The Walking Dead: Rebuild

Chapter 138 The Age of Famine

Chapter 138 The Age of Famine
Time has come to September again, the heat of summer has quietly left, and the golden autumn is coming.

More than a month has passed since the implementation of the stronghold network plan. The five advance teams have completed the construction of the first batch of strongholds. After a short three-day vacation, they went to five other states and started building new ones. stronghold.

In the People's Federation's base, infrastructure construction is still in full swing, and every resident of the People's Federation is sweating and working hard for their future.

Dozens of new factories were built, producing all the items needed for modern industry, the busiest of which were metal smelting plants.

In order to supply the steel and metal accessories required for various projects, a large number of abandoned cars and metal scraps in Georgia were dismantled and hauled back by the hard-working survivors. Through different methods, they were dissolved and solidified into Various metal ingots.

Although this behavior is a bit time-consuming, it is more convenient and faster than smelting metal directly from metal mines, saving energy. It can also clear blocked roads throughout Georgia and obtain a large amount of high-quality steel.

So currently, there are more than 800 workers affiliated with the steel smelting plant, which is considered one of the most important projects in the entire People's Federation construction work.

At present, another important project in the infrastructure construction of the People's Federation is food processing.

More than two years have passed since the end of the world. Most of the food left over from peacetime has rotted and deteriorated, except for a few special foods with a long shelf life, such as canned food, compressed biscuits, and vacuum food.

Currently, the only things left that can be eaten by the survivors are flour, rice, rice, peanuts, soybeans, and other miscellaneous grains and staple foods that have been specially processed and stored in warehouses.

As a major southern economic state in America, Georgia is not famous for the production of agricultural products, but it also has large areas of farmland where a large amount of corn, wheat, peanuts and cotton are grown.

America is the world's largest grain exporter. In Georgia alone, the total amount of corn, wheat, peanuts and other grains collected by the People's Federation from various warehouses exceeded 2000 million tons. Excluding a large part due to storage If the method fails and the food becomes rotten and unfit for consumption, the total amount of food left is about 800 million tons.

This is a food reserve that is unimaginable to ordinary people.

Based on the average adult consuming about 200 kilograms of food per year, this food can probably supply 4000 million people for about a year.

However, it is a pity that the remaining 800 million tons of wheat, corn and peanuts, even after special treatment, can only be stored for two years.

In order to make the best use of this legacy of human civilization.

Lyon and the think tank team have tried their best.

In the past nine months since last year's Harvest Festival celebrations, five new food processing plants and three breweries have been built within the People's Federation base, and more than 1500 workers have been engaged in food processing.

A kind of compressed biscuit named Haoweili by Lyon is being continuously produced and delivered to the warehouse of the People's Federation.

This kind of compressed biscuit is made by mixing various grains such as corn, wheat, and peanuts with trace amounts of preservatives, adding a small amount of seasonings such as salt and oil, and is preserved after multiple compression, drying, high temperature and high pressure, and vacuum treatment. In thick foil packaging.

This kind of compressed biscuit is neither delicious nor healthy to eat, but it has the two most powerful attributes in the apocalypse, which best meets the life needs of survivors, that is, it is nutritious and full and extremely durable.

Not only can it be stored in a dry environment for 30 years.

And you only need a small piece of good-power compressed biscuit, add hot water, and cook for a few minutes, it can turn into a large pot of multi-grain porridge. The portion is enough for an average adult's nutrition and food intake. You can also add it according to your own taste. Different seasonings, very convenient.

Forty percent of the 800 million tons of grain will be made into this kind of compressed biscuits, while the other six layers will be put into three breweries to produce a huge amount of alcohol that is easy to preserve.

Since it's not yet in production, he hasn't thought of a name for the drink yet.

This is not because Lyon intentionally wastes food to make wine, but after calculations by professionals, with the current manpower and technology of the People's Federation, this is already their maximum output without affecting the development and construction of other important projects. .

However, in Lyon, compressed biscuits made from 320 million tons of grain are enough for 100 million people to eat for 10 years. If they cannot achieve self-sufficiency in food within such a long time, then people will There is no need for the United Nations Organization to exist any longer.

However, what really worries Leon is not his own food needs, but the survivors living around the world.

They don't have the conditions to produce compressed biscuits or store food.

In just one year, and even now, the food that can be found in supermarkets, shopping malls or people's homes will go bad and rotten.

All survivors without the ability to plant will enter a real era of famine.

Of course, if there are survivors who are stupid enough to continue to eat those rotten foods, in this era when medicines are more scarce than food, the only thing waiting for them will be rotten intestines and death from diarrhea.

Leon can imagine that in the not-too-distant future, due to the sharp shortage of food, plundering, cannibalism, slavery, and other human evil deeds will greatly increase. The lives of those kind, moral, and principled survivors will be greatly increased. It's going to be harder and harder.

Because it is hundreds of times more difficult to be a good person in the apocalypse than to be a bad person.

However, this situation is not too bad for the People's Federation.

When life becomes more and more difficult for survivors, they will yearn for peace in large organizations.

When the residents of the People's League have seen the difficulties faced by other survivors, they will become more loyal to the People's League and have a greater sense of belonging.


People's Federation Base, Custer College.

This is currently the only education school in the People's Federation, with a total of more than 30 teachers and more than 800 students.

The school is divided into twelve grades in total, covering all courses in kindergarten, elementary school, middle school and high school in the education system. Because educational resources are limited, there is only one class for each grade.

Currently, Clementine, Sophia, and Carl are all in seventh grade, almost at the first grade level of middle school.

Perhaps because of the relationship between their parents, the relationship between the three of them is the best in school.

Although Karl is a little boy, in this life, he has not experienced any hardships such as being displaced, losing his mother, being shot, etc. Although his personality is more mature than other little boys, among the trio, he But he is still a little brother and can usually only obey the arrangements of two girls.

Sophia is the oldest among the three. She is 12 years old and has grown very early. She is already a head taller than Carl. She has experienced the death of her father from domestic violence. In order to survive, her mother must join the Stinger Squad and participate in the... After the dangerous battle, the little girl became more sensible and mature. Not only did she study seriously during class, but she also did not waste time doing childish things even after class.

But among the three, who has the most influential words, it must be little Clementine.

The mixed-race little girl is already 11 years old this year. Although she is not as tall as Sophia, she is slightly taller than Karl, a boy of the same age.

Because of her past experience of surviving in the outside world with Lao Li and other teams for about a year, she has a much clearer understanding of the end of the world than many children.

Even because of her natural courage and maturity, little Clementine had the experience of helping Lao Li kill other survivors when she was 10 years old.

It is precisely because of this experience that the little girl understands the cruelty of struggle in the apocalypse and the importance of mastering power.

This afternoon, after school, many children stayed in the school to play or went to the library to continue studying.Clementine took her two friends to the police headquarters not far from the school.

After entering the Police Headquarters, many patrol officers who were working along the way recognized these children and knew that they were people close to their immediate superiors. They all greeted them cordially and moved out of the way. Make their journey smooth.

When the three of them walked all the way to the basement and the stairs on the second floor, Clementine said to Karl and Sophia:
"You go to the shooting range first and wait for me. I'm going to say hello to Sister Kaweila."

When the two friends started walking to the shooting range in the basement, Clementine walked up the stairs to the second floor of the police headquarters.

The environment on the second floor is more complex. Not only are there more guards and police officers, but the walking route is also more single.

After passing through a police office area, the little girl stopped in front of a luxurious copper-colored solid wood door.

After calming down a little, Clementine reached out and knocked on the wooden door a few times. However, unlike the past, no sound came out for seven or eight seconds.

The little girl hesitated for a few seconds and knocked on the wooden door a few more times. Then a suppressed and slightly impatient voice came from inside the wooden door.

"Who is outside?"

Hearing the impatience in the voice, the little girl was a little uneasy. She didn't know what was going on in the room, but she still answered:

"It's me, Sister Kevira."

After a few more seconds, Kevela's gentle voice came out from inside the wooden door.

"Little Clementine, help your sister go to the refrigerator in the pantry and bring over a dessert and a few bottles of milk, okay?"

Clementine hurriedly said "Hello" and walked to the tea room a hundred meters away. After working for a few minutes, she returned to the wooden door with a plate.

But at this time, a small gap had opened between the two copper-colored wooden doors.

Little Clementine just pushed open the wooden door and walked in.

After entering the luxuriously decorated office, she smelled a strange smell, and Sister Keweila, wearing an exquisite senior police uniform, was sitting on an office chair.

But at this time, she was not concentrating on official duties as usual. Instead, she was holding a small mirror studded with gems, looking at the image inside, and reapplying lipstick to her lips.

In front of the gorgeous floor-to-ceiling windows, a tall and majestic figure put his hands behind his back and turned his back to them, as if he was watching the scenery outside the window.

The precocious Clementine immediately understood what the two of them had just done in the office. She rolled her eyes in her heart, but she still pretended to be innocent and childish and said:

"Sister Kevera, Uncle Leon, do you want dessert?"

Leon, who was standing in front of the window sill, twitched the corner of his mouth. This little girl, no matter at home or outside, always called his wives sister, and she called him uncle, for some unknown reason. What kind of bad taste.

With a kind smile on his face, he turned around from the window sill, found little Clementine, touched her head, and asked:

"Little Clementine, sister Kevina who came here to see you, what's the matter?"

Before the little girl could answer, Kevela had already put on lipstick and said:

"The little girl wants to practice her marksmanship as soon as possible, so I will just provide her with some conveniences."

Leon said oh, in Custer Academy, around the tenth grade, the school will begin to teach students the use of cold weapons, pistols, wilderness survival and various military knowledge.

If a student shows military talent during the three years from grade ten to grade 12, he will be sent to a military academy for further training.

If students show talent in academic research, they can directly become students of those research masters and research scholars and intern in research institutes.

Of course, if the student's performance in both aspects is not satisfactory, then he will be arranged to work in various factories, or become an apprentice of high-level skilled workers.

Leon thinks it's not bad that Clementine is just 11 years old and wants to practice marksmanship. Now is not a peaceful era. Being able to master a life-saving skill as early as possible is a great thing for anyone. Something to be happy about.

Moreover, he chose the little girl as Giant Tom's trainer. She will definitely become one of the important figures in the People's Federation in the future. Being able to be exposed to combat matters earlier is also a special treatment for her.

Thinking of this, he took back his palm, smiled at Clementine and said:

"Go, little girl, and practice your marksmanship. In another hour, I will go to the shooting range below to teach you a few tricks."

"Uncle, I haven't participated in a battle for a long time, but my marksmanship is the best among all the people."

After little Clementine left, Leon closed the office door again, playfully brought the dessert to the red-haired girl, and said:
"Sister Keweila, hurry up and replenish your strength. Uncle, I won't be able to play with you in another hour."

More than an hour later, Leon arrived at the training range on the underground floor.

He saw that, except for a few patrol officers who were using their free time to practice marksmanship, there were four thin little guys at the 20-meter target, who were concentrating on practicing the 4-meter fixed target.

In addition to Sophia, Clementine and Karl, next to them, a middle-aged man in his 40s was teaching a little girl about 12 years old to practice shooting step by step.

When Lyon approached, the man was the first to notice the person coming behind him. When he turned around and found that the person who came was actually the President of the People's United Nations General Assembly, his expression was slightly stunned for a few seconds, and he immediately bowed and saluted Lyon. He said respectfully:
"Hello, Your Majesty the President."

"It's an honor to see you here, I'm Joel from the Civil Affairs Department and this is my daughter Sarah."

Leon nodded to the man with a gentle expression, then looked at the cute little girl with short blond hair, big eyes and beside him, and said:
"No need to be formal, nice to meet you, Joel."

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, heading towards Clementine's three little guys, his figure suddenly paused.

The names of Joel and Sarah went through his mind several times. The looks of the middle-aged man and the little girl with short blond hair gradually overlapped with the characters in a game he had played.

"The Last of Us" is also known as "The Last of Us."

This is also a game similar to a zombie outbreak or the end of the world.

The protagonist is the story of a man named Joel and a girl named Ellie who is immune to fungal viruses.

However, the biggest difference between that game and ordinary zombie movies is that in "The Last of Us", it is not a virus that is rampant in the world, but a fungal creature.

(End of this chapter)

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