The Walking Dead: Rebuild

Chapter 150 Sister Tara and the Medical System

Chapter 150 Sister Tara and the Medical System

Bourbon County, Tennessee.

It's February, and the climate is still in winter. Although the temperature will not drop below zero and the water will freeze, the occasional winter wind will still bring people a biting cold.

It was getting dark, and two survivors who had just met were sitting around a bonfire, huddled in a daze.

Bob, wearing a sweater and carrying a rucksack, looked at the jumping flames and fell into memories.

He was a military doctor and participated in several wars with the army when he was young.

He has seen that his friends and team members, who were talking about life, ideals, and thinking about the future with him yesterday, were blown to pieces in an instant under enemy fire today.

He has also seen that when faced with an enemy who threw away their weapons and surrendered, his companions turned into devils out of hatred and fear, and used cruel methods to kill the opponent, even leaving the corpse alone.

He once treated hundreds of wounded soldiers in one day together with other doctors, although it was more like a butcher's job, constantly using a saw to cut off other people's necrotic limbs.

He was also wrapped in the blood and internal organs of his comrades, crawled out of the pile of corpses, and all the clothes on his body were soaked in various bodily fluids.

After retiring, he always thought that he had experienced the most terrifying hell and thought that he was strong enough.

Until the zombie disaster broke out and the real hell came.

Bob said with a self-deprecating smile on his dark face:
"I don't know whether I'm lucky or unlucky. Disasters always surround me, but they never take the initiative to harm me."

"In the past few years, I have followed six teams, and in the end, I was the only one left alive."

Opposite the bonfire, a slender but very wealthy black-haired girl hugged her niece, holding a pistol in her hand, looking speechlessly at the black man opposite who suddenly kept chattering.

Tara did not expect that she would be forced to leave her hometown where she had stayed for three years with her sister and niece. She would encounter so many strange survivors as soon as she left home.

In this fucking world, who doesn’t have a tragic past?

Just last month, the two sisters were forced to beat their biological father to death with a hammer.

Well, you can't say that.

He was forced to beat his biological father to death with a hammer and turned into a zombie.

Is it so easy to tell others about the pain in your heart?

Besides, we are not familiar with each other at all, if we hadn't met the search and rescue team of the so-called People's Federation together.

When strange survivors like them meet, they will most likely either avoid each other for safety, or fight each other for supplies.

After talking to himself for a long time, no one spoke up. Bob seemed to be aware of the awkwardness of the atmosphere. He looked at the little girl held by Tara opposite him, thought for a while, and took out something from the canvas pocket on his waist. He took out a piece of chocolate that he had treasured for a long time, showed a smile that he thought was sincere, handed it over and said:
"For you, little girl."

"This is an unopened chocolate I found. It's very sweet."

Perhaps because she was new to the world and didn't know the sinister nature of people's hearts, Tara glanced at her greedy niece in her arms, and without being polite, she reached out and took it.

Bob handed the chocolate to Tara and explained:
"Sorry, my name is Bob. I'm not a psycho. I just haven't seen a living person for too long."

Tara saw that the black man named Bob had a sincere expression and did not look like a bad person, so she started chatting with him.

The two were chatting when two figures walked up not far away, a woman wearing jeans and a leather jacket and a tall, thin man in military uniform.

When Tara saw them, she immediately stood up and said:

"Sister, Mr. Aaron, you are back."

Aaron nodded to Bob and the others with a kind expression, and sat by the campfire with Tara's sister Kelly.

"Mr. Bob, Miss Tara, and Ms. Kelly, let's take a rest here, enjoy dinner, and then rush to our base under the night."

"It's not a safe environment out there."

None of them had any objections to Aaron's proposal. After all, they were about to follow him to the other party's organization. After wandering in the outside world for so long, it would be a rare blessing to find a master who would take them in.

Although there are still some doubts about this organization called the United Community of Humanity, the pictures and images that Mr. Aaron showed them and the products produced by the People's Federation after the disaster still gave them a certain degree of confidence. .

Since none of the three people opposite had any objections, Aaron put down the backpack on his back, took out four simply-packaged metal cans and four cans of black-packaged canned beer, and handed them to the people opposite.

He said with a slightly proud expression:
"You're lucky I still have it on me."

"Let's eat this tonight."

"These are the flagship products produced in our People's Federation General Base, Haowei combo cans and corn beer."

"This set can contains compressed biscuits, dried fruits, dried vegetables and dried meat. Add some water and boil it, and it will turn into nutritious rice porridge. It is very nutritious and tastes good."

“It’s very popular in our organization with those who work outside the home.”

As he said that, he took the initiative to show them how to eat this set meal.

Holding a beer, drinking broth, and sitting by the campfire.

Aaron also felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart as he watched Bob, sister Tara and the little girl gorge themselves with expressions of wonder and happiness on their faces.

This feeling was something he couldn't feel when he lived in the pressure mountain camp.

Choosing this job of searching for survivors, although there are some dangers, being able to save those good people who might otherwise die will bring great satisfaction to his soul.

In the doomsday world, they have lost a lot and need to find other emotions to fill the missing holes in their hearts.

After dinner, Aaron brought the few survivors he had found by chance to the modified van he had hidden.

After inviting them to get in the car, he said:
"Our current location is Bourbon County, Tennessee. I will take you directly to the headquarters of our People's Federation in Georgia."

Aaron, who carefully observed the expressions of several people, found that when they looked at the surrounding environment in the dark night, they hesitated to speak, and seemed to be worried.

Then he said proudly and with some comfort:

"You don't have to worry about safety at night. We will enter Georgia in an hour's drive."

"The entire state of Georgia has been cleared by our organization and is very safe."

"And there are several farms along the way that serve as reconnaissance bases, so you don't have to worry about any accidents."

He turned around and touched the little girl's head, indicating that they should not be restrained, and said:

"Our base has schools, factories, and cinemas, which can meet everything needed for a civilized life. As long as you can still work, you will definitely find a job that suits you." "As long as you work hard, your future life will be better." It’s getting sweeter and sweeter.”


Miami Beach, Florida.

Finally, it happened to be the students' holiday. At the request of little Amy, Leon took his two young wives, Amy and Peggy, and a group of children at home to a beach with a pleasant climate for vacation.

This makes the little guys who have not been out for more than a year and can only stay in the base very excited.

Although it is still winter, because of its geographical location close to the equator, the temperature in Miami is already close to [-] degrees, which is not considered cold at all.

He held his son Robb and his second daughter Alice in his left and right hands, and then let his youngest daughter Emilia sit on his belly.

Leon hugged his three children alone, with a faint smile on his face. Looking at the adults and children playing happily on the beach, he felt a rare sense of peace in his heart.

After more than three consecutive years of hard work, the People's Federation has grown rapidly and is on the right track.

And as more and more talents join, as the supreme leader, he no longer needs to do everything himself as before.

To be honest, at this stage, the food left over from the past society is basically inedible. If those survivors who are still alive do not have their own camp, do not huddle together for warmth, and cannot grow crops to produce food for themselves.

Then, apart from robbing others or hunting for a living, they have no other conditions for survival.

If you want to recruit more survivors, you can only recruit those groups that have been fixed.

There are fewer and fewer lone survivors, and it can be said that expanding manpower has become easier, or it can also be said that it has become more difficult.

And now, another very serious problem is facing everyone, including the powerful People's Federation organization.

That is, after the food left over from the past era has gradually rotted and deteriorated, the medicines left over from the past era have also begun to expire and lose their medicinal properties.

Think tanks estimate that within the next one to three years, all medicines from past eras will lose their effectiveness and become useless.

Judging from the current power of human beings, they simply do not have enough ability to maintain the operation of the medical system.

In other words, before long, except for some drugs that are easy to produce and have low requirements on raw materials and environmental equipment, mankind will lose most of its treatment methods.

As a doctor, Lyon took this matter very seriously. At the reminder of the think tank, he sent people to reorganize the relevant knowledge of modern medicine and pharmaceuticals a few months ago, and gave the task of revitalizing the medical system to Research Department.

They are not required to completely preserve human medical and pharmaceutical knowledge, but they must restore as much as possible the medical knowledge and pharmaceutical capabilities for common fatal diseases.

This is also an important condition for the People's Federation to continue to attract other survivors to join in the future.

Leon, who unknowingly thought about business again, quickly came to his senses and returned his attention to his wife and children.

It's vacation now and you shouldn't worry about work.

However, before they could enjoy a complete holiday, Constantine, the host from Florida, came over with a flattering smile on his face.

Since this guy became the consul of the branch base, he has also begun to pay attention to his image, changing his slovenly appearance from the greasy middle-aged man he once was.

Not only did he hire a little secretary for himself, but he also wore a diamond-encrusted watch very coquettishly, and started to like to wear various brand-name suits.

However, this guy is worthy of being a veteran who often hangs out in society. When facing Lyon, his immediate boss, he does not dare to go overboard in any way. He nods and bows from time to time, like a loyal henchman.

"Boss, I am so happy to know that you are coming to our place for vacation."

He held a large plate of white meat balls weighing ten kilograms, which looked like ice cream, placed it on the table next to Leon, and said:

"This is the radiation crab you mentioned last time that you like to eat very much. I personally led people to catch it yesterday in the radiation zone."

"It's delicious, nutritious, and full of protein. It's most suitable for ladies and gentlemen to enjoy."

"The crab roe part needs to be specially processed. Wait a moment and I will serve it for you to enjoy."

Looking at the crab meat on the plate, which had a head that was several times larger than the king crab but tasted even more delicious, Leon couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

Although he really likes to eat this, as the boss, he can't lose face in front of his subordinates.

There was no fluctuation on Leon's face, and even his voice seemed to have no fluctuation as he said calmly:

"You did well, Constantine."

"Well, I can already feel your enthusiasm."

"You go ahead and do your work first. I will talk to you specifically about the radioactive seaweed in the afternoon."

Constantine raised his head and glanced at Lyon's expression, then took out a bottle of beautifully packaged red wine from the work bag beside him, put it on Lyon's dining table, and said:

"Boss, this is a good wine I found by chance, and it is also my gift to you."

Leon reached out and took it and took a look. The packaging was very exquisite. He was not familiar with red wine, but he vaguely remembered that this kind of wine was a very famous luxury product in the world. Each bottle seemed to cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Leon, who likes to enjoy delicious food, was quite satisfied with these gifts. He nodded with restraint and said to Constantine:

"Thank you, Constantine, for your thoughtfulness."

"I love your gift."

Seeing that his flattery had an effect, Constantine did not hide the pride on his face and said:
"Then I will wait for your summons in the afternoon, Your Excellency the President."

"Wish you and your family a happy holiday."

While Leon and his family were enjoying their vacation on the beach, they were in an underwater cave on a desert island hundreds of kilometers away.

Several survivors in Florida were wearing diving equipment and harvesting radioactive seaweed with knives in underwater caves.

Diving into the deep sea is not a leisurely job, but as a survivor suffering from radiation sickness, even if it is not for yourself, you must work hard for your family and earn contribution points.

Just as a few people were concentrating on calculating the consumption and working time of the oxygen bottles, they suddenly saw a huge figure swimming from far away on the bottom of the sea.

It has a round body, thick limbs, and a hard shell. On the head with tentacles like antlers, a pair of huge black eyes are rumbling.

Although his appearance could not be said to be terrifying, his huge size still frightened the survivors.

In the gap where several people desperately swam to the sea surface, they vaguely saw the huge turtle-like creature drilling straight into the cave where the radioactive seaweed grew, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. where.

(End of this chapter)

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