Rebirth 84, starting from fish farming

Chapter 323 This is the great terror

Chapter 323 This is the great terror

The drought continues.

Throughout July, the Northeast continued to be hot.

Everyone has entered into comprehensive drought relief work.

Orders for soybean root spray tanks produced by Changhe Group are fully booked and are scheduled until the end of the year.

The Qinghua factory in the same city watched the Changhe factory operate at full capacity, and they couldn't even drink soup, not to mention how uncomfortable they felt.

Because they are subordinate units of Shougang, the local authorities have no control over them.

They were too embarrassed to go to the city government, and even more embarrassed to go to their old enemy Chen Liguo.

Who could have allowed him to run away from others and even make them retire due to illness?Now, Chen Liguo went to Changhe Group in a fit of anger. He is still the boss of Tractor Group. How can he say that he went there on his own? !
We have no food, how can we share some soup? !

Who has this face and that? !
On this day, Chen Liguo suddenly appeared in the office of Qinghua Factory, catching the leaders of the factory by surprise.

Extremely embarrassing.

Chen Liguo didn't even mention the bad things back then, but proposed that Qinghua factory would process a batch of orders on behalf of him, and the processing fee would be absolutely generous.

Now these small-bellied guys are confused.

What's the matter, you don't care about the past and give us work?real or fake?

How did they know that Chen Liguo was no longer the chief engineer back then.

His vision and structure are no longer limited to Bac Ninh and Black Province.His focus is on the whole country and the world.

This year, he has implemented sprinkler irrigation throughout the province in line with the trend of drought relief. Now, other provinces have also placed orders.

But the sudden surge in orders made them overwhelmed.

We urgently need a processing factory to produce some orders.

He knows the background of Qinghua Factory.

The technical force is strong and the production quality is second to none.

Chen Liguo is still relieved to produce here.

As for the conflict between him and Qinghua during the holidays, he no longer cared about it.

Think about it, his monthly salary now is more than what he earned in a year. Does he still care about this?

Of course, Qinghua Factory couldn't spit out the fat in its mouth, and readily agreed to cooperate.

The two parties signed a cooperation agreement.

Chen Liguo assigned part of the order to Qinghua factory.

Kingho is only responsible for production and cannot even use its own nameplates.

However, they are already satisfied with this.

The employees have food to eat, which is good.

As for making profits, let’s take it slow.

After all, enterprises have heavy burdens and historical baggage, unlike private enterprises, which can go into battle with ease.

Just when Changhe Group was running at full capacity to produce drought-resistant equipment.

Lu Changhua was pulled out of bed by Er Hong at the farm.

"What's going on? It's not even daylight yet!"

"Old, boss, there is something."

This Erhong is anxious, and he can speak much more fluently.

"What's the matter?"

"Yes, there are bugs."


"Huang, Huang..."


Lu Changhua woke up completely and got up quickly.

In the past few days, because of drought relief, he did not go home and slept in the reservoir duty room.

This not only makes it convenient for him to inspect the soybean fields, but also makes it convenient for him to go to the vegetable garden to see the progress of the factory.

As a result, Erhong pulled him out of bed that day.

Lu Changhua threw on some clothes randomly, put on his Jiefang shoes and ran out.

As soon as he walked past the dam, under the reddish light of the morning sun, Lu Changhua saw a layer of insects covering the weeds beside the field.

As they walked past, they flew up and then fell down again.

I go.

Going further into the field, soybean leaves are also covered with this stuff.

Many of the soybean stalks are reduced to just the bean stalks.

The bean leaves were all eaten up.

"Er Hong, go get your motorcycle and go take a look at the land."


Lu Changhua stood at the edge of the field, looking at the bean sprouts distressedly, and for a moment he didn't know what to do.

As he walked into the ground, there was a buzzing sound, and a black mass flew up. As soon as he walked past, it fell down again with a booming sound.

How can this be done?

With little effort, Erhong came suddenly on a motorcycle.

Lu Changhua ran over and sat astride the back seat.

"Let's go and look inside."

Er Hong twisted the accelerator, and the motorcycle rushed out, heading towards the depths of No. [-].

Every time they reached a forest belt, the two got out of the car and went into the field to check the situation of the locusts.

"It looks like it's serious this time."

"Didn't it happen yesterday?"


Erhong nodded. These guys didn't come yesterday, but they suddenly came today.

"Where's our duck?"

"In the."

"It's good to be there."

Lu Changhua didn't have the time to guess what he meant at the moment.

"Let the duck out and try. If it doesn't work, think of another way." The two not only transferred their own land No. [-], but also went to other lands.

There are Locust branches.

There may be more and more in the future, and we must find a solution immediately.

The two went back home.

When we get to the reservoir, let Erhong release the ducks to see the effect.

He rode his motorcycle to the team headquarters.

He rushed to the team headquarters in a hurry, but Li Zhenguo hadn't come to work yet.

He went to Li Zhen's country again.

After knocking on the door for a while, Li Zhenguo opened it for him.

"Xiao Lu? What's going on? Are you stuck in bed so early in the morning?!"

"Secretary Li, there is an insect infestation. Are you still sleeping? Go and have a look."

"Huh? Really? Are you kidding me?"

"Is this a joke? I just came back from the fields, and the locusts ate up all the bean sprouts."

"Wait a minute, I'll be right there."

Li Zhenguo was also shocked by the sudden news.

This was an extremely serious disaster, and he had to go to the fields as soon as possible to obtain first-hand information and report it to his superiors.

As he was putting on his trousers, he thought to himself, it's over, this year's grain production will be reduced for sure.

He hurried out of the yard, stepped onto the motorcycle, and said, "Let's go to the team headquarters."

When he arrived at the team headquarters, he summoned statistics, technicians and accountants.

Some of these people have just gotten up, and some are still sleeping.

When Li Zhenguo shouted angrily, he didn't even know what was going on.

"Come, let's have a small meeting. Changhua just came back from the fields, and there have been locusts in his fields, and there are a lot of them. Now let's divide the work, and each person will go in one direction to check the situation in the fields to see if there are any. There are no locusts or other pests. Do you understand?"

"I understand."

"Okay, let's go now. Those who have bicycles ride bicycles, those who have motorcycles ride motorcycles, and those who don't have old Lu to drive rubber-tyred vehicles. Let's go right away."

Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

He said he understood, but actually he was still confused.

Lu Changhua couldn't care less, so he ran eastward with Li Zhenguo on his back.

To the east was his No. [-] site and the company's No. [-] site.

"Don't go to the reservoir, take the machine farming road to the south."

Li Zhenguo knew the situation of No. [-], so there was no need to go any further. What he was worried about now was the situation of No. [-].

The two of them rushed to No. [-] in a hurry.

All wheat is grown here.

Due to the drought, the wheat plants have not bloomed for a while, but after drought-resistant sprinkler irrigation, it is now the time to bloom and ear.

But the two of them walked into the wheat field.

With a bang, a large black mass of insects flew up.

The leaves of the wheat under the dark clouds are broken and withered, and in some cases only the straw is left.

"Ay Ya I gi!"

Li Zhenguo stretched out his hand to drive him away anxiously, but it had no effect.

As soon as he passed by, the insect fell down again and continued its delicious meal.

"Go, go, go."

Li Zhenguo knew the seriousness of the matter.

Let Lu Changhua take him and run to the team headquarters quickly.

When the two of them rushed back to the team headquarters, someone had already run back.

Also reported to him that an insect infestation was discovered.

He did not dare to neglect and hurriedly called the agricultural department of the field department.

Early this morning, as soon as Deputy Director Yang entered the office, the phone rang rapidly.

He has a habit of answering the phone. If the phone doesn't ring three times, he won't answer it.

As a result, it stopped ringing after the second sound.

Who is this? So boring.

He glanced at the telephone on the table with boredom, picked up the thermos bottle, and almost flashed his waist.

How is the service provided in this office?

He shook it and found that there was only a little sound of water in the thermos bottle.

He carried the thermos bottle and walked out. He just wanted others to take a look. He was a dignified deputy director and even opened the water himself. This is the service of your office.

As soon as Yang Guang opened the door, a person ran out from the end of the corridor.

"Director, Director Yang!"

The man's voice had changed its tone.

He stopped, looked at the person coming, and asked majestically: "Xiao Li, what are you so worried about?"

"Yes, it's a call from the three-point field, saying that they have discovered an insect infestation. They are locusts. The area is very large. Let's find a solution quickly."


Yang Guang, deputy director of agriculture at Changshui Farm, let go of his hand and the thermos bottle fell to the ground with a clatter.

"You, are you telling the truth?"

"It's true. Li Zhenguo from the three-point field called me personally. He just came back from the fields."

"Oh, this, oh, please contact the management bureau immediately and ask the Agricultural Science Institute to figure out what kind of medicine to use and allocate it as soon as possible."

"Yes, I'll do it right away."

The entire agricultural department is busy.

They called the relevant departments of the management bureau.

As if the news had wings, it quickly spread to the Beining Agricultural Management Bureau, then flew to Jiamusi, and flew to the ears of the heads of the relevant departments.

If it cannot be controlled, then more than one Changshui Farm will suffer losses, and it will be a disaster.

This is the great horror!
(End of this chapter)

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