Entertainment, I really only know a little

Chapter 117: Creating a benchmark in mainland China’s online literary world (please subscribe)

Chapter 117: Creating a benchmark in the online literary world in mainland China... (please subscribe)
Zhonglu was not originally called Zhonglu.

There are several names representing him in Zhonglu.

Huaxia, Kyushu, Jiuyu, China.

What does Chinese mean.

Don't say that people in China know about it.

Even people from the Western Continent, Southern Continent, Northern Continent, and Eastern Continent know it.

It's just that maybe the Chinese don't have a particularly big influence on them.

But for the people in mainland China.

The Chinese people have long remembered this in their hearts.

Not much explanation.

Zhu Kang sang:

[5000 years of wind and rain, how many dreams are hidden
The yellow face and the black eyes remain a smile

Eight thousand miles of mountains and rivers are like a song
No matter where you come from, where you are going...]

A Chinese song.

After Zhu Kang finished singing, the applause on the stage completely exceeded that of Lin Yun before.

"Teacher Lin Yun, what do you think of this song?"

"This song is very good."

"If you had to vote, who would you vote for?"

"Maybe it's Teacher Zhu Kang."

Although he said this, Lin Yun was already complaining in his heart.

Just complaining about it.

He also knew.

In front of this kind of song, not to mention "There Are Bandits" he sang before, even if he came up with his most representative work, he would lose.

The point is.

Even if you don't accept it, you have to accept it.

Do you dare to say that you are not convinced?

"Everyone, today is Monday, we have a meeting before going to work."

"Chopwood", the editor-in-chief of Tianyuan Novel.com, said to the editors.

"Everyone knows that online literature and online literature platforms are a new thing for us in Central China. But for Nanlu, they have been operating maturely for more than ten years. Originally, Tianyuan Novel Network's operating rights in Midland, everything Nanlu is responsible for them all. However, the superiors have still secured some rights for us. For example, our editorial team will have the review and operation rights of all authors in Zhonglu handed over to ourselves within three years."

"But in fact, three years is far from enough. Just like now, after three months, we at Zhonglu have not even had a good work. I don't know whether it is because our editorial team is not capable, or because no one in Zhonglu really knows how to do it. Write online works? If this continues, I think that after three years, we may return full power to Nanlu. By then, our Chinese literature may be completely controlled by Nanlu."

"We are holding this meeting today so that everyone can speak freely about how we can improve the level of online literature in China."


The poor performance of authors at Zhonglu means that not only the authors at Zhonglu are under great pressure, but also the editors.

These editors are not only responsible for the operation of the works of these authors, but also responsible for the future of online articles.

"Editor-in-Chief, I think, as you said, online works are a new thing for us in China. If we want to improve the level of online writers in China, I think we should hold more author exchange activities. We invite some well-known Internet Authors of articles come on stage. Even if these Internet article authors are from Nanlu, we can still invite them. Ask them to give us lectures and impart some experience to everyone."

Editor "Mood" said at this time.

"That's a good idea."

At this point, other editors nodded.

In fact, for editors like them.

They don't necessarily have much experience in web writing.

They just went to Nanlu a few years in advance and studied for a while.

But compared with many well-known editors in Nanlu, it is far behind.

But no matter how bad things get, Zhonglu’s online writing still needs to develop.

"In addition, I would like to add that some online column writing tutorials must be held regularly. After all, although offline activities are good, not all authors are qualified to participate. Some online information training is also indispensable."


Everyone nods from time to time.

"Editor-in-Chief, there is another point that I think may be more important than training."

"Which point?"

"We want to set up a benchmark for our Zhonglu Internet literary community. As long as we can create a benchmark, then our Zhonglu Internet writers will have the strength to compete with the Nanlu Internet writers. Otherwise, there will be no leader. Even now, there are many Zhonglu Internet writers. Mainland Chinese writers all regard Nanlu’s internet literary masters as their idols.”

This proposal is naturally excellent.

Just chopping firewood made me smile bitterly.

Also a benchmark.

He never thought about it.

But look now, where are the conditions to build it?

Let alone a benchmark.

Now I can't even find a slightly more powerful author, so how can I create a benchmark?
"I feel like I have a good idea. Now, if you recommend a few authors, we will focus on promoting them."

Chopping firewood spread out his hands: "Are you ashamed to come up with an author with 100 first orders as a benchmark?"

If you really do it, it will make people laugh to death.

Having said this, the editor's "mood" is also a bit embarrassing.

However, he still said: "Editor-in-chief, I really have a candidate. However, this author does not currently write online articles."

"Which one?"

"Chu wins."

"The author of "Nine Transformations of the Golden Body" and "The School Beauty's Personal Expert"?"


"Do you think he can write good online articles if he comes to our platform?"

"I think it's fine."

Xin Xin said: "I feel that the style of these two works by Hu Ying is very similar to the online novels. It may be because of his online essay style that he has shown such terrifying sales results in the physical market. Moreover, I think that Xuan Ying's style is not only similar to the style of web articles. His style is even more radical and refreshing than that of the author of Nanlu web articles. If you can persuade Xuan Ying to join our Tianyuan Novel Network, I think we, Zhonglu Online Publishing, can create such a benchmark.”

"Makes sense."

Several analyzes of mood made the editor nod from time to time.

"Mood, can you contact Chu Ying?"

"Cui Ying worked with Chenyang Publishing House before. We have dealt with Chenyang Publishing House. I will contact their editor soon."

"Okay, I'll leave this to you."

"Yes, editor-in-chief."


"Teacher Chu Ying, have you ever considered writing an online article?"

Chat on WeChat.

Chenyang Publishing House editor "Xiaochun" sent a message to Chen Yi.

Seeing this message, Chen Yi smiled and said: "Teacher Xiaochun, haha, you are a publishing house. Do you want me to write online articles?"

"Actually, we are also very conflicted."

Xiaochun replied helplessly: "The publishing house doesn't know whether this online text model will affect the publishing business. However, the publishing house is worried that doing nothing will not be conducive to the future development of the publishing house. After all, this kind of online article model will affect the publishing business." The online writing model is feasible in Nanlu, and the effect is very good. In addition, judging from the operation in the past few months, it has quickly attracted the interest of many young people. It is said that as soon as their website was launched, IP streaming is very scary."

"So, you have to grab it with both hands and don't let go of both hands."

"more or less."

"Haha, then why don't you build your own online writing platform?"

"We want to do it too, but we can't."

"Uh, yes."

Chen Yi expressed his understanding.

Although the online writing platform is the Internet, it is different from the traditional Internet.

The traditional Internet pays more attention to innovation, channels, and traffic... while online writing platforms pay more attention to content.

It’s easy to build a website, but it’s not that simple to create good web content.

It's like doing portals and Weibo.

Although Penguin had a huge traffic advantage in its previous life, no matter what they did, they could not beat Sina.

"So, Mr. Chu Ying, you can give it a try. And we have studied it and found that their online article model adopts the method of subscription + reward. Subscription is how much a chapter costs per thousand words, and reward is like a live broadcast reward. Same. Although the achievements of the authors on the Central Mainland side are not very good, some of the authors on the Southern Mainland side already have an equal salary of 10,000+10,000+. It is said that the electronic subscription fee alone is a few dollars every month. Millions. Just in terms of electronic subscriptions, it has already surpassed publishing. Moreover, it does not affect the subsequent physical publishing."

"In addition, the online text model is more conducive to dissemination because of the blessing of the Internet. Generally, with such a reputation, he can later sell a series of copyrights for comics, animation, film and television, games... and so on. Nanlu has An author named [Tomato] is said to be able to earn 1 million per book."

"Teacher Xiaochun, you are trying to seduce me."

"Haha, I didn't tempt you. I even tempted me."

"How about we go together? Instead of making 1 million, we can make less than half a million."

"Forget it. Being an editor and writing are two different things. I'd better just be an editor."


"So, Teacher Chu Ying, are you agreeing?"


Chen Yi nodded: "Teacher Xiaochun, actually I have already started a book on Tianyuan Novel Network."

"What, have you opened the book?" "Yes."


"Not long ago, only two chapters were uploaded."

"Oh, what's your name? What's your pen name?"

"The pen name is still Chu Ying, and the novel is called "Online Games: Fantasy Reality"."

"Okay, I'll contact the editor of Tianyuan Novel Network."


"What, you said that Teacher Chu Ying has opened a new book on our Tianyuan Novel Network?"


“What is his new book, what is it called, and what is his pen name?”

"The pen name is still Chu Ying."

"Okay, I'll take a look right away."

After receiving a call from Xiaochun, he shouted excitedly: "Editor-in-Chief, Mr. Chu Ying has already posted the book on our website."

"So fast, look."


Looking for the background with excitement.

Enter Chu Ying's pen name and it will be found quickly.

"Editor-in-Chief, Teacher Chu Ying's book has just been released. It has two chapters in total and is called "The Dream Reality of Online Games"."

"Game text?"

Hearing the title of the book, Chang Chai frowned.

Although Tianyuan Novel Network has a game channel, many people also like game novels.

But let's be honest.

Among all major categories, game writing has the lowest upper limit.

No matter how well he writes, his influence is limited.

In fact, what I am most looking forward to when cutting firewood is the urban immortality or urban supernatural powers that I wrote before.

No matter which one of these two varieties it is, its traffic is very large, its influence is also great, its upper limit is high, and its potential for subsequent adaptation is also great.

Moreover, Chu Ying also has experience and is more suitable for online writing platforms.

Even if it wasn't crowded, it would still be nice to write a historical article.

But I didn’t expect that it would be a game article.

"Why don't you talk to Teacher Chu Ying about your mood? I feel like he still doesn't know much about online writing platforms."


Nodding moodily.


He was still going to take a look at the two chapters written by Chu Ying first.


Seeing this, my mood suddenly screamed out.

This cry shocked everyone.

"Mood, what are you doing?"

"Having a convulsion?"

Everyone looked at their mood.

No matter what everyone thought, I was still extremely excited and kept shouting: "Editor-in-chief, editor-in-chief, look at this book, look at Teacher Chu Ying's book."

"Which one?"

"This is the one we were talking about just now."

"What's so good about game writing? Is it well written?"

"Editor-in-Chief, not only is the writing good, it is simply too good, or in other words, too creative."

with doubt.

Editor-in-Chief Choi Chai, as well as several other editors, also started reading this work.

"Oh my God."

"This is a big idea."

"It's so innovative, so innovative."

While reading, several editors kept commenting.

This includes the editor-in-chief.

"I didn't expect that Teacher Chu Ying could come up with such an idea."

"With a game helmet, you can be immersed in the game world, incredible, incredible."

"In my mood, hurry up and urge Teacher Chu Ying to update."

"Online Games: Fantasy Reality", this story is about the 25th century.

Human technology has reached an unimaginable level, and humans have also mastered virtual reality technology.

This technology can implant human thoughts into the game, as if entering another world.

And in another world.

Everything you feel is the same as everything you feel in reality.

It's like a dream.

But it is an extremely real dream.

Such innovation.

Although in the previous life, no one had written such creative ideas, and they were even tired of writing them.

But when it first appeared, this novelty attracted all readers.

"Sure enough, you are worthy of being Teacher Xuan Ying. In my heart, you will be the editor in charge of Teacher Xuan Ying from now on."

Chopping wood is extremely exciting.

Although I don’t know what the performance of this book will be by then.

But there is such a stunning innovation.

He believed.

No matter what, we have to let those people from the southern land see that we in Zhonglu are not without Internet talents.


"Old Yi, have you published a book on Tianyuan Novel Network?"

"Yes. You guy, you went to Tianyuan Novel Network by yourself first and didn't ask me to go. It's not very interesting."

"Tch, don't come here. Who knows how it is to write novels on the Internet? I'm just going to test the water there. I dare not ask you to go. If you really want to call me, I'll have to call you after I successfully test the water."

"So what's going on now?"

"Purchase, first order 100."

"It's still outrageous. I heard that your first order of 100 is already the best score for an author in China."

Dangdang and Chen Yi first met each other.

So Dangdang often calls Chen Yi Lao Yi.

"Tch, what's the best score? The main reason is that everyone hasn't gotten used to it yet. By the way, what about the new book you opened? How's the score?"

"It has just been released not long ago, so there should be no results."

"How many collections have you collected?"

"Let me see."

Chen Yi entered the author's backend, which showed a collection of 1100.


"Damn it, 1100?"


"When did you say you posted it?"

"A few hours ago."

"1100 a few hours ago?"


"You don't know how to add collections, right?"

"Here I go, am I this kind of person?"

"That's the kind of person you are."

"Cough cough..."

Chen Yi stretched out a middle finger at Dangdang: "Don't speak ill of brother, just wait for this book to take you flying."

PS: Brothers, let me tell you about the situation. The cold is 8% better.Now my waist is no longer sore, my legs are no longer painful, and I feel more energetic when walking.

(End of this chapter)

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