Chapter 89
Seeing the captain named Frank reveal his true feelings, even people who are not familiar with him can see the firm will of the iron-blooded soldier.

Leon showed a sincere smile and said to Frank:
"Our goal is the equipment and supplies in the base. Since we don't have any conflicts, we can try to cooperate."

Iron Wolf Frank came back to his senses, stared at Leon's smiling face for a few seconds, and said:

"What kind of organization is your umbrella company? I have never heard of it."

Surrounded by the guards, Leon led Frank towards the base wall and said as he walked:
"As a self-rescue survivor organization, we have rescued many talented survivors, including doctors, teachers, virologists, university professors, and many elderly people and children."

"We are determined to unite the strength of all survivors, defeat the zombie virus, and rebuild the human homeland."

As he spoke, he showed a somewhat self-deprecating smile and said:
"I know that such a goal is a bit high-sounding and hypocritical."

"But we've been doing a good job and we've had pretty good results."

"About a quarter of Atlanta's urban area has been cleared and occupied by us."

"We have a large base that is safe and stable."

He glanced at Iron Wolf Frank, whose expression changed slightly, and asked:
"What about you, are you the soldiers here?"

"I heard some survivors say that the military once issued a massacre order to all soldiers to kill the survivors in the refugee camps. Is this true?"

Iron Wolf Frank did not deny it, but glanced at Leon and said:

"It was an order issued by the highest-level commander in the army. We did not obey it. Only the craziest soldiers and officers would execute such an order."

"Since then, all military communications have failed. We can no longer contact our superiors, and no one has given us any orders."

The Iron Wolf Captain said with a hint of self-deprecation in his still cold voice:
"We gave everything to this country, and in the end they abandoned us like garbage, so now we have to live for ourselves and our families."

While the two were talking, the group of them had slowly walked up to Captain Frank's soldiers. They saw that their commander was safe and sound, and there were no signs of conflict between the two sides. This made all the soldiers secretly relieved. .

The soldiers on both sides had a brief exchange and got to know each other.

Accompanied by two officers, Frank and Matt, Leon observed the bombs they installed. There were a large number of them. They were installed on the thick stone concrete foundation every half meter. They used powerful TNT bombs. Its equivalent and power should be able to blast these concrete walls into pieces in an instant.

During the conversation between the two parties, Lyon also learned a lot of real information about the Fort Benning military base.

It turns out that the scale of the Fort Benning military base is far beyond what they learned from the refugees. As the largest military base in Georgia and the main defense force in a region with a population of more than 8 million, not only are 10~ To facilitate their reunion, many of the [-] professional soldiers and their families live here.

At the beginning of the disaster, most of the people in the base were directly infected with the zombie virus, died quickly and turned into zombies. After a brutal fight between living people and zombies, Fort Benning, which originally had a population of about 20, was In the military base, there are only more than 5000 soldiers and about 1 soldiers' family members left.

But soon, before these soldiers could recover from the disaster, orders from the army dispatched most of them to all human settlements throughout Georgia, responsible for exterminating zombies and maintaining the local environment. law and order.

Then, in less than a month, the soldiers who lacked material supplies and command systems soon suffered heavy losses. Even in the end, all these dispatched soldiers lost contact with their superiors and became The lonely boat in the turbulent waves was gradually submerged in the waves of the end times.

The same is true for Frank's unit. Because it is the most elite unit in the entire state of Georgia, they were sent directly to New York State to support New York, the largest city in America.

However, no one can stop the general trend of the world. After the fall of New York, they also lost contact with their superiors.

After half a month of struggling to survive in the dead bodies in New York with his troops, Iron Wolf Frank finally couldn't bear the meaningless waiting, and with the thoughts of his family, he crossed the long distance with their soldiers , rushed back from New York to the Fort Benning military base.

Unfortunately, what awaits them is a ruins occupied by hundreds of thousands of zombies.

Listening to Frank's plain and expressionless narration, Leon could hear their hardships between the lines. Alas, in the last days, everyone's life is not easy.

Even well-trained professional soldiers can easily be overturned by zombie attacks hidden in every corner.

After the preliminary communication and understanding between the two parties, the conversation between Lyon and Iron Wolf Frank also entered the formal stage.

"Captain Frank, I hope your demolition operations can be postponed for a while."

Frank's expression paused slightly, with a trace of hostility in his eyes, and he asked:

"Why delay? Do you want to stop our action?"

Lyon shook his head and explained sincerely:
"No, I hope you can reunite with your family later. However, we have a way to kill all these zombies, but we still need a little time to prepare."

"Captain Frank, you should know very well how much of a threat releasing these zombies will pose to the surrounding survivors."

"And you can't guarantee that in the process of rescuing people, these zombies will be lured back again to sabotage your operations and kill everyone."

"But if it were left to us, there would be no such concerns."

Iron Wolf Frank stared at Leon with suspicion and asked:
"There are hundreds of thousands of zombies here, how can you guarantee that you can deal with them?"

Leon pointed to his head and said with a slight smile:
"The reason why we humans are able to rule the world does not rely on our strength, but on our wisdom."

"In Roberta County, we killed more than 4 zombies in just one afternoon. We relied on wisdom."

"Although there are ten times as many zombies here as in Roberta County, as long as we are given a week, I am confident that we can kill these zombies with zero casualties."

Seemingly shocked by the strong confidence in Leon's words, Iron Wolf Frank remained silent for dozens of seconds and then said:
"Okay, just a week."

"If you can do what you said and kill these hundreds of thousands of zombies, then I owe you a favor, and I will seriously consider cooperating with you." "During this period, we will also assist you Complete the work that was required beforehand."

Leon smiled and nodded, stretched out his broad palm to Frank, and said:

"very good."

"Thank you for your trust, Frank, I wish you all the best in our cooperation."

Frank expressionlessly stretched out his hand to shake hands with Leon, and said:

"Mr. Custer, we will only consider cooperation after this matter is completed."

Leon laughed and said in a humorous tone:

"Hahaha, this is inevitable. I have this confidence."

With the help of local snakes, Lyon's convoy quickly found a safe base. It was a canning factory 2 kilometers away from the military base, surrounded by a two-meter-high wall, covering an area of ​​seven or eight acres. The workers' dormitories and brand-new factory buildings are [-]% new, and overall they are quite satisfactory.

After settling the equipment and luggage, Leon brought Peggy, Frank and others, as well as Colonel William and several guards, to the vicinity of the base again.

They built a simple command center on a high ground that was easy to defend, and took out many huge LCD monitors to form a huge screen that was two meters high and four meters wide.

Then, under the control of the Paige siblings, a reconnaissance drone was used to conduct a detailed investigation of the ground buildings of the entire military base.

Frank and others were very surprised by the reconnaissance drone used by Lyon and others. After learning that it was military equipment that had not yet been officially used, they all showed understanding expressions.

The military base is very large, with many areas, and the permanent population is about 20. About two hours later, corresponding to the picture on the screen, under the explanation of Captain Frank, who is familiar with the internal structure of the base, Lyon and others finally have an understanding of the inside of the base. A comprehensive and detailed understanding.

After everyone discussed it, Leon extended an invitation to Frank and his soldiers for dinner.

The captain, nicknamed Iron Wolf, heard that there was wine and food, and agreed to Leon's invitation without expression, and then returned to his soldiers with his adjutant Matt, and began to make simple arrangements.

Leon also took advantage of this time to take out a long-distance communication radio and connected with Amy in Atlanta.

"Hey, little Amy, are you okay in the base?"

Little Amy's voice was still so beautiful, but Leon could still hear a little guilt in it.

"Boss, everything went smoothly in the base. However, after you left this morning, something bad happened."

"One of the elderly people we placed in a nursing home on the ground suddenly died of illness in his sleep. However, because he was not discovered in time, he mutated into a zombie and killed three other people in the same ward who were unable to take care of themselves. elder."

"Later our patrol found out about this incident and dealt with those zombies, but this incident still dissatisfied the relatives of those deceased old people. They believed that it was because of our mismanagement that the other innocent people were caused. The death of an old man.”

Amy sighed softly and said:
"Boss, this matter is indeed my dereliction of duty. I built the nursing home according to the peacetime plan and did not take into account the differences in the end of the world, which led to this tragedy."

"If I had noticed in time, this wouldn't have happened."

Listening to Amy's somewhat disappointed tone, Leon immediately comforted:
"Amy, the rules of the world have changed, and none of us can predict what will happen in the future. It is precisely because of the accumulation of these mistakes that we have learned lessons that allow society to continue to progress."

"Don't worry, this incident is not your fault. You can properly give some compensation to the family members of those old people and sincerely explain the reason for this incident to them."

"But as managers, we cannot lose our dignity as managers. You need to understand the scale of this yourself."

After expressing some relief to the assistant, Leon continued:

"We already have some understanding of the situation at the Fort Benning military base."

"Tomorrow, I will transfer a group of people here, about 200 people in total. You and your sister will be responsible for arranging the work handover after the personnel are transferred, as well as allocating the logistics resources needed by this group of people. "

"This time I will transfer people from Team Moore and Team Daryl, as well as some workers and vehicles from the construction engineering team and a group of truck drivers."

"Also, after you and your sister have finished the subsequent handover work, ask Andrea to bring the people from the personnel team over."

"We found more than two thousand survivors here, and I will try to recruit them."

"You should also prepare early in the base. In the future, a large number of new people may join our company."


Amy, who was opposite, took her little notebook and wrote down everything Leon ordered. At the end of the conversation between the two, little Amy said in a slightly jealous voice:
"Boss, you and Miss Paige stay over there. You must have a good rest at night and don't exhaust your body."

Leon chuckled and said in a comforting tone:

"Don't worry, little Amy, I have been restraining myself. If you hadn't begged me, I wouldn't have rewarded you easily."

Amy over there blushed a little and snorted.

"Bad guy, who begged you? You obviously took advantage."

(End of this chapter)

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