Chapter 192
In the giant cruise ship, just as Count Dekra was complaining about the arrangements within the organization and cursing the run-down nobleman Simon, who was still distantly related to him, a man nearly two meters tall walked into his office.

After the man saw Dekla, his face as pale as a dead person showed no expression, but his body half-knelt down respectfully and said:
"Your Excellency, your promotion ceremony has been prepared, but there are still some sacrifices missing."

"Bishop Sadler hopes that you can collect a hundred sacrifices as soon as possible. Otherwise, you will have to wait until the Holy Festival half a year later to continue the promotion ceremony."

Dekra frowned when he heard this and asked:

"Ethan, didn't we already capture more than 100 refugees last month? Why do we need them again now?"

The expression of the man named Ethan remained unchanged, but a hint of embarrassment and annoyance could still be seen from his hairless face.

"My lord, because your servants don't need normal food anymore, so the guy who takes care of those refugees will feed them with our food."

"Some of the more than 100 refugees starved to death, some committed suicide, and some died of illness from eating our food. The remaining 30 or so refugees have also gone crazy and can only be used as the lowest sacrifices. use."

Hearing the answer from his capable subordinate Ethan, Draco suppressed the anger in his heart and patted the table dejectedly. Speaking of which, this matter was also his mistake.

As parasite-infected people, they really no longer need normal food, or they have lost their sense of taste. No matter what they eat, they will eat the same food. Even if they don't eat, as long as they are in a place with high virus concentration and radiation concentration, they will lose their sense of taste. no problem.

Perhaps he had lived such a life for so long that he had neglected the fact that ordinary people still had to eat normal food.

"In this case, take some servants with you, and then go get some sacrifices and come back."

"According to the intelligence in the organization, there is a large human organization in Florida, and there should be many survivors in it."

"However, Ethan, you must come back before the holy day. Regarding my promotion ceremony, I don't want to wait another half a year."

Ethan bowed his head respectfully to Draco and said:
"As you order, Your Excellency the Earl."

"I will take your knights and act together."


At night, in a vacation villa by the beach.

This is a luxury villa of more than 5000 square meters. In the past, it might have cost tens of millions of dollars to buy such a luxury villa by the sea. But nowadays, whether it is the owner of the villa or the villa itself, , everything has changed.

After the People's Federation's resources were plundered that year, many of the furniture and decorations in this luxurious villa have been taken away and stored in the People's Federation's warehouse. Fortunately, most of the areas are still clean and have not been affected by dust and dust. Covered by plants, it can barely be used after cleaning.

Rick and several old guys, together with young people like Carl, spent two hours clearing out several habitable places inside the villa. After everyone discussed it, they decided to hold a party in the yard of the villa. A small barbecue party.

As for the main food for the banquet, in addition to some of the meat they brought with them, the sea bass of more than ten kilograms caught by Joel and the crabs, oysters, lobsters and other seafood caught on the beach by Judith and the other little guys were also included. It became the main ingredient in the party.

Over the years, without human capture and environmental pollution, the fish, shrimps and crabs in the sea are much more luxuriant than in the past.

In the front yard of the villa, Rick held his wife Lori and sat by the swimming pool blowing the sea breeze. Lori, who had not been out of the base for a long time, also had a faint smile on her face.

Beside the couple, Carl brought his sister Judith with him. The two brothers, one large and one small, acted as coolies under the command of Sean, learning how to use charcoal barbecue.

Beside them, Sophia looked at the two of them with a smile on her face, handing over some small tools from time to time, or holding a towel to help them wipe the charcoal ash on their faces.

In fact, only few people know that two young people, Sophia and Carl, have recently confirmed their relationship as a couple, but they both have relatively thin skins and did not tell their relatives and friends with great fanfare.

She has discussed with Karl that when both of them are 20 years old, the wedding will be held with the blessing of their families.

One of the most glorious concepts in the People's Federation organization is that mothers who give birth to children for the rejuvenation of mankind, and who give birth to the most children for mankind, will even become heroes and be personally received by the President, His Excellency Leon.

When the time comes, they will definitely respond to the policy, give birth to a bunch of children, and form a big, happy family.

While they were tinkering with various barbecues and seafood, Sarah, with the help of her father, Joel, was also grilling bass for everyone using a hand-crank barbecue stand.

Clementine and others were not idle either. Some were helping to process the wood, some were preparing drinks, and some were on the top floor of the villa to monitor the surrounding situation.

After all, in this era, monsters are rampant, and no one can tell when a group of monsters from unknown origins will suddenly appear and attack them.

Facts have proved that their caution was correct. Just as they were laughing and celebrating their rare vacation, they accidentally became the hunting targets of another group of people.


That night, according to Earl Dekla's order, Ethan brought twelve elite knights who were loyal to the Earl, and fifty low-level servants to the port of Cape Collier in a small boat.

They must bring back a hundred living sacrifices within five days, otherwise, they will definitely face punishment from the count.

Under normal circumstances, the count's punishment is either the death penalty or a sacrifice that is more miserable than the death penalty.

Fortunately, as soon as Ethan got off the boat with his men, he saw from a distance that in the deathly dark seaside city, there was a place with flickering lights, which was obviously traces of human activities there.

As soon as the action started, he encountered a group of fat sheep that were brought to his mouth. Even though his brain was already filled with a lot of parasites, Ethan couldn't help but feel a sense of pleasure.

"Come on, let's go take a look."

Ethan's hoarse voice spread through the team.

Unfortunately, there was no response to his order. Among the entire team of dozens of people, he was the only one who still had the ability to think and talk. The others were elite knights in steel armor or low-level corpses. The servants have been completely transformed and controlled by the parasites, and have become puppets that can only accept orders.

However, Ethan, who had very little human emotion left, could not feel any depression. He led this group of silent soldiers and slowly walked towards the bright position.

Ten minutes later, the barbecue banquet at the villa had reached its climax. Everyone lit a fire with wood in the front yard, sat in a circle, and shared delicious barbecue while drinking sweet drinks. , chatting with each other's anecdotes, laughing and looking very cheerful.

However, as some of the most elite fighters in the People's Alliance, they did not give up their due vigilance even at this time. While everyone was enjoying the joy brought by the party, Rick, Sean, Glenn and Clay The four of them, Man Ting, would take turns going up to the top floor of the villa to be on guard.

When Sean, who was slightly drunk after drinking a little wine, came to the top floor to replace his brother Rick, he found that Rick was frowning and staring in one direction with a telescope, as if he had discovered something.

"What's wrong, brother?" Sean burped and asked with some confusion:
"Did you find anything?"

Rick was silent for a few seconds while holding the telescope, then suddenly turned to Sean and said:

"We seem to be in trouble."

"Although we can't see clearly in the dark, there is a group of people walking toward our location. The number is undetermined."

"You'd better go down and inform everyone, prepare weapons, and let the women and children hide."

Sean was stunned for a few seconds when he heard this, then shook his head, trembled, and said:

"Are you sure, Rick."

"Don't be suspicious and disturb everyone's good mood."

Rick held the telescope and looked at it for a few seconds, then hurriedly stood up and walked downstairs, saying:
"There should be nothing wrong. It's only a few hundred meters away from our villa at eleven o'clock. Some of them are wearing metal armor. I can see the reflection."

"Hurry up, it's too late, let's go together, it must not be ours, I have never heard of such soldiers."

After getting Rick's definite answer, Sean didn't have any doubts. He patted his face hard to wake himself up from his drunken state and said:
"Damn, it's not easy to handle. We only brought less than ten guns in total. You first organize the women and children to hide."

"I'll take someone over to take a look."

As Rickshawn and the two hurried down, seeing their serious faces, others also realized that something was wrong.

They are all people who have lived in troubled times for many years, and they are used to seeing strong winds and waves. Although they were very unexpected, under the command of several men, they quickly made arrangements.

There was no crying or arguing. Several women and children who could not fight, such as Judith, Lori, Sophia, Sarah, Judy, etc., immediately under Rick's order, Karl took them back to the villa parked outside the villa. On the car.

Be prepared to retreat at any time in an emergency.

And Sean, Rick, Clementine, Joel, Glenn and other warriors who often fought on the front line picked up their weapons and headed towards the direction of the mysterious figures.

Without saying much, a few minutes later, Ethan led his soldiers and approached the location of the villa. Just when he wanted to disperse his troops, surround the entire villa, and try to catch a turtle in a jar.

Several bullets suddenly hit his feet, and a cold voice came from the front:
"Don't go any further."

"This is the territory of the People's Federation. Who are you? Why are you here?"

Hearing this voice, Ethan, who had been transformed by a special parasite and whose eyes were more adapted to dark environments than ordinary people, looked up.

He saw a tall, sturdy man with a submachine gun pointed at them less than four or fifty meters away.

Not far from the man, there were four or five human figures, holding firearms and hiding in the bunker, waiting for orders at any time.

Obviously, before they could implement the strategy of catching a turtle in an urn, their actions had already been noticed by the other party.

Ethan looked at the people across from him silently, without any intention of speaking. He knew the survivors' fighting ability very well, and there was no need to explain at all.

Now that they have been discovered, then crush them openly and openly. Anyway, in the end, the winners will definitely be those who have been blessed by the Holy Envoy.

But before he gave the order to attack the soldiers under him, the people on the other side seemed to have sensed that their coming was not good, and opened fire without warning.

In just a moment, from the first bullet coming out of the chamber to the five or six guns on the opposite side firing together, they all cooperated in a tacit understanding without any need for any orders.

Da da da!Ta-ta-ta!Da da da!
Ethan, who was standing at the front of the team, was the first to be attacked. Six or seven rifle bullets accurately hit his death-like black and bald head, directly blasting six or seven bullet holes in his skin. The bullet was embedded deeply into the flesh and was blocked by the hard bone, unable to damage his brain.

The elite knights and low-level servants behind him were also attacked. Three or four of the low-level servants wearing cloaks were shot in the head in an instant, while the elite knights wearing metal armor were also hit by bullets and sparks flew out.

But the opponent obviously underestimated the defense power of the elite knights. The rifle bullets hit their silver-white armor, leaving only a series of dents and unable to directly penetrate the armor.

Ethan was not among the casualties of his subordinates. In a hurry, after being disfigured by the rifle bullets, a surge of anger surged in his heart for a long time. He put his arms in front of his head, endured the rifle attack, and approached two Mi Gao's huge body arched slightly, and in just a moment, he kicked his legs on the ground and slammed towards the opponent's position at an extremely fast speed.

He was extremely fast and huge, and he was like a speeding truck when he collided.

The opponent obviously did not expect that the enemy they faced could continue to attack after suffering headshot damage.

In a hurry, he only had time to roll on the ground, and even the weapon in his hand was thrown away.

And just when Ethan wanted to take advantage of the opponent lying on the ground and attack him, he was immediately besieged by three guns from different directions.

Just taking advantage of his distraction, the man lying at his feet quickly left his side.

After the battle started, Ethan noticed it.

This group of people was obviously different from ordinary survivors. Even facing an enemy like him who could withstand rifle attacks, they didn't panic, and they still cooperated tacitly in the counterattack.

Whenever he uses his strong defense and rapid speed to knock away those enemies, these people will tenaciously attack through concentrated fire, giving his companions a chance to escape.

However, after all, there were only six people. When his elite knights and a large number of servants surrounded them, they could no longer resist the attack.

Soon, as the bullets ran out, the range of movement became smaller and smaller. Faced with the siege, fractures, impacts, scratches, internal injuries, and various injuries appeared on these people's bodies.

Even though their willpower is very strong, after suffering so much damage, the human body has reached its limit, and they eventually pass out.

But to deal with these six people, Ethan and his soldiers spent a full ten minutes. If it wasn't for capturing the survivors alive and preparing sacrifices for the count, there would be no need for such trouble.

The tenacious fighting power of these six people made Ethan feel faintly uneasy. Is this the fighting power that ordinary survivors should have?

Are they special characters?
(End of this chapter)

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