Chapter 174 Artist

The artist's brain circuit is different from ordinary people. The original plan was to stay in a hotel to ensure her personal safety.

Halfway through the car, Picasso suddenly changed her mind. She wanted to see the street scenes of Tokyo.

The body is wrapped in a quilt, and even the head is not exposed. What kind of scenery can you see?
Baishi was full of doubts, but he still did not refuse this request. He was protecting Picasso, not treating him like a prisoner.

As long as he is here, I don't think anyone can do anything to Picasso.

The three gave up taking a taxi to the hotel and walked instead.

The streets were very cold in winter, and most of Picasso's long legs were bare. No, upon closer inspection, Shiraishi discovered that there was a thin layer of flesh-colored stockings stuck to those legs.

Even so, will your bare feet still be cold?

He was thinking to himself, not sure yet, girls are very magical creatures in winter.

Men often don't feel warm enough even if they are wrapped in large cotton-padded jackets, but the thin women can stride around in the cold wind with bare legs and a pair of warm stockings, making passers-by feel cold.

Qing Yelian didn't have the extra energy to pay attention to those little things, his eyes swept around to prevent emergencies.

In his opinion, Shiraishi is just a wet nurse with no fighting ability. At critical moments, he still needs to take action, so naturally he cannot take it lightly.

Picasso did not have the celebrity baggage of being an artist. In other words, artists let others accommodate themselves instead of accommodating others themselves.

She hopped on the street on her own, with the dumb hair on her head flickering, as if she was playing a game of hopscotch.

The beeping siren suddenly sounded, and the citizens in front began to evacuate the street in an orderly manner. Soon, the place became deserted.

"What happened?" Picasso asked, his golden hair swaying from side to side.

Qingye Ren replied: "This is an alarm from the monster. We should retreat to a safe area."

"Aren't you going to handle it?" Picasso took two steps back, as if this was a safe area.

Shiraishi shrugged and said, "There will be other people who will take care of this kind of thing."

"Oh, just let me take a look."

Picasso murmured in reply. He did not stick his head out, but raised a periscope similar to that of a submarine from the quilt. He looked left and right and said, "Oh, so you guys look like this~"

"I'm sorry you couldn't see it before."

Shiraishi complained.

"The so-called artist must have the courage to move forward even in the dark."

Picasso replied confidently, turned the periscope, and saw the direction in which the monster was coming.

The invisible space showed twists and collapses visible to the naked eye, and then formed a dark tunnel, with liquefied energy overflowing from the edge and hanging down like ink.

"Roar!" The monster stretched out two black-gold claws and grasped the edge of the space. Its body was as fat as an inflated hot air balloon.

The two legs are as short as the claws, and the overall look is fleshy, without the ferocious impression that the world has on monsters.

Picasso's eyes blinked, and the chubby monster had fallen.

The three extraordinary beings who appeared at some unknown time began to collect the bodies and clean up the blood stains at the scene.

Everything a monster has is a treasure, and no transcendent is willing to waste it.

After a while, the street was open to traffic as usual, and the disappeared people appeared again and continued walking on the street, unaffected by the appearance of the monster.

After so many years, inhuman existence has become integrated into people's daily lives, and it is difficult to arouse too much emotion.

Compared with the fear of being killed by monsters, people are more afraid of unemployment and bankruptcy that may come tomorrow.

There are a lot of loans there, and apart from the families of those who were killed, it is difficult for most living people to express the fragility of life. At most, they can like the silent posts on the Internet.

Picasso did not lament how life was, and sighed: "Even if I use a periscope, I still can't see anything."

Qing Yeren said with a smile: "They used three moves. The red-haired one used onmyoji to restrain the monster's limbs.

The black-haired man hit the monster on the chest with a white blow, and the other black-haired man used a knife to cut open the hit area.

The three of them have a clear division of labor and are definitely not newbies. "

"Well, when we went back to the hotel, I suddenly had an inspiration. I really wanted to draw a painting. Let's call it Urban Living Beings."

Picasso suddenly requested to return to the hotel, and the inspiration that emerged in her mind forced her to immediately take out a pen and draw down her emotions.

How people will interpret it in the future is not part of her thinking.

The artist's duty is to make people think, not to decide what people think.

"Hurry up~" She kept urging, stomping her feet in a hurry.

"Always stop a taxi," Baishi replied calmly, reached out to stop a taxi, and returned to the five-star hotel he had booked.

Ren Qingye was not so nervous in the taxi and said with a smile on her face: "Actually, I am a fan of Miss Picasso.

That painting of the Norwegian child, I have been thinking about, what exactly do you want to express to people, that strong color. "

"Nothing." Picasso replied bluntly, kicking his feet restlessly, "I just saw a child sitting in Norway and wanted to draw it."

"That's right, as expected of a well-known artist, a casual drawing can inspire people's imagination~"

Ren Aono's tone was not embarrassing, but she was more and more impressed by this person, who used pure art to arouse people's thinking about the content of the painting.

Shiraishi looked confused when he heard this. He had never seen Picasso's paintings, but he just felt that Ren Aono was indeed a fan of Picasso, and this could be reconciled.

"Haha, art is about stimulating people's imagination and thinking, not preaching to people, but you do understand art."

Picasso deeply agreed with Qing Yelian's words, and even the dull hair on his head became dotted.

Compared with that unknown art, Shiraishi was itchy by that stupid hair and wanted to reach out and pull it out.

This evil thought was always tempting him to reach out and give it a try.

Of course, Shiraishi was just thinking about it in his mind, and he wouldn't actually do something rude like reaching out to pull out someone's hair.

The taxi ride back to the hotel was uneventful.


On the other side, a truck loaded with paintings drove to the National Museum of Art in Tokyo.

This place is located in Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo. It was designed by the late architect Kisho Kurokawa and focuses on an art museum in the forest.

The interior is very spacious, but there are no fixed exhibits. It is very suitable to be contracted and used as a Picasso art exhibition.

The exterior of the National Museum of Fine Arts is wrapped in many plants. The entrance is a conical glass door, thick concrete pillars and stairs on the east and west sides, making the interior look extremely spacious.

Coupled with the bits of sunlight falling through the glass on the walls, it adds a warm and elegant atmosphere to the place.

With a country bumpkin's expression of wonder on her face, Kiryuin Miya once again approached Kannagi Rin.

If she annoys this person, she will go to Jun Komori to share her joy, or find her new friend Kongmei to express her inner wonder.

In short, she was full of energy and ran around without stopping.

Dozens of paintings were also carefully transported to the exhibition hall under the package, and the staff hung them on the walls for tomorrow's exhibition.

Miyu Kiryuin stopped in front of the painting that the Rose Thieves wanted to steal.

This painting of hell is an abstract painting composed of various bright colors. On a nearly vertical cliff, a large group of imps are trying to climb to the top of the cliff. The scene looks desperate and crazy.

Miyo Oniryuin seemed to be able to hear the screams of the fallen kid, and she took a step back, "What a scary painting, won't you lose sleep after watching it tonight?"

"Idiot, this is what is called art."

Kannagi Rin raised his hand and hit her on the head, and said angrily: "Stop fishing here and listen to the command."

"Oh." Miyo Kiryuin followed her out of the hell drawing and went to the center of the exhibition hall.

Huajianju put her hands on her hips and said: "You are all the leaders of the younger generation. I won't go on. The art exhibition lasts for a week. Today and tomorrow are the key days. No one wants to sleep.

Patrol me well.

Takagi Kaku and I stay in the exhibition hall, and the five of you are outside. Don't let suspicious people approach.

If you have any questions, please contact us through this intercom. The channel is public, do not use it for chatting! "

She warned and began to distribute walkie-talkies.

There is no yin and yang technique for communication to connect teammates, and they can only rely on this mortal technology to communicate.

"Yagyu will guard the entrance of the exhibition hall, Kannagi will guard the exit of the exhibition hall, and if there is a corridor, leave it to Oniryuin. Kongmei and Komori will patrol outside the house. Don't let anyone suspicious go by."

Huajianju further assigned tasks, then clapped her hands and said: "Don't stay here, let's go!"

"Okay!" Miyu Kiryūin shouted back.


There is nothing unusual during the day, but at night, the National Museum of Fine Arts, which has excellent light effects, becomes eerie.

There are no stars or moon at night in Tokyo, everything is shrouded behind dark clouds.

But the art museum is very stingy and refuses to turn on the lights after closing.

Ghost Dragon Academy Meiya could only use a flashlight, wandering in the empty hall, yawning, feeling so bored, she really wanted to sleep.

She has a lively personality and cannot bear the boring patrol, especially since the thief will probably not show up.

Oniryuin Miya yawned for the first time, followed by the second and third yawns.

"Hey, everyone, please report the situation at your location in detail."

Hanama Kiku's voice sounded on the wireless intercom, which stopped Kiryuin Miya from yawning, forced herself to raise her eyelids, and reported: "There is nothing abnormal in the corridor."

"There is no abnormality at the entrance." "There is no abnormality at the exit." "There is no abnormality outside."

Several people's words rang out one after another, indicating that there was nothing abnormal in the art museum.

"Very well, don't be careless and continue to be vigilant."

The wireless walkie-talkie suddenly became quiet. The beauty of Oniyuuin waved her hand, and there was a faint shadow running across the ground.

The looseness on her face has disappeared. What is that?
Before he could figure it out, the back of his neck suddenly felt a chill, and the expression on his face became dull. He turned around and walked towards the entrance step by step.

"Kiryuin, don't be lazy."

Kannagi Rin, who was guarding the entrance, muttered, "I can hear your yawning from here..."

The conversation outside the exhibition hall ended quickly.

Hua Jianju opened her closed eyes, she sensed something was wrong, and looked at the clock on the wall, it was already one o'clock in the morning.

Two footsteps came from the entrance.

"I should have said that you are not allowed to come in without permission."

Huajian Ju's face was gloomy, her purple eyes were full of indifference, and she said, "I have to say sorry to Shiraishi."

Oniryuin Miya and Kannagi Rin had dull expressions on their faces, not looking like normal people at all. After hearing her words, they all charged forward.

Huajian Ju held the handle of the knife and pulled it out directly. Before she could swing it, the light of the knife already shone brightly in the dark exhibition hall.

One thought, one thought, one kill.

The snow-like light of the sword dispersed the fine lines on the backs of Kannagi Rin and Kiryuin Miu's necks, and their eyes turned from being dull to the dazed look they had when they just woke up from their dreams.

When the sword was strangling, Huajianju caught a glimpse of a dark figure disappearing and appearing in the air, "Where to run?"

She shouted sharply and moved the handle of the knife with her hand. The knife in her heart was as cold as the cold wind scraping the bones. She wanted to scrape off a layer of the opponent's skin, but was cleverly avoided by the escape technique.

"Ha!" Gao Mujiao didn't hold back, a Buddhist roar shook the exhibition hall, and the angry-eyed King Kong emerged from behind, attacking the black shadow with three heads and six arms.

Unexpectedly, in an instant, the black shadow split into two, and the two split into three, and the three were reborn into thousands. The black shadow wandered around the exhibition hall.

Huajian Ju guarded the hell drawing, and the heart knife swept through it, destroying all the black shadows. Not a single painting was lost, but the people were gone.

"Little thief, you run very fast." She stomped her feet angrily, and the leopard pattern on her legs trembled, "Send a message to Lian, there are two enemies, one is good at evasion, and the other should be able to remotely control people."

"Yeah." Takagi Kaku nodded and said, "Tonight seems like a test."


Huajianju nodded, a solemn look flashed in her eyes, and the little thief was a little worried.

After thinking about it, she walked up to Kannagi Rin and Kiryuin Miya and asked, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, just a little dizzy."

Kannagi Rin answered truthfully, with a face as delicate as a porcelain doll filled with shame, "Sorry, we couldn't help."

"No, you have already helped. Without you on guard outside, we would not have been able to detect the abnormality."

Huajianju comforted her and patted her shoulder, "You have done a good job. If you can still persist, continue to stick to your position."

"Yeah." Kannagi Rin nodded heavily.

She felt a little regretful in her heart. She was still too careless. When she saw that the state of the Ghost Dragon Academy was not right, she should have used the cassock immediately instead of waiting there and being manipulated by the enemy.

Although it is not clear whether the cassock can prevent the enemy's methods, she did not come up with a perfect response strategy, that is, she was not well prepared and must raise her awareness.

Kannagi Rin exited the exhibition hall and raised his hand to rub the back of his neck.

Miyu from Oniryuin followed and asked, "Do you also have back pain in your neck?"

"Yeah." She nodded slightly, "I wonder if the enemy can only find this place to attack, or is he deliberately looking here to attract our attention?

If you are not sure, it is better not to say it out loud. It will be very troublesome if you make a mistake. "

"Oh." Miyu Kiryuin nodded and muttered: "Damn it, I didn't see anyone at all. I feel like we are still so weak."

"keep it up."

Kannagi Rin could only comfort his good friend in this way.

Oniryuin Miya nodded and continued patrolling.

(End of this chapter)

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