Rebirth 84, starting from fish farming

Chapter 390 Future Directions

Chapter 390 Future Directions
Not only Wang Lu is interested in the topic of the Internet, but Wang Yao is also interested in it.

"Then can we participate?"

What Wang Yao is most concerned about is whether he can participate in this matter.

"It's still a little early, but in four or five years, when Wang Lu returns to China, this matter will be done."

"Really? I can do it if I return to China?"

"I mean, it's about time."

"Currently, computers are not yet popular in China, so there is no Internet yet."

“What does the Internet have to do with computers?”

Wang Yao still hasn’t figured out what the Internet is.

"The Internet is a network based on computers."

"If you imagine, computers all over the world are connected through a kind of line, thus forming a network. This is my simple explanation. In fact, the Internet is much more complicated than this."

"The reason I say it's still early is for two reasons."

"One, this kind of line does not exist yet. In other words, the backbone network has not been built yet. This requires the country to invest in construction. The country is not rich yet, and it will take time to build this kind of backbone network."

"The second is the popularity of computers."

"Currently, computers in our country are still very expensive and ordinary people cannot afford them. Furthermore, the current operating system is very complicated and it is difficult for non-professionals to learn how to operate it. This will also take several years to become popular."

"So, it will be almost universal in four or five years?"

"At least four or five years from now, computer penetration will be very high, and by then, the Internet will have taken shape."

"Then what can this Internet be used for?"

Wang Yao is very curious, what is the use of such a magical Internet as Lu Changhua said?
"That would be of great use."

Lu Changhua said: "From the perspective of people's communication, the cost of making phone calls is very high now. In the future, with the Internet, you can make Internet calls. The cost of such calls is very low or free. Do you think people welcome it?"

"Also, you can improve office efficiency, you can chat, text chat, voice chat, and you can see the other person face to face. Just like he is in front of you. This is clairvoyance and ears."

"With the Internet, news from around the world can be accessed at any time. There is no need to watch TV, listen to the radio or read newspapers anymore. And these news are free."

"Many people want to publish news and opinions on something to the outside world, and they can also publish it online. This reflects your personal rights."

Lu Changhua talked about the specific uses of the Internet in detail.

Not only was Wang Yao fascinated, but Wang Lu and Xiao Yong were also shocked.

There are some things that they know, but there are some things that their teachers don’t know very well.

But Lu Changhua spoke in an orderly manner.

"Since the Internet is so good, how can we make money?"

"The Internet is about free sharing, so many resources are free. The advantage of this is that it can quickly popularize the Internet. But because it is a free model, it is difficult to last long."

"It will be free at first, then slowly start charging, and eventually move towards a model that combines free and charging."

"For example, reading books on the Internet is free in the early stage, but if it is free for a long time, no one will write books anymore. In order to pay the author for publishing, they have to charge. In this way, websites that charge for reading novels will appear."

"Of course there are free novel websites, and their income depends on advertising. Advertising revenue is used to pay various expenses, and the surplus is its income."

"Ultimately, the emergence of e-commerce will transfer commodity transactions in real society to the Internet. At that time, people can buy the goods they want without leaving home. Since there are many merchants selling the same thing, price comparison has become a problem for them. It is an important means of competition, so when you buy things online, the price will be very cheap.”

Lu Changhua became more and more excited as he spoke. His words made the drinkers put down their glasses and listen to his speech quietly.

"Oh, Changhua, you are so familiar with computers and the Internet. If you have the opportunity, you can tell us about it."

"Haha, I also learned it from reading a book."

Lu Changhua felt that he had said too much.

He changed the subject.

"So, Wang Lu, if you go abroad and study the Internet carefully, you will definitely become a leader in this industry!"

"Well, brother-in-law, now that you say that, I'm really interested."

Wang Lu's face showed a look of fascination.

Xiao Yong knew that Wang Lu was going abroad and the gap between him and her would further widen. The best outcome would be for each of them to be safe.

He figured this out and let go.

He took the initiative to fill the third uncle's glass with wine.

He raised his glass and said: "Uncle Wang, you are the most far-sighted parent of a classmate I have ever met. I would like to raise a toast to you. I also hope that Wang Lu can go abroad successfully, learn skills and serve the motherland."

"Haha, okay, Xiao Xiao, you are a good and promising boy. It is not easy to pass the exam from a mountain. My uncle also wishes you a bright future and smooth sailing."

"Okay, thank you uncle."

Xiao Yong drank the wine in one gulp.

Only now did Xiao Yong let out a sigh of relief.

When people are free of burdens, their mood will naturally change.

Wang Lu has a new goal and seems to be no longer attached to her vague personal feelings.

I also made peace with my parents.

Wang Dehe and his wife also felt better.

After the meal, Wang Yao and Xiao Yong both pestered Lu Changhua and asked him to talk about the future of the Internet.

"Speaking of which, there are really too many things that the Internet can do in the future."

"For example, current TV shows and movies can be put online in the future."

"For example, in the later stage of development, our mobile phones can replace computers."

"Brother-in-law, what do you mean, can mobile phones also access the Internet in the future?"

"Of course. As long as the phone is powerful, it is a small computer."

"For example, Internet games in the future."

"With 10 people logged into the same game at the same time, people who are thousands of miles apart can meet in the game." "Can games make money?"

"As long as it's fun, people will play. Playing games requires game currency, and game currency needs to be exchanged for money. Do you understand?"

"Oh, I get it."

Wang Lu nodded.

"Brother-in-law, how do you know so much? Who told you this?"

"Don't worry about this."

Because Lu Changhua opened a science fiction-like door for them, Wang Lu kept pestering him and asking questions.

"Okay, you study hard, go abroad to study hard, and come back to help your brother-in-law."

"Well, brother-in-law, wait until I come back to help you."

The next day, the three Wang brothers gathered at Wang Dejiang's house.

This was a gathering of their brothers, and the Lu family had no intention of participating.

Wang Yao and Wang Lu both went back to help.

Lu Changhua sent several boxes of new year's goods.

Originally, Lao Lu and Mother Lu wanted to have something to eat at home, but who knew that the in-laws would come calling in person and insist on going there.

Mother Lu was not someone who had a lot of time to spare, so she used to help with the cooking.

While we were eating, Li Zhenguo came over to pay New Year greetings.

He first went to the Han family to wish the old director a happy new year, and then ran to the Lu family.

Who knows, there is no one in the Lu family.

He came to Wang Dejiang's house.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw a large group of people eating around.

Li Zhenguo wished everyone a happy new year and went to the table.

He has a bit of a drinking capacity and can compete with the Wang brothers.

Lao Lu could drink a few drinks, but since he had lung problems, he drank less.

Lu Changhua is even known as Lu Beiping. He only drinks one cup and then stops drinking.

Xiao Yong also ate at Wang's house.

He has already said that he will go back to school tomorrow.

After all, I've been disturbing everyone here for several days.

Lu Changhua is also very open-minded about this matter.

"Okay, I'll see you off tomorrow!"

When Wang Dehe and his wife saw that Xiao Xiao was leaving, a stone fell from their hearts.

He repeatedly asked the young man to stay for a few more days.

Xiao Xiao knew that he was not welcome, so he told him that he was going to the teacher's house to pay New Year's greetings at the school.

Lu Changhua said: "Third uncle, Xiao Xiao has his own arrangements, so let's not make things difficult for others."

"Xiao Xiao, can't you wait for me to go together?"

Wang Lu felt a little uncomfortable mentally.

"Haha, Wang Lu, you have a good time with your uncle and aunt, and I won't bother you here."

Lu Changhua secretly praised that this is a sensible child.

Don't embarrass others, and don't embarrass yourself.

In the evening, Hu Dagui came to invite everyone to Hu's house for dinner.

Several old ladies ran to Hu's house to help.

The two daughters-in-law of the Lu family are not idle either. The old ladies have gone, how can I not go?
Wu Yue is of course the main force.

Wang Yao knew that Wu Yue was still successful in cooking, but the chef still lacked the cooking skills.

Wang Lu also followed her mother to help.

And several gentlemen got together to play cards.

Lu Changhua and Hu Dagui only served tea and water.

The old director has already said in advance that we will go to his house for dinner tomorrow.

This is the kindness of neighbors. If you don't agree, they won't be happy.

Early the next morning, Lu Changhua drove Xiao Xiao to Beining.

While checking in, Xiao Yong held Lu Changhua's hand and thanked him endlessly.

"Thank you, Mr. Lu. You opened a door for me. I feel that I am still young and should learn more knowledge."

"It's good to help you, I hope we can see you in the future!"


Looking at Xiao Xiao walking into the ticket gate, Lu Changhua was very emotional.

As long as today's young people seize the opportunity, who knows what their achievements will be in the future? !

He turned and walked out.

There was a passion surging in his heart.

The future is waiting for me.

(End of this chapter)

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