Rebirth 84, starting from fish farming

Chapter 318 Beishan Fishing

Chapter 318 Beishan Fishing
Lu Changhua went out to bring back bean straw for his mother. The three Xiong Bao brothers also finished inspecting the territory and spread their scent again on various points around them.

That night, Aunt Hu and Uncle Hu had dinner at Lu's house.

After watching TV for a while, I reluctantly went back.

Lao Lu and Mother Lu lived in the east room, and Lu Changhua and his family lived in the west room.

The reason is that Westinghouse is relatively quieter.

There were two adults and two children sleeping on the bed.

Everyone huddled together and warmed up.

In the middle of the night, the naughty boy Sheng Yu peed on the bed again.

Lu Changhua was shaken awake by Wang Yao, went to his bag to find a pee mat, and found new pajamas for his wife to put on.

This brat wants to flood the Dragon King Temple every night, and you haven't done anything yet!

"Daughter-in-law, I think this guy did it on purpose and tormented me every night."

"Haha, who told you to be his father, you should take care of it."

"Okay, daughter-in-law, I've taken such great care of you, do you have to reward me?"

"Bonus rewards."

As he spoke, he kissed Lu Changhua's dark cheek.

"Go to sleep first. It will be more troublesome to wake up the child later."

Lu Changhua looked at Nuomi who was sleeping soundly with his eyes closed. There were still small beads of sweat on his nose.

He took out a piece of paper, gently wiped the sweat away, and then lay down gently.

"You are just patient with Nuomi, but what happened to Sheng Yu? Where is your patience?"

Wang Yao muttered.

Lu Changhua was stunned, as if that was really the case.

He is very patient with his daughter, but not with his son, which is strange.

Early the next morning, Lu Changhua got up.

As soon as I went out, I saw my mother already boiling water in the kitchen.

"Mom, is it too early?"

"Why don't you take a nap? There's nothing wrong with getting up so early."

"I'll boil the water."

Lu Changhua worked with his mother.

Soon, the facial cleansing water was boiled.

He poured water into the basin and placed it on the washstand in the living room.

Dad also got dressed.

"Dad, wash your face."

"Well, are you going to Beishan today?"

"Today I have to look at the garden land. Construction is about to start. The factory is going to be built and the blueberries will be processed in the fall."

"Dad, are you interested in taking care of this blueberry processing factory?"

"Me? Pull it down. I don't care about the fish farm, but I still care about your factory? I don't care."

"Well, you have nothing to do today, so don't make any mistakes."

"I'll go fishing in Beishan. Didn't Wang Dehai fish in Beishan before? I'll go fishing too, just for fun."


Lu Changhua didn't persuade him, as long as his father was happy.

After breakfast, Lao Lu teased his eldest granddaughter for a while, hugged his eldest grandson, put his tools in the trunk, and drove to Beishan.

Lu Changhua went to the vegetable garden.

The vegetable garden is piled with mountains of red bricks and river sand.

Reinforced concrete was also piled on the roadside and covered with tarpaulins.

After taking a tour, he began to think about the plan for the factory.

Lao Lu's Santana drove to Beishan Farm.

Zhang Laoliu ran out.

He thought the boss was coming, but it turned out that the person getting out of the car was not.

But when he took a closer look, I thought, isn’t this the boss’s father? !This made him more nervous than the boss coming.

Although the old man doesn't care about things, he is not good at making wine, and it is sour to make vinegar.

"Uncle Lu, why are you here?"

"Who are you? Do you know me?"

"Of course I know you. I am Zhang Laoliu, Zhang Laowu's younger brother."

"Oh! I see, Lao Liu, why are you here?"

"Hey, it's just the work assigned by the leader. I'm on duty here. Why are you here?"

"Me, fishing."

"In the river ahead?"


"Haha, your home has such a big reservoir and there are no fish. Why do you have to go out to the wilderness to fish?!"

Zhang Laoliu felt that these rich people were just messing around.

"Haha, you don't understand. Fishing is about technique, and those who are willing to take the bait will take the bait. Fishing in the wild is interesting. Fishing in the reservoir is not a skill."

Lao Lu opened the trunk and took out his equipment.

What kind of fishing rod, fish food sun umbrella, and a small folding horse tie.

This is all from Beining.

Zhang Laoliu can't understand fishing, but he has eyesight.

Hurry up and help get things.

"Uncle Lu, can you eat here for lunch?"

"We're eating here, who's going to cook?"

"Old Cui cooks."

"He, can he do it?"

"We just deal with eating."

"Let's eat fish for lunch later."


"You still don't believe in my skills? Just wait and see."

Lao Lu and Zhang Lao Liu moved all the equipment to the small river.

The riverside is lush with water and grass.

He found a place with flat ground, set up sun umbrellas and ponytails, and then started to get fish food.

The water in the creek is not deep, only up to thighs.

That is 1.3 meters four.

The water quality is crystal clear.

With the naked eye, you can see several fish swimming not far away.

In the distant river, a few wild ducks were playing on the water.

Several golden pheasants kept rising and falling in the grass nest.

Zhang Laoliu stood behind Lao Lu and watched for a long time. Seeing that he had not yet taken off the pole, he said to Lao Lu: "Uncle, you are busy first. I will go back and tell Lao Cui to prepare an extra lunch."

"OK, go ahead."

Seeing that Zhang Laoliu was gone, Lao Lu picked up the fishing rod, put on the fish food, and swung the hook into the river.The swim bladder moves downstream bit by bit on the surface of the water with the current.

The water waves carried it up and down.

Lao Lu stared at it with his eyes.

It didn't take much, and the swim bladder suddenly sank a few times, and there was a fish.

He stabilized his mind and continued to stare.

The fish's swim bladder jerked far away.

Only then did Lao Lu take action and pulled hard.

Quickly swing the pole to the shore.

He threw a palm-sized crucian carp seed on the shore, and the crucian carp slapped against the water plants and soil on the shore.

Lao Lu stepped forward, took off the fishhook, and put it into the bucket.

The crucian carp thought he had regained his freedom and swam back and forth in the bucket.

Lao Lu reloaded the fish food and swung his rod into the water again.

It didn't take much, and the fish's swim bladder moved again.

His second wild fish was hooked again.

In just over two hours, there were seven or eight fish in the bucket.

Zhang Laoliu has returned from Blueberry Valley on a mountain bike.

When he ran behind Lao Lu and saw so many fish in the bucket, he exclaimed.

"Uncle Lu, you are really good! You have caught so many fish, we have fish to eat at noon."

"Hehe, of course."

Seeing that time was almost up, Lao Lu stopped playing.

Zhang Laoliu carried the bucket and the two returned to the dormitory together.

Lao Cui has already steamed two pots of steamed buns.

Lao Lu cooked the food himself.

The fish was descaled and gutted and processed.

Ask Zhang Laoliu to find some green onions.

A steamed fish dish appeared on the table.

Zhang Laoliu and Lao Cui were grabbing steamed buns and eating fish. It was so beautiful.

Lao Lu also ate some.

At noon, I lay down in the dormitory for a while to recuperate.

In the afternoon, he went again.

This afternoon, all he caught were big fish as long as a foot.

The buckets are full.

Zhang Laoliu and Lao Cui also followed behind, helping with the work.

"You keep two for dinner."

Lao Lu took out two large ones from the bucket.

Lao Cui and Zhang Lao Liule were both at a loss.

They haven't served meat for a long time.

"Uncle, will you come tomorrow?"

"What? You still want me to be a free fisherman for you?"

"Hey, welcome to fishing."

Zhang Laoliu grinned with his mouth wide open and his uvula could be seen.

"Okay, let's go."

Zhang Laoliu carried the bucket into the trunk and put the equipment in it.

Lao Lu drove away, puffing out smoke.

The two of them carried the fish until Lao Lu's car was out of sight, and they came to their senses.

"Go, go, go fish."

The two happily handled the fish and prepared for a big meal in the evening.

When Lao Lu returned home, the three Xiong Bao brothers were the first to greet him.

Lao Lu was carrying the bucket, and Xiong Bao circled around the bucket.

It had long since discovered that there was something in the bucket.

Mother Lu saw Lao Lu coming back with a bucket.


"The fish I caught, I'll eat wild fish stew tonight."

Mother Lu was also surprised when she saw the big fish in the bucket.

"Did you catch all this?"

"Could it be that you bought it?"

Wang Yao came over with her son in her arms.

"Dad, you are so awesome. Did you catch so much?"

"Haha, this is nothing."

When Lao Lu saw his daughter-in-law also praising him, he immediately felt that his waist straightened.

"Grandpa, grandpa, let me see, let me see."

Little Nuomi came out from behind her mother, holding the edge of the bucket with both hands, staring at the big fish flapping in the bucket.

A look of curiosity.

Wow, is this a fish?
"I'll stew it in a minute and give it to my sweet granddaughter, okay?"


Little Nuomi jumped happily.

Just as he was talking, Lu Changhua came back.

"Dad, are you back from fishing? How was your harvest?"

"Our dad is really good. He caught a bucket of fish."

"Hey, Dad, I didn't realize it. When did fishing become so good?"

"Oh, you still have to learn my skills."

Lao Lu said proudly.

"Yes, you are still awesome."

After flattering his father, Lao Lu felt comfortable.

Over the years, his son has always been in the limelight, and Lao Lu has just become the master of the fish farm.

Hehe, I still have a lot of abilities, you kid, don’t underestimate me!

Lao Lu was humble in words but proud in his heart.

Carrying the bucket to the kitchen.

Started his specialty cooking.

Mother Lu curled her lips and snorted.

Went out to hug the bean straw.

No matter how powerful you are, I still have to light the fire for you!

Mother Lu walked back holding the bean straw, muttering as she walked.

(End of this chapter)

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