is used to test whether creating curses and grievances is related to emotions.

The house number on the door signifies what is going on in the room.

Create a curse.

Like adding coconuts to ghosts, whether technology can be used for replication and mass production.

And the last failed product was already cold.

Huo Xie closed the door.

At the end of the corridor is a wall, enter the code.

Open the door.

There was nothing but blood in it.

The doctor hummed and waved the scalpel in his hand.

Hospital surgery!
Only there is no narcotic here.

Pain and grievances here form a place of grievances like a coconut.

But something seems to be suppressing here.


Huo Xie came to the office.

Ishii was smoking a cigarette, looking at the red screen in the monitor.

"Gangmen, where is the person I want?"

Actually said coldly.

Huo Xie stared coldly at the young man in front of him, and finally sighed.

"Forget it, you go to die!"

Ishii's head was severed.

A puff of black air emerged from it, it was a curse.

Ishii Shiro has found a way to turn himself into a ghost.

But what's the use?

Another knife.

The light condensed knife directly cut into pieces the soul.

The ghosts that hadn't had time to condense had already died.

"Let a large mushroom cloud bloom here!."

Huo Xie directly condensed a large tailed beast jade.

When the Tailed Beast Jade explodes, everything will be reduced to ashes.


Huo Xie left the base.

The light blooms, and all darkness is illuminated by light.

The destructive power of the Tailed Beast Jade is terrifying.

And the strong walls of the base became a cage for everyone.

With the explosion of the tailed beast jade.

The ground began to shake, and the ordinary people who were working in the distance had already seen it strangely.

Because this place often has earthquakes.

After a while, the earthquake stopped.

Everyone continues to do what they should do.

Earthquakes are all too normal.


The mighty force destroys everything.

The ghosts and cursed objects inside turned into residue in the high temperature.

Physical exorcism.

No, it should be considered magic.

Leave the secret base.

Huo Xie said coldly.

"Let this be their cemetery!"

Another earthquake.

This is the big Ivan that Huo Xie placed inside exploded.

The walls of the base are riddled with cracks.


Day 2.

Sunny weather.

The police and military in this country seem to be making big moves.

Huo Xie didn't care at all.

Huo Xie was very happy with what he did yesterday.

Some things only have zero and countless times.

Since bombing the base, Huo Xie felt really comfortable.

It's an addictive feeling.

Huo Xie still wanted to continue.

For example, bombing the important place of the country, the Shrine of Heaven.

After playing for a day, dusk came and the sky was getting dark.

Nights are always fun.Because some things can only be done in the dark.

It may be because of the secret base, the troops of the entire island country are completely confused.

After all, moral experiments are banned internationally.

Once this matter is revealed.

The island nation is about to fall into a storm of public opinion.

Close it if you can.

This matter can only be dumb and eat coptis, and I can't tell the pain.

If it is targeted by some foreign media, the island country will have to peel off its skin if it is not dead.


At night, it's time to party.

How to sleep, wake up and say hello.

Huo Xie stood on the top of a tall building in a long black coat.

The Homelanders once performed a feat here.

"What should I do!"

Huo Xie lightly jumped down from the tall building.

Ziyun wings spread.

Since you are looking for stimulation, then carry out the stimulation to the end.

There must be more than two ghosts in the island country, coconut and Sadako.

July Museum.

A monster-themed museum.

When Huo Xie was searching the Internet, he found some weird stories about museums.

Legend has it that the spirit of a warrior is buried here.

And the samurai's sword is the famous sword in the legend, Ju Yiwen.

His identity and background were written on the Internet as a general of the Warring States Period.

However, the Warring States Period of the island country was actually a war between several villages.

Come to the July Museum.

A faint breath floated in the air.

It's the breath of ghosts.

But this breath is very weak.


Huo Xie pushed open the door.

"Jingle ding dong!"

The iron lock fell to the ground.

"Yeah, I accidentally broke it."

With a chuckle, Huo Xie entered the museum.

The night belongs to the ghosts.

There are many weak souls living in this museum.

Almost gone.

"Intruder, retreat!"

A majestic old voice sounded.

Huo Xie turned his head to look.

It is a Japanese general armor on the museum exhibition room.

Oni Samurai.

"Good job!"

Huo Xie praised him.

But the powerful aura on his body was not concealed in the slightest.

For ghost warriors, Huo Xie was very powerful.

"Who the hell are you? This place is the resting place of heroic spirits. It seems that you haven't offended Your Excellency."

Huo Xie condensed a sharp blade of light in his hand.

"Let's talk about it after a fight! I just want to know something."

The Oni Samurai sitting on the exhibition stand fell silent.

Then stood up.

From his waist, he drew an extremely sharp sword.

Famous sword chrysanthemum one character
Oni Samurai is a heroic spirit of the Warring States Period.

After dying in battle for the country, everyone believed in him and became a ghost warrior, and then continued to guard the land.

It's just that 100 years ago, the ghost warrior found that he had no reason to continue guarding here.

So he partnered with an onmyoji to open the July Museum.

This museum displays all his collections when he was an Oni Samurai.

Occasionally, it will shelter weak and innocent ghosts.

Then send them to reincarnation.

In the island country, it can be said to become a Buddha.

Powerful ghosts have strong domain awareness.

Generally they don't attack each other.

This has been going on for more than 100 years.

Occasionally, strange stories about the July Museum are circulated on the Internet, but in this scientific age, people only regard it as an after-dinner chat.


Oni Samurai is strong.

But it is human after all.

The technique of the peak of the sword is terrifying.

Just one Yan Wu defeated Oni Samurai.

"Okay, I've defeated you, please tell me if there is anything more powerful here? Or something more evil."

The ghost warrior glanced at Huo Xie.

"A place of great power...a shrine!"

 was rejected.

  It was revised again, but the application needs to wait for two days.

  I'll ask the editor.

  This chapter was also banned.

  Brains buzzing.

(End of this chapter)

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